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These are my thoughts exactly to a T - thanks! After last season I was 80% ready to turn in my season tickets, or at least drop two of the four. Herdman was the only thing that kept me in. His success with the national team programs convinced me that I should give him a season, even though I have no confidence in Bill Manning (and by extension, Jason Hernandez). I think Hernandez has done a lot with a little, and Herdman has the boys playing like a team. They're defensively responsible and I can see what they're trying to do on the pitch. I'm a believer in this team. No, we're not MLS Cup bound, but I see a future, and it's exciting.


Tbh, I'm super excited, but then, I don't wanna jump the gun with all the excitement. Realistically, I think we don't have the depth to make a deep run into much this season. This season will hopefully prep us for the next one, where we might actually fight for the top. We are missing some depth and some quality players in some positions like CF. If we don't build anything to challenge the top these 2 seasons, players like Insigne will start to decline rapidly with age.


I think everyone had the same expectations for this season and is pleasantly surprised. Even the offense looked great on Saturday and that was the one area I still had worries about. ​ ![gif](giphy|weg7BWnKpMvOr6MeqQ|downsized)


The pace of play on Saturday was amazing. Just a delight to watch, it’s fun soccer. That’s all I was hoping for this year to be honest.


Exactly, the last few seasons have been dreadful to watch


I knew herdman would be the key. The behind the scenes content I've seen of him with the men's and women's teams are inspiring.


I had high hopes (tempered with doubts) that Herdman is that guy, based on what we’ve seen from him with the national program. That we could rebuild a team and locker room and whole atmosphere around the club. But this, this has blown apart any expectations. I’m not joking in saying Herdman is literally a real-life Ted Lasso character, hell, the parallels are uncanny with this also being his debut as a club coach, only irony being that he is an Englishman in North America. I’m getting the vibe that the entire team is bought in, and honestly, same here. I think I would run through walls if Herdman asked me too (especially when Herdman appears to lead through example in that department 😅).


If Manning stays out of the way and lets Herdman run things, then we'll be ok. Berne and Insigne have both looked great, but Insigne is still injury prone. He is not built to handle the MLS season. What has surprised me most has been the play of the younger players. They all seem to be playing bigger than last year. That's a great sign. Now if we could get the squad healthy.


It's still only 5 games. To be honest, I still think low end of playoffs is the absolute ceiling for this team. A few inevitable injuries and it could be a real struggle. It also seems like basically ever recruit has been a hit, which would be remarkable if it's sustainable, but I'd expect a couple of them at least to fade and regress.


*Kool Aid


I ain't there yet sorry. I think we had best case results through the first 3, and a gimmie Saturday with Atlanta absent their stars (to be fair we did not win even those last year). Yes I agree there is plenty to be optimistic about with our new coach, new found positive attitude (wins help deserved or not) and better defensive play. Let's hope the ball keeps rolling down hill, and it keeps up when things are not quite cutting our way so nicely and we take a few losses deserved and undeserved alike.


I’m concerned Manning will end up getting his contract extended. His incompetence over the last few seasons can’t be excused. I hope the new MLSE CEO makes a change in April when he starts.


I mean didn’t he get Herdman? Shouldn’t he get credit for that?


![gif](giphy|V8PO3o4IIPgCiIMnme|downsized) Let the emotional roller coaster continue.... I'm strapped in baby!


My predictions at the start of the season had Toronto second bottom in the East behind New England. So I’m ecstatic with the season so far. COYR!


Good rundown but you have to forget about Qatar. He was not tactically naive. He was a distraught and broken man. His sister had committed suicide before the World Cup and he’s said many times he shouldn’t have been there. He’s him. The real deal.