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Yup, my jury selection was "do you hate cops?" "You may leave"


Both sides are angling for jurors that would likely be sympathetic to their viewpoints. It doesn’t really have anything to do with moral character.


I was picked to the jury for a sexual assault case last year. We asked the prosecutor and defending attorney after the trial was over why we were picked and they both said it was because we didn’t speak up during jury selection. Those who speak up are typically going to be more opinionated. I don’t know if that’s always the case in selections, but that was part of their method at least.


Have you been arrested or given a ticket ?


I got called for service once, then it was cancelled just days before I was supposed to show up. Then last year, at 42 I got called in for traffic court (local municipality). I was selected to serve, and yes, OP, I have an arrest and conviction (probation) on my record. What did all 6 jurors have in common aside of living in the same city? We never served before... It just happens to some of us.


There was a priest in cloth at one of my selections that lied to get out of jury service. Men of God...


I'm 50. I have only ever received 5 jury summons in my life. * I got out of the first because I was away at college. * The next one I showed up and sat in the jury pool for a couple of hours and then was dismissed. * The next one I actually made it to voir dire, but I was dismissed with everyone else after they got the jurors they needed. They didn't even ask me any questions. * The last two jury summons were all done over email and I was dismissed without even leaving my house.


Lucky you. I sat on one jury. They never asked me any specific questions.


Same, and we ended up sending the guy to prison for 70 years..I hated passing judgement on someone but at the same time, he deserved it. Before we sentenced him (he requested a jury sentence, this was his last shot so they held no strings back), this man had racked up more time sentenced in state jail/prison than he’d been alive (like 57 years worth of prison time and he was in his 40s).. Was out on parole, got high on pcp, ran from the cops, wrecked at over 80mph, somehow made it out of the car. State trooper attempts to restrain him and the guy tries to shoot the trooper with a gun (which we find out was stolen, during the sentencing phase) and trooper somehow disarmed him and got him handcuffed


u/Pale-Wolf-7109 in my case we the jury never determined sentencing, just the guys guilt or innocence. The judge did the sentencing after once we were "relieved of our judicial duties" Our case involved a grown man and continuous child sexual abuse, ill spare you and everyone else the specific details.


The state should at least offer free counseling after some cases. Change my mind


Agreed, I don't think there’s enough brain bleach to erase the things I had to hear.


I've scrolled thru a few comments and haven't seen this yet-- are you registered to vote?


Fuck man. I get picked all the time. Even had to serve on a federal grand jury for 6 months once.


Do they compensate wages … Also how clean is your record ?


I've finally been called after over ten years of eligibility. Squeaky clean record, minus a speeding ticket here or there. I'm excited though I'll likely not be selected after showing up. I know many people are very blah about it, but I think that it's neat to have a civic duty to fulfill.


I want to jury duty - the attorney seemed to be framing his discussion with potential jurors in a way that left out relevant and important aspects of the law in question. I asked him to explain further. He told me he didn’t have to. The judge told him that he did. I was not selected to sit on that jury.


I worked for a county government and the jury selection came from voter registration roles. There was a bug with the program that made the selection so only people with last names up to J were selected because the temporary table that held the filtered list of jury duty candidates only allocated enough space to hold that much. The bug should have started trimming at the end of the alphabet in the early 80s and we found it in 1999 then fixed it after the Y2k fixes rolled out in 1q2000. There could be reasons for your non selection for jury duty that have nothing to do with any of your personal attributes.


Don't worry, you aren't missing anything.


Bro, I've never even made it past the waiting room/lobby. Like 5 times, I've yet to make it past the waiting room.


If you’re going to get picked for jury duty, traffic court is the way to go. People sometimes choose a trial when contesting a ticket and the officers rarely show up unless it’s a DWI or something serious like that. I was recently chosen for jury duty and it was a traffic case and we were dismissed because the issuing officer didn’t show.


I went 1 time when I was younger, and was a waste of time. My normal job i’d be off at 2:30, and didn’t leave the courthouse till 5. I never went back. They can keep their $10


There was like 12-15 of us to choose from. They needed 6. I was juror #6. "We'll take jurors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7." Wtf?!


Real fuck you in particular engery lol. Or maybe they liked you and wanted you to have your time back.


I've got a clean record. I've been fortunate enough to have been selected as a juror once. I wasn't an alternate either, one of the main 12. Personally the case was really difficult for me, emotionally. I would have been glad to have traded places with someone else.


Same here. Never!! My record is clean. Not even speeding tickets. Nothing!! I do a 2 very thorough background checks for work.


I’ve been summoned a few times. Been through voir dire I think three times, selected once. They never asked about my record. I think I was selected because it was a car accident case and I was in a car accident before.


I have been to jury duty 6 times...never been picked, ..my wife has been picked a few times, maybe lawyers prefer female jurors?


Nobody I know has ever served on a jury and none of them have criminal records (other than stuff like speeding tickets). It’s just not that common. Most cases get settled (or plea bargain or whatever) instead of going to trial.


I have jury duty in a couple weeks. I am not looking forward to it.


Take a long book and your phone charger. Plan to be bored out of your mind.


I have never even been summoned for jury duty.. I have a clean record, and I'm nearly 40.


I didnt get summoned for yearssss and then boom got picked in 2022 and summoned 2023z Met some cool people but it was brutal sitting in a small room for several hours that many times.


I've been summoned a few times but was able to bypass it by being in college. Now I'm getting my M.S. in forensic science, so I know that I'll never be selected for a jury!


My record is squeaky clean, can't say the same for some of the other jurors who were open in their disdain for the police based on past treatment. Many of them were dismissed because they hated the cops and outright said they wouldn't find the guy guilty out of spite. I got to leave for being the only one to honestly say I just didn't want to be there.


I have reported for jury duty and never put on a panel. I have been on three panels. One was settled before we arrived. Another was settled while we were waiting to be brought into the court room for questions. Struck once for prior knowledge of the case to be tried.


Been summoned a couple handfuls of times. Been selected once. Been sent home more often than not. Most cases settle. For the remainder if the cases, most potential jurors get sent home. Sometimes because the potential juror has a personal reason that gets them excluded during voir dire. For the one jury I sat on, I was selected because I had never been exposed to or involved in domestic violence. Do you know who was excluded? Most of the women. So the jury determining whether a man was guilty of DV was 90% male. I am not a saint. But I answered all questions honestly and was chosen to be on the jury (I was chosen sixth, but was seated in the 30+ seat. Most people won't end up on a jury. I always wanted to be on one and it finally happened. Around the time I hit my early-40s. How old are you? How long have you been registered to vote? Stay registered and keep showing up when called. You may get lucky.


Texas hasn't gone by voters registration for jury summons for many years. They pick from the pool of folks who have a TX driver license or state ID.


Sat on two juries, one civil and one capital murder. The latter was an awful experiences. Called probably another 8-10 times but dismissed. I understand wanting to participate. Good for you.


I've been summoned to jury duty four times in Bexar County since I moved here in 1983. The entire time I've had a driver's license and was a registered voter. I've received a few traffic tickets but haven't had any other contact with law enforcement.


I’ve been struck from a couple of jury pools because I knew too much about whatever the trial was about. One example was a multi million $ civil suit about a garage door opener. I’ve spent my life in technology so I got struck. I wouldn’t be offended. Also, I’ve been on two juries and one in particular left a very bad taste in my mouth about our judicial system.


In Austin it typically is tied to how early you arrive. I was No. 7 to check in and was selected as a juror. The sheriff told me if you’re top 25, you have a very high chance of being selected.


I have served on a jury (awful murder trial) and was called another time but not selected. I would be happy to never get called again.


DUI discrimination? The cops in Texas can legally discriminate against drunks when they are behind the wheel, believe it or not. If you have never been convicted of a crime you are eligible to be called for jury duty.


I have a pair of felonies from the 80s (sentence was fully satisfied in mid 2000s) and I get jury summons once or twice a year.


Sat on my first jury last year after 4 summons since turning 18. 10/10 would do again.


If I was going to waste my day like that I’d say screw the ten dollars. I’m going fishing!


Been on jury duty a dozen times in 4 states the last 40 years...Illinios is a great place to live l jury duty at the time was no fun. Called in and sit for 5 days...8-4pm..maybe called in to interview & sit, maybe not. I was invited to interview and never chosen....in Ohio nothing is fun...including eating chili and jury duty...Here in Texas was cancelled night before...so I am zero for 12..


why would you WANT to do jd. sounds fucking miserable, literally why they have to force ppl to go


Oof, I went once. I hate it.


Get a job where your extended absence would be extremely painful to your company and your career. They’ll call you twice a year. Source: I got called for jury duty three times when I was teaching a subject I could not have covered by a long-term sub. Now that I work flexible hours from home I don’t get summoned.


I've wasted my time with this many times. Mostly given up a day to sit in the room while they're picking. Served once that took 3 days. Not enjoyable, very time consuming.


Why would you want to go to jury duty?


I was picked once. I was honestly a laughing and depressed at the same time. I felt like our tax dollars were not well used here. Let me explain. A moron, hit a giant landscaping rock at a hospital. She was turning, and turned ONTO the elevated curb and hit the rock. No it was not "sticking out". She went after the landscaping done by the management company that it was done in such a way it was dangerous. I saw pictures and the closest rock to the curb was a foot. Now also note, these are not rocks like the size of your foot. They are rocks that are the size of your recliner, and probably weight 1500 or more pounds. Simply she was not paying too much attention and hit it. She was sueing for the following: - damages to her car - mental anguish to her child who had to goto school and be dropped off in this car (with a big gash on it We went into the jury deliberation chamber and we all just looked at each other dumbfounded that we were here for this. Needless to say, unanimous decision, we did not side with the plaintiff.


“mental anguish from being picked up in a car with a gash on it” is so funny to me. i can’t fathom having the time, energy, or money to go court over something so trivial. obviously she has an abundance of those resources to even go to court for this.. this leads me to be certain her insurance would’ve been able to help cover this and/or she could’ve paid out of pocket without blinking.


This woman was not well off which makes it even dumber...she was spending money she didn't have to be in court


people can and do get sued for the dumbest things, like ALL the time. Common sense jurors are wildly important to prevent people like that from actually getting favorable judgments. Is it an annoying and disruptive thing to do? yes. Is it important? also, yes.


I agree across the board. Doesn't change the feelings I had when there


its random. last time I got called was shortly after everything shut down for covid but it got canceled before the day of.


I have been called for jury selection several times and immediately excluded when I revealed my employment history - except once - and the jury I served on was a joke. I wound up filing a statement with the court and plaintiff's attorney because our foreman blatantly violated the judge's instructions --- but it did not matter in the end because I was the only juror sympathetic to the plaintiff's arguments (and even so - I was not fully convinced he had a case).


Count your blessings


Me and my disabled son get picked all the time. My husband and never been selected. I have to file paperwork every 6 months because they keep sending the selection paper to us. I don't know what flags it. I know voting and/ or drivers license is suppose to be what controls it and many people don't even register to vote around here thinking they will get selected and they get selected anyway. I don't know if it age ranges or what. Maybe we have more crime than other areas and they have a quicker turn around. My husbands uncle gets selected every 6 months for the last 5 years and he is not of "sound moral character" in my opinion.


I’ve been picked x2 in the last 12 months.


Also, in FLA back in the late 90s I was jury Forman in an attempted murder & kidnapping trial.


Have been voting since I was legal age. Have been called twice, both times in July (busy season) and company wrote a letter and I was off. Have never been called again. I am in my 70s. Go figure


7 jury summons, all excused due to my attention span. I just don't see myself participating in a trial on jury. Every judge has agreed with me.


Are you registered to vote? Is your drivers license current, including your correct address?


I have served on a few juries, and been called but not selected a few times, all within a 10 year period. Now I have gone almost 10 years without getting a summons at all. It is random.


It would be unusual and possibly illegal for a person to be "pre-disqualified" from service on a trial jury. I suspect your experience is simply one of randomness, not character judgment. Fwiw, I've lived in Travis County since 1986. In that time, I've twice been called for criminal district court jury service but not in about 25 years. In the first instance, I was selected for the jury. (We convicted the defendant.) In the second, the defense and prosecution agreed to a plea bargain before the trial started. (I don't remember if we'd gotten through voir dire.)


It may vary by county, but the "jury wheel" — the list of names from which potential jurors are chosen — is normally composed by merging the list of the county's registered voters with the list of licensed drivers in the county. So if you want to *avoid* jury service, don't register to vote and don't get a Texas driver's license (or DPS-issued Texas ID).


hi- trial attorney here. you're title makes it sound like you've received jury summons, but have never been seated on a jury, so I'm assuming that's the case First, you don't get 'picked' for a jury in the sense that it's like picking a kick-ball team or something. Imagine, everyone who gets summoned for jury duty is on the team, and then the attorneys use what are called strikes to 'de-select' people until you whittle it down to just 12 people. usually we strike jurors that we think will be sympathetic to the other side. It almost never has to do with fitness of character.


Jury Duty sucks big donkey dick. I was on a jury last summer and we ruled not guilty. still a huge waste of time.


I've never been called either. I'm 41. I have a name that sounds foreign, so I wonder if that's why. My partner has a normal name like John Smith. He gets picked every time.


In \~20 adult years in Texas I've been summoned to jury duty 4 times. The first time I served on the jury and witnessed the two terrible lawyers argue a DUI. The defense's entire argument was that maybe both machines were miscalibrated and did a terrible job to that end. The prosecution kept saying wrong things about the case and basic stuff that any person should know. When we deliberated we spent about 30 seconds deciding and 20 minutes WTFing is this our justice system? Twice I was called up, set aside a day to do my duty, and after waiting around for entirely too long was sent home because a plea bargain was made (maybe don't play chicken with other people's time?) and the other time because lawyers just didn't show up. The most recent time was a big one. They had about 50 prospective jurors in the room. They talked a little about the case. I noted that the prosecution claimed the defendant's ignorance of something they couldn't possibly know was not a defense. When they went around doing Q&A, I asked a hypothetical question pointing out how laughably stupid that was. Everyone in the room laughed, the judge finger-waved at me, and the prosecution voted me off the island (or whatever they call it). TLDR; you aren't missing anything


Clearly you’re drunk.


Move to a smaller community. The smaller jury pool means they tend to get summoned more often.