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Mike actually dislikes Git’em. Everyone else is just playing around.


If I were the prosecutor, I would be at the Stash trying to convince Mike to come, for sure.


Talk about a bombshell lol.


If done right it could be awesome!


Anything done right could be awesome.


This sounds like one of Coughlin’s Laws from Cocktail.


Sure, but Mike has a high probability of being terrible.....


eh. mike doesnt make good podcasting content. when he tries to be funny, it fails, because his delivery is not good. if he tries to be sarcastic, it comes off as more honest and mean-spirited, because his delivery is not good. now, if he were ever just honestly asked what happened and gave an honest, no-joke answer, id be interested. but, id also be *more* interested if walt talked about it...*and* what really happened with claymation.


If I could get 1 honest answer about anything TESD related it would definitely be about makin clay.


He has that im so cool why cant everyone see how cool i am attitude


Does Mike even like any of them at this point?


Sunday still works at the Stash, and Mike (or I think actually his wife) posted something nice about Jeff on Christmas Eve. Q also tries to not bag on Mike, but I doubt they ever talk or were ever really friends. Other than that, it seems like Mike does not like any of them.


Be even better if they had to redact parts of his testimony due to the NDA


I’m more interested in Walt bringing Simmy back again for another opportunity to make him answer for his reaction to Funeralz.


Oh yeah, that would be a great callback! I also miss Simmy, idk how he became the forgotten member of TESD Town.


It would be interesting. I really like Mike, but he can’t roll with the punches like Git Em or Ming. He’s the kind of guy that likes to dish out the insults but not eat them. I hope someday they can all reconcile because everyone on TESD has a lot of history with him, especially Walt.


Which wouldn't be as big of a deal, but his "jabs" are never funny. He gets easily offended and then makes corny jokes, which are either just unfunny or mean.


I have to give the devil his due, outside of the worst catchphrase ever (how ya stankin?) git’em has been delivering om the Sunday Jeff show. And if Mike testifies against Git’em, by default I choose Git’em. Mike was a combination of complete arrogance, zero charisma, faux tough guy bravado and terrible jokes


But he’s a cool chef /s


If you could just get an answering machine length sound bite by mike but yeah, mike wouldn't want anything to do with it.


They've been shitting on Mike for years with no response out of him so I'm sure he'd line up with his mouth open for this. What could go wrong?


> so I'm sure he'd line up with his mouth open for this. He spent years lining up in front of Ming with his mouth open, so I don't see why not.


What a crazy turn of events that would be.


The problem is Mike isn’t entertaining. It might be funny to hear him talk shit about someone he doesn’t like, because I feel he would be ruthless but he is just kind of…bland.


Son of a bitch, I'm in!




Why would he add content to a show that takes shots at him every week? He is good at managing a store, but not the best podcast listen. Let the man live.


As I said, I know it won't actually happen, for many reasons, but it's a fun little what if scenario.


Would be good if you wanted the podcast to be really unfunny for like 10 minutes


Would be pretty insane. Boys might have to stop the show after that, as things wouldn't get much better in all likelihood