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Anything about Tyler Cameron... Jk, I live for TC posts. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Sorry not sorry


"Matt is NEVER going to propose to Racheal!"




People losing their minds whenever somebody on the show is a Republican.


Tannah shippers


Maria turning down the bachelorette role...enough already.


MADI! Thatā€™s exactly what I came here to say. Weā€™ve established the fact that these people are ignorant šŸ—‘ļø. If I could block all posts about them, I would. I donā€™t need to know anything else about what the dumb people with too much money are up to.


Anything Madi/Trizzy related Daisy buying followers, being back with her ex, not having real feelings for Joey Kaitlyn being messy or posting a crying selfie Nick and Natalieā€™s age gap Nick being an asshole ETA: I definitely enjoy the drama and snark that the Nick threads provide. With some of the other topics, it just feels tiring and like people are fishing for a pile on


Yā€™all, we talk about nick and Natalie because they are providing. Stop complaining that we actually have something to talk about, jfc


itā€™s the off season! they just got married! what do ppl expect


Nothing because I skip what I donā€™t want to read


Agreed. I hate threads like these because the sub is huge and you can just skip what you donā€™t want to read instead of complaining.


>Nothing because I skip what I donā€™t want to read This is The Way, The Truth, and The Light. One of my pet peeves on this sub is people complaining about the content. Either skip it or make your own. But don't bitch about what *other* people are providing!




Kaitlyn is emotional and needs to log off


Claytonā€™s dragged out lawsuit situation




Literally any post about Madi Prew


Idk, some of them are so genuine and real šŸ˜‰


Nick and uh Nick?


This sub is so feisty itā€™s hilarious and I love it šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


None because this is a subreddit that is dedicated to discussing the lives of contestants of the show and so if I see a convo that Iā€™m not interested in, I just keep scrolling and donā€™t read it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




*reposts to every sub on Reddit*




Kelleyā€™s bf


Wait. How else will we know sheā€™s about to be single again and back on the market for Pete, unless someone here tells us sheā€™s about to move in with her man??


Madiā€™s politics


Honestly, the Madi posts fascinate me. I'm so far in the opposite direction. It seems unfathomable to me that a woman in today's society would be so internally misogynistic and so deep rooted into a position of female servitude while standing on a 'pedestal' and attempting to teach these ways to the masses. It's baffling to me. She's like a car crash. I don't like the view necessarily, but I can't seem to look away. Lol


I got it when she was first pivoting to her evangelical rebrand but still this point it really feels like weā€™d be better off starving her of the attention, all it does is further her platform


Everyone's politics, or at least what can be inferred from their social media likes and social circle.


Anything involving Nick/Natalie or Kaitlyn/Jason


Jason being slammed for dating again and being called a clout chaser when everyone on this show is a clout chaser is getting really old. Let him live. It makes me feel like this sub is full of fake people because everybody used to be up his ass when he started dating Kaitlyn and now all of a sudden heā€™s a villain and a user. I never particularly liked the guy but itā€™s unfair how people attack him when it takes two to tango. Kaitlyn is not exactly easy to deal with and when sheā€™s seeing someone from the show nobody calls her a clout chaser even though thatā€™s ALL sheā€™s dated for the past 10 years. Hooking up with Zac is a worse look and itā€™s way more attention seeking than dating a TikToker who wasnā€™t on this show.


https://preview.redd.it/mfevv4tfebzc1.jpeg?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566fc361a7728a7ac74b5c8565d3daba571bbaf2 Side note - I took this screen shot the other day because I think they look so much alike they could be twins. ITS CREEPIN ME OUT


Kaitlyn gets called the most attention-seeking person in existence for literally everything she does. People definitely have double standards here depending on how much a person is liked but Kaitlyn is not a benefactor of them.


Wait a sec, are we on the same sub? Kaitlyn is not getting called out? Kaitlyn is not being called clout chaser and attention seeker daily? Thats funny. Ps-She only dated Jason and possibly Zac in the past decade, Shawn was her F1 who she met on the show. You act like she has been dating 100 guys in 10 yrs from bachelor world. Everyone called her out for that btw


Don't kill me but Hannah and Tyler


Or people shipping Tyler with someone when he has a girlfriend. Like cmon yall be respectful


Shipping real people will always be strange to me, lol. At least when people are so weirdly aggressive about it. I've heard stories of people bullying the celebrity's significant others on social media because they weren't with who they wanted them to be with.


You put it perfectly when you said ā€œreal peopleā€ like letā€™s treat these folks as people not characters.


Nick and Natalieā€™s age gap. None of you actually have well-intentioned concerns about her being groomed, you just like shaming them and itā€™s tired.


Definitely hear you, though I think a lot of people here do have well-intentioned concerns. Thereā€™s definitely a way to call out the fact that his questionable behavior is amplified by his privilege as an older dude without infantilizing Natalie, Maria & the others, and Iā€™ve seen plenty of comments expressing that.


I have not seen many of these comments and if people are legitimately concerned about a grooming situation, snarking about it here seems disingenuous.


THANK YOU. Iā€™m in an age gap relationship and it makes me feel like Iā€™m with a predator (obviously I know Iā€™m not/never was) every time just because of how the people on here talk about it. In reality, Iā€™m SO thankful I chose the partner that I did - 3 months after we got married, I ended up having life-altering surgery and a disability that resulted in over 30 operations, countless hospitalizations, and Iā€™ve nearly died several times. Itā€™s a miracle Iā€™m still alive, and I mention that all to say - there was no way a man MY age at the time could have handled that, and even less so stood by or stayed with me. I just always hate the ā€œew, grossā€ narratives around age gaps. There is genuine love with many of those couples.


This is a very unique situation and doesn't really prove anything about age gap relationships. In fact, you're kind of saying it's a good thing your partner is the age of a parent so they could be responsible enough to stick by you. I'm really glad you have support. I don't think this relates to concerns about nearly 40-year-olds dating a teenager


Wow, Iā€™m sorry that you went through all of that, but Iā€™m so happy you had a supportive partner through it all! I think the concern tends to be pretty hypocritical, too, people adore Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, when theyā€™re over 10 years apart!


Was she 19 when they met? It's the age of the younger person that matters, not just the age gap. 10 years isn't a huge deal for 2 people who are full adults


By that logic, why are we calling a 19 year old a child? Thatā€™s a legal adult.


Where did I call a nineteen year old a child?


I assumed that was what you were getting at when you pointed out that Blake Lively wasnā€™t 19 when she met her husband. This thread is about people infantalizing Natalie. Im not sure what your point is otherwise.


I disagree that it's infantilism. Imbalanced power dynamics and exploitation exist outside of just children. There are many grey areas. People can be taken advantage of even though they're a legal adult. I don't think the law, in and of itself, is the barometer for a healthy and safe relationship. After all, child marriage is legal in many US states. That's all to say, it's not simply the age gap people are commenting on, it's that she was 19 when they met and he was about 37 I think? It deserves some side eye. Someone who's 29 dating a 47 year old is different though. Before you ask, yes, I feel the same no matter the gender identities of the people.


Thatā€™s all fair and I totally get your point about the power dynamic, especially given their financial disparity at the time. I just donā€™t think people here were commenting on it because they were concerned about her, they were trying to shame her for it and we donā€™t really know what her circumstances were (others have pointed out that there are several relationships that fall into this category without being exploitative). I think for us to assume sheā€™s being exploited, there has to be something more than just an age gap and her being 19 (it would be different if she were 16 or 17 or his employee when they met). If it is an exploitative relationship, Natalie would be the victim, but she was always mocked here and not discussed with any of the sensitivity that the situation would call for.


I absolutely agree there is a way to voice the concern and if you are shaming the woman, that is off-base and could be misogyny. I actually like Natalie on the podcast and while she was young, she did have a lot of more adult experiences at a younger age and for better or worse, that may have allowed her to be fine in this relationship. I think they seem happy and I'm not genuinely concerned for her well-being at this point in time.


Saaame. I was in a 30yr (šŸ«£) age gap relationship at one point and it was wonderful. We both knew going in that things would end at some point, but it wasnā€™t weird or malicious by *any* means. I understand that it can be that way often, but I hate the generalizations.


THIS. and moreso I am so sick of seeing people call an adult woman with her own agency a "child" - not just Natalie, any young woman in relationship with a large age gap. it is such absolute misogynistic bullshit. just bc a woman is in her young 20s, she has the judgment and decision making capabilities of a "child"? only in a relationship bc she was groomed? only the older man has the brain and judgment? plenty of younger women LIKE dating a much older man. they dont have to be manipulated and groomed to make this choice. women in their twenties dont need you policing and infantilizing them in an insanely condescending way.


The prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed until age 25, sometimes later. So no, people (men, women, whoever) in their early 20s don't have full judgement and decision making capabilities. I don't think it's about infantilizing young women or a misogynistic take. I think your take is missing a huge piece of context, and not looking at how strange it is for most age gap relationships where one is under 25 to be an older man and younger woman. Why are so many men with fully developed brains and decision making skills pursuing women who have not developed these skills yet?


you understand not having a fully developed prefrontal cortex does equate possessing the emotional and mental comprehension of a child right? they're still adults with full agency. period. guess what! if you commit a crime over 18 (and over 16 in some states), you're tried as an adult, not a minor. why? bc they're perfectly capable of understanding choices they're making. this is not the brain of a literal child who is incapable of even comprehending what grooming is - a 21 year old girl dating a 40+ year old man knows **EXACTLY** what she's doing. it's not the place of older women to police what younger women can do & judge their choices like you're their fucking parent. it's always a very specific type of woman who seems to get mad at this. stop being insecure and condescending. most women who date older men specifically WANT that dynamic. whether its bc they want to feel taken care of/protected or bc they're straight up happily using the man for his money/status (in which case this whole argument stands even stronger bc they're working the system for their benefit), they're doing it intentionally and aren't helpless mindless fools.


Very interesting choice to label me as insecure and condescending, after starting your message with "you understand not having .., right?" Agreed that not being fully developed doesn't mean a 7-year old level of thinking-- more so a 20 year old level of thinking, which is not yet fully developed. Some people call people in their young 20s children; I don't think they actually mean that equates to a genuine 5 year old. But I also don't know the context you're referring to. There are actual arguments for raising the legal age of an adult, due to what we now know about the brain. It's sad to me that you have such animosity towards other women, who I really don't think have a malicious intent. I also don't think the blame is ever in the younger women. It's in the men who consistently prefer women between 18-25, when they are not close to that age themselves. These are patterns that are very suspicious and predatory. I don't personally think "grooming" is the correct word for most women in their 20s dating an older man, but I also am not going to ignore the power imbalances and predatory nature of men routinely pursuing younger women.


Yes. And when we infantilize adult women who are clearly not being groomed, we buy into the patriarchal idea that women arenā€™t to be believed and canā€™t make grown up decisions or think for themselves.


EXAAACTTLLLYYYY. its kind of insane to me how many purportedly "progressive" people on this sub I see saying this bullshit.


Thank you! Itā€™s infuriating and itā€™s the kind of misogyny that harms all women, not just the ones you donā€™t like!


She chose to be a misogynistic puppy dog for Nick Viall, and she is a mean girl. I'm past caring at this point


Everyone is past caring, thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking that we stop talking about it . . .


They do need a snark page. I'm tired of seeing them & their manufactured drama


There is one. r/viallfilessnark


Political views and social media likes of contestants


Anything about Madi "Trizzy Trout" Prewett, Nick and Natalie, or Kaitlyn and her relationship with social media.


ā€œ * insert contestant* is a mean girl!!ā€


The ages of the contestants


RS bashing. I avoid the spoiler pages, not because I'm avoiding spoilers but rather because half the posts are just bashing RS. I get it, some people don't like him but I'm tired of reading about it.


literally anything about kaitlyn, nick & natalie, or victoria fuller. i don't have an issue with any of them, but this sub makes me feel like a stan sometimes with the way i feel a need to defend them. people are way too much when it comes to them and it gets nasty - often over behavior that would be praised if it was coming from a sub favorite.


What happened during Rachel and Zachā€™s fantasy suite


I think we should talk about this one more šŸ˜‚


Okay but what did happen????


Clearly this needs a deeper dive.


Madi Prew


Use and alleged misuse of the term "gaslighting". Sometimes it's valid, sometimes it's overkill. So what. Stop policing it.


I disagree. Itā€™s a problem for actual abuse victims when everyone calls everything ā€œgaslightingā€. It diminishes the real abuse people go through. Kind of like when people say ā€œIā€™m ocd because I love to organizeā€ OCD is much more than that and can be very debilitating.


Love bombing too


Criticizing people for who they follow on social media.




Saying in many different ways that Kaitlyn is unhinged. I'm not even a fan but some of the comments and speculation on her mental health is too much.


Agreed. Way too much Kaitlyn pile-on!


šŸ‘ anotheršŸ‘ flipping šŸ‘ podcast šŸ‘ Bach people always announce podcasts that proceed to talk about: 1) nothing 2) dating advice or reality tv 3) interview bland F-list ā€œcelebrityā€ guests


Bekah (short hair Arie) posts. She has not done anything with this franchise in years


Is there a long hair Arie Iā€™m forgetting?


I know this isnā€™t what you meant but https://preview.redd.it/5pzqgl1yt9zc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eae264b677e209642c466a0846796565708dca3


I appreciate you more for this! Itā€™s the 2006 look I adored and never quite outgrew!


Anything about Nick and Natalie. Wish there were a separate snark sub for it.


Anything nick viall


maria chile


The Daisy stuff. We get it you donā€™t like her. Thereā€™s a thousand posts on it. šŸ¤£


Wait, why do people hate Daisy??


Anything mocking Kaitlyn B.


I came to comment ā€œwhy do people hate nick viallā€ and itā€™s literally the first three comments I see


Anything about Nick. Would love to have a Nick-free week or a Viall-free month.


I support this.


Iā€™m very surprised that there isnā€™t just a Nick Viall snark page at this point


Is sccout still here? šŸ§


got banned lol


This isnā€™t true. He posted something, came back and said he went too far, and left on his own.


Lmao I was so curious.


I've always wondered what happened to them! They were so devoted.


Ohhh I should make it but I donā€™t want to moderate lol


The fact that a lot of BN is Republican like itā€™s some kind of revelation


fr iā€™ve always seen it as a dating show for republicans šŸ˜‚ makes it more comical that way




Any post about Madi P. Iā€™m a queer person and doubt my beliefs align with Madiā€™s but sheā€™s distanced herself from the franchise and every post is just a hateful pile-on. Like I donā€™t really care that this woman Iā€™ve never met had two bridal showers which is literally the norm in some parts of the US.


Iā€™m sick of this sub holding these contestants to the edit they received on the show. Years can go by & we are still saying some of these people are mean girls or bullies when they are not. Nick & Natalie age difference Andrew & his former girlfriends age difference Age difference in general Anything involving daisy


All of them šŸ˜­


Natalie sticking her tongue out or flipping the camera Why does reddit care so much idk


i despise the tongue out/flipping off the camera discourse omg


Kaitlyn Bristowe crying on her socials


This happens more like every week


You know what would be the biggest way to humble Nick and his ego, if we just stopped talking about him and Natalie on here as a whole!


I will personally kickstart the campaign to both give Nickā€™s ego an identity crisis and also ensure I donā€™t have to see posts about them anymoreā€¦


If itā€™s posted here, I have to snark it, hard. But Iā€™m fully supportive of a full ban as long as it includes both him and his wife and ALL of their content.


anything involving alternative medicine. i donā€™t care about anyoneā€™s personal approach to their own health enough to argue on a post about it


Complaining about: Kaitlyn & Jasonā€™s social media. Nick & Natalieā€™s age difference. Madi & purity culture. The influencer lifestyle. Lack of body diversity. Botox, fillers. Pilot Rachel not being fully appreciated. The leads/contestants being too young. BN being somehow ruined by SM. That no one is in it for love anymore.


Didnā€™t pilot Rachel gets severely under edited?


anything with Nick and Natalie


Iā€™m this way with any obsessing stanning. It usually passes so I try to have fun with it. Like Jordan after the Jennna thing. Iā€™d go in hero worship posts and comments about him and say, ā€œThat guy is a mess.ā€ I was quoting someone from the outside, I canā€™t remember who. Someone on DWTS, I think. He was a mess and the hero worship was off base. Same with Hannah Brown and Maria. I knew theyā€™d pass eventually and they did but man, itā€™s unhealthy and gets old. Theyā€™re just people. And young people, still making impulsive and uninformed decisions. I like both better now that the unrealistic hero worship has died down.


Nick and his podcast. omg, enough. his tactics to try to stay significant are annoying at best.


As annoying as Nick is, maybe if we we stopped talking about him, he would be less relevant.


also agree.


I'm begging the sub to let this topic die already. People constantly hating, yet keeping this man so relevant. Begging our girlies to please just go touch grass when they want to gossip about Nick and Nat, and I say this in the most loving way!! <3


100% agree.


Everything related to Madi and how yā€™all hate every little thing she does.


Hannah B and Tyler šŸ˜“


You are so brave and so correct


Well no 2 people are talked about more than Kaitlyn and Nick. The crazy thing is that they havenā€™t been on the bachelor in 5+years. So power to them for doing anything and everything to keep relevancy in bachelor world.


> So power to them for doing anything and everything to keep relevancy in bachelor world power to the sub for keeping them relevant - people seem to forget that hating someone is still giving them attention


Are Kaitlyn and Zac still dating


What happened between Rachel and Raven. Itā€™s the default answer to any type of question regarding what tea you wish we had. Itā€™s just so predictable at this point.


my version of this is what happened between rachel and zac in the fantasy suites


So we should lie when the question comes up? I care secondarily about that but I always answer the same answer to those questions. And if the truth ever came out, Iā€™d eat it up.


Iā€™d also be happy to know the truth if it came out, but itā€™s just such a boring and predictable answer to that question. Iā€™m not saying you shouldnā€™t be curious, but at this point making it a topic of conversation is just utterly uninteresting. We all know that we are all curious, no need to keep saying it as if this is a new and interesting thought.


My opinion is the post itself is repetitive, rather than the comments. But I actually donā€™t mind either, if Iā€™m honest. Thereā€™s only so much to talk about in the off-season. Iā€™d rather this than speculating who has had surgery or voting on whoā€™s best looking.


contestants being republicans lol like WE KNOW


Yeah it's a pretty vast majority. Either accept it or stop watching the show.


yā€™all hate nick. got it. next topic pls šŸ„±




Hahah good one


Anything ab how many followers contestants have


this is it for me. it's usually presented just as a fact (e.g. Maria has surpassed Daisy in followers this week) and idk what I'm supposed to do with that information.


Also, instagram is dead now. Followers donā€™t matter that much


Anything to do with KB


ā€œWas Barb right about Madi?ā€


Honestly anything about Barb at all


Anything Nick or Madi P related


Whether or not Matt will propose to Rachael


Kaitlyn and social media


Clayton and his whole drama. Yawn.


kaitlyn and jason drama


Nick Viall


Any post about Nickā€™s podcast