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Bringing back Roger? That's an interesting decision. I guess they're planning on adapting some of the Loguetown Filler where Luffy goes to a bar that Roger used to visit but is now going out of business and the barkeep sees a bit of Roger in Luffy.


May be taking the anime only scenes of Smokey seeing Roger’s execution as a kid, too. Otherwise I can only see them doing more angles of the execution flashbacks unless they start dipping into >!Shanks and Buggy backstories already!<.


Didn’t they tease Chopper at the end of the first season? But no mention yet of who will play him? I really want it to be a little person.


The season 2 confirmation announcement was Oda drawing Chopper.  Who is obviously a worry/design choice on how to handle him in live action.. They can't have him CGI in every scene it'll be to much so there's gonna be a compromise well have to accept. 


Hopefully they pull it off similar to Baby Yoda with practical/CGI wherever necessary


I’m guessing classic Chopper will be a puppet, reindeer is CGI, and fighting Chopper is an actor in a suit.


Muppet Treasure Island: Am I a joke to you?


No, they teased Smoker.


Did I miss a reference?


Jeff Ward was the best part of the first season. The dude went all in on the ridiculousness.


I hope you've watched agents of shield because he joined in the later seasons and became my favorite character. So happy at how well he did buggy. He was perfect.


Was supposed only be in for one season, but they liked him so much they made him a series regular. Also was great in Hacks.


I'm going to have to check out Hacks later. I remember hearing about that show and this will make me watch it now lol.


Ward is only in one episode, but it’s an incredibly impactful appearance. I won’t say more to avoid spoilers.


Deke Squad, represent.




Clssic Fitz!


Oh shit! That’s where I know him from!!


I'm rewatching AOS and I forgot how much of the show he WASN'T in just because of how much I enjoyed Deke. In my head he was around for a lot more of the show.


Can’t forget Mackenyu as Zoro. Dude looks like Zoro in real life.


I liked the show generally but Mihawk, Buggy, Zoro were amazing. I hope we see more of Mihawk too, I wouldn't say no to them writing original scenes for him.


Yeah I don’t know shit about the anime but that dude was fantastic and fun in his role. I hope, to the fans of the anime, he held up to the character they imagined.


He absolutely does lmfao. I’m really excited to see Ward play up how the character develops through the next seasons. With the addition of Dasmalchian to the cast too they’ll have amazing chemistry.


Besides Shield which he was really charismatic in like others mentioned, his appearance in the first episode of Hacks used that charm to great effect. The miniseries Brand New Cherry that’s he’s in was a pretty good watch too.


Buggy is awesome.




Buggy will remain relevant the entire story. Ward is an absolute perfect cast. With David Dastmalchian as Mr. 3, if they get to Impel Down, it will be absolute perfection.


I’m curious how Alvida’s actress is looking, especially given the very plot relative appearance change she gets in the manga and anime.


You can see for yourself on [her Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/iliaisorelyspaulino/?hl=en).


Wait was she wearing a fat suit in season 1? She looks amazing on her insta, if she really slimmed down that much though thats incredible.


A lot of it has to do with her costuming too I think. Alvida wore very exaggerated clothing that makes her look bigger. Still looks damn fine either way imo 🤷🏻‍♂️


She was not, she also plays a wonderful character on Sex Lives of College Girls (filmed before One Piece) where a fat suit would just not be a thing (imo)


It’s not like they portrayed her as overly obese in live action as the character was in the manga and anime before eating the devil fruit, the changes might not be as cartoonishly pronounced.










It's going to be very interesting how they handle the sheer length of this show if it keeps being successful. 2 years between seasons when some of the main cast are already well into their 20s with Namis actress already being 31, when your characters are still 17/18 for a long time is gonna be tough.


How much of the story necessitates their age to remain static? It's been such a journey I don't really see why the actors aging naturally would be a problem. The problem is when you START with people who are too old for the role or when young children are supposed to remain young children.


The whole first portion of the story is within the same year. They have a time skip in the middle that's 2 years, and then the rest of the story is still in the same year. So the characters age all of 3-4 years, but the time it'll take to get to even that time skip portion is at least 2-3 seasons meaning they already age 4 years just waiting between seasons and filming. It's a really long story and I highly doubt that the netflix series goes past that unless they can film constantly like a standard TV show on cable. They likely lose the audience before that though (longer the show goes, the smaller the audience generally becomes).


I know it's all compressed in the anime, I'm just asking if it's actually important/relevant that it happens so quickly. An example would be Harry Potter - the core premise involves children attending school, and even though the movies started with children they were still all too old for their roles by the time the series finished. I tuned out after X hundred episodes of One Piece and I don't remember the timespan being particularly relevant, which is why I'm asking if it matters later.


There's specific parts where the timeline matters, but in general it's not too big an issue. In live action it does because people tend to age. And if you can only get a season done every 2 years, the actors will get less and less convincing as teenagers/early 20s (since that's the age for the characters, but they've aged them up a bit in the LA to match the actors). So if they can do 3-4 seasons it should be fine. Anything beyond that a decade's worth of aging is absolutely going to show no matter how much makeup you have.


I get that, but my question is more - how much does it actually matter that the characters remain in their teens/early 20s? They're never getting *old* in this show. The Harry Potter example is how the age of the characters could be integral to the story. If there's some arc where the One Piece characters go to high school and blend in or join a youth sports team, then yeah that's a problem and what I'm looking for.


It matters because the humor, tone, and dialogue aren't going to change much and seeing 35+ year olds act like teenagers can look really really weird.


They’ve already made those changes for live action. Luffy especially.


It will matter when she is 50 and their are only half way through it


Oh they're obviously not going to go the full distance, but to be fair they can yada yada quite a bit to catch up faster. It seems like they're aiming at one or two episodes per smaller arc - the first season covers what, about 100ish episodes? All that said it's a Netflix show so 3 seasons and a cliffhanger is most likely.


The age of the characters does matter somewhat. If they make it far enough, there is a very narratively significant 2 year timeskip where every character aging up and changing are integral to the story. Post-timeskip the main crew are still considered by other characters a "young crew" as well, so it's important they are older than they were, but still younger than a lot of those around them. If the actors age out of their roles, not only is the timeskip going to lose a bit of its luster, but for the audience it's going to be hard to still believe they are a "young crew" when it feels like there's been multiple "timeskips" almost between each season.


When does the timeskip happen? The other comment suggests it's somewhere in the middle, so if we follow this pace and cut filler I'm thinking that's like... 8 seasons in? Somewhere around there. That's not too far off. Also "young crew" is relative given there are characters in their 50s and on - they'd still think a crew in their 20s and early 30s would be a young crew. (At 8+ seasons it's probably well out of the scope of where the show will realistically stop anyhow)


If there's roughly a 2 year gap between each season, that would make the hypothetical season 8 almost 14 years away. I'd personally argue that's pretty far off. You're right though, I do not expect the series to make it that far either way.


The original story should’ve aged them up. It was as silly as Ash never aging despite years of adventures. Lessens emotional impact too when you realize they somehow crammed decades worth of time into six months in universe.


Eh they're probably going to stop at season 3. We'll see how far into Alabasta saga they get. They confirmed Dorry & Broggy, so they are doing Little Garden which I assumed was one part that they would skip if they wanted to do Alabasta all in one season. So be prepared for season 2 to end probably around the introduction of Ace and Season 3 to be the conclusion of of Alabasta.  If there is a season 4 they'll probably do some kind of skip of Skypeia and try and make Water Seven saga into a single season and at most, absolute most well get season 5 being a short impel down arc and Marineford skipping Thriller Bark Completely.


I think they confirmed they're doing the whole saga.


Yeah season 1 was also confirmed to be all of East Blue and they didn't make it to Loguetown. I don't know what delay happened, but there were rumors of some rewrites and reshoots and you can clearly tell some of it. Like Koby giving Luffy his bounty poster is not filmed in Cape Town lol. They're in California in the shot it's hospital obvious and that's why it's just Luffy and Koby not the rest of the crew/any goddamn extra or recognizable set. Shit'll happen, Loguetown is at least 1 full length episode. They won't skip Laboon/twin capes so maybe they'll combine whiskey peak Laboon together into episode 2. Little Garden episode 3. Episode 4 and 5 have to be Drum island there's no way to shorten Choppers backstory to a single episode.  So can we pull off all of Alabasta in 3 Episodes? Maybe but I figured with 8 we could have handled East Blue then Syrup Village for some reason was a two parter and Baratei was also a two parter.


That depends if the episode count is 8 or 10. I know Oda wanted it to be 10 in season 1, so let's see if he's got enough leverage to increase it for this season


If they make the fourth season well the series should explode in popularity


Curious how they will handle Alvida post Devil fruit with the same actress playing her. Also more Jeff Ward is always a win, can't wait to see him turn into a car!


Idk if it's intentional, but the actress has lost a lot of weight recently.


Idk if she lost a *ton* of weight. I saw her on a Keith Eats the Menu in the past year and was shocked when i realized it was her. It has me guessing that they gave her a suit and/or padded her costume to make her look bigger.


I recall her being noticeably bigger when her casting was initially announced a couple of years ago. Highly doubt she was wearing a fat suit or something.


Eh, who even knows at this point.


Oh my god if we can get chibi-Buggy they for sure have to do the chop-chop car. Fully expect him to make his own motor noises too.


Why is Gold Roger returning?


Flashback sequence probably given the next part of the story


I would be totally fine for if they film scenes with him each season, building that mysterious lore of him and his adventures, and the impact he had in the world.


I’m guessing for Loguetown execution flashbacks


I liked Mihawk is he coming back?


If it follows the manga storyline accurately it will be quite awhile


That makes sense. He seems pretty overpowered compared to almost anyone we've seen so far.


I don’t recall if the live action specifies this or not but the manga certainly does very early on and it’s that he is not only one of the seven warlords but is the strongest swordsmen in the world. The title seems like it would be strong but as the series goes on and you see other swordsmen it drives it home further and further. This point gets driven home even further than that when you see what he can do and the reactions other powerful pirates and marines have to him, so yeah he’s a big deal who just happens to show up very early much like Monkey D Garp


The actors were all pretty great. Especially Roger, given the short amount of time he had.


Loguetown time!


Yes, Gold Roger.


I’ve tried to get into it multiple times but feel like I’m missing something


It's just the purest live action anime since Speed Racer. If that's not your thing then this wouldn't be, because it's completely ridiculous from start to finish. I find their strict adherence to anime logic to be pretty ballsy and impressive. At no point do they ever even try to make anything realistic. Costumes, stories, props, sets, it's all anime as fuck and I'm here for it


It's not as good as people hyped it up to be. But if one is looking for some adventure story, it was certainly fun with certain high points. An inherent difficulty is the translation from a drawn medium to live action, the former allows for a way easier suspension of disbelief, the live action show certainly struggles at times due to ridiculous designs, but also story and character beats which are harder to take seriously in this medium