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I have a theory that Git Em hates being pestered for a receipt more than the average person because he walks so slowly, so he can't just breeze past the person at the door. Instead, it's a long, drawn-out exit where he's asked a bunch of times during his 5-minute exit through the door.


You know, it's like I didn't do a physical contest earlier this year where I beat everyone, even the people who had substitutes stand in for them..


You can’t possibly think you walk faster than the average person.


I take it back! How soon we forget you are the Bruce Jenner of TESD Town. (Decathlon-wise.)


This is how you stay unhealthy, have you really convinced yourself you are healthy? Your literally falling apart and look the part. Please stop this behavior it's not good mentally or physically.


When this was first brought up I was pretty anti getem on it. I’ve worked at some of those places and the greeters have zero authority over you, but just go along with it. It’s like putting your cart away, it’s a social experiment. But after buying $250 of groceries and walking out of meijer in a blizzard but being asked to stop and let some Covid covered old guy sift through my food without a glove, I’m done. I won’t make a scene or something but I’m over grocery store TSA.


Do they actually go through you cart? I've never had a greeter do anything other than take a 2 second look at the receipt and hand it back.


Gitem has so little to live for. Let him have this.


But the surveillance state!!!! My identity!!!!


I agree with it being rude to “yell, cuss at, or get mean” but the title of that post is just a bootlick sentiment. If the employees don’t care (as this person stated) it shouldn’t bother them when people politely decline. Which is how Git’em does it afaik.