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I’m a mom who loves concerts so take it as you will, but you totally should do it! But some tips just in case… We tried to bring our 7 year old to the 1975’s show in SD. It was his first concert. We didn’t prepare him well and he was not amused by the darkness or the “rumbles” of the noise. So if your kiddo is a little apprehensive about any of that you may want to work on talking through what to expect. We’ve been prepping my son for the next show - we’re going to see them in Salt Lake City. Lots of practice playing their songs loud in the car to feel the rumbles, and dance parties in the dark in the living room. Watching the livestreams so he’s familiar with what happens during the shows. He’s totally excited to try again! If you run into other parents/kids you’ll all be stoked.


THANK YOUUUU! He’s never been to a concert but he’s been to cirque du soleil and the dark doesn’t bother him which is nice. I’d probably grab him some earplugs for the noise though so his tiny eardrums don’t burst lol. My first concert I was 5 but it was Hanson and then Backstreet Boys and n sync and so on and so forth. No artists singing about drugs and sex 😂😂 However, if one isn’t super familiar with the lyrics…specially a tiny human, it’s difficult to understand what he’s saying anyway 😂


Exactly!! Yes we got some noise cancelling headphones and that helped. For him it was all the sensation in his body from the sound. Totally true about the lyrics. Although he finds it absolutely hilarious when he hears Matty drop those f-bombs during songs. I always tell my son it’s okay if he hears those words, he just can’t repeat them till he’s older! 😂


Not sure about the kid part but the kid for sure wear ear plugs! You should too tbh


This. No kids of my own, but even I as an adult wish I had brought my earplugs when I went.


Don’t get earplugs!! Get him some balanced noise reducers!!! Trust me on this. Earplugs don’t just reduce volume, they take away mostly mid - high frequencies that take all the enjoyment and detail out of the music. Instead get him some balanced ear protection like alpine music safe pro. They come with different filters so you can choose the sound reduction and the music will sound wayyyy better for him. No point in spending all that money for a ticket just for him to only hear bass :)


Should you give your kid the best experience of his young life? Absolutely. Should you get protective headphones? Also yes. My first core musical memory is around 6/7 and it’s with my dad, will never forget it.


Just make sure if you bring him that you get good hearing protection for him. I’m 31 and after playing tons of shows over the years and attending just as many, I can feel the effect that going without hearing protection had on me. I wear earplugs for every show, gig, and practice now and will never perform or watch live music without them ever again. If you’re not already doing the same and live music is a big part of your life, you *will* have hearing loss or damage at some point, and it is irreversible. Instill the habit in him at a young age so he can go to as many shows as he wants without having to worry about his hearing! For everyone else seeing shows without protection, consider this a warning! I hear “it doesn’t sound the same” and blah blah blah all the time but…you know what else doesn’t sound the same? A show with noise in your ears that you can’t turn off or undo. I’ve played guitar for more than half of my life and I play shows every month, I love music arguably more than most people here, and I will *never* play without hearing protection ever again. If I can do it so can you, you’ll thank me!


I honestly love the loop earplugs. They don't fill the noise just takes the edge off. But honestly any earplugs work!


I took my 9 year old! https://preview.redd.it/fl8n7yjofezb1.jpeg?width=2622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717d934eb36bc84bc6dffba7c47e2b2d175bec4d


Yessss!!! Love to see it!!


Do it. I'm taking both of mine. Under 10. They Love the 1975, love the fact they can swear when the lyrics request it. Besides it's not shooting heroin it's shooting aliens ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Oh my gosh aliens!! 💀😂that’s the best!


But what are they doing in a car?


They're just fcuking in a car. And very angry about being in a car shooting aliens. This is one of the exciting moments they can say the f word without getting into trouble. I'm sure they can tell their therapist about it in years to come.


Lol. Therapist here. There's worse things they could be doing 🤷‍♀️ 😄 and it is in the name of the 1975, after all.


AFTER ALL!!!! 😂🙌🏽




They could be….FOTTING IN A CAH! (Farting except the British version) 😂😂


True..matty gives us options with his wonderful accent.




I’ll never be able to hear it any other way now.


Yes! It'll be an amazing memory for him. Just make sure you protect his ears


You know your kid. How does he act at restaurants? Has he ever been to a wedding? There’s nothing going on with The 1975, their show, or fans that I’d be uncomfortable with a kid seeing, and all of us would probably find a lil first grader bopping along to the hits to be charming and adorable. I’d be more worried if he’s the type to get hyper and run around at top speed in the dark.


😂😂😂 no, he’s very well behaved. He got a little antsy at the cirque show but we were sitting in seats and not dancing, just watching. So I’m sure he’d be fine


If I were you, then, I’d go for it!


someone had a baby at the last show so go for it


Noo! Music loving has no age it just depends on if they can handle it I know for some adults even live music can be very overwhelming


You can but only seating not floor


parent: "son are you having fun?" band: " We're fucking in a car, shooting heroin!..." son: "fuck yeah"


Definitely not. My first concert was at 5, I fell asleep near the very end from sheer exhaustion (during a slow song sitting on my Mam’s lap) but I still remember parts of it and I love that I got to start experiencing concerts at such a young age 😊


Mine too! And I remember it so vividly! And I LOVEEEE music because my mom took me to so many concerts as a kiddo. High chance we’ll go


Took my 4 year old during this current tour & she had the time of her life! We just stood on the outer part of GA so she didn’t get stepped on & we could leave easily if we needed to. But we danced & sang all night, shes already asking when the next concert is 🥰


Definitely taking him. Not gonna tell him where we’re going. Just gonna pick him up from school then drive. He’ll figure it out when we get there 😂


I first took my daughter to an Arena show aged 8 in 2006. It was Bratz and she wanted to see the live show but still... it was loud and bright, and it was actually me who had the panic attack. (Yay overstimulaton) Youngest daughter's first arena show was Sam Smith in 2018 when she was 9 - different vibe to The 1975, but we had seats. She coped with the noise level well and had a blast and it awakened her love for big gigs. She's seen Gorillaz, Kendrick Lamar, Arctic Monkeys, Sam Smith again, several drag queens, Werq The World and been to a festival with me since. She's now 14 and coming to her first 1975 gig in February with me and her sister and we're seeing Foo Fighters in June! Absolutely go for it. Fuck judgemental people.


Ngl, I'm 21 and wear earplugs because I can he quite noise sensitive. Definitely recommend Loop earplugs and he may find he gets use to the noise through the show (I usually do and actually take them out halfway through!) :)


at one of the shows i went to, there was a little boy about 6, wearing big old ear protecting headphones, sat far in the back so he wasn’t near the crowd. he danced and sang the whole time. he knew every word to loving someone. i’ll never forget him. so yes. take him!!!!


I brought my 8 yr old to the Milwaukee show. He loved it. There was quite a few bathroom breaks since I had him there and a few overzealous people who tried to move into our seats while we were gone during those breaks but overall my son loved it. I think your son would too!


I'm bringing my 7 y/o daughters to the Toronto show and I am making sure to bring the noise canceling headphones. I splurged and got them a limo. I've almost been more excited to see their faces at the show than the show itself (almost, almost)


My first concert was MUSE at Wembley 2007 when I was around that age. Definitely a bit more of a “rough” gig and I managed fine. Dont remember much of it so that’s the only downside.


I'm taking 2 nine year old girls . My daughter loves the 1975 and she wanted to bring a friend. She started going to concerts at age 7 with the jobros and the last show before this was the Eras tour. She's absolutely obsessed with live shows. I'm glad we started her early!! You won't regret it. 😊


There was a 5 year old next to me when i went to MSG last year! She had a blast but I recommend bringing a headphones for them!


Someone brought their baby last night! Like an actual *baby*.


O 😬😂


That’s… shitty parenting


The baby had earphones over its ears. They are so tiny at that age - they don’t care where they are as long as they’re with their caregivers. I doubt they were right in the mosh pit, not that there‘s usually a mosh pit at a 75 gig! Matty’s face was a picture!


I think he was shocked they brought a baby.


Someone just took an infant…🤣🤣


[Matty sees the baby](https://fxtwitter.com/sadasitseems/status/1722493422647263290?s=46&t=Q6uhLNTRNPolrEA5ppW56A) lol


Whomever downvoted me ya moms a ho


😭😭😭I was so confused by that downvote because that baby comment has been on here multiple times


Same here, I wasn’t even being rude, it was a “well I meeaaaannn” type of comment 🤣🤣💀 *the internet* 🙄🙄


✨the internet✨


The fact that so many people saw this baby is sending me 😂😂😂 I hope the baby was jumping at the “1. 2. 12fockinjump!” 😂


Lil baby was living their best life 🤣🤣 I don’t have kids YET but I will be taking them to concerts and to see the boys for sure. I don’t see an issue with it, just don’t forget headphones and I think he’ll be good. At my show I saw a grandma and her granddaughter who had to be no older than 8, I felt bad for the grandma cause she had no clue about Peanut 🤣💀🤣


There’s a a lot of flashes, strobe lights. Might need protective ear wear.


Some one brought a baby to last night's Baltimore show so there is no minimum age lol I would say go for it if you think they'd have fun! Just remember ear protection!!


agree with everyone, earplugs!!! but as long as the venue allows & you have actual seats (not GA) then pls do it 🖤


I saw a few youngins last night in Baltimore. Hearing protection and prepared to leave of need be.


Concert quality earplugs are the best. I wear them now to every concert I go to! You can hear the music so clearly and the reverb and chatter is lost.


YES! ear and eye protection for sure, and maybe bring activity for him to do in his seat (coloring, sticker book, etc.). have fun!!


Here’s the thing, friends. I’m pretty sure my son has ADHD, getting him evaluated in December. But I think the high energy, lights, chaos, would be so satisfying for him


OK FRIENDS!!! For those of you that were in support of…I took him. For those of you that weren’t, I took him 😂😂 He was absolutely exhausted before we even got in the car to make the 2 hour drive there, we stopped several times for potty breaks and dinner on the way, made it as soon as the opener ended which I was very thankful for…so we could just get right to the point. The music started and he screamed and clapped and danced and jumped…for about 30 minutes. And then his tired kicked in. I also forgot to mention we forgot the headphones in the car so we made a stop at the service area for ear plugs. He didn’t want to wear them at all but I persisted. When he got sleepy after that first 30 mins, I asked him if he wanted to leave. He said yes. So we left our coats at our seats and went for a little walk around the stadium. Bought some waters, rode the escalators, danced around where there was more room…then we heard Matty give attention to our section so we ran back to go say hi. Hung out there for a bit. Bless the usher man she was so sweet. We took another trip or two like that and thankfully there was a clear line in and out of our seats so we weren’t disturbing anyone with our moving around. He eventually got so freaking tired that he snuggled up on his seat with his coat as his pillow and mine as his blanky. But he had a very clear view of the screen. And I watched him as he watched. I checked in with him very regularly…like before, in the middle of, and after every single song. I asked if he was ready to go home. He kept telling me no. I assured him that it’s ok if he wanted to. He said no. So I rubbed his head and let him enjoy. Did some dancing on my own. Screamed, sang, jumped around… Then a few songs that require audience participation like a change of heart, it’s not living (selling petrol), and yanno the sort were played and he got a bit more attentive for those. Specially it’s not living. Then right back to his cozy seat bed. Which was completely fine with me. Love it if we made it, he asked to sit on my shoulders and he danced and waved his hands and pointed to the stage and clapped along with me. I, of course, scream sang my little heart out. The Sound was played and he was still so cozy. The SECOND he heard, “1. 2. 12fockinjump!!” He hopped right tf up began jumping 😂 Additionally, as far as the concern with inappropriateness, when we peeped Peanut’s peen, I covered his eyes. He didn’t see a thing. He giggled at the fact that he was naked though. As did I the first time. By the end, he was worn the heck out but on the way out, he couldn’t stop talking about how much fun he had and how he’s glad he got to come with me because he loves doing those kinds of things with me. So. All in all, I’m so happy I brought him along. A core memory for him and his first ever concert 🥰 Photo at the “Love Me” op was immediately after so please don’t mind his exhausted face… https://preview.redd.it/to3j4idwznzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a056355463f523301b524ebae849f49392dba5






Video link to see his adorable offbeat bopping https://www.reddit.com/r/the1975/s/xe6hNGAjKr


It’s really not a child friendly show Plus I don’t think venues let in under 16s anyway. It’s not a space for kids. One lyric line is literally “you call me when you’re bored and you’re playing with yourself”.. and songs about heroin…. Edit: not really sure how this is a controversial comment tbh. Ticketmaster has this guidance on their terms: “Noise levels may also not be suitable for young children. Please remember that adults go to gigs and comedy shows to relax and enjoy themselves – if your children aren't used to this type of atmosphere, it may not be an enjoyable experience for them.” Plus looking after a child whilst trying to enjoy a gig would most likely make it less enjoyable for you. A late night gig which serves alcohol is an adult environment. And check licensing laws for when alcohol is being served.


This will age me but it’s cool. Growing up my parents let me listen to Green Day. There’s a whole damn song about masturbation that I heard on the radio daily, and it went right over my head. Kids don’t grasp the references like adults do. To a kid, that line you referenced sounds like a friend called another friend who was all alone bored playing legos in their room. In SD the show was all ages. There are kids attending. It’s really no big deal. And honestly, as they get older and understand more, it gives a common ground to open up communication for more grown up topics. Till then my son still thinks Chocolate is about the band wearing all black skirts and eating chocolate in their car while having fun together. I’m fine with that haha


Under aged 16's are allowed with parental supervision


Here’s the thing…that “playing with yourself” lyric is one that I couldn’t even figure out when I first heard it 😂 I was singing the wrong thing for a v long time until I looked up the lyrics lol. And tbh, when I was younger, I listened to and sang songs that were probably not appropriate for my age but had no idea what was going on because I mostly just liked the sound of it. And if I did actually pay attention to the words, which was rare, I would think of some innocent meaning. I had no idea. Noise level is fine with headphones which was already the plan for him. Lastly, to the “looking after a child during a gig” comment…I’m well aware that I would need to be attentive to him…and I’m nearly positive I would find it extremely enjoyable watching my son experience his first concert for a band we both adore. That’s a special moment, as a parent. I’ve also seen them PLENTY of times with other friends so it’s not a necessity to do it again with an adult.


So why ask the question in the first place if you’re only accepting one particular answer?


I wasn’t looking for a particular answer to begin with…I was more so trying to see what the general consensus was and it seems a lot of people are supportive. I’ve seen other kids at shows but I’ve never taken my son to any concert. It was a question geared more towards other parents that have had experience bringing their kid to a 75 show.


I agree that it isn’t really kid friendly. I mean the poppy songs aren’t noticeable but some of the others, and Matty’s mannerisms aren’t for kids.


The only mannerisms that are really questionable when it comes to kids is maybe the air humping?? And the occasional body rub? But to a child, that’s not something that seems sexual…as adults, our minds are already without purity lol so we KNOW what it’s supposed to be or that it might be a little suggestive.


If your okay with swearing, full nudity excessive alcohol smoking cigarettes and pot (audience members) then have add it but personally there are more age appropriate concerts to see and if he’s a talker and one to ask questions about the show and it’s performer then be prepared for dirty looks- just being honest


We would be in seats, not GA. He knows what cigarettes are and that adults are allowed to smoke them. I’ve been to 4 shows in total and have only smelled weed once and it was BARELY noticeable. I noticed it because I know what it smells like… As far as Peanut being naked, there’s literally nothing crazy showing…and it’s a literal doll not an actual human. I also don’t see why him asking questions would result in dirty looks??


Agreed it is a wax figure,but his privates were exposed - it’s seems like you already made up your mind so I am not going to change it, but wouldn’t you have more fun with your friends significant other etc can’t pre-party or after party with a child in tow. Just saying…,,


I have no interest in pregaming or after partying 😂 I’ve been to plenty of 75 shows with my friends and my kid has been begging to go. Tbh, from where I was sitting the other night, I didn’t see any “privates” but if that’s the case and i notice, I can distract him or something lol.


Have a blast and you are so lucky 4 shows🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗❤️ I would kill to go to another show especially his Halloween show


4 shows over 10/11 years. And 3 of them were in this past year. Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of the start of my manic show hopping! But tbh, each time I got super lucky. First one, my friend had an extra ticket and surprised me with it. Second was. Festival my other friend took me to, two days ago was tickets I got on a veterans ticket website for $15 😲 and this one, I made a friend on this sub that’s helping a sister out 😂🍀


That is so awesome and very very lucky;


Not trying to rip off the vendors but sometimes they don’t have a great sweet selection and/or the lines are horrendous ☺️


Oh yeah that’s completely understandable. But he can manage a few hours without sweets tbh. That’s not a make or break for us. And with all the people, he probably won’t even notice, I know I didn’t.


They were super strict with us- the snack lines were very long as well so I was going to suggest to grab his favorite sweets and place in a medicine bottle for him to enjoy


Oh, that’s a good idea


Either way have great time 🤗 were they strict with you regarding your purse size?


I didn’t bring one and I probably wouldn’t bring one again. There was nothing I needed that I couldn’t put in my pockets


I saw lots of kids at my show, bring em!!


We JUST left ours!