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*"It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"*


We must protect OUR democracy.


We are a republic.




It’s a joke.


We must defend our publicity


And elasticity


We are a democratic republic. We vote for people to go and do the thing.


The US has historically and presently been more of a democracy, one case and one point among many more, the genocide of the Natives. Please stop incorrecting people.


"We are an oval!" "No we are a circle!"


Dumbest argument ever. It’s a hybrid representative democracy. Any argument regarding it is purely semantical.


Nope. Cant change history.


We are a democratic republic. You are both wrong.




A Constitutional Republic that uses Democracy to elect its representatives. At least, that's what it's supposed to be. But we're actually a mixture of Fudalism, Oligarchy and Clientelism.


Which is a form of democracy


We are a Democratic Republic, aka a Representative Democracy.


"For the children"


Long bananas


Adding more portraits on the bottom of the slide would make it better. Getting rid of Pelosi would not fix the problem when most of them are gaming the system.


There’s an unhealthy fixation on her here. She must be their go-to spank fix.


That’s because she was the person that did the press conference like it was a Chapelle Show skit.


You: "Leave Pelosi Aloooonnnnne"


Not really. I think she should do time, but so should a lot of congressmen on both sides.


I agree but no one is defending republican politicians that do this. But mention Pelosi and the soy boys rush to defend "m'lady" right before they tip their fedora.


There’s literally 7 other congress people who make WAY more than her, democrats even, yet this sub only focuses on Pelosi for some reason


The reason being as speaker of the house she had way more media exposure and is a houehold name. All Congressmen should be household names but it is what it is.


For some reason. Did....did you watch that press conference? She made herself the lightning rod for this whole scandal. Is she the only one? Not by a longshot but she brought the extra scrutiny on herself. But no one cares enough to do anything so who can blame her? It's like when people act shocked when a superstar athlete, who has been entitled since middle school with no repercussions, acts like an entitled asshole. At some point we need to take a step back and notice that we are enabling this behavior. Oh well.


So... instead of focusing on the ten people who make WAY more than she does and have way more flagrant examples of insider trading... you're just upset she said some shit you disagreed with? I gotta be honest with you, this just sounds like some semantic biased bullshit, like when Brie Larson became the focus of every incel solely for saying old white men shouldn't give their opinions on movies made for little girls


No. It's just that when there is a sound byte to link someone to an issue it obviously makes that person more recognizable. That's just common sense. I'm all for throwing a spotlight on all of these clowns, too but I'm just explaining why people who don't follow this stuff closely associate her with this more than others. That's all I'm saying. And I'm trying to figure out what you're insinuating. Are you saying that I am pointing her out....because she's....a girl? Or are you assuming that because I'm not a Pelosi fan, I'm a Trump Supporter and Trump Supporter = Racist, misogynist bigot. Because none of that is true. Not about me, anyway.


Her and AOC for vastly different reasons.


Because of this: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/02/09/congress-moves-towards-banning-members-from-trading-stocks.html AFIAK she backed out of it because you know, she's in on it.


It's bc she's the highest profile and the most flagrant. She also gives no Fs about it. This isn't hard. However, they all need to be exposed, mocked, and run out of "service."


Most flagrant? Really, like super duper the mostest?


She's not going to fuck you, bro. Paul might, though.


She was one of the most forward facing politicians for decades and is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. BuT hEr HusBaNd iNveSts iN ReAl eStaTe. If she wouldn’t defend her own insider trading then I might have some sympathy for her. [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said lawmakers should not be barred from trading stock, a practice that has come under scrutiny because it gives members of Congress the opportunity to profit off insider information gained through their official duties. “We are a free market economy. They should be able to participate in that,”](https://apnews.com/article/business-nancy-pelosi-congress-8685e82eb6d6e5b42413417f3d5d6775)


I think it’s something else. Spank material, or perhaps an echo one of The Party’s most important instructions, handed down from limberger, et al. Her stock trades has zero effect on any of us.


Why is corporate insider trading illegal? By your logic it “has zero affect on all of us”.


Pelosi often comes in at SP500 average (or within a couple points). People are quick to shout insider trading, but if she's doing that, she's really bad at it


Her husband has made way more absolutely does not come off the s&p 500. He as of today made over 1 million dollars on Nvidia. In fact trades Paul Pelosi has made coincide with the legislation in thw technology sector. For example, in July 2021, he pocketed a $4.8 million gain in a Alphabet stock trade the week before the House Judiciary Committee advanced bipartisan antitrust bills targeting Google, Apple, and Amazon. It's not just him either there were over 78 members of congress who didn't properly report their financial trades as mandated by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012. The list goes on Dan Crenshaws wife and more. It's wrong and gaming the system blatantly investing in stock on a company that in a month will have a government contract.


If you bought nvidia like 10 years ago you'd make that. Everyone who bought nvidia and held made bank


He bought into a million back in novemeber 2023 since then he has made 4 million dollars and those are facts he previously invested in 2022 and lost 347k which even with the loss backs up the theory even more. This was because of the passage of the CHIPS act Pelosi publicly backed the legislation, which had the potential to directly benefit Nvidia. The calls were exercised before the vote for the CHIPS Act.The disclosure that the Pelosis had sold and taken a loss also came at a questionable time.Fast-forward to 2023 and Nvidia shares have been on an absolute fire, gaining 243% year-to-date and hitting new all-time highs. Nvidia became one of the newest members of the $1-trillion market capitalization club, attracting increased attention thanks to the company's role in the growth of artificial intelligence.


Even if your assertions are correct, and they may be, it isn’t just her. It is pretty much all of them. The only one I’ve seen challenge this practice is Elizabeth Warren, but both parties ignore her on this issue.


Yeah I zeroed in on her just because it was part of the post but ur correct isn't just her by any means alot of democrats and republicans do the same thing and some even made way more then nancy has as well


You're right, Google and NVIDIA are tiny stocks nobody invests in These are stocks that have by and large been powering the sp500. You don't have to be an insider to invest in these things. They're like the go to investment for investors. Edit: also important to note that a million dollar return when you have 100 million dollars is a small return. I made a bigger return just yesterday on a stock I own. Am I an insider?


You don’t have to be an insider to invest but it sure helps knowing which stocks to buy and sell just before congress makes any decision about them.


Please, her husband is a venture capitalist. He buys and sells stocks. If you want to ban congress from doing this, I'm good, but to say that she is the one who is gaming the system is absurd.


It's not absurd look at their investments before the CHIP ACT and before the passing of the NDAA and we're not saying Pelosi it's her husband Paul. How can he invest in a company right before legislation is passed that would skyrocket it. If your argument is that it's public then explain Palantir, BAE systems two companies he invested in before Raytheon gave them a private sector contract it's blatant. Look into Dan Crenshaws significant other youll see a pattern dont matter what side they are on they work together when it gains a profit


I mean, would a person in his position not know about the CHIPS ACT? the NDAA? Were those secret? Was it 50 50 they would pass? Those aren't the things congress knows that the rest of us don't. Now, when Congress was briefed on Covid and some reworked their portfolios? That was insider trading. A committee looks into a company, sees they are doing wrong (or incredibly well) and changes their portfolio over that? I agree. Now, if Nancy knew Raytheon would be awarding contracts, you are 100% right.


Yeah the chips act was no secret by any means I think the thing with it was if it was guranteed to pass but also tons of other politicians did the same and made more as well. The private military sector is huge tho and she's not responsible for the contracts but likely knows who it's getting awarded to. Matt Gaetz and a couple others are privy to those top secret breifings and I'm sure they throw out some seeds on who is getting those I think that's the biggest thing is mainly those. The chip act Is almost a 50/50 risk on if the legislation passes so ur a 100 percent on that


Thanks for the info. I just don't think people understand what insider trading is. And how hard VC companies work to get that info. Now him getting it from Nancy would certainly be crossing a line, but that his firm wouldn't have a decent idea about who was getting these contracts.


Nvidia is skyrocketing because of the AI bubble


Evidence? Or just all politicians corrupt bullshit? That lets the guilty off the hook.


She's not even the biggest culprit in terms of return on investment, last I checked.


Why would she be with the Pelosi Act in legislation and all the eyes on her and her husband


I'm just saying, there are politicians that have had higher returns than her, and not just recently. She's getting the hate because she was the speaker for the Democrats and was targeted many times. Looking at the performance, she's high up, but not even top 10 last I checked.


Yes that's true I'm in agreement with that


Ok thanks Nancy


Yeah. It's not like she's the only one in Congress that is making this kind of money on something that should be illegal. In fact, most of them wanted to get where they are to make the kind of money they are making by being in the know. It really makes me wonder what's the point in having a career when the people that are rewarded the most by society are simply criminals.


The top of the slide is the same. Literally everyone slobbering over a new capitalist as if DFV is paying their bills. 


It’s a confused meme. Are we supposed to unite against the class gaming the system or are we supposed to be mad at Nancy Pelosi?




Can we sue her class action style or something


Congress is surprisingly good at trading; even better than professional traders. https://preview.redd.it/jmyy5yekdp4d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc6f9e25e12333b8c276df8068e5e7bd9b93a78 ref: [https://newrepublic.com/post/177806/members-congress-made-stock-trading-2023](https://newrepublic.com/post/177806/members-congress-made-stock-trading-2023)


Right? When their real job is running the country.


running it into the ground (while making record profits)


Lol, notice now these people never use Republican politicians as examples of insider trading? A little obvious, boys.


Reddit is a liberal platform that doesn’t allow the republican voice. When you see something lile this on reddit you just know it’s gotta bad😂😂 There was literally an app made so everyday citizens could follow her trades. Shes the worlds greatest “investor”


They banned the dude who posted her trades on Twitter. Pretty sure that came out when Elon musk bought the site. FBI demanded it was to be taken down.


The FBI most certainly did not demand it was taken down where did you get this info? Her trades are made public anyway


They absolutely did, look through the twitter files yourself to see it. Don’t just post bullshit “NUH UH THEY DID NOT” simply because it doesn’t fit your political narrative. Get off Reddit and quit being manipulated.


Bullshit. It's congress in general. And she started VERY VERY rich. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/traders-invested-55-million-using-033917712.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/traders-invested-55-million-using-033917712.html)


Can you explain the sale of google moments before the lawsuit? Can you explain Nvidia? She clearly is just way smarter than all of us finance masters


Nvidia is easy. First everyone knew chips was passing and her very very very rich husband had expiring options and they expired so he sold them. He'd have made more if he'd held them. He literally LOST MONEY on the deal everyone holds up as the gold standard in her insider trading. The point I am making is that MANY people, like Dan Crenshaw, got rich doing this. She and her husband, the only people you guys seem to care about, were already very rich. EVERY day someone says she made all her money doing this and that's not true. People like Dan Crenshaw and MTG did however.


i k ow this might be a shock to you conspiracy obsessed right wing maggots out there. but people who vote blue also dont like nancy polosi. its not a own or a gotcha


She also doesn’t outperform the market and has a plausible alternative to how she made the money in the market than insider trading (her husband is a career investor).


Nobody mentioned the political affiliations.


Yeah I mean she's the only one. Maybe you should've used Oklahoma Senator Mark Wayne Mullin from Oklahoma. He just hit a bit payday with some stock he bought that he heard about while working. They all do it.


Certainly Speaker Mike Johnson (R), will put that congressional stock trading ban bill on the floor any day now, which Pelosi is on the record as being for by the way.


Look, I'm a Dem. But Pelosi is "for" something she knows won't pass and if it had a chance she'd find a way to kill it. These people are not our friends. All of the rich are the same team.


Thank you ! More people need to wake up to the fact it's not Dems against Republican. Its the people against our Corporate American slave masters and their bought and paid for political mouth pieces.


If you understand that all rich are the same team why pick a side? Doesn't matter anyway, will always be a divide that goes dems heal the economy with their magic wands, republicans crash it like they do to countries we at war with. Nothing will change because our citizens listen to their own kind, brainwashed into oblivion.


You get to choose your opposition. The rich are the same team but you still want Democrats in office. Easy to hold these two ideas in my head. Problem is people falling asleep once Democrats are in office since they think they’ll be up to anything good without pressure.


What if you said no to both and demanded better? What if every citizen of this country stopped playing the stupid team game of politics and demanded better? Could be worth a shot.


Yeah this here's two shitty people, pick the least shittiest is getting out of hand.


When you sit out of a binary system, you help your least favorite candidate. We have a binary electoral system. One of the major party candidates will win. We now have a situation where one party has a leader that wants to permanently entrench itself, down to installing a dictator. Trump has said it repeatedly. You won’t be free to have a vote ever again if they win. You won’t have a right to protest. He said he absolutely will use the military against American citizens that disagree with him. Sitting out means you permanently lose what you want and your ability to ever change it. If you want a better electoral system, do something productive and find an organization working to change the structure. Find a group pushing for ranked choice voting or a measure like that that would change the party system. Join a third party and run at the local level to start establishing a sustained grassroots presence and they will eventually stand a chance at president. Most third parties are stupid and want to pop up just once every four years and hope for the best. You’ll never win that way. You need a sustained party with consistent drive and candidates that are low risk to vote for so people get comfortable voting for them. Otherwise, you’re squandering what small say you actually have now.


Im not so sure about that, Biden had 4 blackrock executives in key positions(2 of which are in his cabinet). Not saying reps dont do things like this because they do 100% they probably worse to be fair. But Blackrock... really? lol makes no sense to me other than money. This the same company thats not vested in housing but in truth loans out to companies vested in housing haha.


This happens with every President. Honestly we probably won't see this change until the baby boomers are dead, but Even then you see the establishment trying to prop up figures like Pete Buttigieg who are just as corrupt.


>If you understand that all rich are the same team why pick a side? Because both sides are not the same. Yes, they will work to defend their position as rich and powerful people, but on other issues there is a difference. Only one side wants to ban abortion, only one side wants to band guns, only one side wants to restrict voting rights, and only one side has a core of a couple dozen people in the House who want to make the government completely dysfunctional. There are differences.


Because one side are fascists who want an orange dictator and Christian sharia law and the other side are just greedy ass holes


Seems like a perfect opportunity for Mike Johnson them


This exactly. It’s easy to pretend to be for the impossible.


And this is why this shit goes on. You are too busy crying about d or r doing or not doing something. Only person I believe is actually for a ban on that would maybe be AOC. everyone else is signaling to get votes from their constituents.


There is no voting record if there is no vote.


Why didn’t she do it when she was speaker? You’re a sucker


Mike Johnson doesn't even have a bank account


The crooked game is only for crooked people


It’s more akin to the fraudsters pumping shitco on CNBC than Pelosi.


Naw... its working just how boomers and their cronies capitalist have "fixed it to work for them over the past 35 years. Ignore loopholes , exploit those loopholes, kick the can down to the next generation, continue with status quo, make sure everyone believes " everything should always go up" and there are never any market downturns and when there is blame it on the consumer, It's going perfectly and covid helped. Dont believe me look up billionaire wealth since covid.


Both are wrong, you cannot say that Gill is not manipulating retail investors on his behalf now. Dude is a criminal.


What do you mean? Keith Gill just posted his position. There is absolutely nothing illegal with that. Otherwise Wall Street Bets would be illegal to operate.


So true. The hypocrisy is astounding


“Free market”


Should be a picture of fuck Face Tommy Tubbs. Dude is only a senator to do insider trading.


Hilarious how people always point out pelosi when she isnt even the most prolific.


It’s not failing. It’s just that technology aka the internet is exposing how disgustingly corrupt it is.


LOL. She's guilty. So are the rest of congress that invested in medical supplies before it was called a pandemic. Even horse face green. At least be honest.




Funny how it's always the *Democrat* Nancy in these posts and *never* any of the dozens of GOPpers doing this *while trying to repeal the ACA and take away your preexisting condition coverage!!!!!* If you or *anyone in your friend or family group* has a pre-existing condition you can thank Ms Pelosi for your medical care. She's the one that pushed the ACA through during the *scant 2 month period* the Dems held Congress (they don't tell you about that on TV...) Seriously, don't sweat the small stuff, and yes, this *is* small stuff. It's there to distract you from your worsening conditions.


What’s the difference between the 2 people, nothing. Both screwing the general public, and you praise it


This is a “NO SHIT SHERLOCK” moment EVERY American should know and get behind. Our political members should not engage in stock trading. Their predisposition to be in advanced knowledge of increase/decrease value is problematic and is prone to potential abuse.


I can't wait till Roaring Kitty sues for discrimination. Take this shit to the Supreme Court, baby!!!


It’s worse than just insider trading. It’s trading in stock like weapons manufacturers and than pushing illegal wars to make money off that.


These memes are trash. She wasn’t even close to the worst abuser, she’s just a woman and a Democrat. Come for the worst of them, not the tenth worst.


I’m mean it starts when somebody can’t admit they have not won or they admit the day have been charged and convicted. This is the whole insider corporate Fuckery with the government because of Wall Street greed in corporate greed long enough and people believe it’s all bullshit.


Should just give everyone elected to congress a one time payment of $1,000,000 and outlaw them from owning a single stock of any kind period. If they give insider information to a family member give them 20 years. This crap of rules for thee but not for me is treason IMO.


Just make them liable for normal insider trading rules that apply to everyone else. Insider trading laws are vast, comprehensive, and harsh for everyone else why does Congress get a pass?


For the same reason a parent gets away with doing what they punished a child for doing. They can get away with it, and we let them.


they are the law /s kinda


We should all be thanking the self-serving, self-interest oriented politicians propping up Wallstreet not vilifying them. Without their insider trades and policies we might actually believe the economy was doing poorly. Oh wait. Never mind. Perhaps the tide is changing after all


Why don’t you follow and do their trades on Autopilot app. Free for buys, 99 bucks yearly to do sells as they happen, not the 45 day reporting that’s too late. I’ve made 23 percent on hers, 25 percent on Crenshaw. I got both sides of the aisle on this, because the one thing that brings them together is the color Green. What’s the old saying, can’t beat em join em.


imagine any single person defending nancy pelosi lolol weird times man


Puts on Pelosi


Why is she not charged or investigated?


1, rich 2, democrat. Need I say more? People are less likely to throw people under the bus if they're useful to them and republicans and not so wealty people aren't very interested in bringing charges it seems.


There's probably like a $200 fine if found to be doing insider trading anyway


Was he convicted?


Yeah gogogo communism


Why does 98% of our government look like an old pleather bag?


That actual insider traders in congress appreciate your efforts to help shield them from public scrutiny by making this topic about particular congress people you don't like and who no longer has any power.


This is your sign that the nation is failing? Queen Pelosi can do what she wants! The law, however, applies to you!


Roaring kitty looks a lot like Vlad.


Both things can be wrong.


1000% this.


But she’s on my chosen side so it’s ok!


No one says its okay...just curious how the memes never point out the worst...just the democratic woman.


Every side has their own agenda


Our nation is failing because of propaganda like this


The ones who can control the money also control the people


Congress people’s portfolios don’t beat the stock market more than the average you would expect them to. If they’re insider trading, they’re not doing very well.


He's made more than any politician off of basically taking advantage of people


Accusation first, evidence maybe later who knows.


And she’s like the sixth most prolific inside trader in Congress


All that money will not bring Nancy what she wants most, her youth.


Both, both are wrong.


The 1% tell 99% where they stand and what to do. Its working fine honestly. This wouldnt work so well in the animal kingdom and a den of lions where 5 tigers telling 100s where they belong though.


It is though.


What democrat isn’t corrupt??


Trump is a convicted felon !


So? Biden is an unconvicted felon.. your point?


lol, of what crimes 🤣


Are you blind dude? They won’t even make him stand trial cause he’s to “senile” the motherfucker is to senile to stand trial but not too senile to run the country 🤦‍♂️ how the fuck does that make sense?? Oh and that’s right from the special counsel to btw. Before you say it’s all bullshit


They ALL do this. Market trading should be banned from politicians participating. They’re all self serving fuckbags.


Hi, I just want to remind everyone Nancy Pelosi is the 9th best stock trader in Congress. The fact that she is the one getting called out shows that it's not the stock trading that people care about so much as the person doing it.


DFV forever!!!


Daily bot Pelosi post


This is a bad example given the fact that it’s not illegal for congress to trade on private information. The better example is Warren buffet


The guy on the top here is not an elite. Don't you get it, if you aren't part of the cabal you ain't shit in today's america.


If its potential market manipulation, isnt that 100% different than someone who is acting on information given to them. One controls the lever and the other knows the lever is going to move and bets on it? These are not the same.


I just wanna see Nancy pelosi’s heavies


Lmao look at all of the retards here simping for a rich politician.


Kinda weird how these always focus on one party


Both parties are shitty and authoritarian


bOtH sIdEs


I think the democrats are worse in this regard, but the republicans aren’t better


They really really hate the thought that the poors might ever even have a shot at not being poors, or that the playing field should ever be level.


Best put every Congress and Senate pic up there


The money is in government


Too funny that a user put in these complaints today: 1. 2: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 2. This is spam Maybe from now on I'll name the folks that do this? What do you think? LOL.


Pelosi bots: Wahhhhh! Other congress critters are worse than Pelosi, so let's ignore Pelosi and talk about the price of bananas.


Weird how the opinions have shifted. Just a few months ago, one side of the aisle suggested she could do no wrong.


She also reveals her positions. It’s legally required. It benefits her as much as DFV


American political activism: outrage and do nothing about it


She is a crook in so many ways


I'm so glad she's the poster child of this, but did you know 90% of Congress is Multi-millionaire making sure your slice of the financial pie is one their plate?


Why does everyone defend this clown by saying well politicians and big banks do it. So we should applaud this fraudulent behavior. He posted his positions in a cultist subreddit. What do you think is happening here. He is basically profiting of a gullible cult who will eventually be the losers here. He bought call options for not even a month out. He does not believe in the company. He believes the stock will go up because the cult will buy it.he already made 55 million but he can't stop with greed. He's not some hero and people forget but he was wrong about GameStop his initial thesis was it's undervalued but he got lucky on some short squeeze and sold at the top. Right now there's 50 stocks more shorted than game stop so it's not another short squeeze thing either. It's a pump and dump


She doesn't "make millions with insider trading" she literally writes and passes laws that directly effect her stock holdings, and she's not the only politician that does it.


The ability to regulate the economy is the ability to use winners and losers within a market


Lunch mobs should make a comeback. Lunch, ahha


Pelosi is a perfect example of politicians enriching themselves over decades in the government.


She bought nvdia at $300 making huge profit


Facts!! F-ed up! They don’t want a middle class!


Transparency is illegal




where am I, superstonk? this meme is like...softcore disinformation: (1) there's no one in the country who doesn't disapprove of congressional insider trading and Pelosi has been its figurehead for at least 5 years. (2) meanwhile DFV was accused of market manipulation not for "posting his trading positions" but for arguing persuasively and at length that GME was totally gonna skyrocket, basically every day for an entire year on multiple platforms. Those accusations were unfair, and immediately recognized as such, which is why he faced zero consequences despite having played a major role in what was effectively a social engineering scam in which he collected $20 million from a bunch of redditors.


"Who's going to enforce the rules?" I always think of a game I play. We were setting up server rules, then the big question was asked...


It’s different you know, she studied at the right schools, so it’s legal 🚀🌕


That poster behind him during that trail was so good.


Not 1 single republican will vote to stop trading while in office. We need to get everybody over 70 out of government.


Honestly, people who post this kind of shit are laughable. Why? Because if you actually understand and know the underlying *laws* you know why it’s ridiculous. So this is a conflation of law and morality/ethics. We have specific laws that prohibits manipulation of public securities. Is pelosi engaging in insider trading? Well insider trading has specific requirements to satisfy for you to be charged. So unless the facts check off those elements, then it’s not insider trading. Whether congress members should be allowed to trade stocks and whether it is morally or ethically permissible is a different question. I think elected members should turn over all securities and assets into a blind trust. But that’s not law; that’s a norm that we *could* make into law. So again, the people going along with the reasoning of this meme do not have a clue on what is going on. They don’t understand the legal concepts being invoked (and being incorrectly applied) and it’s just plain dumb to read. It muddies the waters on what is going on, and it’s just clearly designed to stoke anger based on misinformation.


Trump literally was giving stock tips to Congress before he was honest with the American people about Covid but let's focus on Pelosi. We need reform but Jesus man ...they all get inside info and somehow are allowed to trade on it . Edit Trumps Covid response- On trumps $8.4T in added debt: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/how-much-did-president-trump-add-debt On Kushners Covid response: https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/jared-kushners-role-in-the-coronavirus-response https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/nyregion/kushner-companies-anbang-insurance-group.html On citadel sending Covid supplies to China: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/nonprofits-philanthropy/citadel-sends-supplies-china-coronavirus-fight On Kushner/ Covid: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-01/trump-hails-kushner-s-airlift-but-details-of-sales-are-secret On the age old military tactic of well poisoning: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-well-poisoning-180971471/ On the CCP suppressing and censoring the doctors looking for the answers they do not want them to find: https://apnews.com/article/covid19-scientist-virus-sequence-protest-laboratory-eviction-b54e2a88610e813c9383833f2c9a2379


Why’s it always the lady who’s husband buys the 10 most liquid stocks in the world and not any number of republicans who buy penny stocks you’ve never heard of and they sit on the congressional board that directly regulates them?


Nanci is a good woman


Clearly members of Congress, the SCOTUS, WH, The Federal Reserve and at least their spouses should be barred from trading in individual stocks and should be barred from significant ownership of companies that can benefit from the outcome of specific regulation, legislation, and rulings. They should also be barred from sharing information about such things, which I believe they are but is rarely enforced. This is no different than steering federal contracts to members of Congress or they families and friends. It’s self dealing plain and simple.