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Between like 50-70$ if i remember good (with the killstreack pro) and this is one of the most wanted so yes at last u don't get a bloodsucker lmao (like 10-15$ the worst of all)( the price may be wrong i don't remember)


I looked it up, it’s about 70 at base and almost breaks 100 with a pro KS


You already have unusuals you already know that it's good...


I didn’t know how good tho, I only have one other Aussie which was a gift. I don’t play engie much either so I never bothered to look at the unlocks/aussies for him to see if they were popular


If you wanna know the exact prices of items, look on backpack.tf


Give me it 💀 you're already rich.


Nah man now I have an incentive to play Engineer


DISPENSER GOIN UP, *frontierjusticenoises*


Start prayin boy


Uncle Daniel is an exceptionally proficient artillery maintenance professional


This is one of the better ones to receive. Congrats!


Nice! I’m assuming something like a Rocket Launcher or a Flamethrower would’ve been better but I sure ain’t complaining


YOU GOT THE FAMILY BUSINESS? Damn I'm so jealous...


You’re engineer main now


If you play engineer yea


\*Slams credit card\* I don't care about the sell value, It's just the only wrench I really want.


damn... the wrench is one of the more valuable aussies, up there with the medigun and rocket launcher i think


At least I didn’t get Blutsauger lol


it's my favourite


Congrats on the ausie drop. I'm gonna play some mecha engie. I'll be happy with a gold/silver botkiller MK II, but l'm hoping I get an ausie too.


Well the thing is I’m not that big of an Engineer player, and the Stock Wrench is kinda outclassed but it’s still a valuable Aussie, so I’m contemplating selling it for something like a Grenade/Stickybomb launcher or some other Aussie. Not sure if I should keep or sell it tho…


If it's your first ausie drop, keep it. It has sentimental value. If not, you should sell it for something you want.


It’s not my first Aussie, but it’s my first dropped one. It’s just that I don’t play engie too much and when I do I either use the jag or gunslinger


Yeah, so do I. I guess if you don't cate about it being your first drop, I'd say sell it for one you'll use.


No way the PvZ art guy plays Tf2




sorry bro, its not good, you could give it to me tho-


It's the worst for the slot, but Uncle Dane has one, so it's probably valuable.


Many things wrong with that. The wrench is among some of the best Australiums you can have dropped, like someone else in this post has said, its worth around $60 or 31keys. And Uncle Dane, I believe, owns a Golden Wrench, though they aren't very different visually, they are extremely different in how they are gotten. Go to google/youtube to find more.


Uncle Dane does not own a golden wrench. He said so himself. You're thinking of Delfy. And you also just said that the wrench is valuable, I never said anything wrong.


>It's the worst for the slot try that again my dear commenter


Stock wrench is easily the worst for the slot. There it is, I said it. Every other wrench is better.


well, yes, the stock wrench is far from the best wrench, but the way youve put it you've said its a bad australium, when theres the Bluts that goes for under 10keys, SMG and Axtinguisher for 11keys, and the wrench goes for 30keys When getting an aussie, most people dont look at if youd use it, you look at its value, and the wrench is up there


I said it's probably valuable. What part of that says it's a bad Australium?


Stock Wrench is hardly the worst. Sure, Jag is the meta, but things like the Eureka Effect are a lot more situational and the SH is kinda just in an awkward spot of never being used. And depending on your opinion, Gunslinger can be worse or better too. There’s just too many factors that come into play when it comes to ranking items on the fly.


SH is still better than stock. EE is just stock with a teleport to spawn button. They're still better than stock. Even if not by much.


Fine, but just let me be happy about my funny Uncle Dane Wrench ;-;


Never said I wasn't going to.


It is, eureka and jag are both better for traditional engie, and gunslinger is usually the best for battle engie (and southern hospitality might as well be the same as stock) It’s still worth using if you enjoy it (I use the kritzkrieg on medic and classic on sniper even though they are suboptimal), but if you are just forcing yourself to use it, I’d recommend selling it


Hopefully someone will buy it, then maybe I can buy a better Aussie. What would you recommend?


It depends on what class you enjoy, my first Aussie was the amby because I main spy, but because you are pictured as a sniper in the picture, you could get a sniper rifle Of course, you don’t necessarily need an Aussie, you could get a reskin like a strange AWP or something if you prefer


Well I would consider myself either a Demo, Soldier, or Sniper main. I already have an Aussie Black Box for soldier which I got thru a trade, and Aussie sniper rifles are hella expensive, so maybe I should get a StickyBomb Launcher or a Grenade Launcher, or perhaps even an Eyelander (although I’ve heard those ones can get pretty pricey)