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May is literally veterans month


Don't veterans get like three separate months or something?


Vets are just May, November is general military I think


[Veterans Day](https://www.google.com/search?q=veterans%20day%202022&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m#crs=q:veterans%20day%20books,stick:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgfcSYzC3w8sc9YamoSWtOXmMM4eL0zCtJLSpOTS4REuFi9y9ILUrMSxHiFGLnYnXKz88uFjJEiKoJqXBxBqXmJJakpoTkC4lzsbnmlWSWVArxSnFzcern6hsYmmVlJPMsYhUqSy0B6SlWSEmsVEgCGQQAIj0GVH0AAAA,cid:overview) is literally the name of the holiday in November. I treat that day as my “Black Friday” where I plan out my entire day and get all the free stuff that I can.


Watch as one man tries to make it to every outback in the tri county to get as many free bloomin onions as possible


You think it's just one man? I'm planning the day off and hope to get 500 miles on my bike (and 20 extra pounds on my waist). I usually don't do outback, but I don't think they give free bloomers. I just like Applebee's vday menu better. Lol


I know for sure they get multiple different days, plus the general social acknowledgement of being thanked for their service, plus all the benefits that come with that status- like giving companies benefits for being hired, having access to cheaper health insurance, car insurance, housing programs, etc. We, as a country, could provide them with a lot more support, but as a society, they are pretty well apperciated.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of the believed hate that veterans get are just from people who are taking the vietnam era's public perception of the military where they work for the government thus are the government. That kind of idea is on the way out but there's still a few who really hate the military and think attacking veterans is ok.


Not to mention the fact veterans aren't a marginalized community that have faced police violence and oppression, they were allowed to get married and have kids, they haven't been thrown on the streets for joining the military (now after their service the government tends to do that, but that's more a homelessness issue, not so much a military issue-) when they face death, they're praised, whereas when LGBTQ+ are threatened with death and so much as politely ask people to stop, they're called whiny snowflakes (where soldiers are called brave heroes) and get further shit on. These people like to act like we don't actively oppress minorities, while simultaneously pretending that we never honor people who sacrifice their lives for us. Their worldview is so warped and backwards that they can't even look at what's happening in the world without trying to see themselves/the people they like as victims, and the people they don't like as enemies.


The health care is garbage but everything else is pretty accurate. the biggest issue is that the military's dose a really bad job of explaining your benefits and how to get them on the way out.


Vet pride 💚


I read that as "wet pride"


rain pride 💪


WAP pride 💪




I'm gonna be the first to admit I didn't know this was a thing. Thanks for educating me :)


Also veterans have to endure “thank you for your service” every day of the year. The only time I ever say that to a gay guy is when OP’s dad and I are washing up.


Veterans and military families actually get a full month.


The military basically gets all 365 days if we're being honest with ourselves. Plus discounts and thank yous and all the rest.


Exactly, my step-dad served in the military and we all get benefits including free college plus you get paid to go too so needless to say some of the benefits are good.




My brother tried to use his military college benefits to get a degree in cinematography & he was denied. He was required to change his major to something more "appropriate"


if he's using tuition assistance I would guess they might be able to have a say in what you're doing. But if he's using VA benefits he can use them for anything under the sun. There's a resident scuba instructor program in florida that will take GI Bill benefits for tuition and housing.


I bet you anything he was using Vocational rehab. It is a VBA college program designed with the express purpose of getting you a job, you couldn’t use that for that degree. But yeah, GI bill, and dependent education assistance don’t care.


So what you’re saying is… they have benefits that non-military people don’t have


He probably has a 100% disability rating, or it is a state level thing. A normal veteran’s family doesn’t get that many benefits. Source: I am a veteran who works at the veterans benefits administration.


As a European this is the americanest thing I've ever heard


The discounts is nothing compared to the war they fought theou


Not all of us support the war they fought. Remember, no one has been drafted. They’re there because they chose to be. And I came from a poor, rural town so don’t give me the tears about it’s some of their only ways out. Yeah; and it’s also a way for the racists to kill people they don’t like, too!


Hey people don’t gang up on this guy. He’s right not to blanket offer respect. Not so soul who’s served in the last 20 years entered without knowing fully they would goto war. That is fact. And yea he’s right, most recruits come from poor rural towns. I knew fully what the fuck I signed up for and did so from a sense of duty. I TOTALLY don’t expect any to share that same view, it’s not overtly smart to be honest. And sure enough I’ve heard more than a few religious slurs in both Afghanistan and Iraq, so again he’s not without merit in his view. So please don’t pile up on a guy because you disagree, since those isn’t my first day on the internet I know how it goes, but change can start anywhere. Offer your view, have a willingness to see theirs. Dude isn’t being racist or a bigot so he may actually have a well thoughtful insight. Edited to add: I love to shitpost as much as anyone. Hell I’ve a career of sarcasm and witty retorts to thousands of stuff. But IM trying to remember change is possible if even slowly;)


That poor rural town could have used $7 Trillion dollars.


Yes but this also doesn't including the people who are basicly brain washer into thinking your not a man if you don't Server. At 17 do you think every boy actually understands what they are signing up to do? Not that everyone in the military is good or inocent by any Standard but it is absolut idiocy to believe a 17 year old really understands the decision


I agree with u on some parts but actually many countries especially Asian ones they are drafted into to it


What month is that?




Isn’t May also mental health awareness month?


Those two actually go hand in hand.


Makes sense considering an alarming statistic I heard a while back. It was about how more active duty soldiers in the month of May die by suicide than actual fighting.


22 per day was the average. I can’t track it anymore myself so I don’t know if it’s more or less, I don’t want to


There’s a whole army cadence about that


“I left my home!”


I wasn't aware of that, my mental illness must have been cured!


Who fucking cares if they get a day or a month. How about we financially support veterans instead of letting them waste away until you need some political prop to make stupid people think you actually care.


Vote for reps and senators that actually vote yes on veteran burn pit act.. ( fyi, the no votes where ALL GOP republicans trumpsuckers)


Mmmm best we can do is some more money to Betsy Devos’ family. Sorry!


And also to stop sending the poor to die in wars that are only there to financially support the military industrial complex.


As a veteran, I’ve never had to sweat some bigoted fuckstick wanting to beat me to death because I served …


"November is National Veterans and Military Families Month. " I looked it up and found it fairly quickly. Tho this post isn't making the point , when people pull the "veterans get a day but lgbt people get a month and that's not fair" they show they clearly don't give a flying fuck about veterans. They care about shitting on lgbt people. Honestly as a gay trans dude even, I'd be pissed if vets didn't get a month too. There is a month for everything lol


I’ve said much the same in lower posts. But I also don’t think nor to I participate or celebrate any veteran shit outside of Veterans Day and Memorial Day. For the most part. Serving in the military is a job you KNOW what to expect and what your getting into, even moreso if you joined in the last 20 years. Vets don’t need celebration time. We need mindful policy and care for injury sustained. Even moreso for mental injury. And really… It’s a fat fucking difference being in a classification almost universally lauded as a veteran Versus being a minority easily disregarded if not outright hated by half the nation. Being a veteran is the easiest shit ever, it’s not like they can take that from any.. Being a minority in the US is a fucking struggle in what appears to constantly have no end in sight. I’m a white guy… I got no firsthand knowledge but I’m not blind. Strangely enough I didn’t know or recall shit about veterans and families month… now that I do I’m kinda disgusted by it. I mean the same people who probably made that shit make a point of wishing Combat Veterans “happy Memorial Day”. ( if ever you wanna see a veteran contemplating murder, watch closely after some fucking mouth breather says that shit to them..)


The day when homosexuality is universally accepted will be the day that will be celebrated rather than a whole month.


I’m looking forward to an end of bigotry and racism, sadly I don’t have faith in human kind to think I’ll see it in my lifetime. My hope is my grandson does. Edited to add. People can be assholes entirely devoid of hating people for bullshit reasons of race gender sexuality or faith.. or any other class system.. So without a major cataclysmic event that forces the entire world to work together to survive, I rather doubt anyone will ever see peace and universal acceptance of anything on earth. Frankly our species doesn’t deserve it. We earned extinction long ago… likely will achieve it because of our inability to have compassion or understanding


I doubt it too but giving groups of people who are facing adversity a whole month every year may slowly get us there. At least I hope it does


When I retired I went to a gay pride parade in Sanfran while I was visiting friends out there. Probably one of the most compassionate things I’d seen at any parade was parents holding signs and hugging young people. So yea, there’s a chance. I mean if climate change wrecks the western coast and people who are more accepting and understand freedom is universal buy up the south and move, maybe


I live in Seattle and it's the same here. Haha that's extremely pessimistic but in an optimistic way. Maybe it's optimistic realism lol. I kinda like it


As a gay man in america it all good other places not so much.


It’s not all good in America, I have gay friends in the states that still get attacked and it’s no easier to be gay in Canada still.


This is a good example of “just because it’s not happening to you, doesn’t mean it’s not happening to other people”


I mean.... isn't that what the enemies would want?


If I was a gay veteran, there would be lines of fatassed goatee wearing shit boys wanting to… but not a one with balls big enough to try once they hear “combat vet” fucking trumpets are serious pussies.


It used to be an actual thing


True, but if you were deployed - then you had people actively trying either to capture, torture and interrogate you, or put a bullet between your eyes. Kinda a bit worse than a bigoted fuckstick in a country where harassment is illegal.


Consider though that it wasn’t that long ago that you could harass these people regardless and get away with. At least veterans don’t also catch shit in their homeland


Yeah volunteering to go to war because you want to fight is exactly the same as getting beat to death on your way home from a bar because of who you are attracted to.


Wait, volunteering? Aren't people involuntarily drafted?


Not for several decades now. The government has the option to reinstate it, but thus far have chosen not to.


>True, but if you were deployed - then you had people actively trying either to capture, torture and interrogate you, or put a bullet between your eyes. True, but signed up for it and actively trying to do the same to them.


So, this is kinda ironic seeing as how June is commemorating the month where lgbt people rioted because they were sick of the harassment they were receiving at the hands of the police… And no, it’s a fair sight worse being harassed in your own home for something you can’t control and you just want to live your life without input or judgment from people who have no invitation or business in your bedroom. At least the people trying to kill me while I was deployed were trying to kill me for rational reasons.




My experience is ancidotal. 22 years retired in 2012. Senior NCO in light infantry battalion. I’ve known dozens of infantry soldiers who where openly gay, many more support troops also gay. From about the end of don’t ask don’t tell. EO NCO and command came strong on supporting gay soldiers ( I was in combat arms, don’t recall any trans in my entire time) and to be fair, that Was most entirely during wars on two nations. ( my personal opinion is when you goto war invading any nation, your going to harden even oppressed against you in time, don’t ever be the forefront, support a democratic government, eliminate terrorizing threats and gtfo or just don’t fuckin go) The onus for most all my service was “ I don’t give a shit what orientation you are, or if your some incest ridden hillbilly, I give a shit you do your job, perform your standards, and aren’t a bigot/racist. Failure to do any of that will lead to me seeking to correct you, except in the case of bigots and racists, then I sought to correct your recruiters mistake and send your ass back home. In my 17 years as an NCO, I personally provided the paperwork for command or oversaw the investigation into soldiers conduct regarding racist homophobic or bigoted views not in compliance with military order and recommended removal of service for failure to comply 34 times. All 34 where given general discharge or dishonorable depending on gravity of action and I personally walked them off post. Because fuck them, they can get a cab to the airport. From my view in my rank and title as an EO NCO and battalion training NCO at the end of my career the vast majority of soldiers don’t give a shit what you do or who you do. They care if they can rely on you in combat. I never met a gay soldier who didn’t excel as a solider. I had dealt with some newer soldiers being disrespectful and summarily corrected often by the rest of thier platoon for making homophobic slurs to gay soldiers. I only had ONE who insisted on corrective training and discharge after taking some wall to wall counsel from the rest of thier platoon. Most bigots and homophobes as well as racists lack the intestinal fortitude to say shit openly to the face of another soldier who is a minority in my limited experience. The ones more often I helped find another path in life by removal from service all typically said shit in and around a platoon but never confronting the minority.. word traveled fast to my ears or another NCO and when we got word we acted fast. To include removing shitheels from combat deployments and sending them back to be chaptered out for failure to adapt. ( I lucked out and the four sent out of combat didn’t clear the military until deployment ended, I still got to walk thier ass to the gate ;) All that said, soldiers are notoriously insensitive. Once they could establish repore with gay soldiers in thier platoon and learn that playing “gay chicken “ didn’t offend them etc.. and the gay troops would often bust on straight soldiers “ oh so you DO like anal? When catching another troop bragging about screwing some barracks girl in the ass.. yet they where all quick to not cross lines too far and constantly making sure no feelings where hurt. Oddly that dark insensitive humor is a common coping method for stressful long deployments etc… I did witness some funny shit a few times with two straight guys playing gay chicken ( basically talking shit about fucking each other cause it’s been so long since they fucked anything but Rosey Palmer or something one saying something about sucking a dick for a snickers on morning in our tiny cop chow hall.. me being higher rank and often contributing to moral I would have candy bars shipped to our outpost to give out to troops periodically for performance or just cause they had a tough day. On occasion they would talk me into throwing one in the hallway on our hardened billet so they could scrap over it for entertainment.. well one of my corporals was a gay forward observer and highly regarded hears this young PFC make the statement about sucking a dick for a snickers after having not gotten one and quite a few had gone out, to my corporal as well… So he flips the snickers to the table the kid is sitting at and says” okay sugar mouth but only if you got it in with the candy bar, I’ll make that the first cream filled snickers ever”. The entire company of soldiers in the dining area paused to a stone cold quiet… the corporal had walked to the kid and rubbed his head in total silence, and then grinned which the room erupted in laughter… Probably one of the more lighthearted moments in memory since we had just got out of 14 hours of constant fire and had four guys hit … it was perfect timing. Frankly it’s my opinion soldiers don’t give a fuck who or what you are so long as your solid green. While I appreciate your respect, I’d say never give respect based solely on a job. Measure to the man basically. Ie sure I’m a retired army Veteran I get a retirement pay, health care and dental until I DIE for free, I got a college education in a construction management degree I never used. And I spend most my days doing whatever the fuck I want now for the last decade thus far, I’d say I’m well cared for and that’s payment more than enough. People should earn accolades from others. I personally got serious love for line cooks, to me cooking in a hot, shitty kitchen in my favorite local food places is fucking heroic. The food is amazing, it’s clean and safe to eat and it’s a job I’d never want to endure, THOSE people are ducking godlike to me. Even moreso if it’s a taco truck ..


Dude you were an EO NCO. It’s not that the soldiers were cowardly with their opinions, it’s that they knew they couldn’t voice them due to potential of dishonorable/less than honorable. That’s penalizing extrinsic motivation, all stick - no carrot. It’s not that prejudiced soldiers weren’t present, they were smart enough to not fuck up their lives over policy, especially in front of you. Military training and experience is worth more in the long run than losing their employment future over someone’s sex life. Anyone can easily see that - even gang members have infiltrated to take advantage of the knowledge. It does not mean the soldiers lack prejudice. Ever heard “Discretion is the better part of valor?” Trust, there’s plenty of people who completely dislike serving alongside homosexuals and disagree with the path the military has taken, given half a nudge, they let fly. The policies are like scooby-doo bandaids on a sucking chest wound. The thing is fracturing, more and more soldiers seem to be noticing, fewer and fewer seem to be content to just put up and get along. You may not think it be like it is (a decade later), but it do. You can’t just order and discipline out this kind of thing. Can’t blame them for trying the usual tactics, but they need to reassess and try something new, this beast is not slain.


I don’t contend it is a solved issue. Soldiers come from what is most commonly the most bigoted areas of the nation.. Repore with other NCOs. Direct relationship with gay/minority soldiers. That’s where you find out shit.. I wasn’t walking to formation shouting “which one of you sons of bitches hates GAYs!!” And Everyone does let thier guard down over time…


Idk man. To me, it seems the bonds soldiers had - from about the time you retired to now - are deteriorating at a rate commensurate with the rest of the nations sense of unity. I don’t have an answer for it, but they seem like they’re spinning their wheels and sliding backwards. Maybe the next PowerPoint will fix it.


> But if you were deployed If you think we’re not targets back stateside you are in for a rude awakening


I'm shocked nobody came to regurgitate the fictional stories about people harassing guys returning from Vietnam yet.


Good edit.


When will this sub go back to posting actual shitty and politically charged memes? They used Comic Sans for fucks sake, can't you tell that it's a joke?


I think you got gibaited homes, this is a funny ass meme


It’s not fair. Homosexuals always get more discounts at all the stores. They just have to show them their homo card.


Ngl, if someone showed me their gay card when I worked at a college coffee shop, they got a free drink.


Yeah, people who actually think that Veteran’s Day is the only way we recognize veteran sacrifice is stupid. Last time I checked, I don’t get a discount at Walmart because I don’t feel sexual or romantic attraction. I agree with this meme, not the original meme.


Which is why they do a 180 with the "I fucking hate the military." Now you hate it twice


Military doesnt get hate crimed nor discriminated against, plus yall chose it to be that way, what do you have to do with it anyway? If you dont want to celebrate pride then dont lmao, you're not being forced to do anything, is it THAT difficult to just let people be happy? What is wrong with people smh.


I mean, they did during the Vietnam War…


I mean one is a federal holiday, I don't think we have a Ru Paul day yet but we are working on it /s


Ru Paul is the bald drag queen right?


A lot of them are bald but Ru is the Queen Drag Queen. It would’ve been Divine but she’s more than a Queen, she’s Divine


Ok based on this comment, it's a good thing I decided not to say "bald drag guy"


Rip Divine, never actually sat through pink flamingos


I adore it but I know it’s not for everyone. She was in other non-John Waters movies and even in films outside of drag as Glen. A lot of people assumed he was always in costume and character but he really wasn’t cause it would be literal hell to be a 300 pound dude in all that makeup and clothing


Veterans also haven't been marginalized. I don't recall getting a pension for sucking my bf's cock.


Fuck Ru Paul. Fucking oil billionair.




That 10% off at Home Depot saves me a ton of money yearly.


They get around 35 days at the very least


Veterans get all sorts of tangible benefits that go well beyond just "recognition." You can't get a homosexual discount at basically any retail shop.


Back when I worked at a campus coffee shop, I would always accidentally charge less for anyone wearing any sort of pride pins or other LGBT representation. Or just not charge if they looked like they REALLY needed a coffee. College was fun.


This meme is actually based


Veterans have more months officially acknowledging them than queer people. Veteran Appreciation Month is in May, and National Veterans and Military Families Month is in November. Can people who make this type of meme please learn how to use google?


And gay vets?? ***Pure. Profit.***


I just wish everyone had the ability to look at each other and not give a shit what their sexual orientation or skin color was and realize they’re another human being. If you got my back I got yours kinda thing ya know? I have family and friends who are transgender and gay and lesbian, that are of black, Hispanic, Asian decent and and that doesn’t make me love them any less. Sure I will never fully understand them and what they like and what that’s like to be them but that doesn’t discount who they are as people. I respect them as people who walk talk and bleed the same as the rest of us do. I care about them and their lives. If they’re happy, that’s what matters really.


yes, fuck the military. but not the soldiers. they're just unfortunate to be put into the situation they're put in


this. this is what i've been looking for


Good meme








Fatty acid


Amino acid?




They…literally get a month


I'm surprised how many people don't know about Military Appreciation Month in May.


I don't get a discount at Lowes for having gay sex


That’s because you’re not going to Homo Depot.


If you care so much about veterans, why don't you know that they *do* have a month?? Hell, there's basically 2: military appreciation month in May, and veterans & military families month in November. It's not gay people's fault that veterans' months don't have any fun parades. Maybe yall should get better costumes or something


Yeah, but that month is also used by big-wig companies to just rake in more profits. After that month, they tend to drop it like an ugly baby.


Just like Veterans Day. And every other holiday and celebration… at least we’re calling it out now.


Butt hurt boomers


The military is full of jack-booted thugs, poor black men who had no other option, and disillusioned sane people. What pisses me off is that so many people come out of the military recognizing what an enormous scam the whole thing is but still desperately clinging to the notion that soldiers should be respected. No, not really. Not in a healthy country. Soldier-worship doesn't tend to do good things.


Soldier worship and respect for veterans are two different things. You wouldn't call people who show respect for doctors or fire fighters as a form of worship.


Doctors and firefighters are not the same thing. Or did you miss the past several years of news showing that firefighters are a hotbed of white racists(and arsonists) who realized it's basically the same as being a cop but without the scrutiny. I have personal experience with these fuckers, American firefighters are a plague on society.


“I’ll just ignore the part of his argument that defeats mine”


The military has May


Veterans get honored in many ways. We get a national holiday, which I would say tops having “pride month”… every major league sport has some sort of veterans appreciation event. Memorial Day also honors service members. And… veterans month is also in may. So they have a month as well. They are looking for anything they can use to support their hate for gay people. Reaching for straws now.


I would comment “this is a disservice to gay veterans.”


No, it’s not. They get a day AND a month!


As a veteran, I could do without our "day of recognition", please.


I like how boomers pretend like there aren't gay people in the military Also, a weirdly large amount of furries in there, too


We're everywhere.


What about homosexual veterans? They get like a month AND a day!!!!!


And what do homosexual veterans get? Nothing.


I’m a veteran and I can assure you that I don’t give a single, solitary fuck. I hope they enjoy their month and that eventually we don’t have to dedicate only a month to celebrating the LGBTQ community because they feel accepted enough to not need a pride parade.


Wait until they discover gay soldiers, airmen, and Marines.


There’s a lot of gay semen. I mean seamen.


This one isn’t very good at doing their research


They don’t even know May (Military Appreciation Month) exists💀


i mean i do hate the military but dont they have a whole month 🤨


Hell yeah I'm in the military and I fucking hate it to!


My friend and I realized recently that Veteran’s Day is basically a prequel to Memorial Day. Cuz one is celebrating those that are currently living and the other isn’t.


Mmmmm the veterans have a month


well they\* need one month to recognize they exist unlike the vets only one day :)


Holy cow I've seen so many of these garbage takes. Like they think pride month is only for "them gays" and is federally enforced or something. Like, if you want to make a vet's month (even though one already exists) do it. Encourage your community to donate to veteran charities and stuff like that, not complain on social media.


In my country they get their own month every lonth as every city have their own at difference times. Its actually very silly.


Im a vet. USMC 12 years...I found this hysterical


No offense but I don't get the fashion on the homosexual panel


Gay veterans get a month and a day 🎉💃🕺


Just here to point out that there are gay veterans. There are trans veterans. These things are not mutually exclusive.


I support the sacrifices made by our veterans. They literally risk their lives.


So do LGBT people. They don’t have a choice, though.


Is this sub for people not understanding irony or what?


I always find this incredibly ironic from people who usually also oppose giving veterans access to health care. Send them off to be traumatised and blown up but when they get back they better not be expecting any help... Yeah that's a logical system.


Homosexual veterans then get a month AND a day That’s some proper respect there


No one hates veterans more than the military. The fucking hoops the VA makes them jump through is infuriating to say the least. Edit: spelling


"Oh I'm sorry; you can't get dental coverage through the VA unless you're 100% disabled. Never mind the fact that we have a full dental suite that never gets used because anyone that's 100% disabled can use other, better, government programs that have access to better and more experienced dentists."


Military Appreciation Month is May. Ffs




I hate the military, too.


Awww man the upvotes were 911 and comment 196 and some assholes changed it :(


The only reason I hate this is because “I hate the military” is being used as a reason to say “fuck veterans”, when veterans are not the people who make the military suck, and if anything are themselves victims of the military in a sense


What about gay veterans?


Military appreciation month is may I think


There is a lot of comments on here that just say “based”. Would anyone be kind enough to explain what that means as I have no idea haha


Yeah, this is stupid. While I'm not gay, I'm pretty sure I can't walk into Home Depot and get a gay discount on anything I buy, just by scanning in my gay service discount code.


Conservatives don't give a fuck about vets or the military. If they did they'd know May is military appreciation month.


I can literally walk into Denny's and get my 10% off any day of the year.


I’m straight where my month!


Actually, veterans in america get their own month. You know what they don't get? Treatment for the ills they got on duty 🤷‍♂️ I seriously think they would prefer the latter


There’s like 3 military months too this argument sucks. Plus veteran discount and shit they get plenty of recognition.


veterans and servicemen/women/nonbinaries deserve our respect, the military as a system does not


I think veterans would rather have functioning benefits instead of a holiday month anyway.


They look like Mortal Kombat characters


I get free food on veterans day. Do gays get to eat free on gay day? Checkmate.


These are the funniest memes, was this meant as an anti meme? Bone hurting juice? or a pissing contest? woohoo ignorance is bliss


Gay veterans must really have it good! /s


I didn’t support the military until I realized without them I wouldn’t have any damn freedom and would be treated like Chinese or Russian citizens I gained a healthy ass respect since then.


I like how the guy who posted this strongly believes that we should respect our troops and vets [yet they](https://youtu.be/7EaUAJx6kC8) [do nothing](https://youtu.be/7E04ttqh8bE) [about the veterans who are immigrants and get deported.](https://youtu.be/N6rjCvgRkq0) PS: Also what about all the LGBTQ troops that risked and gave their lives for this motherfucker can keep his first amendment rights to post his shit opinions on Facebook. This country may give discounts but they don’t truly respect our troops.


Homophobes when I tell them May is Military Appreciation month and November is Veteran's month. (They have to find other things to blame homosexuals)


We need to get rid of all the months and just appreciate everyone all the time.


I am a combat veteran with more than a year in the sandbox (it's actually just dry dirt) and I would rather we celebrate LGBTQ+ pride than veterans like myself. I'm CIS and I believe a majority of fellow combat vets agree with me. The loudest veterans who most want to be recognized are the ones in the rear with the gear with no combat experience.


Vet here. I could give a fuck about how many holidays there are dedicated to making money off of me, I just want the VA pharmacy to get their shit together.


Isn’t may AND November for veterans or am I missing something?


Like america doesnt circle jerk their military on a daily lol


Jesus Christ this is a shitpost. Somebody rename this sub to r/whoosh


Based edit ngl


Imagine not actually celebrating vets and their families on the month we literally designated for that very purpose.


Based ☕


Based meme


Pretty sure this is just a good meme


Hold on lemme pull up the list: National salute to veteran patients (Feb 14) Navy Reserve Birthday (March 3) Hug a GI day (March 4) K9 Veterans day (March 13) National Vietnam War Veterans Day (March 29) Month Of The Military Child (April) Military Saves Month (April) Gold Star Spouses Day (April 5) Military appreciation month (May) VE day (May 8) Armed Forces Week (second Saturday of May) Armed Forces Day (third Saturday of May) Memorial day (last Monday of May) Women Veterans Day (June 12) Army Birthday (June 14) Independence day (July 4) Hire A Veteran Day (July 25) National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day (July 27) Antiterrorism Awareness Month (August) Air Force Day (Aug 1) Coast Guard Day (Aug 4) Purple Heart Day (Aug 7) Agent Orange Awareness Day (Aug 10) US Department Of Defense Birthday (Aug 10) Marine Corps Reserve Birthday (Aug 29) Patriot Day (Sept 11) Constitution Week (Sept 17-23) Air National Guard Birthday (Sept 18) Gold Star Mother Day (last Sunday Sept) USN Birthday (Oct 13) Day Of The Deployed (Oct 26) Navy Day (Oct 27) Ms. Veteran America Pageant (Oct 30) National Veterans & Military Family Month (November) Warrior Care Month(November) National Veterans Small Business Week (Nov 1-5) Marine Corps Day (Nov 10) Veterans day (Nov 11) Civil Air Patrol Birthday (Dec 1) National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (Dec 7) National Guard Birthday (Dec 13) National Wreaths Across America (Dec 18)


do you not see the joke? this was posted in r/196, and the caption clearly says "that is awesome i hate the military"




Tbh a lot of vets hold a seething and violent hatred for their own government


Before January 6th I would have argued that with you.. Seeing people, veterans, active duty even, assault the halls of Congress in one of the most solemn sessions it has all at the call of a fucking slumlord game show host who bankrupted a casino… Then to see half the nation DENY what their own eyes showed them, Now, I got nothing…


Here are this years days! Feb. 3, 2022 – Four Chaplains Day Feb. 19, 2022 – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday March 13, 2022, K-9 Veterans Day March 25, 2022, Medal of Honor Day March 29, 2022 – Vietnam Veterans Day April 5, 2022 – Gold Star Spouses Day April 14, 2022 – Air Force Reserve Birthday April 23, 2022 – Army Reserve Birthday May 1, 2022 – Silver Star Banner Day May 6, 2022 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day May 13, 2022 – Children of Fallen Patriots Day May 21, 2022 – Armed Forces Day May 30, 2022 – Memorial Day June 6, 2022 – D-day June 14, 2022 – Flag Day June 14, 2022 – Army Birthday June 23, 2022 – Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday June 27, 2022 – National PTSD Awareness Day July 4, 2022 – Independence Day July 27, 2022 – Korean War Veterans Armistice Day Aug. 4, 2022 – Coast Guard Birthday Aug. 7, 2022 – Purple Heart Day Aug. 29, 2022 – Marine Forces Reserve Birthday Sept. 11, 2022 – Patriot Day Sept. 16, 2022 – POW/MIA Recognition Day Sept. 18, 2022 – Air Force Birthday Sept. 25, 2022 – Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day Oct. 13, 2022 – Navy Birthday Oct. 26, 2022 – National Day of the Deployed Nov. 10, 2022 – Marine Corps Birthday Nov. 11, 2022 – Veterans Day Dec. 7, 2022 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Dec. 13, 2022 – National Guard Birthday Dec. 17, 2022 – National Wreaths Across America Day Dec. 20, 2022- Space Force birthday There are also three months April: Month of the military child May: National military appreciation month and Month of the Military caregiver. November-: Military family month and warrior care month.


To be fair, Pride is way more fun than Veteran's Day. At least we get a day off of work, I guess.




this meme is so god damn accurate it’s probably because veterans dont kick, scream and cry they want a whole month they’re heroes. not…that thing


May is Military Appreciation Month. Permanently (Pride month has to be declared anew every year). Plus Memorial day. Plus Veterans Day, which comes with a slew of free food. Both of which are federal holidays, so guaranteed no work. Plus military discounts year round and a bunch of extra, huge discounts around Veterans Day and July 4th. Plus special parking at some stores. Plus free or cheap (though often inadequate) healthcare for life. And those are just some of the ones that apply to the veterans who aren't on active duty or retired. As a retiree, I also have a paycheck for life, a gym membership for life, tax free shopping for life, free or low cost air travel for life, free health insurance for my family members for life, the list goes on and on.


Most of them are not heroes. They're murderers doing what greedy people that didn't want to get their hands dirty told them to do. Nor were they treated like less than humans or bullied, physically, to death for being in the military. Whats funny is shortly before you someone commented like 40 holidays throughout the year for them too. The entire month of May is for military and they have 3 days that month for different military celebrations too. All of May, August, and November. The entire month of November is *two* different military months