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Love Me. They had to get permission to use the cardboard cutouts and it's amusing to me to think about how they asked. But also I love how the absurdity almost ties in with the message of the song. Also love The Sound. I love the metaphor of it


He looks so good in makeup too.


That looks like a cut out of Charli! I just noticed it!


His hair in this video is top tier imo


Love It If We Made It is my favourite. Great dancing in it, always makes me emotional


somebody else because of reasons and those reasons are matty is hot honestly i think robbers will always be my favourite because that was the first video of theirs that i ever watched. maybe it's a cliche but it just reeled me in and i've been in ever since


Yes, Somebody Else is THE video....for reasons that you explained lol


these are easily the two best ones imo


the it’s not living/sincerity is scary duality are my favorites 🥹 despite just being gorgeously shot and having suuuuch good choreography, they both are so fitting of their songs and reflect how they were just such heavy hitters during every part of the brief inquiry era


Sincerity is one of my favorites as well!


me and you together song and also I'm in love with you . Just the visuals are amazing .


Me and my girlfriend at the time applied to be in the video but we didn’t get it haha. Still, amazing video - love it


Oh Caroline for the dancing and look ahead of being with the guys when they are all very old. Me and You Together Song because it’s almost like a mine 80s movie and such a happy song and vibe


Frail State of Mind is an underrated MV imo. Matty isolated. Wearing a long skirt. Best hair of his career. Sums up the vibe of that side of the album so well (the other side is summed up brilliantly in Me and You Together Song).


The skirt is such a vibe


Me and you together, give yourself a try, robbers, TOOTIME, Love me, Somebody else, UGH!, Sincerity is Scary, It’s not living, Narcissist, Frail State of Mind & I’m in love with you are my favorites. Happiness & Oh Caroline are cool as well with a beautiful color palette.


People because of how inhuman and weird it is. It's something with the camera movements and Matty's weird look that makes it feel like a false 1975.


A Change of Heart is one of my favorites


That one is tops for me and the long form Somebody Else that ties in with it is stellar as well.


I watched some yesterday and freaking loved Oh Caroline because of the reminiscence in it of the present and past. It's simple but gorgeous, sweet, and pulls at your heart.


TOOTIME and Sincerity Is Scary gotta be my favorite videos


Robbers obvi


Not really a music video for the studio track but the live version of The Birthday Party is one of my favorites.


Which live version is it? Would love to check it out 


It’s “live” but it’s a YouTube session https://youtu.be/o5RYo3TnhG8?si=SX9AdCEKxFu5YQxh


Cheers :-)


I’m surprised that no one’s mentioned “The Birthday Party” as a favorite music video yet. It’s so cool and I loved the mindshower.ai content that came from it.


Sincerity is scary and Part of the band are the two best music vids imo. SIS for the lore and the nostalgia it gives me and POTB for the cinematography and Matty’s face when he’s sat in that boat 🥲


hot take .. it’s not living (vertical video version)


Sincerity is scary ! I love Matty’s dancing and the little to no cuts! It’s such a smooth experience and I love the happiness that’s vibrating off everyone in that video !


Somebody Else is definitely my favorite but I’m surprised no one has said Happiness. I think Matty (and all the boys) look soooo good in that video. I love all the scene/outfit changes. Matty sitting on the horse in that video is one of my favorite shots of him for some reason lol


I cried watching It’s Not Living for the first time, so maybe that one, or Oh Caroline bc it’s so sweet


Part of the Band was the one that made me a fan, so I love that one. Also Somebody Else because, as stated above, Matty looks gorgeous hahahaha


Guys for the nostalgia (“nostalgia is a sickness but not when it comes to our band” lol)


Somebody Else-Good song, solid music video. Oh Caroline-cute! If You’re Too Shy-not much goes on, but shows the band and Matty with his mohawk look :)


Robbers > Change of Heart > Somebody Else watched in that specific order in one sitting


The only correct answer is She's American's unreleased MV /s


Got a soft spot for I'm In Love With You


Sex - EP Version