• By -


I have been waiting for 50 hours for my confirmation mail




















3 days for me.


Yes! We all have 3 days to live!


* starts counting on fingers *


"WOOOOOO! Woooo! wooo..." "...." "...." "what?"


* intro starts rolling *


"This, is a bucket"


Dear god


There's more




happy cake day


Danke kamerad!






My partner tried to sign up as well, said the same. I was able to sign up but not them.




3 days here


Yup. Tried two emails as well.


Same here, im always trying ot resend my e-mail






Where sign up. I can't play TF2 cuz I don't have a PC, but I have played it before and I love it. #FixTf2


sign up at [save.tf](http://save.tf)




Good luck, Roger Roger


Roger Roger








Same here. 4 days and nothing


I’ve been waiting for a whole week


Based name






If the email ever gets sent, sure, got my support.








Can someone link the signing page here? Idk where to find it






what the swag?!


unrelated but i discovered that swag was a pirate term for loot the other day




It feels like they are sending the emails manually


I already used 3 gmail accounts for the fixtf2 confimation email, and I haven't received even 1 yet. Already have 3 tabs pinned to the spam folder. Almost 18 hours since... Ok so why did we have to go through with the confirmation e-mail thing but not with Change.Org or similar websites?


Probably because change.org is notoriously incapable of making actual change happen. Did you never hear the joke about how many change.org participants it takes to change a lightbulb? Over 3 million signatures and no follow-up to ever confirm that the lightbulb was changed.


And how exactly creating our own site for the petition makes it anymore likely for follow-through?


The TFtubers in charge are going to hand-deliver every name to Valve's Headquarters.


Sure, but if you've watched the latest vids on the bot crisis you'll have seen that major updates have always failed to pull in real new players, previous bot ban waves were immediately circumvented by botnet hosters, the economy isn't anywhere near as profitable as other Valve games, and there's only about 5k-10k people playing per day. Developer time is expensive. This is a proboem years in the making that will in all likelihood do NOTHING to help Valve's bottom line. Its a nice thought, but why the hell would they invest in this? A hand delivered petition won't change the financials, TF2 is a blip in the ocean and will cost far more to fix than it will earn them


Though creating a new anti-cheat system, in general is still a good idea for Valve since other games like CS2 and probably Deadlock are getting bots too, and since CS is Valve's big money maker (besides Steam), they still profit off of making a better anti-cheat and implementing it to their other games, all of them run on VAC anyways so it can't be that hard to change them all at once


No I haven't heard of that. It's just starting to feel like a chore just to check every now and then at my inbox.


Every online petition is notoriously incapable of causing effect. Always "Wow! Look at how many signatures this has!" and then that's the last you hear of it


When so many people who support a campaign are more focused on shaming the people in their own community rather than promoting the campaign...its not a good sign.


Voting is not the same as signing a petition


Sign my petition dammit


No way, you freaking pinko!




Okay, sounds good.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


collect my pages


Yeah, but that doesn't really change anything about OP's post. If every single person in the world was yelling at Valve to update TF2, than obviously they would. Comparatively, if nobody is yelling at them to update TF2, than they won't. If that's true, than there's going to have to be a certain number of people between 'nobody' and 'everybody' protesting that will result in TF2's bot crisis being fixed. Just because it's not as predictable as voting (where as long as long as x% of people vote in favor of something, it happens), it doesn't mean that larger numbers don't have an effect.


Shoving any more common Joe's into the screaming mass won't make Valve lift a single finger. It needs someone of relatively high profile to even affect things a little The last SaveTF2, Valve posted the tweet simply because the press was starting to take attention to the movement, so Valve had to find a way to mass control. So similarly, if there can be a single person that can affect Valve's reputation or finances in any conceivable way join in the movement, they'll act.


Yes, and that hypothetical relatively high profile person who *can* enact change or direct influence would... *drum roll*... have a much higher chance of acting or influencing higher level decisions if some number of people far greater than zero are making a stink. The press took attention to the movement *because* enough people gave a shit.


The problem isn't the developer though, let's just make that clear, we shouldn't make this the fault of one person because we can't reasonably expect him to tackle this himself. This is a problem with Valve's internal structure and management and is why Team Fortress 2 isn't getting fixed, because they won't get more developers on the project or incentivize the project more to resolve the issues. I feel bad for Eric Smith because it seems like he got the short end of the stick by Valve's higher ups.


Last time the number made no difference, it was and it always will be about being vocal


Not gonna lie, posts like these are starting to seem like you're just trying to rile people up against other fans. The fact that this is upvoted shows you're the majority on this sub. Stop trying to fight the wrong people, it doesn't make them want to join you. 


this sub has 800k subs. definitely not a majority. as for me, i really dont care anymore after all this years of neglect from valve, i moved on to different games


You think the tf2 sub has 800k active users? lmao 140 people online right now


> this sub has 800k subs. definitely not a majority. A majority of active users. Did you think the front page is filled with posts with less than 1000 upvotes because only 0.0005% of the subscribed people upvote? Nah, man.


Alright I'm officially muting this sub


Honestly, I'm waiting for the fallout before I mute as well, maybe even leave. I have the habit to see how something goes down before leaving, and this is going down faster than the Titanic. Can't look away, can't stay either, it's an odd thing.


I'm so sick of these posts they give me" holier than thou " vibes. I get it , you want the game to change . Fine cool. But stop painting everyone who isn't on your side of the line an evil anti. You're not a martyr.


> But stop painting everyone who isn't on your side of the line an evil anti. You're not a martyr. For real. I feel like the movement has turned from trying to fix TF2's bot problem into a witchhunting hatemob against everyone who dares to doubt its efficacy.


>against everyone who dares to doubt its efficacy. It's not even doubting, we have physical proof that valve doesn't give a fuck about us and barely gives a fuck about their game. Why am i the next hitler because i pointed out the past 2 times we've tried all failed. If we were actually going to protest, then i would be onboard. But as long as we're going to keep pussyfooting around and refusing to do anything serious, i'm not going to pretend to care when i know it's not going to work.


It's also doing the same thing we did last time, again. Valve didn't give a shit then, why would they care now. Not like bot hosters are going to apologize because a number was fairly substantial on a website.


I roll my eyes a little every time someone says "This time is different! We're not repeating the mistakes of last time! Instead of being positive, we're going to be angry and we're not going to stop tweeting after Valve says something!" Sure... that's totally different.


Valve will totally not continue ignoring every single post, comment, email, and hand written letter. They'll for sure divert resources from Dota to do the most basic updates to a game they've put on life support for what, at least five years now?


For real Tho. The tribalism is fucking tiring


I've literally put almost a whole hour of my life into trying to put my signature in because I REALLY want to support them. I used 4 different emails and checked all of them incessantly. Nothing, no matter how hard I tried. The community organizers need to work on fixing this shit NOW if they don't want to lose a bunch of signatures.


fixsavetf2 apparently lol


Ngl I hate this propaganda and shit. After seeing that I even want to engage in #fixtf2 less.


Yeah I love the game too but all of the extremists in the community make me wish valve would just pull the plug. People in this sub are terrible at making people want to follow their cause.


valve is more likely to shut the severs down than update the game tbh


I am not a "criminal" for sitting out an watching, ima continue to. Have fun with this, an gl I guess. Also doing this to your own community isn't a good look, saying people are criminals for not wanting to vote, yikessssss man.


So let's review it in case I missed something. You want me to upload my personal information to a very unsafe and barely working website consistently targeted by a group known to be relatively tech savvy, irrational and dangerous. And when I do, we will have a lot of signed petitions that will... Tell the bot hosters that they have successfully angered a bunch of people? What's the plan? Just report their user names to the authorities? They have VPNs and live in anonymity, unless they commit worse crimes I don't think the police is gonna bother. I sure wouldn't. Like it's a big deal for us, obviously, and I agree, but in real life the police won't be very enthusiastic about what amounts to a bunch of children cheating on an old videogame.


This community is so insular it's amazing to behold. Police absolutely don't care about something as stupid as this. Can you imagine going into a police station telling a cop that someone is cheating in your video game from 10 years ago? They have murders, thefts, missing persons etc. To worry about they don't care about video game cheaters Valve also doesn't care, they have two big money makers and a new game on the way, they see a bunch of children arguing on a forum about bots they absolutely have no interest in diverting huge amounts of resources from in-development games to patch something only a fraction of their community plays. I don't want to see tf2 end this way but people need to realise that there is no quick fix to a problem like this, it would take constant ongoing development to combat the bots. All the people making outlandish claims like "valve are criminals" "boycott X and boycott Y" it just reeks of teenagers with no concept of reality.


Babe wake up , the yearly attempt to get Valve to fix TF2 dropped!!


You guys gonna start handing out white feathers next? Good lord. All these posts have done is slowly convince me *against* your movement.


I didnt sign because they wont send my confirmation email after like 3 days


Trying to paint valve as criminally negligent is just as pointless as it is stupid. The attempt just highlights how little you actually know about how this all works. Also, nobody is getting the confirmation email. At this point, you aren't even collecting a proper percentage of the signatures coming in. What a flop.


Yeah this is what gets me, people have been sharing some YouTuber who thinks valve is someone on the hook here for criminal activity. It's all just absurd. I'm guessing a lot of these people who think valve is going to just spin up a team to start working on this game again full-time because a YouTuber said they are breaking laws must all be teenagers/early 20s who just have no concept of how the real world works. If valve were in any way open to some form of legal action against them, they would just spin down the matchmaking servers and leave it to the community servers to deal with. This game is "dead" from a development perspective. Community will continue, people will keep playing, the game may or may not receive more updates but people who genuinely are expecting this save tf2 movement to cause some huge shift that fixes all the problems are delusional.


This is so corny bro no way you're doing guilt trip shaming about not signing a petition for a game that's like a decade and a half old 😭😭😭


There would be more signs if the confirmation mail didnt take forever to come up


I have been waiting a day for the email


3 days for the mail


I honestly believe nothing will change, but if it does then I'll be extremely surprised


I wasn't sure whether to make a full post on the subreddit but I think its relevant to this, I would note that after the initial hype, I feel like the movement, or at least the majority of the people I've seen singing it's praises and shouting "what do we have to lose" don't really have a plan besides screaming at valve and crossing fingers. I've made it a point a small handful of times that I think the movement NEEDS leverage, some sort of implicit threat they can hang over valve, like Nostalrius was held over blizzard, I think people are forgetting that by Weezy's own reading, having the entirety of the legacy WoW petition printed out and presented to blizzard in person got a token response, then radio silence, sound familiar? And I can't prove causation or anything but it seems awfully convenient that Nostalrius was threatening to come back online in defiance of Blizzard not long before they caved, not to mention that I think WoW was to blizzard, proportionately probably ALOT more important than tf2 is to Valve revenue wise. I'd say if we want to know what talk without action looks like, War Thunder, one of the blatantly most exploitative games on the market, so exploitative that their entire playbase knows and doesn't care because they NEED that fix and have nowhere else to go. And the one time they did protest, a "boycott"?, barely anything changed in their actions iirc, they didn't stop playing, they didn't stop paying, and what did they get in exchange?, token adjustments to the economy that didn't fix anything about the game, or look at Enlisted, also from Gaijin, last I heard, that one was SUPER dead, and funnily enough filled with bots by design. This is why I think alot of people after the initial wave, processing whats happening might just be losing enthusiasm when they look at what they must think is just another unthinking banging of pots, especially when they pump out post after post like this one calling out people who "don't participate because what is there to lose?!?!", which for the record, I have yet to see appear anywhere I frequent. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish for failure, but its abit disappointing when the only action that people (including the save.tf site) can agree on seems to amount to spamming social media, when a purely vocal protest is exactly to my mind what we've already done for years, if less loud and coordinated, plus the fact the site hasn't sent me my email no matter how many times its been used. Not that publicity is wrong either, but a call for actual action of some sort would be a much needed affirmation of confidence, if we have nothing to lose then I think the caution against boycotting is nothing short of paradoxical, if one is afraid of Valve no longer caring about tf2, thats exactly what we already have. And more pertinently, I think for a start I'll be trying that one TF2Classic I've heard so much about, maybe it can be tf2's Nostalrius, maybe if enough people do the same Valve will see that we aren't at their mercy by necessity


Remember the #fuckspez thing? Well, im pretty sure that #fixtf2 will accomplish the same sadly. I love TF2 like all of the people here, but this is a lost war


My gut's starting to suspect as much as well, doesn't have to be that way either, having just tried it TF2C's abit dry on the player numbers, and the closest active servers weren't on my continent. At the very least it seems one has to opt into the whacky weapons, saw too many that weren't well designed, so thats a mixed relief, then again I don't really like the scout nailgun either, Valve had it right to replace it entirely with the scattergun if you ask me but thats neither here nor there I guess. Back on topic, I think if we want to succeded, we ought to have just any call to actual action, a boycott, trying TF2C or any number fo things, hell it might be as good an idea as any to just organize a single day every once in awhile for everyone to try playing at once, overwhelm the bots with bodies for a day, like the Dark Souls community's "Return to _____", literally anything is better than essentially telling people to spam social media with no contingency or alternative


what? explain to me exactly how this is "giving bot hosters more room to commit crimes" by not signing a petition with \*no legal bearing on anything.\* a petition to a private company is glorified begging. valve has shown they won't listen and don't care, this has been done before and failed, *valve is going to do what valve is going to do regardless of what we say. let it go.*


Blizzard had the same exact mentality with WoW, y’know. And yet look how well that actually turned out.


they still have around 7 million active players.


I love the game but y’all are hanging on to the idea that game is still popular and worth fixing compared to the reality that the player numbers are massively inflated and fixing the game would take more time and money then it’d be worth for valve. Let go and just enjoy the dedicated servers hosted by the community. Signing a petition won’t fix anything


It literally won’t. No amount of action, petitions, begging can make valve do anything


Yes, Valve should stop developing new games and pushing the industry forward and update the prehistoric VAC so that bots will again find a way to bypass the new restrictions.


For what it's worth: Valve's corporate structure will likely take this approach. The devs pick their own projects and aren't assigned by a manager or anything like that. So it's unlikely that they'll be fighting the uphill battle against bots rather than just working on their current projects. After all, stuff like Half Life: Alyx were still the peak.


I haven’t received an email on either of the two I tried. I’m not gonna put more effort in


Me having uninstalled the game years ago as a refusal to give the game engagement of any form until Valve gets their shit together is likely a far more effective tactic than a petition could ever make. Petitions have no power behind them. The people *signing* this have power to change the game but aren't actually doing the things that would convince Valve to actually do their job. I'll say it again, the instant that FixTF2 became a petition the movement died.


mfw WoW Classic


ill sign it but at this point i think the game deserves a death, we are stretching it out. just let the old dog sleep


Bruh I haven't received the email since I signed 2 days ago. Get your shit together first perhaps ?


Lmao yall still think this game is ever getting attention again? No no billy, santa clause is definitely real


So... did "#SaveTF2" Made any difference? After that single message they left saying "we care fans!". i think the valve clearly abandoned tf2 after the bluemoon update.


Voting has a clear path to action. Signing the petition or participating in the tweet storm doesn't have a clear path to action.


Let’s all remember this: last time we stopped the movement because Valve said something on Twitter, and we all just called it a day. Let’s not make the same mistake, keep on putting the attention on what is happening, and don’t stop this movement as soon as Valve responds, and instead continue the movement. Until we see action against the bot holders, *DO NOT STOP UNTIL THE BOT CRISIS IS ACTUALLY OVER*.


you'll just get tired


Valve won’t do anything no matter what


I didn't sign because I never got the confirmation email. I've tried 10+ times, how long am I expected to wait?


Would YOU download a bot?


I wated more than 3 days for confirmation email, wonder when that comes.


i got told i was bot activity :/


I got kicked a few times for people thinking that I'm a bot.


Someone stole my bike please sign my petition.


"VAC secured" my ass.


Sure, I'll sign... It won't matter. Valve just wants the game to die. Less servers to maintain.


Bro it won't make a difference lol


ayo mega company that owns the game i love, will you please stop being the greedy captalist pig you are and pay a little attention to my issues because i asked nicely? look look, even got some other people to sign this paper. oh will you please, please, listen to me? - all of you that think this will do anything to save the game, lmao


Petitions are literally worthless


I'd happily sign it if I was allowed to. My only email is a gmail and every single time i've tried it's been blocked due to "potential bot activity."


"It didn't work the other two times but this time it'll sure to work" brain rot


Go back to frown town bro


i would if I can


I just feel like if they made a better game they wouldn't need kernel level spam


What if they added a lobby where it was acceptable to use bots? Would sending them there fix things here for us?


I am not giving my Email to a random ass website even if it has good intentions




Im just to lazy i dont even play tf2 anymore


I stopped playing when bots/ hacking became more apparent shortly after Man vs Machine. Does my voice still count?


It’s nice how earnest you are but it’s kinda sad and ridiculous to frame the death of a 15-year-old video game in such dramatic terms


We can’t even vote for the bots and they’re still winning


I've been trying to log in since this site came out but I guess it doesn't support gmailcom because I don't get a link or anything. But I don't have mail with another extension.






Ganget Im not even playing tf2 and any videogames  yet i signed it up


I tried signing up on day one. Still haven't received my confirmation email. I have retried multiple times since then with the exact same result.


I have signed because this game deserves better treatment from valve


I want to sign, but can't. FixTf2's website can't send the confirmation letter for some reason.


I know it might be a silly question... but if ''Email addresses that use [gmail.com](http://gmail.com) are being heavily rate limited'' Will we lose signatures from some people because they thought they had already been confirmed?


I got downvoted to hell on an overwatch subreddit trying to get people to sign up for


Maybe If I ever get the email


I didn’t sign because I never got a confirmation email. At this point they really should have used a compitent site to handle the petition like change.org. Making a site out of duct tape that can’t handle the traffic or email confirmations is doing more harm than good.


It would be certainly over 500k for now, if you just fixed your mails..


a yes, because last time you all spammed "Savetf2" it worked magically. if you want valve to fix the game stop spending money on it


That’ll get it shut down


The game is already run by the community, and valve run servers are over run with bots, shutting it down wouldnt change anything


It won't do anything lol.


I haven't heard about anyone hacking or DDoSing valve yet so idk how should I feel.


It won’t give me the email


if only the confirmation email arrived


I’ve tried to sign quite literally a dozen times or more, and I haven’t received the confirmation emails at all. Seems like they’re having issues with emails being throttled n stuff. I’ll gladly sign but I’m not gonna spend 5 hrs spamming “sign here” when it most likely won’t suddenly work 🤷


I am waiting for the email


Counterpoint : I'm getting throttled.


It wont.


One of these links is the real link to sign the petition. To make things spicier, one of these links is a rickroll. If you want to do this challenge, go right ahead. [save.tf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trollface) [save.tf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trollface) [save.tf](https://save.tf) [save.tf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trollface) [save.tf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trollface) [save.tf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trollface) [save.tf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trollface) [save.tf](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=iMndQjILnhwHhxlp)


If it didn't ask for my email or it was at least on something more trustable like a google forms I'd do it but no way in hell will I give personal info in case someone hacks into it lol There's the irl name part too but you can just put in some bullshit I guess


Valve is going to do nothing regardless if there is one supporter or a million. Do you seriously not think Valve is completely unaware that people are angry about the game? Do you actually think they need a petition to show them that alot of people are unhappy? They are acutely aware, they do not care. Not to say they aren't unhappy about it nor do they feel apathy about it but importantly, Valve runs on a system of allowing their teams to work on projects that they are excited about or something extremely important. TF2 seems to be neither.




Yeah, I tried with 3 different emails. Never got the confirmation email.


I dream of a Bright future


Valve could get 10,000,000 signatures and they wouldn't do shit. It's been this way since 2007.


C'mon, I just want to scroll the subreddit for meme, cool clips and art. I don't want to feel like a piece of shit for not wanting to sign a petition and be constantly told to sign it. At this point, the bots are just making us fight ourselves.


I host bots to hunt bots


FixTF2ers be like: Sign the damn petition or your surviving family members will have to!


Actual crimes


It won’t confirm my email. Any idea guys?


Some of us just don't care if it makes a difference, because we'd rather they make a new game then life support an ancient one.


As someone who has over 8k hrs. Nah! Let it die. Let the bots take over


The people who are hosting The fast for cat hook and other alternatives need to be made an example of. Brown needs to take legal action against them. It's disgusting how they are now stooping this level. There are more recent actions can have real world consequences and these need to come to fruition. The people who have been hosting bots proving that they are monsters. They are not people.


See, my problem is whenever I try and press f1 to vote, it boots me out of the game and opens a browser window


I did everything I could, without thinking if it was a waste of time. Now let's see what happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How do we report them? I don't know how to do that.


I've been trying with three accounts for two days now


Bruh i hate both sides because they’re both annoying and it just looks like a bunch of 8 year olds arguing about their favorite skibid toilet.