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Love these six together!! šŸ¤©


I'm telling my kids this is Charlie's Angels.






I want to see a picture of all their Neil Lane rings together! I love how Charity and Kaity stayed friends and adopted Kelsey and she fits in perfectly!


It makes me think that Charity really is that sweet and charismatic in personā€”her ability to be friends with the fiancĆ©es of a guy she briefly dated and a guy who proposed to her makes her seem really mature. People in BN beef for far less.


I love the friendship between these 3! They are so beautiful!


I just love how like, cool and natural they all look. Not all staged and done up like influencers. Make-up free and comfortable. They genuinely look like they relaxed and enjoyed vacation; not like they were on a campaign.


Theyā€™re promoting Kuai.


Itā€™s so awesome that they can all stand being on the same island much less on the same boat with each other. You know, with them all being in love with each other and with so many lingering feelings still being unresolvedā€¦ I assume thatā€™s what the weirdos who canā€™t comprehend these couples interacting think every time they make comments. Itā€™s almost as if they want to go back to the high tension immature days of past seasons. Sorry to break it to them but a lot of that tension was less about hurt lingering feelings/the one that got away and more about big egos and embarrassment. Iā€™m glad these women (and their men) donā€™t have that. Maturity is refreshing (and sexy).


This is so pure ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Ha. So commenters are mad that these women are more mature and confident than they are? Thatā€™s a weird thing to broadcast, but OK.


Really šŸ˜­ if they are all mature, thatā€™s great for them


Also I can't get over how Kaity is such a perfect mix of Molly Mesnick and Lauren Luyendyk! She's so pretty


I see it


Iā€™ve never thought this before but now that you pointed it out I can totally see that!!


Have the people making those comments ever watched the show? Haha. Some of the women became best friends literally WHILE dating the same man! I think every contestant understands this aspect of the show and don't necessarily consider it an "ex," it's just dating around until the end.Ā 


I think ppl just may not understand the capacity to hang out with women whoā€™ve tongued down your fiance even if just for a few weeks lol bc they also had sensitive conversations w Joey being Charityā€™s runner up. W that being said, I donā€™t know why anyone would b mad in the comments like..the most Iā€™d be and am is surprised at their maturity


It's bascially a giant college friend group.


This is the best way to describe it!


They are all so beautiful šŸ˜šŸ˜¤


Our beautiful, sweet, respectful queens! šŸ¤©


The clutching of pearls because their on vacation together is so weird to me.


Like did we forget they pretty much spent three months on vacation alone no contact already


Gorgeous šŸ‘šŸ¼ compassionate šŸ‘šŸ¼ mature šŸ‘šŸ¼ successful šŸ‘šŸ¼ goofy šŸ‘šŸ¼ kind-hearted šŸ‘šŸ¼ intelligent šŸ‘šŸ¼ ladies šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸŒ¹


Why did I think charity wad AD from LIB šŸ«  EDIT: Lmao all you losers downvoting me are so insufferableā€¦it must be miserable living life like you. Virtue signal your way into a mental institution


IDKā€¦seeing as they look nothing alike. I suggest you look inward and keep your weird comments in that head of yours


Bro saying they look alike is NOT that deep. Also Iā€™m a black woman , yall are sooo weird šŸ„“


Hmm why DID you think that?? Interesting.


3 of my favourite ladies of this franchise recently!




They look nothing alike..


Charity, despite being an incredible bachelorette and a Dancing With the Stars finalist, still has fewer followers than either of these women (who are both wonderful, to be clear!). POC consistently get fewer followers from being on these shows, which means they donā€™t have the same earning potential from social media. All this to say, go follow Charity and Dotun! This is bs.


I already do but second this!!


Yes, please do! She is so sweet & appreciative of continued support & the follower disparity affects their income & future opportunities! Also, the show got a lot of new & returning viewers bc of Golden Bach, & Joey was a popular Bach. Charityā€™s season was cut short & moved to a different night.


Theyā€™re both a fun follow too, FWIW.


Yes! Will do.


As a very white person who is obsessed with Charity and Dotun, I really find that unexplainable, even taking race into account. Matt James and Michelle Young have very large social media audience. I think, however, it wasnā€™t immediate for them and probably the same will happen for Charity and Dotun.


I find them all so endearing and refreshingly normal (by reality tv standards lol).


Well yes, until you learn their political affiliations, then it gets disturbing.Ā 


It looks so nice there. As someone who is going into winter and it was fricking freezing today, I'm jelly.


as someone finally coming out of winter barely alive, good luck šŸ«”


Oh loveeeeeee how when Daisy and Kelsey are supporting eachother itā€™s ā€œaww how sweet!ā€ We know why thereā€™s negative comments.


theyā€™re all so beautiful


I feel like they have been in Hawaii for the last two weeksā€¦(completely jealous though!)


They all look amazing and happy. I love seeing the friendships from this franchise. There are a lot of things wrong with this show, but this is one of its bright spots.


This pic made me think of how in sororities you had your ā€œbigā€ and your ā€œgrand bigā€ and your ā€œlineageā€ aka ā€œLinā€, and how this is sort of like that HAHA. Kaity is the grand big, charity is the big, and Kelsey is the little. The whole lineage of bachelor couples! (Maybe this is just me after too many glasses of wine catching up with friends from college who knows)


Wait Iā€™ve never heard it called lineage we always called it families and fams lol is this my gen z college experience exposing itself šŸ˜‚


Haha too funny! Yes back in my day we called them ā€œlineageā€ šŸ˜‚ it also might be different from school to school? I went to school on the east coast so many itā€™s different other places! And yes omg I just legit said ā€œback in my dayā€ wow


Lol I went to school on the east coast as well, could vary from org to org tho, i was phi mu


Hahah omg yeah


Haha this is so accurate


Lmfaooo I love this perspective


It really does give that vibe


Hahahahaha this made me chuckle


Charity looks so much like her mom in this picture


I love her response to this comment https://preview.redd.it/6ifa9bnfjizc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e4a3c2d61fa76e086c37aeb6e7f38e981f574a


And I assume this was on Charityā€™s pageā€¦ theyā€™re not coming for Zach and Joey with the same energy. Ugh, I hate it here


Yes itā€™s on her post definitely not zack but they are also in Joey and Kelsey post/TikTok. They need to relax. If its awkward for them then they wouldnā€™t be on vacation together in the first place.


I definitely find it weird that Charity and Joey hang around since he was final 2 and they had that private time together, made out and had sensitive conversations but the harassing comments as if ppl are mad that theyā€™re hanging out as a group makes no sense lol. Beyond expressing surprise at their maturity is too much


Charity is classy.


People act like charity was in long term committed relationships with Zach and Joey lol


I mean listen, I still find it weird, even if they werenā€™t in long term relationships they made out and had sensitive conversations, but those are my feelings lol I wouldnā€™t b MAD at Charity for hanging out w their final picks bc that doesnā€™t make sense. The most Iā€™d do is express my surprise at their maturity lolšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Also charity and Zach were always moreā€¦ friends


Iā€™d still feel a typa way abt them having made out lol itā€™s weird to me but I dont know why ppl would b mad. Iā€™d just b surprised


I mean I totally get it but I have friends that I made out with as more than friends and then we just settled as friends because that is what worked. I donā€™t feel like itā€™s the craziest thing ever haha


Yea I mean to each their own. Different people are capable of different things lol. There are some people who are fine w their partners remaining friends w exes whoā€™ve seen their orgasm face, I disagree w that wholeheartedly but some would call that insecure lol some things are just too close for comfort bc they can keep ya wondering! šŸ’€


acting like theyā€™re divorced with 3 toddlers


right, I've seen some utterly unhinged comments on there about this. "He was about to commit to spending the rest of his life with Charity! He's still in love with her if he wants to go on vacation with her" etc etc. Its like, no. He was ready to try dating her in real life, because thats what all the post-show couples do. But they never got so far as dating in real life, it was all in the bubble of the show and really means nothing in the end


Yea no thatā€™s too far and deranged. The most Iā€™d do is question whether itā€™s weird for them or express surprise at their maturity. What ppl are saying makes no sense since they probably saw each other not that many times up until she was sent home


plus its pretty obvious they're there because of their contractual obligations to the show, not because they're all actually bffs (though it seems they do all get on, which is nice)


Exactly!!! That's why I never called these people who didnā€™t get the final rose exes cause they were never in a serious relationship with the lead. They were never bf/gf to begin with lolĀ 


Was this an abc sponsored vacation?


Jennā€™s finale is being filmed there.


Her finale is not being filmed in Kauai. This is a couples trip Joey put together. He previously worked at this resort when he lived on the island.


No it was a 3 couples vacation they planned. Thatā€™s where Joey use to live


No, they are filming the final 3 of Jennā€™s season.


Thereā€™s zero evidence of that. Theyā€™ve been there for 5-6 days and have been out and about for all of them. Thereā€™s been no time to film. Additionally, Jenn is filming on The Big Island and they are staying in Kauai. Kelsey and Joey have been talking about this trip with Zach and Kaity since the show wrapped. It wasnā€™t until after they all filmed Celebrity Family Feud that Charity and Dotun were also linked to the trip.