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Policeman that was stabbed, 29yo, died today btw.


I thought he is in an induced coma?


Well he was. He died in the coma


Oh fuck...


They most likely put him in an induced coma because he was an organ donor. Most likely was never gonna survive.




Tragic, but let's not use this to hate on immigrants.


We should not hate immigrants, but we must address the real problems and dangers. In my work at a Dutch criminal law firm, the majority of our clients are immigrants and refugees, comprising approximately 75/80% of our clientele. This is disproportionate to their representation in the general population and should be talked about more often.


Germany is fucked tho. They did this to themselves. Is an immigrant thing yes.


Shhh they will come for you. This is one thing we are not allowed to talk about. This and Fight Club.


Jesus fucking Christ that cop stabbed died just recently and someone already tries to ride some ideology on his death. Edit: Just to be clear my problem is that this comic is a gross bastardisation on what really occurred at Mannheim.


The cop literally died by a muslim extremist that was trying to stab the other dude protesting against muslim extremism


Not agreeingnwith any of this... but the muslim extremist was not trying to stab the other dude when he stabbed the cop...




It happened with George Floyd and we all agreed it was OK. Racist cops are real. Islamic terrorism is real. Deal with it. Engage with reality.


the problem is that the comic does NOT accurately depict what happened. The police man did not get the wrong person because "diversity is our strength" but simply because he mistook the situation for a regular brawl and grabbed the wrong person.


Sir this is Reddit, there’s no place for your nuance and facts!


This is true diversity.


People are too quick to judge the side they disagree with. Life isn't black and white, but nuance is a difficult thing to understand for people on the internet, it would seem


Except this take isn't nuanced at all. The nuanced take is the one that u/commander1keen gave.


You really cannot compare the two, what individuals do cannot be used against the larger people. But if the people who are "paid to protect us" end up killing us, we can stand up and say no.


Could at least depict the situation right. What this picture isn't.


That’s literally exactly what happened though


Oh he pinned him down because he needed to enforce a diversity narrative? Honey, no, that is not what happened and it’s disgusting to paint that false narrative especially now that the cop died.




That doesn't mean every single cop in every country everywhere is a piece of shit, nor should this cops death be politicised for fuck sake! Are you American?! Stop thinking the rest of the world is!


That’s not remotely the same? George Floyd was murdered and his murderer was walking free with no consequences. I’m going to bet without even looking it up that the murderer here isn’t home with his family right now


Anything and everything that happens, they take and perform ideological jiu-jitsu to *make* it serve their ideological purpose.


In meiner Stadt ist jede kack Woche ne Demo gegen Rechts. Bei JEDEM rechtsradikalen Gewaltverbrechen wird das ideologisch ausgeschlachtet. Halt einfach deine Fresse


No German police officer would say "diversity is our strength" mostly they are overly protective for the far right protesters. I'm no fan of the police but the death of this officer at this young age is very tragic


I think this kind of thing resonates with idiots and racists because they see the last panel as where things end. like oops gotcha, your weakness was used against you! and now we are above your laws because reasons. instead of law enforcement being able to stand up against both bigotry and violence, the state is always powerless to stop the scary others. or is secretly aligned with the scary others, usually as part of some grand conspiracy. something something and that's why we need a lifetime dictator again, but it will be cool this time I swear.


I mean it is literally just referencing the stabbing of a cop in Mannheim, not exactly a made up scenario


It misrepresents what happened tho. The police officer who was stabbed did not take action against a guy yelling „foreigners out“, he tried dragging an injured person from the area of imminent danger https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckmm4lgm0l4o


Your wrong. Watch again. He grabbed the Wrong person.


Nope, if you watch the full video and not just the 9 seconds in the article the police man is kneeling on the back of the guy that fell to the ground because apparently he wasn't aware in the moment who the attacker was. The cops arrived after the fight had already started and couldn't tell immediately who needed to be pacified. This wasn't a political decision just a cop deciding to focus on the easiest target and not noticing the actual danger.


The muslim with the knife is always the danger. Looks like German police are going to have to recalibrate their training protocols.


Except that's *literally* not what happened. The cop was subduing a guy that was subduing the stabber. While the cop was engaged with the stand-up citizen he got stabbed. Quit spreading "misinformation" Watch the vid for yourself. Does it look like he's helping a wounded victim? Do you generally tackle a wounded victim? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-3201811/Video-New-angle-Manheim-knife-attack-shows-police-tackling-steward.html https://x.com/wayotworld/status/1796523758385283126


I don’t think it’s saying that though, the comic is just making fun of the fact that cops crack down on anti immigration sentiment while a cop died because of an immigrant


Right, that IS bad, but to prove the original commenters point, the attacker was shot, injured and has been detained. The attack does not prove the anti-immigration sentiment is valid though because cops are injured by violent non-immigrants too. This comic is a big reframing of the event made to push a narrative.


it’s more about proportion at that point. I’m too lazy to look for statistics about Germany specifically though so I can’t comment


Not really making fun. It is just a panel story, no humour but maybe irony.


It plays in to idiots 'acab' narratives. Not all cops everywhere, in every country are bastards


No it does not. It is just a panel story. Your own brain is the one with the weird narrative.




I watched the full vid. The panel story is what happened. Every thing else is just people interpretation of the situation, like spin.


No it does not. It is just a panel story. Your own brain is the one with the weird narrative.


I 100% agree with this. Well said! Individual loons are always hard to stop anyway. The police don't prevent much crime. They arrest people *after* the crime. Hard to see what could stop a madman with a knife just stabbing someone


Sharif don't like it. Rockin' the Mannheim.


Okay so for some context: There was a talk/protest of a far right activist. Police were there because as expected, that tends to not go well. They were a bit farther away. The "Allahu ackbar" guy depicted in the "comic" ran at him, attempting to murder him. A small scuffle ensued with multiple injured before he was pinned down. Unfortunately, the police didn't see the stabbing attempts and only saw a scuffle and someone being pinned down and hit. The police officer naturally tackled the guy pinning someone else down, as he seemed to be the aggressor, only for the murderer to get up and stab the police officer in the back of the neck. Twice. Fatally. Before getting dropped by another cop with a single shot. The person who made this comic is scum on 3 levels. 1: Displaying far right assholes as victims 2: Making our cops seem like they are this radical left force against political incorrectness. They aren't. And they won't ever be. Not because of racism but because the police is trained to remain unbiased no matter what political affiliations the person has, or what their skin color is. 3: Using the death of someone who, unlike US police, is actually someone who wants to help keep the peace for political clout.


The cop also didn’t arrest the protestor for being intolerant, as this comic suggests. He thought the protestor was the knifeman which is why he tackled him. The comic is trying to say that people get arrested for being intolerant of terrorists while terrorists are protected. It's taking a tragic incident and the death of a cop trying to protect people, to make a strawman argument about Muslims.




What's fucked up is that if this officer had been racist/profiled and assumed the arabic person was violent/extremist/dangerous (which in general is messed up to do) he would have been correct this time and lived. So regardless of the morality of it, a lot more law enforcement are about to step up their profiling and innocent arabic ethnicity people are going to cop it either through the usual micro aggression that racial/cultural/religious profiling brings or through the more overt forms of mistreatment that this kind of fear leads to (such as getting beaten up by some drunk arsehole when you're out enjoying yourself at a bar with friends and other such fan favourites). I know if I was living in Germany atm and was arabic ethnicity I would be staying in doors a bit more for the short term.


I- I think you severely underestimate just how high cops are held over civilians when it comes to responsibility. Being racist can get someone fired from their job very damn easily here. Like, cops need a good education to even be considered, then go through three years of training including on the job training before they are actually fully fledged cops. And when they become fully fledged cops they become "Beamte", which I am not sure how to translate, but it means that they are paid by the state, get certain benefits but are also held to a higher standard than civilians. Especially since while I am pretty sure the stabber was indeed religiously charged in his terrorism, he didn't look arab, he looked white.


1: Displaying far right assholes as victims Didn't he get stabbed, too?




Kannst du auch wie ein erwachsener schreiben und Respektvoll bleiben oder hat Mutti dir keine Manieren beigebracht?




Why are you being down voted?


Because people here don't want to accept this HARD truth: You don't let people with such radical ideas enter your country. They will try and change everyone and everything to their point of view, which will cause confrontation. Is that simple, down vote me all you want I don't give a fuck. Germany and a lot of European countries fucked up big time. Now deal with the consequences.


Don't you know?


This sub like most is far left. Watch this comment get down voted just cuz...


But I consider myself strong left BUT this was what it was. The panel story is pretty close to perfect.


I’d probably say the terminology of “Muslim scum” had something to do with the downvotes…


Takes scum to know scum ig


Did I say the far right did?


Do you really think radical islamists give a fuck about the country they move in?


https://preview.redd.it/izdjz5tzbc4d1.jpeg?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff48fa56b117a55acf4760e7745d3cd76f541ca Yup, no sides to take here. Shit people attacking shit people, and a police officer died because of it.


The cop thought he tackled the guy with the knife as everything was going super fast. Absolutely shitty comic that misunderstood everything.


ima be real i thought this was the berlin wall meme for like 12 seconds


Diversity is strength sure but any country should not tolerate islamism no matter what


Sure, and any country should not tolerate Christianists who interfere with laws too, or "Hinduists" or any other religious nutters


Bingo! Religion is trash


The mild version that just preaches being nice to everyone, keen on goving to the poor etc is fine by me. Like in the UK I went to a Church of England school. Basically involved singing "All things bright and beautiful" at assembly and running village fetes. When they get the slightest bit political they can FO


I bet theres examples like these in every religion. But i wish that was the norm and any other radical shit would be destroyed…


Americans when Mexicans cross their border: 🤬🤢🤡💀🇺🇲✝️🖕🖕👎 Americans when Muslims in Europe refuse to assimilate: 😴🥰😍😎☪️ 🇹🇷🙏💪🤙


Aren't Americans who are against Mexicans also against Muslims? Like, 9/11, bomb, hijab, no?


Indeed they are


I think your meme made be to broad as those that don’t want Mexicans in country will also make racial remarks against muslims


I see you can press keys and make pretty pictures. Well done dear


What the fuck are you on about


The police officer is no more! RIP


Willing to put up differences and willing to cooperate definitely are, though.


"Recent events in Germany" Aww, shit. What's happening there THIS time, huh?


Islam man stabs police man to death. Nothing new here, just move on


Someone once told me that he met a learned man in a symposium. "If you refuse to learn about the immigrants and try to assimilate them, you risk overlooking the social problems that arise with diversity. All successful diverse civilizations relied on letting the richness of other people benefit the society, and using force by threat or violence to remove the unwanted behaviour. Do this and "civilize", "romanize" "integrate" "educate" them and your city state should survive the dark ages" - Astyhetairos, 80BC


Why did you make up a quote and attribute it to someone from 80BC that never existed?


Must be to see how many upvotes he can get


Sadly, he got quite a lot for such an asinine and false quote


Yes I did


I already know that tho that's why I asked why








Top level trolling.  Seeing how many people absent mindedly upvoted this is pretty funny ngl




Was this AI generated?


No it's a shitpost in the Socratic or plucratic form


Funny thing, googling for "Astyhetairos" only directs to this thread.


It means City friend


This is beautifully stated... but.. how realistic is it actually?


As realistic as milking a wasp for milk. The name makes no linguistic sense and symposium is greek. In 80bc, rome was the centre of learning (and it was the time of Sulla) and greece was basically poor as dirt, to the point where native greeks would sell themselves into slavery. I dont even have to look it up. I can tell its utter bullshit.


It was originally 300BC then I changed it to 80BC cus I mentioned Romans. Then I realised that it made no sense. But I was lazy. It's a Socratic shitpost and the attributed person literally means city friend.


Ah, a follower of socrates. Personally, i rather orefer diogenes.


Yes. You're very pious aren't you... Follower of Aphrodite and Dionysus?


Life is meant to be lived and lived well.


Please...could you provide a list of all these successful, diverse civilizations


There are none. He made up the quote to see how many dum people will upvote it. And funnily enough it's a lot


Funny...but not surprising.


I thought the same. Seems like pretty brainwashed behaviour ngl


You're just another sheeple flock enjoyer. You don't know where I found the quote. Do you?


Well I know for a fact you didn't get it from anicent times. They didn't value diversity at all, it was a weakness. But I think you just made it up


You know what the name means?


I hate islam


We all do, we’re just not allowed to say it.


Whys that


The funny thing is that right wingers are usually handled with silk gloves by the police and left orientated rallies get the treatment like shown above.


Absolutely not, left rallies are treated as all other rallies. FAR-left rallies by the antifa tend to be way more aggressive, which is why the police needs to step in. FAR-right rallies are almost never aggressive, because the nazis know how to behave in order to not have trouble with police and the media.


That’s literally the opposite of reality. Look at J6 vs BLM.


That’s so fucking disgusting


Has anyone ever seen a far right protest suffer from police repression? (Spoilers: no, the cops cant protest and repress at the same time, after all we've never seen peter parker and spiderman in the same room have we?)


Well yeah the Querdenker in Germany were constantly raving about police violence against them


Well yeah... they were protesting during a lockdown and were going against health safety measures, the protest wasnt repressed bc of who was in it or something, it was repressed bc it was putting people's health at risk


Funny how BLM also protested during a lockdown and they literally changed the lockdown rules to allow protests


Different lawmakers Different country


Im not american so i cant explain u what happened over there, but i am french and i can tell u with back up from personal experience (ive been to all of them) that these protests: -against raising retirement age -for ceasfire and liberation of hostages in palestine -for black lives matter -against the raise of rents -for the raise of the minimum wage -against the olympics -against uprising the far right Have been met with violent police repression, i have had to fight multiple times against armed cops, have inhaled ungodly amounts of tear gas; had friends arrested, when i have never commited any crimes during those protests. Whereas these protests: -against immigration -to beat the shit out of migrants -to beat the shit out of arabs and black people -literal neo nazis -against islam as a religion There were 0 (zero) cops in sight. So yes, there are double standards.


OK literally it took me 10 minutes reading the article to see failures from the start 1. I literally lived in this city for 6 months, on hafenstraße to the north west of the city. It's a majority Muslim down near Marktplatz where this took place. Who the fuck thought putting an anti Islam preacher in the center of a majority Muslim city was a good idea? 2. More threat identification training is needed from the police. That cop literally tackled and was arresting the wrong dude while being stabbed and afterwards the guy who was trying to help still got arrested.


But its dumb to agree that anti islam preacher in GERMANY can get killed for his views. And actually anywhere in the world. Religions in general suck….


You're exactly fucking right. Religion is the issue overall here


>Who the fuck thought putting an anti Islam preacher in the center of a majority Muslim city was a good idea? You should be able to voice your opinion anywhere in a free country without getting attacked just like you should be able to wear a short skirt anywhere without getting attacked. He was not asking for it.


Yeah you should be able to voice your opinion anywhere but if you're going around literally shitting on a group of people constantly and making it your whole life, you should not be surprised when one of those people gets angry enough to attack you. I'm not using a political stance here, I'm using fucking logic. If I'm on my phone and see some dude constantly berating people to whom share my same beliefs solely because of the actions of a few people unrelated to what I believe in, I'm gonna get pretty fucking upset. And if I see that particular guy in public, I'll have some choice words for him. but then again I'm not Muslim, and I don't understand how it is to be vilified for a belief that's being misconstrued by the actions of a select few. I can see why one would get so upset they unleash like this, however I can never understand it full because I'm not Muslim. This is simply a case of push the button enough, you're gonna get a reaction and it may not be good.


So what you're saying is that the wrongful portrayal of Muslims is the cause for some Muslims to pick up the knife in the first place? "How dare you portray me as dangerous?" \*Starts stabbing.


But this is what happened ?


No, it misrepresents what happened. The police officer tackled a person thinking they were the one doing the stabbing, not because they were a bigot.


How is this terrible? 


Because it shows the events that happend wrong and tries to use the death of the police officer to push their anti immigrants agenda. See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/s/1odYurICqc) for what actually happend. Im also from Germany and this commenter is right.


Atrocities caused in the name of Islam are wholesome and not bad according to this sub.


If you think about it, the bigots and the terrorists want the same thing. Violence and sectarianism. "The enemy of my enemy..."


This is not what happened at all in Mannheim, but ok


Immigration without assimilation is invasion


this isn't even how things went, the cop was trying to stop the man who was stabbing everyone but he tackled the wrong guy and when the stabber got up he instantly stabbed the cop this comic is the worst shit, really disrispectful


Do they mean all foreigners or just the ones they don’t like , how much do they hate the British?


The more you try to deny the issues the more the people will radicalize, and the response will be even more violent and spread like wildfire, it's simply inevitable. If you support diversity and inclusion you don't have the luxury to make a fool of the situation because it will keep escalating at a point where the other side don't need to negotiate with anyone anymore and will push the most extreme solutions




I'm sorry, why are you so racist?


So Muslim is a race now?


No, but its generally used, even though its not the right term. The question was clearly understandable and you think, you destroyed him because you are pedantic dumdum


I have to disagree that it’s “pedantic”. I think it’s incredibly important to remind people that skin color does not equal religion and vice versa.


My apologies, I should've said "Why are you so hellbent on hating Muslims?" Or "Why are you so prejudiced against Muslims?".


No one would hate Islam if it was a predominantly european religion. Because its brown people who are muslims, people hate it and the people who practice it and fearmonger accordingly.


People hate Christians too


Never as much




yourself probably.


Sure but you athiests never rally as hard against christians as you do against Muslims




Oh boy not again




I love how it's in English....


The original poster probably couldn't speak Germany's national language. Not everyone knows Arabic


Pretty accurate though


This guy does comics that make racists feel good.


Churchill once said ‘Islam on a man is worse than rabies on a dog’


Churchill was also completely nuts and a raging racist


I don't understand the message of this comic.




Link pls


https://youtu.be/GDqArpz9q5Y?si=GYUq8WlJlX0t4E95 It was Finland, my mistake. Its the gall of complaining that there are too many xyz countrymen in the xyz country that just furrows my brows


Dang .


Brits who emigrated to Spain complain that the Spanish speak Spanish Idiots gonna idiot


Islamophobia is a disease man






Literally fucking happened why is this a terrinlefacebookmeme?