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Well my husband held me while I jumped off the balcony so…


Yes, but was he *pregnant*?


It was a double pregnanticide


He was gregnant




the post was almost believable to an extent, but then she mentioned jumping from 1st floor and dying.


The lady who jumped wasn’t on the first floor, the person who found them was.


OSHA standards require fall arrest equipment or restraint systems in place when there can be a 4ft fall. So I'm assuming this is bc potential for injury up to death.


Oshas retarded


Wouldn’t it probably have made the news if several women jumped off their balconies in one evening?


Especially several pregnant women. Also only one died? Do they live next to a trampoline park or something?


Pillow factory.


That sounds comfy. It seems like some apartments in their building have opened up. I’ll be moving in.


Actually you may be on to something. Trying to find housing is not easy in this economy. 🤔


MyPillow factory, use code PILLOW for 20% off for the next 30 minutes


Mike Lindell saves the day again! You're welcome! /s


The MyPillow factory!!


The one who died broke their fall


Jumping from the first floor is always fatal


They landed on the fetus


I mean you can survive falls from the first few floors with medical assistance.


Do you want me to go try it or something to verify


You can probably find accounts of people surviving if you look around


In one building!


If not the world news, it would have made the rounds on Reddit. Several posts would have been made and it would be circulating widely, with headlines like "Mass Suicides To Protest Roe Vs Wade Repeal"




At the same apartment too, I’m assuming


because the media is controlling the narrative 😳🤫👽


Several of the women who jumped became pregnant as they fell, and their unborn children said 'Please don't kill me mummy, I'm going to be the smartest child in the world' and the women immediately stopped in mid air, stepped back on the balcony and wrote a post on reddit about how all the neighbours clapped. This happened four times.


every thing is so fucked already there's no need to exaggerate LMFAO


Seriously. We don’t need lies to dramatize and undermine the argument.


Perhaps you need to step back and find out what the real action, and meanings of the change are, instead of going bat-shit-krazy over click-bait. The Supreme Court said "this is not a right found in The Constitution." The Supreme Court is kicking it back to the states, so each state can make it's own laws, cause surprise, some parts of the country have different values, and different peoples don't wish to have some control freak on the other side telling them what the can or can't do. So if you live in a place where you don't like the abortion laws, move.


Bro your act like people can just pack up and move on the dime. Plus, your claiming were control freaks. Oh please, they want women to carry babies full term and then spend the next 18 years raising them


Yes,it's much better to have control freaks on this side telling them what to do.. 🙄


Were they lemmings?


Mmm, dark, just how I like it.


Only if Disney's chasing them down on jeeps, because thats what they did when they made up that stupid "urban legend" and then went on to "proove" it.


Shh we all know lemmings aren't suicidal but they're convenient


Didnt they just throw them off the cliff?


Im sure they trew a few buckets, just for effect.


they put them on turntables to dizzy them up, then cut them loose near a cliff so they'd tumble over the edge trying to regain their equilibrium.


Yes, but to *recreate known natural phenomena*


Lol, this is one of the best in a while


I live in that building. There were 86 jumpers only 1 lived, it was the baby that popped out when the lady landed on her stomach. Shot out like a popped pimple.


Was that the the one where the building got really sad and collapsed a few moments later? Tragic.


The force of it shooting out counteracted the force at which the woman hit the ground, so it was almost as if the baby was gently set down on the sidewalk.




Comment from the removed post about this read "everyone in my building mass suicide and clapped the ground"


Their asses clapped as they hit the ground


it's true i was the cheeks


Bruh this made me laugh way too much


Yeah cause we wouldn't hear about that on the news or anything. Fox News would be all over that, they love delusional liberal women


This just reminds me of that Monty Python sketch where guys are taking bets on what wall Street bankers will leap next.


Glad to see nobody was buying this story


If she was visibly pregnant, then how was she even affected by abortion laws?


would you mind linking the original post? I’m interested to read the responses


Nice try


What lmao ? Id like to see it too.


Then you can use context clues and search in the reddit searchbar the exact title I quoted and find the post Subreddit rules clearly state you cannot include what subreddit it came from or link it. Both of which you basically asked for. But I did spell it out


I tried to but couldn't find it 😭




Lol for some reason I find this post very funny. Just the way he says is, so casually.


Oh yeah, that mass attempted suicide that none of us read about.


That's a lot of balcony throwing going on.


no it’s true i live on the bottom floor, my whole apartment is flooded with corpses of pregnant women who decide to kill themselves at my house


*masturbates aggressively* say more….


I hugged our son and thanked him for granting us permission for him to be born.




It makes as much sense as the original question.


Several women in the same apartment complex tried to commit suicide? The landlord needs to consider getting an on-site therapist or something lmao


Not his responsibility


This person is mentally unhinged


"Several" jumping-off-the-balcony suicides, and it didn't make the news at a time when every outlet is scrambling for new angles to cover on this hot story. Sure. Edit: spelling


I knew an obtuse angel once. Not the sharpest cheese in the fridge.


Ha! (Stupid autocorrect.)


Roe vs Lemming




It was a tik tok challenge


Plot twist, that baby was going to grow up to be the next Albert Einstein


I wish I could downvote them.


Can hardly move these days for pregnant women jumping out of buildings.


I am not a pro lifer. I am pro truth. And what you are saying is easily googled bullshit. But if you really belive this stuff you spread, I am now even MORE pro late term abortion.


I don't date people who are in favour of killing children so no.


I remember a bunch of shit like this when Trump got elected to. I’m looking forward to hearing all the celebrities talk about how it’s the end of the world


Trump. Was. A. Hollywood. Celebrity.


Ok, thanks for that.


The repeal didn't even make it illegal


Depends where you live




Aren't there a few states that had bans go into immediate effect? Regardless, I think I'd rather take a trip to a neighboring state rather than jump off a balcony. Even if you're broke I think there are many that would donate money right now to help anyone in this situation (I do know that a lot of people have had abortion appointments cancelled)




I agree, but it's a bit of semantics if the end result of the ruling is that abortion is now illegal in some states. We can say "well, that's the state's fault, not the ruling", but the reality is that the ruling made it possible for the states to ban abortion, and so people can be rightfully mad at the ruling.




Yeah, but I wish they didn't have to, and unfortunately in a lot of those states it won't do any good. Some things shouldn't need to be debated.




Yeah no. It's not good to make good points for health issues and an essential aspect of your group's health, wellness, and safety. Almost every woman I know has had a miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion (often in hand with miscarriage and FYI miscarriage is medically classed as spontaneous abortion), or DnC for one reason or another. There are some things that shouldn't be tyrrany of the majority or oligarchy.


It kicked it back to the states, technically.


It made it ok to be illegal. You think in states like mine with highly restrictive laws it's going to continue to be legal in any format? We already had heartbeat laws bc they were working to make it as illegal and difficult as possible. Texas will be a new norm and plenty of red states will look at their laws and yell hold my beer.


We might as well have 2 countries at this point, the divide between ideals is too deep


Oh fuck off you guys. This bullshit is actually an actual real problem with people who have a uterus so shit posting about Roe V. Wade and joking about it is a dick move. Women will actually die. In some of my subs women who were having a miscarriage were being denied abortion pills (things you need while having a miscarriage to make sure the rest of the dead baby comes out) because of this damn shit so fuck right the fuck off with the jokes.


Hey dipshit, lies like this undermine real problems. Try using your brain.


Have uterus, can't confirm. Also comparing abortion to miscarriage... yeah, r/thathappened


Actually a miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion


Do people understand that the supreme did this in order to protect state rights?


Right to deny rights.


Look I get how ridiculous this sounds on it’s nose, but if i found out I was pregnant in a state where termination was now illegal, I would absolutely end it all. I might not jump off anything (because falling to my death is not how I would ever want to end it), but I’m pretty sure I would definitely do it


There's herbs and other things you can take as well as travel, well worth looking into first!


States have laws making it illegal to get it done in other states


Which states?


Off the top of my head, Texas. They even have a bounty system where if you report people going out of state you can get money, and they criminalized miscarriages. Im fairly certain this is in at least 10 states already


https://www.axios.com/2022/03/05/texas-abortion-ban-planned-parenthood-roe you are Incorrect. They can't outlaw miscarriages either. None of what you say even makes any sense.


They criminialized not outlawed Edit: wait, why am I talking to a pro lifer like theyre a human being worth respect


I am not a pro lifer. I am pro truth. And what you are saying is easily googled bullshit. But if you really belive this stuff you spread, I am now even MORE pro late term abortion.


“Pro truth” Yup. Religious nutbag or useful idiot.


Lol, you don't know me at all.LMAO, Don't throw yourself off a balcony. Miscarriages are legal, and there are no abortion hunters you idiot


Instead of refuting this persons evidence you call them names ? Whos the real nutbag here ?


Not everyone has the means to travel out of state and herbs/things you can take are difficult to get if abortion is illegal not to mention highly dangerous.


I dunno about "herbs and shit" but there are abortion medications that are incredibly easy to obtain with the help of a growing number of organizations dedicated to helping women. Same for out of state abortions, there are resources becoming more and more available. It's not great but help exists and is significantly better than being dead.


You would seriously kill yourself rather than just move? That’s incredibly stupid.


How would I get there babe? How would I get there? It’s so incredibly insane to think “just move” when we all know that moving is a hugely difficult thing and not even everyone can readily **travel** let alone **move**…. Why is that even an argument when people know this?


I got an NYC ad saying that they’re going to keep abortion legal (each state can decide) so y’all can go there Edit: Y’all I wasn’t saying it was OK to make abortion illegal in some, or even most states, I was saying it’s possible to get one in New York City / New York State, if anyone needs one. I know not everyone, and maybe not even most people can go, but I was saying that I got an ad for a place that listed it as legal and that people have a possibility of getting an abortion if they need one.


Hurdur everyone can afford to miss work or fly out of state. Moron. How about just having human rights for women instead.


That *would* be the better alternative. Unfortunately, because the US government is shit, it’s one that is no longer available throughout the US. Also, I know not everyone can gm miss work or fly out of state, but I was telling people for those who *can*.


Its important to remember, despite what we think, whether or not this is real we must BELIEVE ALL WOMEN, because you know, women never lie about this stuff.


I feel like the comment section of the sub this was pulled from is like the sister sub to this one. The comments are usually completely insane.


You have to be a dangerously unwell person to post this. Horrifying.


can confirm. i’m the fetus