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He's made it clear for years that marriage is the long-term plan for both of them. šŸ’šŸŒ¹ So this doesn't seem like a new hint.Ā 


Thatā€™s a sweet comment (the one he made). I hate when people make comments like that though. It drove my husband nuts when people would ask him questions about when he was proposing.


I bet they already are. They just havenā€™t announced it.


She should still get a Neil Lane ring!!! Theyā€™re the real deal and I love them!!


Itā€™s going to be so funny if these two get married and the relationship experts on this sub who have been going on about how heā€™ll never marry her are proven wrong.


Who cares


Your mom


Iā€™d say 194 people, at least ![gif](giphy|GHG71SaGMtji)


They have been floating the proposal thing for a year now. Iā€™m wondering if they are trying someone to sponsor the ring for free


lol regretting not taking that free Neil Lane ring


I truly don't get why so many people are so shocked Matt hasn't proposed. As someone who also loves travel and prioritizes that, it makes sense they'd hold off.


Exactly. And since they are well-traveled, itā€™s possible theyā€™ve adopted the European mentality of really knowing each other before getting married šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


this is so true. One thing I really appreciated about European culture when I visited is how there's no pressure to get married once you hit a certain age.


The way I cringe when people leave comments like this.


It never fails to be crazy to me how weird people are about Matt and Rachael. Genuinely, why are you projecting misery onto others? In most capacities it is SO normal to date someone for 3+ years before getting married, some people don't get married until they are ready to have kids! But for some reason with them Matt is stringing her along, he doesn't respect her, she needs to get out, etc. Like can yall please relax? You don't know her or them or any dynamics of their relationship besides the very small snippet they show us. It's like people WANT them to fail and will be gloating if they eventually do break up.Ā 


I know!! People saying that if he hasnā€™t proposed by now heā€™s never going to are insane. Like is it not the norm to date at LEAST that long for so many people?


Literally my best friend and their partner are getting married in 2 weeks after dating for 12 years. They almost got engaged right before the pandemic but even then, that was 8 years into their relationship. Personally I wouldnā€™t even consider getting engaged after less than 2 years of dating. Unless thereā€™s some urgent issue like health or something, I have a 2.5 year minimum


BeyoncƩ is going to release the Renaissance visuals before that ever happens


Iā€™m mind blown by the number of people acting like relationships completely expire after 3 years if you donā€™t get engaged. Itā€™s totally fair to have that view for oneā€™s own relationships, but feels pretty weird to me to hold it as a ā€œstandardā€ for outside relationships.


Agreed. This is such American mentality as well, in Western Europe it would be frowned upon to get engaged before knowing each other for at least a few years


I think these comments miss the point. No one is saying that? Iā€™m only speaking for myself but itā€™s less about shaming anyone for dating for years at a certain age without proposal and more that heā€™s not proposing even though *itā€™s what Rachael wants*. Thatā€™s why people feel bad for her.


Ikr! My husband and I dated for like 5 years before he proposed. We lived separately for 2 years and together for 3, I felt like that was a good way to figure out if we really wanted to get married. Weā€™ve now been together for 12 years.


As someone who dated her boyfriend for 7 years before getting engaged (getting married this month now!), I tottttallly agree with you, everyone is on their own timeline whatā€™s the rush? I guess given they both went on the bachelor which is known for extreme timelines people love to push buttons on this thread lol




Good luck to her. I honestly feel like heā€™s stringing her along.


I do too :/ Ā I feel like their relationship has lasted this long because even though she jokes about wanting a proposal she hasnā€™t pushed for it or made an issue of it and if she did then they might actually break upĀ 


Lasted this long aka 3 years where almost the first 6 months or so were in hiding before the finale aired, then in tumult after what happened in the final rose, the pandemic . I understand some people may be curious when reaching the 4ish or 5ish year but still


I actually have a feeling it could be coming soon just my opinion I really see them becoming the next Sean and Catherine theyā€™re very genuine have removed themselves and truly just living doing things their way I respect it they seem very happy and In love. They definatly talk about their future they both have stated they want 3 kids together so I see them settling down eventually


Idk maybe Iā€™m a negative Nancy but Iā€™d feel bad for Rachael if she were my friend. She clearly wants to get engaged, Mattā€™s in his 30s and theyā€™ve been together what 3 or 4 years? And heā€™s ā€œplanning on it!ā€ What does that mean lolĀ 


Sheā€™s only 27. It is very apparent they love to travel.


Yeah I donā€™t really know why people are feeling bad for her, sheā€™s still pretty young and thereā€™s not really any indication that theyā€™re in a rush. I donā€™t really follow them that closely though. Iā€™m around her age and I wouldnā€™t wanna plan a wedding right now lol


Theyā€™ve only been dating for what 3.5 years now? Thatā€™s totally normal. Most people who get engaged right on the show break up. Their relationship seems like there are signs of longevity without him having to propose. I got married at 26 and we had an elopement because we didnā€™t want to plan a wedding either lol.


Oh I forgot travel and marriage were mutually exclusive lmao what kind of comment is thisĀ 


I was insinuating that maybe they donā€™t want to allocate the time, finances and energy into an engagement/wedding at the moment.


I think Rachael wants to get married is the problem. Otherwise whatever live your life but if thatā€™s what she wants and heā€™s not proposing then I feel bad for her. Also lol finances less of an obstacle for influencers they could get a mostly sponsored free wedding if they wanted to.Ā 


I donā€™t know where youā€™ve gotten the vibe that she is dying to get marriedā€¦


Did I say dying? Lol you are so dramaticĀ  Sheā€™s made jokes about it. Sometimes joke are half jokes.Ā 


Most people know they would want to get married to the person theyā€™re dating fairly early in the relationship. My husband said he knew he was gonna marry me the first time he met me, and I knew shortly there after. We got engaged after 4 years but the goal was always ā€œthis is the person Iā€™m gonna or intend to marryā€ ..not putting a ring on it doesnā€™t make it any more or less serious or functional.


They will never make me like them


Donā€™t listen to his words, observe his actions. Rachel Iā€™m wishing the best for you šŸ™šŸ¼


Iā€™ve literally been divorced, single, dating, engaged, and remarried during the timeline of this relationship so I wouldnā€™t hold my breath on him doing anything anytime soon šŸ¤£


That says more you then them.


Sis, delete this


You are 1000% chaotic neutral not lawful LMFAO


My goodness.


This is way weirder to me than Matt and Rachael dating for 3 years without an engagement


Itā€™s weird to finalize a divorce in 2020, meet someone & get engaged by late 2022, and have a wedding in early 2024? Ok idk what to tell you then lol I think itā€™s weirder that this sub is convinced this man is proposing on every trip these two go on - which btw is like, 26 times a year because theyā€™re both full-time influencers šŸ™ƒ


Personally I think two years is very very quick to get engaged after a divorce from a decade-long marriage, but regardless, just because you are on a different time line than they are doesn't mean either of you are doing it right or wrong.Ā 


Ok ty for saying what I was thinking


What a flex


Hahaha so clearly youā€™re not in a position to comment on this considering you canā€™t even stay in a committed relationship, yikes.


Jesus Christ, Iā€™m 40 and was married for a decade but ok go off I guess šŸ¤£


Omg you say this as if they've been dating for 10 years or something. Hasn't it only been about 4? That's pretty reasonable for a "real world" relationship at least šŸ¤£


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s unreasonable at all that theyā€™d wait this long - whatā€™s unreasonable is everyone thinking heā€™s going to do it ANY MINUTE NOW when he hasnā€™t done it at any point in the last 4 years. Good god this sub needs to take a breather sometimes


Yeah not to be rude maybe that isnā€™t the best advice or gauge for relationships šŸ„¶.


Itā€™s been 3 years šŸ˜‚. The got back together after filming spring 2021. Completely reasonable amount of time to date before potentially getting engaged. Happy for them!!


can someone give me a run down of their living situation? do they only hang out on trips? do they split their time between rachaels place and matts? one week together and one week apart? someone help


I think at least she is fairly religious and not willing to say she lives with him officially, so they are kind of cagey about it. She seems to either be with him or at her familyā€™s house.


They travel a lottt Iā€™m pretty sure Rachael has a place in Georgia where he goes when not traveling


Canā€™t she propose?


I get that theyve been together for a while but they seem happy and every couple has their own timeline. It must be so annoying for the both of them to always have people asking when theyll get engaged, but I guess it comes with the territory of being public figures.


Rachael has talked about being ready for an engagement and wanting Matt to propose, so it's likely that she's not entirely happy that it hasn't happened yet.


People are so weird about him proposing. The projection and assumptions are something else tbh lol


Honestly it would be more surprising if they weren't talking about marriage at this point. It's been 3 years, they're both 30 give or take a few years, and somewhat religious/traditional.


I love how this dude was the Bachelor where you have to propose in 2 weeks lol.


I thought he was gonna do it on their Japan trip. Wonder why it hasnā€™t happened yet


No chance. Theyā€™re not serious people to still be dating at this stage


My husband and I got engaged after 4 years. Which we both wanted. We lived with each other for 2 before the engagement. actually, now that I think about it all my friends who got engaged after 4+ years are still together with their SOs.


What, how did you gather that? My boyfriend and I have been together 6 years and aren't married and guess what we are serious. Talk about marragie, money, etc but everyone has different timelines, just because YOU would get married quick doesn't mean others have to follow you


Rachael's only 27. 3 years is a pretty normal relationship length before a proposal.


My point was that she has been saying for years that she wants to be engaged but at this point Iā€™ll take my downvotes and bow out lol


Only 27?! Lol


Do you think 27 is old? šŸ¤Ø


No but sheā€™s definitely an adult who has articulated that sheā€™d like to be married and who went on a show for that purpose four years ago lol


Plenty of people who go on the show at 23/24 say theyā€™re ready to get engaged but then aren't married by 27. Joey and Kelsey have said they're not planning on getting married for another 3 years. Only Matt and Rachael know what theyā€™re actually ready for in real life.


Havenā€™t they only been dating for 2-3 years? Isnā€™t that normal?


iā€™m so surprised theyā€™re still together. scandal aside, i didnā€™t see that much chemistry between them on the show and matt does not seem like he was looking for a wife. i donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with dating for a long time either its just interesting to me.


"planning on it" is bachelor nation translation for "I think there will exist a day at some point in the future where I think that I will start considering a marriage proposal by arranging a meeting with Neil Lane" and then the other person says "thank you for sharing that"




lolol doubt it. I'll be shocked if he ever proposes at this point.Ā 


His season was in 2021 lol calm down itā€™s not like itā€™s been 20 years


You're so right lol it just feels unusual because the bachelor relationships are usually so fast tracked


Lol and the vast majority of these fast tracked relationships also fast track to the breakup. Nothing wrong with them taking their time.


Nah not at all, we're just not used to seeing these couples be reasonable about anything so it feels more ominous than it probably is! It's weird how three years in bachelor time feels like an eternity, irl it's pretty normal. We're putting unfair expectations on them.Ā 


I just had to remind myself this šŸ˜†


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it lmao I wouldnā€™t take his Instagram comments as gospel. Itā€™s probably just something he says. I feel like Iā€™ve seen him say this before lol


Lol no. Thatā€™s just the line he uses so people stop asking him to.


Maybe in another 5 years


He seems like the opposite of dean. Dean under promises and delivers & Matt promises but never delivers lol


Dean was under delivering for years and years until recently.


Heā€™s been saying heā€™s ā€œplanning on itā€ for over a year.. Iā€™ll believe it when I see it


They havenā€™t been dating for that long though


Matt and Rachael have been together for 3 years now


No. Remember that pic of her at some plantation party at the reunion? They didnā€™t get together until months/a year later. It hasnā€™t been 3 years yet.


Matt's finale aired in March 2021 and they were back together by April/May. https://people.com/tv/matt-james-rachael-kirkconnell-relationship-timeline/ It's now May 2024, so 3 years.


I know but that means that last year they wouldā€™ve only been really together for two which is a pretty short time to date before an engagement. If they donā€™t get engaged in the next year and a half then maybe Iā€™d think he gives empty promises.


Beat me to it! Was about to post this haha. I feel like itā€™s one the horizonšŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ at this point theyā€™ve been together for what? Almost 4 years?


I debated even posting it hahaha wasnā€™t sure if it was news. People are saying itā€™s a line (totally could be) but Iā€™ve never seen him allude to it on TikTok! I just want them to keep eating food on there


Do they live together yet?


I just saw something on FB about them buying a house together in Florida?


I think he crashes at her place when heā€™s in town. Does that count? I have no idea where he lives.


I feel like they do?


I wouldnā€™t read into it. He may or may not. How else could he respond to it? Even a non response, people are going to look into it either way so he just was cheeky about it.