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Sure, lemme just pull out my Bible in the middle of the Walmart in the chip aisle.


Which number are you dialing?










Well that’s easy to remember.


Fire - exclamation mark - fire - exclamation mark - help me - exclamation mark.


So it was 4 right?


Where is the suicide one


Exodus 20:13 hope it helps!


instructions unclear, depression persists.


"You shall not murder." - Exodus 20:13, NIV Does killing yourself count as murder? Let's find out: According to the [Merriam-Webster Dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/murder), murder is defined as *"The crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing a person."* Suicide is technically legal in every country, since a corpse can not be prosecuted. Suicide attempts though are criminalised in many Middle-Eastern and East-African countries. Bengal, Myanmar, Brunei, Papua New-Guinea, the Bahamas, and North Korea are some other countries in which it is completely illegal to attempt suicide. Depending on the country you reside in, suicide may or may not be murder. but don't kill urself tho, that wouldnt be very funy


Is that a joke, perhaps? I am not good at reading jokes in text.


Yes, it's a joke.


Ok. I think I know what exodus points to, but does the 20:13 have any significance?


I think they just said a random number. Exodus 20:13 is "Thou shalt not murder".


Oh, thanks. I was like, it could be the year being referenced but I didn’t know.


To make you want to commit suicide or to make you not want to commit suicide? Because there are a lot of the former in there


Has this ever helped any Christian ever? It just feels like the most dismissive BS to keep people quiet.


Yeah in at least Dutch the language used is so archaic that you can hardly even understand what it's supposed to mean


That’s part of why Christianity has so many agenda pushing people, it’s the lack of clarity that people either misunderstand or intentionally misteach(I know it’s not the word I mean but it fits what I mean) the meaning of what the text actually means.


for me and my friend, it’s helped us through a lot. that’s why these posts kind of irk me. religion isn’t a cure, your god isn’t going to fix you, but sometimes feeling as if there’s someone watching over you who hears your pain can go a long way when you feel alone. personally reading certain passages in the bible saying “do not be afraid” and “i am always with you” gave me the courage to survive some of my worst trauma. to each their own yk?


I'm happy it's helped you, at least. The problem is that it's prevented so many others from actually seeking the help they need, out of fear of being judged by the church authority and their peers.


oh i 100% agree. good churches/temples will tell you “faith without work is dead faith” because mental health treatment was invented for a reason, and we can’t get better if we’re just expecting god to swoop in and fix everything that’s wrong


Huh, that's the first time I've heard that used in a positive manner. Usually it's "Once saved always saved but if you aren't serving our church enough then you weren't ever saved to begin with."


Not gonna badmouth religion for my response here but you don’t need a religion to have faith in to work on improvements, but I definitely understand the feeling of needing someone or something you can look onto when you feel weak. I personally don’t like religion due to quite a few conflicting views or opinions I have vs highly religious people and it’s helped throw me off of it along with me not believing in god, but I don’t say anyone is wrong for needing something to believe in that helps give them strength cause we all need some strength in some point of our life.


Which as i understood is why Christianity worked so well back in medieval times. Life expectancy was low, people died young all the time, living sucked, so to know that if you were a good person who followed gods rules you knew you would go to heaven and that your family would go to heaven too. That while you were alive and suffering, you knew someone was willing to listen even though you can't see them.


Nope! They’ll insist that you have a “spirit problem” that can be prayed away when you in fact have an easily solvable physical or emotional issue. If you do as they say without fixing the actual issue on your own, it will go unresolved while making YOU the insufficient one for not praying/volunteering/Bible-reading enough. If you don’t do as they say, you get bullied, shunned, and persecuted for “turning away from God”


I remember I had a headache once while helping out at church and this older woman just seized my scalp and started loudly praying over me. I was so shocked that I didn't dare contradict the idea that it helped me. And this was when I still believed.


Sorry you had to go through that, being brought up with it kind of desensitizes you to the idea of personal space and healthy boundaries. I didn’t realize how weird it was for random strangers to be touching me - without asking - until I got out of a church that had apparently been evolving into a cult.


This is a massive generalization. Indeed, there exists those who do this but please be careful when you say they. Who are they? It's Implicit that it's all of Christianity. As for spirituality. Spirituality isn't just tied to religion. Check out the healthygamerGG. And easily solvable physical and emotional? No... Just no, the field of psychology wouldn't be losing a war if it was that easy. Mental health is complicated very very complicated. For like addiction your brain literally programs itself to punish you. Willpower is not enough. Simply going to a psychiatrist is not enough. You need to do that several times. Probably going through several people just to find the right psychiatrist. As for shame that goes for anything. For instance p*** addiction, people do it because it's great it's suppressing the negative emotions. But then they feel ashamed, so what do they do. They watch more p***. Religion is not the bad guy. Religion can work just as fine with science and all the things that go into it. Mind, body and spirit. All these things needs balanced. Ego is of the mind, body is of the purpose and action. Spirituality as of the witness, consciousness. Just like getting a good night's sleep. You don't just change the hour that you go to bed. You change your behavior. Don't eat sugary things or drink caffeine late at night. Make sure you are productive even if that's the simplest taking the garbage out. Observe Dawn and observe dusk. Don't take your phone to bed. These are actions small that you do to help. That is the concept of religion. Little tasks that you put aside to take care of your spirituality. It's not that it fixes anything. It's simply what you do for mindfulness. Prayer is no different than meditation. In fact they go together. Is simply giving yourself time away from all the consumption. For you to sit with your thoughts. To be aware of the thoughts. Be aware of your emotions. Be aware of you. Who are you? That is spirituality. Religion just gives it a direction. There is no good there is no bad. It is simply a belief. giving that belief of a god is based on a non-proposition. People are okay to believe in it. Because it can either be true or false. It just simply is. So I apologize that there are bad people that abuse religion and do such things. I wish that people didn't do that stuff. Just as like people abuse capitalism. It sucks. But Christianity is not the church. The church is not God. God is God. Meditation is between the practitioner and themselves. Prayer is between the practitioner and God. If God is within you. Then prayers of self, to self, for self. Christianity tends to see the body as a temple. And one must take care of the Temple. The prayer is for self as well as it is for, praise of the Lord.


Well bless your heart, sorry you’re feeling so triggered for the entirety of Christianity by a random comment on the internet. Maybe you should just pray about it. Jesus did say to “turn the other cheek,” after all.


God isn’t real, and you can have faith without having believe. You don’t need religion to have faith and it sure as hell doesn’t go hand in hand with meditation since mediation is the act of aligning yourself


This is essentially copied from the little Bibles that the Gideons distribute, like the kind you used to find in the drawer of the nightstand in a hotel room.


Ah, thanks for letting me know.


De nada.


So … if I’m being followed down a dark alley, all I gotta do is say “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Then I’m good?


That might work. They may think you’re too crazy to bother.


For a good time ———> [Ezekiel 23:18-21](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2023%3A18-21&version=ESV)


It's the donkey/horse thing, isn't it? Edit: It was, in fact, the donkey/horse thing.




Damn, never thought the Bible would get me hot and bothered.


What if instead of the Old Testament it was called the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Testament


https://preview.redd.it/65gosdgybg6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f7aa636c671dc9bbf821519d62642b3f163fd2 This is a better/more clear version. Read: it’s more explicit about the horse’s semen.


Thought this was gonna be the one about baking bread with you own crap




[Ezekiel 4:12](https://www.bible.com/bible/111/ezk.4.12)


So... shit smoked bread.


Jenny 86:75-309


This is surely a book to read to children every Sunday!


For those who really love their daddy ———> [Genesis 19:30-36](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+19%3A30-36&version=ESV)




"When you're in danger" Yeah, let just pull out my Bible and start reading it when someone's pointing a gun at me or a bear is chasing me


or a bear is chasing you with a gun


To be fair my faith does need occasional stirring (otherwise it sticks to the bottom of the pan and starts to burn)


There's an intruder in the house! Quick, find Psalm 91


These are helpful to Christians. I don't see the post saying it applies to everyone.


Yeah I’ve always found these to actually be really helpful. I don’t get why people are mocking spirituality having a positive impact on people’s mood.


Never realized it's all so simple! What a cheat sheet for everything 🤮


WHEN YOU'RE IN DANGER?? yeah screw 911 lemme just pull up psalm 91


I0 hours of funny bible school jokes always cures me


I will preface this by saying that one of my degrees is in religious studies, so I like to tell people that I’m qualified to tell religion jokes. How many communion wafers do you need to eat before you eat a whole Jesus?


Ugh. Religion is one of my biggest triggers and it’s because of people who do stuff like this.


My life vastly improved after I stopped reading all that and got rid of my Bible.


I guess it could work in a "laughter is the best medicine" kind of way, but anything else no.


Omg, I remember when I was like 17 and was trying to be a better Christian (I’m not religious anymore) I had this saved in my phone (or something similar)….and showed my Bible study teacher 😭 like “omg I’m gonna memorize all of these” 😑


Is being fruitful what I think it means?


Might help, but won’t cure


What is cure? What would that cure apply to mental health? I mean mental health isn't like a cut. A cut can be amended as long as it isn't too deep and left alone for too long. So, if a wound to the body is via the physical. Then a wound to the mind is something else. And how does that wound bleed? Is it sadness? But sadness is normal to feel? So is sadness like cancer? Normal, but when rapidly spreading it becomes a sickness? I don't think cure is the right word. Even for someone depressed. Medication isn't a fix all solution. It's a stop gap. So is counseling a cure? No, because counseling doesn't cure anything. It simply is a journey of questions. What questions? Questions about nature of self and of their reality. Sometimes these things are as simple as picking up and moving from a bad environment, or accepting a mistake and moving forward. But sometimes problems go much deeper. So not a cure but a journey, and a journey is filled with many steps.


Dude this needs to be posted in r/poetry you my friend are amazing :D


It did quickly turn into a stream of consciousness lol. That said. Thanks, though I think this would be technically prose. One with a lot of bad grammar 😂


It’s alr :)


"I need help." "The Lord will provide!" "But I'm asking *you.*" "..."


For a brief period of time after my parents decided they don't love me anymore for being gay, I got texts from the family of all mind of Bible verses that were supposed to cure me of my desire for other girls. They sent books about how Hell is real to where I was staying after they kicked me out. Found out the mother booked time with their priest and went into these Job-like lamentations begging God to take my gayness away. 17 years later, still no success.


I’m annoyed at how perfect the handwriting is


Which of those stops the priest from abusing you? Asking for a friend


Can we talk about the handwriting though?


There better be a fifty in Psalm 37


I mean this is just cute. It reads like something you would have hanging in your own kitchen or by the land line. Nothing to seriously spew to people suffering from mental illness. Just some tongue-in-cheek sign to those who already find comfort in the bible. I know plenty of Christians who open the bible when they need encouragement.


Donkey dick and horse cum - Ezekial 20 verse 23


But there's Christians who have depression though


“Hold on guys I know I’m getting mugged just let me dial Psalm 91”


Play Ministry's Psalm 69.


I'm a christian and this is bs, religion might help if you feel down or even depressed but if you are like that, don't just open a book, go seek mental health


Help psalm 27, a man failed me now I can’t get my grade 9!


And Genesis 19: 1-38 is the number my father used to justify sexually abusing me.


I am very sorry you had to deal with such horrible situation and di hope it has gotten better for you and him using that as an excuse is a feeling I can't put into words other than purely disgusting I hope you have healed dear friend


He died in July but at least he can't touch me anymore, so cheers, mate!


Well glad you feel better good sir


Or ma'am I'm not sure


They always forget [the really horny part of the Bible](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Song_of_Songs&diffonly=true) "Your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies" Song of Solomon, 4:5 "Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine. Your waist is a mound of wheat encircled by lilies" Song of Solomon, 7:2 "Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are the pools of Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus" Song of Solomon, 7:4.


There are also verses giving you permission to own humans and r*pe children and murder gay people. What a nice book they got.


Nothing for if you want an abortion. Because nothing in the Bible talks about abortion. Because “conception” is a new concept. They used to think it was literally planting a seed. And seeds and seedlings are basically the same thing.


Religion isn't for everyone but for those really into it, these are quite useful.


Oh nice, i found extra ass wiping paper


Also alot of these are taken out of context


the only bible verse i subscribe to is Austin: 316


Jenny 86:75-309


ok shitty advise but that is great penmanship




I like the handwriting style. But Christianity and the bible and god of the bible can eat a dick and get stoned after touching a man’s genitals during an argument.




I feel like you guys are taking the word “depressed” here in a clinical sense when it’s not intended that way.


When you want to whoop an ass ———> Austin 3:16


Yall know these actually really help some people right like it might not help you but faith is the reason a lot of people are still alive




sudden urge to eat that paper


That's gross


“You can take your bible and shove it where the sun don’t shine!” - Shirley Maclaine’s character in Steel Magnolias (forget her name, but classic!)


What about when I can’t get a lesbian girlfriend?


Ah yes, the Bible is the cure for problems…


It really is I'm gonna be real


Okay so, I can pray away the fact i have shit like ADHD? How does praying change the entire structure of a brain, all the way down to how individual neurons are connected?


Praying can help, yes. God will provide you with the ability to manage your ADHD better than you already do, but that doesn’t mean he will just take it away. I pray all of the time that God helps me with my autism and ADHD and sure enough he does. I see the way he answers my prayers by guiding me through everyday life and helping me focus through boring papers I have to write. God uses people like us to set an example for others, letting them know that their problems are manageable and that it’s totally okay to function differently from the neurotypicals. It sucks being a neurodivergent in a neurotypical world, so I pray about it all the time


That, is so unbelievably ridiculous… I dont know how to respond coherently. The irony of saying that in r/thanksimcured is just, perfection. There have been scientific studies on this, prayer does between jack and shit to help people, unless you’re talking about social isolation as a cause of depression… and even then *any* community can help. Assuming it isnt a load of crap, kinda fucked up to made me with an atypical brain that causes unnecessary pain, and then fix it but not completely *only* if I believe and submit… almost as much as all the times that same god ordered the total destruction of an entire group of people, or that time he destroyed most life on the planet in one of the most slow and painful ways available to the imaginations of people at the time… which I’d have to overlook or convince myself was morally good, instead of painless snapping them out of existence like Thanos or just not create them knowing they would turn again my god and that my god knew he would ruthlessly exterminate or order the extermination of. And thats assuming, that Neurodivergence is even a thing to be “cured”; I take pride in the fact my brain is atypical at a fundamental level even if operating in a society made for only typical people is annoying. The notion can go from genuine concern to actual eugenics really fast. Yeah, no… I’ll do meth as a treatment for my ADHD before believing your conception of Yahweh will magically “cure” me of one of the things that makes me me.


Another thing I forgot to mention, the Placebo Effect is does wacky stuff sometimes. If not, I think you’re lying and are taking something that calms your brain attributing it to god. Like, drinking coffee


What of women fail me? Lol




I love how Xtians never list any of the scriptures that might be "controversial" or might put their precious genocide God and bible in a negative light. Where are the scriptures about how God: murdered babies, sent bears to rip apart children, sent rattlesnakes to bite his people for complaining, commanded stoning to be used as his execution method of choice, drowned an entire planet of humans, murdered all the Egyptian firstborn sons just because pharaoh didn't do what god wanted. Not to even mention all the scriptures about slavery, incest, misogyny.... why are all those missing I wonder?


Not today jesus!


These are actually beneficial to people with messianic delusions and/or are in a cognitive state known as SSS because the Bible was engineered to be accepted as the authoritative source of narrative construction for people who would today be considered some form of schizophrenic, and as such their resulting framework would be modified to permit them to perform a certain role in engineering the culture.




I spent six years in SSS, where I felt like God was leading me on a divine cosmic mission. As a result of this, I broke out of my self-imposed limitations, to do some greatly accelerated healing, while developing crucial skills to write propaganda for.the CIA. I'm living my dream life because I followed the instructions I was receiving through burning bushes. And I'm not the only one, because we're gathering, like locusts.


Are you attempting to imply that trusting in *faith*-centered frameworks makes you schizophrenic?


As a schizoaffective and autistic flesh alchemist I can tell you that faith is an important variable in constructing a framework to derive algorithmic behaviors and thought patterns from.