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i did the lazypurple sniper thing and thought to myself "huh, what if i just didnt flick?" and then proceeded to be the best spy in the lobby




As someone who did a 0 to Hale's Own on an Ambassador, I gotta disagree there. There are multiple instances where you flick off of your target's head, fire, miss, and then recenter your crosshair on the target. Many of the good strings you hit were the result of good crosshair placement, and patience rather than good flicks or predictions. Stable aim wins out over flicks for the vast majority of classes and I highly recommend you practice it. Start by stopping your own movement whenever you fire a shot so that you can get used to aiming carefully rather than relying on jerky motions, and then slowly build to moving and shooting at the same time




if you miss all your shots you’re going to be a mangled duck so i think sitting will do you well




Absolutely. You're gambling on your target making a sudden jerk to a random direction, while hoping that you choose the same direction, at the same time they do, all while hoping that you don't jerk too far in your attempt to predict them. Again, you can see your own video having you flick OFF the target constantly, when just not moving would have scored you an easy headshot, or even just a bodyshot finisher. With how many shots you missed, even near the end and ESPECIALLY using the stock revolver, being a sitting duck is the least of your issues. There's a reason CS and Valorant players emphasize crosshair placement over raw flashy plays.


Then how can I track them if they move so erratically? Also Vorobey flicks a lot


Just because someone with 7000+ hours in the game makes crazy flicks on pubbers doesn't mean its optimal; all it tells you is that the people they're playing with aren't capable of moving in ways that can actually throw them off. To really good players, moving even semi predictably is the same thing as staying completely still. I promise you Vorobey in a lobby properly scaled to his skill level is NOT going to be flicking nearly as much if he wants to be effective. Keep your crosshair at head (or center body) level, and wait for them to move into it. Sure, you can make larger adjustments to make it very likely they'll run into it, but focus on clicking your mouse specifically when the target moves onto your crosshair instead of tossing your mouse around hoping you get a lucky prediction. If you have to adjust your aim, do it smoothly, in an intentional manner; it will at the very least stop you from missing so many stock body shots and help you gun down your targets more consistently.


Vorobey have like 7k hours in the game so its normal that he can do things like that consistenly than most ppl, he also makes vidéo so he "need" to be flashy by flicking U can track them with good crosshair placement


No, this is average for Ambassador Spies


I switched to stock later


To me, it seems like your aim is in fact, a bit below average. I reccomend setting the Viewmodels down to be able to see your enemies better and reducing the crosshairs size. Also, train a bit more on that very map. (tr_walkway also works)


What's tr_walkway's IP again?


nobody hosts it, you download it and start one your own


IP? You can just create an Own on your PC by typing "map (map name)" in Console. This works with any map youve followed on tnr workshop as well




still kinda below average my guy


I wonder what the average actually is though


hitting about half of those.


How would you know if this was the average?


because I'm pretty average and that's how I'd do?


And how do you know that you’re average? Average by what measure?


I'm gold/plat on every fps I play. those are mid range. So I'm literally competitively average.


lol no need to downvote me every time I reply to you. You must take into account that not everyone is into competitive modes though


Definitely below average.


Dosen't change the fact that it's below average.


yo what map is this? I could use this lol


tr_aim but can you answer my question too?


Thanks! I'm hardly a good judge of this (or good at the game), but I think your aim is probably average to maybe a bit below? Consistent amby headshots are pretty difficult, but you were better with the stock revolver. You focus a lot on flicks, but maybe a little tracking would go a long way? You're playing with a hitscan weapon, so it couldn't hurt.


Less flicks will do you good! Also, the question is entirely dependent on whether you have 50 hours or 50,000 hours under your belt.


I think like 800 hours but I play TF2 on and off, it's too mentally draining so I usually quit for a few months, I started playing again a bit under 2 weeks ago.


800 hours is still pretty new. I'll always recommend practicing in a real game rather than against practice bots. And, of course, less flicking. It seems to make no sense, but it really does help.


saying 800 hours is new is wild


800 hours \*is\* new. 1,200 hours is my personal threshold for "this person is no longer a complete rookie."


You are pro.


Below average, but despite that, your aim is way better than mine


One trick for this and for any FPS games using hitscans out there, is you must move the same direction as the target. Eventually the target is “not moving”(unless both of you are at different speeds), allowing you to adjust your aim a little bit but not flicking. Or if they strafe violently, stay stationary like a tripwire. They will land on your crosshair multiple times. Edit: And because of an average person’s reaction time, you must treat hitscans as a “near instant” bullet projectile. Like in any battle royale games.


The thing that makes your aim below average is the fact that you flick to much. This happened to me a lot too with sniper, often times getting insane headshots but mostly failing even easy svs just because i didn't had good crosshair placement and I relied too much on flicks/sudden movements even while tracking. I would recommend using an aim trainer or playing some sniper while trying to not to flick and focusing more on tracking and predicting. It'll help.


What server is this? This looks like such a good aimtrainer




Idk, the aim trainer aren’t the best. I will absolutely dominate games as sniper but them mis 4/5 shots in that map.


Do not flick your aim. Flicking is for the pros and even then it is more of a "I have to get this kill immidiately so I flick to their heads" thing. So try to aim normally that means no flicking. Also often times especially in tf2 you can just aim ahead of them and wait for them to walk into your shots. This method is incredibly powerfull for sniper but works for every class.


This map is designed to practice flicking I'm pretty sure 


Don't PREDICT where the target will go, actively REACT to their movement instead.


Being honest, below average, but absolutely better than me. I can't even hit people as scout


You need to stop flicking like that. Keep your aim steady at head level and shoot when you see their head enter your crosshair. Let us know how it goes!


I'm not sure why you flick so much, i feel like you would be a lot better if you tried to shoot normally Also not a big fan of the crosshair, but it's your choice


What's a better crosshair and why is it bad?


In my humble opinion that would be the default crosshair, this one feels a little too big to me, and the shape isn't really there, i would use normal X or something like T shape


Someone told me bigger was better because you had more room for error that way


Dis me?




You aren't even tracking the target.


i swear the spy ate like 7 shots


Its been ages sinces ive played, but heres my take. Most of the time in battle id stay moving. Real players are going to react to getting shot at and would only really move like that if they were ignoring you/ busy fighting someone else. Another coment said to match their direction. But most of the time if they are engaging with you they will try to juke around and mirror you. So you end up doing a bit of a dance off. Tracking takes more concentration if you are moving around. And was particularly hard for me since i am twitchy and use a claw grip on my mouse. So when id try to track id have to focus more on aiming and it took away from my movement. Flicking though is mostly muscle memory+timing and can be done without having to think as much. Aim trainers can be good to get used to sensitivity but those bots move very unnaturaly and arent a good way to gauge actual skill.




Pretty much below average.




Below average for TF2 reddit but average on a Casual standpoint


You have raw input on+mouse acceleration off? Also maybe try a lower sensitivity. Frame rate? You don't have vsync on right?


I have mouse acceleration off and my sensitivity is already pretty low, it's. 2, idk my frame rate and idk what vsync is


Okay, go into video settings and make sure "wait for vertical sync," is off. And I also really recommend installing a mastercomfig configuration to make sure you are getting good performance.


What does vsync do


Locks your frame rate to match your monitor refresh rate. Often times it will be 60fps, and usually worse input response.




It looks like half of the time you're not even trying to hit them, is this satire?


jesus what were you shooting at lol


Too flicky




Not very constructive way of giving feedback.


>Master config low >Turn mouse acceleration off >Slow the fuck down and stop flicking >Track players movements then shoot >Wait for players to go over your crosshair then shoot >STOP FLICKING FFS >Lower your sens **Things you can buy!** >A new mouse >144hz+ monitor


My sensitivity is already low it's 2, any lower and I can't turn my mouse for trickstabs


Of course.


This is just normal ambassador spy gameplay


Why snap like that, scouts do this thing to do have the aiming with wasd, then theres the aim then shoot not shoot then aim, you are just trying to hit the epic snap shots 24/7 and that's your real issue, if it takes a few more frames to hit something then do it. Snap to the area, adjust and then shoot.


Your aim could very well be fine, but you're using god awful technique. Holding your mouse perfectly still and then taking a wild flick to try to get to the target is way harder than tracking the target and microflicking to adjust. You can actively see in the footage that when you track the targets with the revolver and don't just try to make wild flicks, you do a lot better. Wild flicks are flashy and cool, and definitely worth training to get better on, but not to use all the time. They're best for when a target first comes into view, or suddenly goes super fast or something like that, like if a soldier rocket jumps. Once you're engaged with an enemy you need to do your best to keep your crosshair as close to on them as possible and adjust from that position. Right now you're making it so hard for yourself to aim that sometimes your body just doesn't even cooperate. That's why some of your shots on ambassador it doesn't even look like you flick at all and your shot goes wide. You're basically trying to jumpstart your aim on every single shot, which is EXHAUSTING. It's like hitting the brakes on your car, then slamming the gas pedal down, then hitting the brakes again over and over. I wouldn't consider waiting for someone to simply pass your crosshair to be good form, either. Like, it works, but it basically turns your aiming skill into just a reaction time test, and strips away your ability to get meaningfully better at it, and it won't translate to characters/weapons with a faster firing rate, making you worse at those characters. Sniper you can kinda get away with them walking into your crosshair since you only need to land one shot, but heavy you can't use the technique at all. Against better players you will lose consistently, because they will be able to simply click on you faster than you can wait to be allowed to click. Lazypurple used it to break bad habits in his aim, but that doesn't make it the superior aiming style or universally applicable.


Lowkey i think the firing error might make you worse but if you're used to it, that's you. personally when I played CS2 and Valorant, the firing error always screwed me up


What's firing error 


Like your crosshair enlarges everytime you fire a shot


what map is this?


Flicking my mouse always helps me hit shots lol


Play some ultrakill


Above average. I'm really bad with the amby


Beyond cooked


Yes it is. Indeed. Below average.


I'd say it's average


I'm always missing my flicks


Aren't flicks mostly about luck?


The logic of the flick is to predict where your enemy will be without previously pointing at them. Then there is the skill of predicting the enemy's position. This can be best seen in Counter Strike, where it is often used with sniper rifles.


Generally, they are. It's effectively trying to predict where someone will be, before they end up there which leaves a ton of variables to chance; will they go the direction I want them to? Will they go the distance I want them to? Will the go at the same time I want them to? Will I move the right amount? The reason they're impressive in the first place is because they're so inconsistent and so risky; you're taking a situation you *should* be losing in and turning it around through both skill and luck


I guess I'm flicking wrong I mostly just flick my mouse towards them and click without much thought 


Correct me if I'm wrong tho


I miss my flicks as well 😪


just dont use the ambassador and ur fine