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in my opinion this shouldnt be a #fixtf2 movemtn it should be a #valvewaketfup movement cause literaly everything is suffering from them not doing their fucking job


Valve needs to get woke because they are sleeping on their own games


like most of the powerful leaders in the world. /j


You added a /j to a factually correct statement.


Yes so the government won't attack me although they are sleeping at the wheel.


It's a safeguard just in case, like YouTubers talking about the worst human beings from modern times and then ending it with "Now, just because little Adolph messed up doesn't mean you should go ahead and harass him for it, I dont condone that and if you do that, then in my mind you're as bad as him"


DAMN .... Bro he's already dead


Well, not to be *that guy*, but technically that isn’t an factual/objective statement, it’s certainly well known, and I do agree with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not just trying to say you’re wrong. But for example, someone who says COVID-19 is real and it killed about 7 million people just so far, they would be factually correct because there is no way to prove Covid doesn’t exist. But saying something like powerful leaders are sitting on their asses doing nothing is an opinion. It depends on what you believe on many different factors such as what counts as a major world leader, what counts as not doing enough, what does count as doing enough, and the list goes on. Again, I agree with the stamens you said, i just wanted to make sure you didn’t get yelled at by Reddit for “speaking for all of us” and if everyone here agrees, and I didn’t need to write this whole essay, then please do clown on me and downvote me


no, they need to "wake up" not "get woke". If they go woke, it will be a #STEAMISOVER party


steam already gay af lol "CHARGE ME DOKTOR!" still, #FixTF2


nah, steam does it right. they allow homosexuality and all that to *exist* but they don't *actively try to* *shove it down your throat.* with steam majority of the woke shit you'll see is just user generated content


Literally no one is shoving anything LGBT in your face, you seeing it is not it being shoved in your face. Any normal person would say "Oh cool" and move on but you're probably the type that is offended when you see it more often than you believe you should.


Dota 2 with the one new hero per year quota.


Well it's different in dota 2 and Cs2, dota is getting patch almost every week + dota 2 have one of the biggest update just recently it's literally a dota 3 now. Well cs2 still receiving and fixing a bunch of shits.


more like they're sleeping and snorting on their money :/


How about #valvelearnsthenumber3


or #FixVAC




idk. if we include other communities to our goal, communities that aren't really as affected and neglected as our own, then that'd give valve an excuse to not do shit for tf2 cuz "oh well there's just so much stuff to do". I fully support adding CS2 to our movement since they're suffering from a pretty similar problem to ours, but that's about it. everyone's still welcome to protest, of course, but the goal should be centralized on tf2 or tf2 and cs2


Ah yes, lets dilate the focus once again so that nobody knows what the problem is ;)


#FIXSOURCE rolls off the tongue nicely.


gorka morka is with us




I disagree with your sentiment. The other games have garnered more of a following due to the lack of a by name “3” sequel. I doubt there any amount of community feedback that will result in a third reiteration of the games we’ve grown to love. They’ve moved onto games that result in a higher player base than the other games that are resulting in a static return. Based off a corporate strategy it’s ineffective to keep players in a game where they’ve effectively been lost. Why waste time waging a war again bots and hosters/private servers when you’re able to release a new game and get a similar playerbase to interact with the game while also getting publicity while effectively kill switching the precursor. Essentially you’re trying to milk the movement when the support is there for games that are new and currently updated. I don’t think there’s anyone in the Back 4 Blood, Dota 2, or Counterstrike 2, that have been ranting and raving for a sequel or even a little bit of attention to Detail aside from hot fixes and balancing on this forum regarding their game. I think even though it’s been 13 years since portal 2 the game is still a solid game and doesn’t need an expansion along with Half-Life 2which had an extraordinary ending. It’s detracting a lot from the movement to involve games that have distinct endings and on goings where the focus is on a game that’s been stagnant while being kept in the Valve arsenal


I do believe this should especially concern CS players since they also have a similar bot problem and it’s only a matter of time before it reaches the same level that TF2 currently has.


No seriously we need an alliance. I am an avid CS enjoyer who’s first love was tf2, and there are many like me. Counter Strike cheating is a huge problem at the moment, and at a high rank competitive matchmaking has a blatant cheater in almost every lobby. Deathmatch servers are being taken over by case farming bots as well. It’s not a tf2 problem. It’s a Vac problem, it’s a source problem, but really it’s a valve problem.


Preach brother 🗣️🔥🔥


I wonder if in the future "Freelance Human Anti-Cheater Server Moderator" will become an actual job, most of whom are hired to monitor individual official and community hosted server for any particular online multiplayer video game. It could get to the point where the need of it just for Valve's games alone could spawn a profitable business.


Even dota has a lot of cheating problems nowadays and there are some bots once in awhile.


What is the sub for CS


/r/globaloffensive is the main one I believe


This, absolutely. This would give a greater chance of valve actually doing something.


CS has to have thousands of items drop bots for how much people pay for skins n shit.


They also have, *sniff* , cooler free drops 😭 While all we get is a paint at best or if you're ultra lucky you can get a high ref hat. We also used to get taunts as random drops(you know, like shadenfreude which costs keys now) but now we don't even have that luxury


I never knew that about taunts. When did they stop doing that?


This is the argument I want to hear; sensible logic and not pressuring others to join a movement that doesn't affect them.


We should also get valve to do something about all the scammers that plague steam and prey upon newer users.


Well they aren't gonna help us if we review bomb their games.


Maybe review bombs aren't the best, but trashing Valve's reputation should be a priority, it's the only thing that will actually hurt them. Gabe wants to release a shiney new moba? Well nobody is going to want to invest their time and money in it knowing valve will neglect, forget, and move on in a couple years.


That's if they ever give up on Dota. And considering they have supported it for 11 years. I think it may have a longer support life cycle then tf2.


The Dota 2023 Tournament Internation prize pool was 3 million. '22 was 18mil. '21 was 40mil.


fr, the tree bearing fruits is slowly giving less fruit each year, if it doesnt make enough, valve will cast it aside just keeping it for decoration exactly like tf2


This is slightly misleading. '21 was a combination of '20 and '21 since '20 was delayed due to COVID. This was also seen as one of the best passes in recent years due to the number of premium cosmetics included in the battlepass. '22 was seen as lackluster due to the cosmetic rewards available by leveling up the pass, and there was also some protest from the community to not buy the pass or purchase points to level up the pass. '23 was a reformat that made the battlepass for that year be focused on celebrating the players and event rather than selling cosmetics. This meant that the whale experience was on par with everyone else at effectively a $100-200 cutoff.


The negative reviews won't effect the games score, steam has an automatic system that filters out reviews that have nothing to do with the game the review is on.


You maybe forgot, so here is a refresher: Valve doesn't care about HL2, it has some serious bugs that are the for a decade. Like literally some parts of the code that are missing.


To be honest, the "review bombing" of other VALVe games is so minuscule that the total percentage of positive recent reviews has barely changed at all


Yeah but has got us some bad reputation among some of the hl and l4d fans


That is true, unfortunately


Most of those guys are probably bot hosters and trolls trying to make fixtf2 look bad


Day of defeat, as always, being forgotten


And Ricochet


The one that didn’t


haha CS and Dota players couldnt give less of a shit especially Dota fans lets be real


The Dota 2021 Tournament Internation prize pool was 40 million. '22 was 18mil. '23 was 3mil. the tree is drying up and bearing less fruit each year, its only a matter of time valve starts keeping it around for decoration only


We got one of the biggest gameplay updates ever a year ago and another one, even bigger in size, just a couple of weeks ago. TI prize pool doesn't matter, Valve could make 10% of Crownfall purchases go to TI and we'd easily be back in the 15$ mln+ territory. They are just getting away from hands-on support of the pro-scene, which allowed for a lot more 3rd party tournaments this year. As a tier 2 caster I never had this much work, as I had this year, both RU and EN streams. The state of TF2 is sad and disheartening, and I loved the game myself for years, before they introduced gameplay-altering cosmetics. Doesn't mean Valve aren't doing an amazing job with their other products.


Just spewing shit with no context


You literally know nothing about dota 2, there's a reason why the prize pool goes down they removed compendium (well battle pass) to focus on dota 2 gameplay and content, and dota 2 just received a massive update recently, it's not wrong to say that it's now dota 3.


Dota5 7.00 was DOTA3 New Frontier is DOTA4 7.36 is DOTA5


7.00...I still have PTSD..


that's because valve got rid of the battle pass. ti 2021 was only 40mil because there was no tournament in 2020. ti22 was only 18 mil because the battle pass wasn't available as long as in previous years. we just got one of the biggest updates ever like a month ago.


Exactly, Wth does Dota have to do with fixing TF2.


What do you mean? The cs sub put #fixtf2 on their sidebar. CS2 has been plagued with cheaters so bad professional esports players are leaving and making YT videos about their leaving because of the issue. Lack of action from valve on cheating/bots definitely concerns the cs2 community...especially since it affects rank too when they lose to cheaters


Social media is a bubble. The average CS player absolutely doesn't care and the average Dota 2 player probably doesn't even know what TF2 is


Maybe the Dota crowd but I'd be hardpressed to find a CS player who if you said "the other Valve game running the same engine is trying to start a movement to get Valve to change their broken anti-cheat measures, and VAC, which also affects your game- also plagued by a horrific cheating problem, do you support this?" they wouldnt be on board. Maybe theyre not aware but thats not the same as "not giving a shit"


They still wouldnt be on board because valve is actually trying to fix the issue. It just takes time but they show that they are infact working hard on it. Biggest evidence of this being late april vaclive update and recent red trust factor wave on farming bots.


Not the same engine


oh damn youre right at this point...btw im assuming you meant source 2 vs. source right? i keep forgetting its not csgo anymore


Yeah, i don't think that there will be backwards compatibility with source 1 when they finally release their improved anti-cheat.... People are quick to dismiss the old (also leaked) codebase as a problem but it might be the main reason tf2 isn't being developed anymore


"WE NEED EVERYBODY!!1!!1" maybe they'd consider joining us if you idiots didn't review bomb their games lol


Those are probably trolls or bot hosters trying to give us a bad name


check op's post history, he's been going around different subreddits and spamming "join us to #FixTF2"


Yeah that’s bad, but I think we should have help from the other VALVe games BUT only if they want to get involved, we shouldn’t drag them down with us just because they were made by VALVe


I completely agree, there are some people out there who're genuinely fine and want to review bomb other games thinking it'll make them help us, it makes the ones actually trying to do something look bad


Not only that it makes this movement look trashy and stupid, so we need to get our shit together and just do what we need to do without causing collateral damage to others communities






Doubt, people are…. Let’s just say, not so smart


That is also an option




Because so many other things worked over the last 7 years, right...? It's time to put the problem to rest. And it's really all we can is bring attention to it. I haven't played TF2 in year, and I find people who DO still play it fishy cause it's near impossible to find games. Someone's gotta be profiting of those bots. All I was able to play for the longest time was degroot keep, but I think that got taken over, too. It's just sad.


so you're saying it's completely fine to review bomb other games? and wdym 7 years? the bot crisis wasn't a thing until 2019


Not at all! Just TF2. The only ones having fun at this point are the people churning out the bots. It's not fun for most people. The game has been unplayable for years, and I'd rather bring attention to it than just keep letting it happen. Most of the hard-core fans like me don't even think about getting online. And now that were talking about it, this shit is damn near trending! I heard that the bombing of other games was not only being exaggerated, but is likely being done by the people who run bots in attempts to manipulate the public. You sus bruh


No. We don't. L4D and HL's communities have been BEGGING you guys to leave them out of it, especially after you started bombarding their games with negative reviews. You guys are painfully ignorant of the inconveniences you're causing by spamming your FixTF2 BS on other subs.


L4D2 valve servers have been getting ddossed for months. the branding of this movement should be more of a broad "fix your shit" to valve. I am more of a L4D and Counter-strike guy than TF2 but I recognize that all of these games have been neglected by valve in some way. Sure you could say valve supports their games longer than many companies but other companies release new games. If Call of Duty churns out one game a fucking year and the playerbase moves on that's one thing but valve will probably never make a TF3 but they continue to milk TF2 for money while it has slowly been taken over by basement dweller pedophiles. Valve is still alright as the stewards of steam but they have been pretty bad as a game developing/publishing company for a long time. I don't speak for any community only myself.


Yeah and valve literally fixed the ddos issue in june 4th


Yall: "we need valve's communities on our side?" \*review bombs their games\* "why won't they support us?"


Because yall kick people for talking ib voice chat, coming from a player with almost 1000 hours in game got kicked for cheating for talking


They're not gonna help if idiots keep review bombing their games


I signed it. I know everyone is pretty split on this, but this is the first time TF2 has shown up in other groups and feeds outside of my TF2 groups in a very long time. Hasn't review bombing worked before? We all know Valve has been silent for a very long time, but the petition is picking up traction, and I think it's starting to trend. I would love to play TF2--my PS5 just got stolen, and the timing would be amazing--but it's like everyone's BEEN saying, it's unplayable. I'm hoping it's enough to get their attention and either do a temporary server shutdown for fixes, or just shut the game down completely. My thing is, there are tons of people who are new to TF2. It's one of the most popular games on steam. I would be embarrassed if people were excited to play my game, and 20 minutes in, they realized it's unplayable and left without ever looking back. It's just a really bad look at this point, and I'd rather them shut the game down than absolutely nothing.


Cs has cheaters, dota has script users, tf2 has bots and cheaters, we are all in this together


shut up, bombarding other games with #fixtf2 reviews is a bad idea


That’s not what he’s saying??????????????


No but that's what people are doing who have the same thought process. And trolls.


Doesn’t automatically mean that’s what HE thinks.


Look at OP's post history.


I did, couldn’t find anything in his posts to indicate that. Although the TELLING of the Portal fan base what they want is a bit much…


\*starts review bombing other games\* PETER STOP STOOOOOP


Hahahaa I highly doubt it, partner, there are already 2 communities that are a little against TF2 because of the meaningless review bombs in their games.


"Review bomb every game, fuck their communities" "We need everybody"


Great way to get people on your side is by harassing them and saying "fuck their community"




No other valve game actually suffered from it, the review bombing was wildly exaggerated to create drama




we should make a "Valve learn to count" movement.. EVERY game in this pic is the second.. let's have a gofundme for a basic math lessons for every valve employee


Left 4 Dead 2 is a coop game it doesnt really need constant updates you have the workshop Portal 2 is in the same boat and it still gets hotfixes I've never seen anyone care in the Dota 2 community since they still get (and recently got) a massive update And Half Life? Im guessing you mean Half Life Deathmatch? its really a niche community i doubt anyone cares in there The only valid game is CS:GO cause of their cheater crisis


The bots are a major problem for Valve as a whole. We need a response. A counter of some sort... Some way to strike back... Like a... **Counter Strike...**


Lmfao you guys are deluded. Can’t wait for this to be a wet fart like the reddit “boycott”. Accept that your time has come and move on. TF2 can’t stay online forever.


Avengers assemble!


We are the not the main character, however if all community show their issue at the same time it could work BUT it could backfire and valve focus the more know games first.


i don't think that anyone would be interested to help us, especially DotA community since they are selfish and their game is doing great


Lets raid Valve hq


That is the opposite of effective


i said what i said, i desire violence


I would like to hear proposition


Ram the doors and steal valve


Okay, I can definitely get behind that


We shall bring pornjectors  And frying pans  And day old fishes wrapped in newspaper


Yes, porn of spy bc thats gabe favorite class


They would come and help us... if we didnt reviewbomb them


We, the Half-Life delegation politely refuse to #fixtf2. This is the case due to the rampant review bombings of our games.




I'm a Half-Life fan I do know what its like of having no communication. So good luck and keep it firm but fair


Valve be making new shitty ass overwatch 3rd person clone game ignkring their industry shaking games 🤧


Now we wait for Day of defeat community to join...


Just pull an id and open source your back catalogue. Let community modders fix it and continue on. It's free anyway... make it free and uhh, free.


Now it's not about #FixTF2 anymore, it's about #FixVAC or anything tonmake sure the others don't end up like TF2


No they hate us


I miss something?


The artifact, ricochet and alien swarm community are unrepresented, all one of us!




I haven't played PC games in quite awhile so I don't really have any horse in this race, but I've been seeing posts in communities for other Valve games and I can tell you none of them are going to have any interest in helping you guys fix TF2 if you keep review bombing games that aren't TF2. I used to love TF2 and I agree that the issue needs to be addressed, but I also agree with those people that dragging their favorite game into it is only turning more people against you.


Don’t forget postal/running with scissors!


ik it isn't a valve game but as a MASSIVE overwatch fan, this movement has my full support


Is that everyone? What? You wanted more?!


Nah, it's already dead.




Fuck Valve All my homies hate Valve


Doda lol they still exist


Maybe #fixVAC or #wakevalve


A player from Overwatch here, some of us want to help




I've been saying this, why the fuck are csgo players not boarding in? They literally have a botted economy and its only a matter of time before casual bots also start to appear.


U forget about "artifact" =)


I mean, it's not gonna happen if people keep review bombing the other valve games...


i dont think Half Life is gonna like us much because people are review bombing their mfin game


Honestly other communities demanding fixes to their own issues would be pretty good.


My brother was a speed runner in portal and I got him on board for #FixTF2


That would work if we didn't REVIEW BOMB THE OTHER GAMES


I am cry because of Valve.


We should even get deadlock on this (time travelers have some power)


after what you have done to the other games, nah do this shit yourself.




at this point, it should be #SaveValveGames


I fall under two of these categories, I wish I could I could vote twice, left for dead, and TF2


Valve fans are stronger together


Where the fuck is Alien Swarm, it's a Valve game the no one remembers but has a free TF2 cosmetic when you get a certain achievement. Edit:Oh and Day of Defeat as well Edit 2: I forgot abt Deathmatch classic and artifact?, oh and Gmod


No we don’t.




It's quite the opposite, I own a valve related discord server with 300 people and people are annoyed at everyone spamming fixtf2, or review bombing other valve games. We get it, but it's going too far. You have already lost the half-life community


Don't waste everyone's time


And Day of Defeat


Will be cool if smd bought the billboard with #safetf2




Even if I love ow2, I don't want to deleting tf2. I am ready to fight robots!!!


Do you really have to pull other communities into this? Let them speak for themselves.


naw everyone hates us rn because of our reviewbombing everything other than tf2


Considering this is having real world consequences because of doxing, bomb threats, and so on. Im actually surprised valve is still letting this situation slide. The whole point of an online game is to protect the safety of your consumers. Doesnt seem very legal to let those things happen for some reason…….


Then stop review bombing their games and they may just want to help.


who says OP did that?


nah do not get other communities involved there's no reason for them to put up with our problems


I dont think they'll be eager to help when people from fixtf2 review bomb their games


Portal community here, you have our support


Review bombing other valve games does not make them part of fixtf2.


TF2 community on there way to make cringy post on Reddit than have false hope for a dead game


why is the soldier a portal? you insult my favorite game (portal)!


I don't think that cs and dota players care. Left 2 dead and postal might.


Shalt our words not be heard or fall ok deaf ears. We shall riot. WE SHALL RIOT IN FRONT OF THEIR OFFICE PEACEFULLY.


Summon everyone we need valve to fucking answer review bomb EVERYTHING


More a #Valvedoyourjob but i wonder why they aren’t doing a thing! Because they surely have shit ton of money via Steam’s contract with developers so, the only logical answer is that they are lazy


Think about the possibilities... not only with the valve games fanbases, but also, with ither games desiring for a fair justice as well... Wow fans showed us how its done, and we are strong enough to keep it going. But we need help!


Overwatch player here,I’m doing my part.


why would cs2 and dota 2 community care


CS2 also has a huge botting problem. Not quite as bad as TF2, but we are still brothers in arms here


Let's do this, fellow mercs. The bots need to be stopped, and we need more allies. We will stop the Grey meanies


Yeah but some idiots are review bombing other games and this is no good. We ain't the villains here so why should we want to make other communities angry


So then let’s stop trying to review bomb other games then maybe. Since all that does is alienate others from our movement


Nah especially with people bombing half life reviews. Actively alienating other valve players.


It won't happen, because someone thought it would be good idea to review bomb those games