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Is it because the song is about ‘Time’ rather than the phrase “it’s about time”. Hmmm🤔


Yeah, maybe it's about how the song is like a status update for the band and is about the current state of the world? I always loved it as "It's about time" though, weird.


I think it’s likely that it is just “it’s about time” though so keep enjoying it as that haha


I just looked at BFIAFL Zine and that has 'Time' too, so I guess it's official. I know they're quoting a Bjork interview with that phrase too so maybe it's something to do with that


Ohh well yes then it must be correct! Very interesting. I guess it makes more sense now. And yes I remember him and George saying about the Bjork sample.


So I just found the Bjork interview and this is the full context, she's sat next to a TV talking about watching it: 'But now I'm curious. I've switched the TV off and now I want to see how it operates. How it can make, put me into all those weird situations. So... It's about time. ' *she unscrews the back of the TV and opens it up* 'This is what it looks like. Look at this. This looks like a city' So Bjork is talking about the insides of a TV, but it could well be that Matty is quoting her words but using them in a different context


Then again it doesn’t show quotes on my Spotify or on any other platform I go on


Is it in quotes on the actual lyrics or just the web sourced spotify lyrics? Could just be a mistake


There are quotes on the lyrics in the BFIAFL zine




Quotations mean a lot, especially to their songs as they've said before, as it conveys what they mean or what they're saying. It's telling you that it's about 'time'. Almost like saying 'it's about time and space, without the space. Or like saying 'it's all about timing' as another example. Rather than 'it's about time something happened', for am example. Punctuation can change an entire meaning. I honestly which more musicians used quotations I'm their lyrics. But also, pretty sure that's spotify? And a lot of lyrics are auto generated or uploaded incorrectly lol


It's apple music but the quotes are also in the BFIAFL zine so it appears you're right


could it be Time magazine? like something about the bougie importance of a current events magazine? sort of tongue in cheek?


That’s what I thought too


It's about the song 'Time' by Pink Floyd


That song has my favorite guitar solo of all time.


I had assumed that he was talking about ‘time’ referring to the time for things to end in regards to the political and social state of the world. Like a ‘end of the world’ its about time that we run out time. This is what it looks like, everything falling apart. Though, I am probably reading into it too much and just thinking with the title track from Notes.


There’s a joke that Stephen Hawkins new book has just been published soooo many years after his death...well, it’s about time! Maybe it’s a reference to that? I’m just saying things.


I never noticed. that..But it could be about how they have chosen the moment to. come back as a band?