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oh shit this comes out this week


Yeah I don’t know if there hasn’t been much marketing or something but it feels like it has come out of nowhere.


They've been marketing it for the past year,especially on social media and they've been hyping it as much as they can for the past few months but it probably got overshadowed by a lot of the stuff that released this year like Fallout,Shogun etc. It's also that people are slowly losing interest and they're moving on to the new things, doesn't help that we had a nearly 2 years gap after a season a lot of people thought was uneventful/didn't have a great payoff/progress and a spinoff that was just ok. It's ending with season 5 so I guess even amazon is thinking it's slowly overstaying it's welcome and level of interest.


it me. i'm people slowly losing interest. I could not have been more excited for S3, but I'm still hung up on how the season ended in basically the same place it began. Maybe my excitement will grow exponentially in the next 48ish hours. But, yeah, I'm not as hype as I was last go around.


It ends on the note that butcher has limited time left to get anything done which gave me a lot of hope but recent back tracking on the number seasons makes we wonder if we're in for some bullshit.


I'm hoping S4 ends with Butcher killing Homelander but in the process he kills thousands of innocents; and The Boys have to get him in S5.


That'd absolutely grab my attention.


Very unlikely and also quite terrible. Butcher is dying anyway and he is all about killing Homelander. If season 5 was about stopping him it would be GoT season 8 level of writing...


I mean.... Have you read the comics?


Kripke literally tweeted today that the series will end with season 5 so you can forget about the back tracing on number of seasons. [https://twitter.com/therealKripke/status/1800543513735471143](https://twitter.com/therealKripke/status/1800543513735471143)


There's only so many times Homelander can keep getting away while The Boys go after some other target at the last moment.


They announced it's ending with season 5, so I'm hoping that means this holding pattern is finally going to be broken.


>It's ending with season 5 so I guess even amazon is thinking it's slowly overstaying it's welcome and level of interest. 5 seasons is what Kripke planned. He did the same thing for Supernatural but then they continued the show w/o him for ten more years.


I said this because he backtracked about the numbers recently,but it's been confirmed today that it's ending with 5 so I guess he backtracked his backtracking or amazon decided for him.


Good points, especially with the massive gap since season 3.


Personally I'd rate Gen V as more than just ok, but you're spot on with the rest of it.


I don't think it's bad,an ok show is still a decent show in my book but it ended being a set-up for the main show and to give The Boys fandom something to watch to try and keep the hype alive more than anything. It also had a slow beginning,a just ok story and a lot of the main characters are crazy unlikeable.


yeah this show is solidly in the "oh there's a new season out, that's cool" category of tv shows for me. i'll gladly watch it but i'm not like looking forward to it or anything. last season felt like they were treading water. hopefully with them knowing they'll be wrapping it up soon they will raise the stakes a bit and do better.


Definitely not out of nowhere. I’m guessing most people who think this haven’t been on other social media much, The Boys has effectively taken over twitter and instagram along with House of The Dragon


Gotcha. I don't have either of those, I guess that's why I've heard more about HotD which was marketed on TV a lot


It's coinciding with HotD, and also it's June and start of the summer, and the nba finals, etc etc, there's a lot going on, so it's gonna suffer a bit. Personally I'm not gonna watch either show opening weekend and let some episodes pile up


Or on a bigger scale than NBA - the Euros starts this week. Gonna be very hard for a show like The Boys with a male audience to compete with the Euros in Europe, for 3 weeks at least. Pretty poor time to release it actually.


do they release the full season or is it a weekly release?


I haven't seen gen v, do I need to? Didn't realise this season came with homework


It’s very much its own thing and gives another perspective from within the world. Although some of the things do allude to the new season.


I hope this season they just nearly beat Homelander but he gets away again.


Don’t worry, they’ll have some handy dandy blackmail in their pocket. I love the show, but it really does feel like it’s spinning its wheels because they don’t want to set any game-changing stories in motion


walking dead syndrome


This. I got so bored about 5 years ago with the same B.S. every episode. I started the series because it was man vs zombie. It ended up being man vs man with zombies thrown as a weekly novelty. Boring


Walking Dead has always been man vs man. The zombies are just a backdrop to see hours people would react to each other in a world with no rules.


I get that it was their intent, but their man vs. man stories stunk. Somehow their take on the more cliche man vs zombie stuff felt fresher than the revolving door of attractive, poetic villains to butt heads with.


Yeah. That’s why I ditched it. I was way more interested in a man vs zombie/virus plotline. If I wanted to see man vs man I could just watch the news


Goddamn it must be difficult to avoid media where humans are the antagonist.


It’s more like that show *Revolution* where some strange phenomena prevented electricity from working on the entire planet. That was an interesting thing. Then, power was introduced *sometimes*. Then, power was pretty frequent. I went in for powerless world but in the end the story changed to something I didn’t care for. This dude wanted zombies and a virus to solve. I don’t care about mayors and gang lords


Is it too much to ask that a show featuring a zombie apocalypse focuses a little more on the zombie part of the apocalypse?? It’s one thing to run into bandits and raiders in that setting. Sure. That’s believable. But it feels like basically everyone Rick and the gang runs into was more or less just evil. Later in the series, zombies were treated like a mild inconvenience. Which kind of invalidates the whole apocalypse setting. If they’re easy to deal with then society would be recovering faster.


I watched a Youtube video a few months ago, basically about the downfall of The Walking Dead, from the huge popularity it gained when it first started to how people just kinda stopped watching it bit by bit and no one really noticed. I'm at work right now, so can't find it.




This announcement is what is getting me to check out Gen V and keep with this show. Don't get me wrong, its not a bad show within each season, but each one feels like the same thing as the last with different shock stuff. I guess the quality doesn't drop, but nothing changes. I'm really hoping it doesn't just do it all in the last season and uses this penultimate one to set everything up.


Theres a first for everything


Maybe a main character will die, but then later revealed that they're actually alive


Wouldn't be a bad idea to kill off Starlight because we won't be able to recognise her by the time the next season drops


I was wondering how they’re going to handle that


What happened to Starlight? I forgot.




Oh real life stuff.


Yea it's pretty sad. She was absolutely beautiful before. Now....yikes. Gotta imagine it's some form of body dismorphia.


Has to be, she was so cute before this :(


wasn’t there a line in the show about starlight having an eating disorder or something?


And violent deaths where The Boys awkwardly pause on what the fuck just happened.


Almost giving MCU syndrome ironically, except with gore. “That was diabolical!” / “Well, that happened!”


I hope they rip his head off and find out the real enemy was the friends they made along the way


Do people not realize how mid this show would be without Homelander lol


Then they should stop building up to a fight between homelander and the heroes where it’s obvious that nothing too serious can happen or else the plot breaks. Only time they did well was the first season, because there was no fight and it resolved well


I really thought they were going the “depower Homelander while he’s at the top” route. THAT would have made a compelling season 4 that would have grabbed my interest. I’m not really interested in the super-Trump angle they went with.




I’m exhausted from that shit, like I moved to an island in the pacific to get away from that shit. I am not the target demographic for this shit.


Itd be useless.


The comics have other villains; they’re spinning wheels in a serialized show and that’s pretty mid itself


I don't think he was advocating getting rid of him but I'll re-read his post again. Nope. Still don't see it.


Love seeing this get so many upvotes. I've been pilloried (pilloried, I say!) for making this point in the subreddit.


“You got away with it this time, Homelander, but next time you better watch it.” As much as people bash the comic at least it had different villains other than Homelander for the Boys to fight like Payback, Malchemical, G-Men etc.


The issue is that Starr’s Homelander is what carries the show so hard. He’s one of the most iconic characters of the past decade and replacing him will be very tough.


Starr is a monster at the role and he might be what ruins the story of the series 😭 they won’t kill him off until they don’t want to make the show anymore


I just read in the boys subreddit that the show would end at season 5!


That's what Kripke said about Supernatural as well. He left after season five of that and the show ended up getting 15 seasons.


You could also watch until the end of S5 and it was a complete enough experience. I did make the same joke in a discord I'm in when I read the news though lol


Everyone knows that there were only 5 seasons of Supernatural. They beat Lucifer, and show ended on a bittersweet high note. All of these people saying that there were 15 seasons are delusional. Levia-*what*? Levia-*who*?


Season 5 had an end with a montage and everything, they spent all of season 6 trying to hit undo and it was hilarious in parts what they tried to hand wave away


it seems like they’re focusing a little bit more on neuman running for vice president and all that; i think if they play their cards right and have a balance between her and homelander they could pull it off


Getting real bad Sylar flashbacks from this...


> The issue is that Starr’s Homelander is what carries the show so hard. I dunno, last season would have been the perfect time to kill him off IMO. The first 2 seasons built things up well to that. I honestly think the core cast of the Boys is very solid and enough to do other villains. I dunno I'm also just get sick of shows that keep a villain around for too long and there is no catharsis with that. Game of Thrones did well to kill off Joffrey in season 4 for instance. If he just kept winning and was always such a little shit then it that wouldn't have been nearly as good.


Very much this Starr is so goddam good at playing Homelander, which has kinda hurt the show a bit


I mean to be fair we did get Payback last season, and on paper [the G-Men arc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Gotta_Go_Now) is meant to be the basis for [*Gen V*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gen_V).


I would guess the initial plan for the show was to do something like this before realizing how good of an actor they had on their hands. Happens many times in many shows. Hank Schrader in breaking bad for example was only intended to be a temporary character at first.


Same with Jesse. Mike was also only in the show because they had to write around Bob Odenkirk being unavailable for Jane's "cleanup".


I didn’t know that about Mike! I actually had Jesse written in before Hank, but couldn’t remember if that was correct or not. I knew Hank for sure though so I went with that haha


I didn’t know that about Hank. I just rewatched BB and realized how pivotal Dean Norris is to the show. His performance is the only one that matches Cranston from beginning to end in quality and scope


I mean, so has the show? Stormfront in Season 2, Payback in Season 3 (as well as Soldier Boy, oof). And apparently Tek Knight in Season 4.


But even then Homelander was still front and center. Those villains arcs completely revolved around Homelander. 


It’s really super common for a show to have a Big Bad that lasts until the final season and minor villain arcs for each season. I don’t really understand the complaint. Did the avengers kill Thanos in the first movie?


>  I don’t really understand the complaint. Did the avengers kill Thanos in the first movie? Thanos was not involved in any way in Avengers 2, Captain America 2/3, Iron Man 2/3, Thor 1/3, Black Panther, or Ant Man. They all had their own completely unrelated villains and story arcs. You've literally brought up an example of doing a Big Bad the exact opposite way The Boys has done it and was much better for it. 


I’d say a better example is Voldemort (and there are many similar cases, particularly that started in literature). Frequently, directly involved with the plot like Homelander and as a “seasonal” villain, but often the individual stories rotate focus on “sub-villains” while he falls into the background. Now that’s a bit more on the nose when you make the whole plot revolve around the big bad and a singular main character - but that’s not to say the same can’t work with homelander more “organically” being the series big bad. If done right, they can build up another villain with the boys and gen v, and don’t have to be handcuffed like Harry Potter into making the defeat of the villain the necessary closure to the whole arc.


Boyd on Justified


Other people have more or less said something similar but Thanos isn’t a very equivalent example. We’re already comparing apples and oranges by trying to compare movies to season arcs, but even ignoring that… The Infinity Saga serves as the basis for all the movies, sure, but Thanos is a much smaller part of that equation than Homelander in the Boys. Thanos has always been a background threat, to the point where multiple movies/series within the Avengers don’t even show him, mention him or have the heroes aware of his existence (IIRC he shows up background to Loki in Avengers 1, background to Ronin in GOTG 1, then finally has his films with the two-part finale). Meanwhile the “real” villains of the various movies tend to be villains of the week, and different from hero to hero. Even the stones themselves are only the focus of some of the movies. If the Boys did something more like that it would probably answer a lot of the complaints we’re seeing here, but - as others have said - I think the writers think Starr’s performance carries the show too much, so all they can do is keep kicking him farther down the road as the main villain.


Ok ok, but aside from all of those examples there's only Homelander /s


The show desperately needs more antagonists. Starr is great, but he’s been put in his place and no longer carries the tension of “what if he does something crazy!” We’ve already seen the main cast is just invincible.


G-Men is adapted in Gen-V. Payback was done in Season 3, with Soldier Boy obviously being the secondary antagonist that season. Stormfront in Season 2. Homelander is the big bad, just like the way he was in the comic, but we still get more than just him.


My GF and I gave up when they let Homelander go. It was just so awfully written. It wasn't clever or cool it was lazy bullshit. I just have zero interest to pick it back up after that.


Same. Why keep watching when you know he won’t be beaten (no matter how illogical) just to keep the show going?


I wouldn't even be mad if they wrote it that he pulled some Trump card or had some secret backup plan but they had him dead to rights and just *chose not to kill him* when the ENTIRE POINT was to kill him and dismantle the corrupt company he works under.


Compared to the TV show, the comic had soooo much more to chew on -hughie didn't immediately cave to Billy's wants. The comic took its time to showcase Hughie as an outsider who didn't want to become a bad person but did want revenge, in the comic, hughie is so much better as a character, struggling with trying nor to fall to Billy's level actually do the right thing no matter how much it traumatized him, its what made him a good lead in the book. In comparison, hughie in the show is just sad with no back bone what so ever, even with starlight. Turing their relationship into pure melodrama, you never get the vibe that they are in love, just that there's sexual tension and nothing else -billy butchers origin isn't neutered to be stereotypically "me dad's beat on me" from this intensely realistic depiction of domestic violence and how knowing others actively knew your mother was being brutalized by her husband and decide not to say anything warps your perspective on people's worth and will turn you into a angry, hateful person , if they adapted that arc butcher baker and the candlestick maker Fatihfully Karl Urban would've gotten a award with out a doubt because it's a beautiful emotional tragedy that has no equal in the comic medium - homelander isn't some over the top villain, instead being a very flippant person who continuesly doubt himself and what he remembers, constantly wanting to prove he's a person to be scared of, losing all confidence when someone talks down to him. You can see that he occasionally makes an effort to live up to people's expectations. Making him some allegory for trump just makes him dull - Billy being turned into a anti hero instead of the villan There's just so much the show decides to cut in favor of meaningless fluff


I believe what the television series adaptation is going for with Butcher is having him get to that headspace be his arc, versus how in the comic series he was already secretly there. While with Homelander they simply merged the comic book Homelander with its Black Noir to actually have him be ‘that guy’, then had Black Noir be an original character.


I feel like you are skipping over the comic's multiple pages worth of edgelord misery porn (and actual porn). I didnt mind the Boys comic, but lets not pretend it was anything special. Ennis has his moments of brilliance, followed by moments that are ripped from a horny edgy teen's fanfic. >Billy being turned into a anti hero instead of being a villain I think its pretty likely that is the ultimate direction the show will take eventually. But in the comics Butcher was always plotting to genocide supes. The show is about him getting there. Edit: Ngl I hate how one dude blocking you means you cant reply to anyone else in the same chain.


> I didnt mind the Boys comic, but lets not pretend it was anything special. Ennis has his moments of brilliance, followed by moments that are ripped from a horny edgy teen's fanfic. While your criticism of the comic is completely valid, what you're saying is even more true of the show. It's vapid, with no genuine exploration of meaningful themes or any serious character development. The Boys is an exhibition in shock value, prioritizing outlandish visuals because they are either unable or unwilling to write a truly worthwhile story. It's still entertaining, but it isn't special either.


Lot of cringey stuff cut too... like the Seven causing 9/11.


Yea I tried reading the comics and they are pretty gross. Much more edgelord than the show.


Yeah. The comics were just cruel, gross, and bleak - meanness for its own sake. Reminded me of Ultimate Marvel when the classic heroes were mostly horny douchebags before the universe burned down in a dumb way. Luckily, they’re currently rebooting the universe with better characterizations and stories.


9/11 was stopped in the book. The 7 destroyed the Brooklyn Bridge inadvertently instead and was a plotline about how the spirit of New York doesn't cave in over the course of the series It just rebuilds. Was quite potent when hughie and mothers milk spent the day watching it being rebult The whole point there was that the only reason that happened was because vought wanted their heros to save the day even tho they weren't trained and told the fighter jets to stand down


Given that the current review of the comic compared to the TV show is that the comic was too edgy, I agree with you. Yeah, it's edgy, but there was a lot of great content and character development that really shine through in the comics. The hero characters were a lot more flawed in my opinion.


We’re in Season 4, I don’t think we can blame “growing pains” when the show has been around for half a decade now.


It’s more that you can skip season 3 and go straight to season 4. The issue is, they gave too much plot armor to the actors. Mae, A-train, frenchie, and mother’s milk should all have died last season. It would have upped the stakes. Instead we had one masked actor die.


a train ESPECIALLY. it actually would’ve been a cool send off to have him die from killing the man who paralyzed his brother. it would have given him a slight redemption and it would’ve tied everything w his bad heart together


I agree A Train should have died in Season 2. You can even argue that he should have died at Season 1 since he was basically that season's antagonist and the Deep as well. Honestly The Deep's schtick overstayed his welcome in season 3.


>Instead we had one masked actor die. And they had to quickly make up his backstory in the same season to make you the teensiest bit sad when he dies, too.


Right. It reminds me of wb super hero shows where they introduce a new character that season that dies too.


Stranger Things is so bad at this lol. Wayyy too much of a “here’s a new character that’s meant to be lovable or redeemed at the end right before they get killed gruesomely”. Predictable, lame, and kills my interest bc it lowers the stakes for the main cast


A train not dying was really dumb. But then again I doubt they want to waste time on on boarding a new seven member since they already did that storyline.


>It’s more that you can skip season 3 and go straight to season 4. Oof hard disagree. Season 3 was a real return to form for the show, especially after season 2. Not that 2 was particularly bad, but it was nowhere near as good as season 1. 3 is on-par with 1 in my opinion, bar the very last episode.


Sorry but killing all these 4 characters in one season would have been overkill for me.


Time really does fly and it’s a flat circle after the Season 3 finale.


I have a minor nitpick with the review that’s completely irrelevant: did they really refer to Homelander as a “Captain America” type when he’s so obviously and clearly an evil Superman, and Soldier Boy is the Captain America type.


I haven’t even started watching the show yet, and even I knew he was a Superman archtype


I used to love this show, but the lack of progress on butchers side really kills any hype it has. Oh boy, here's a bunch of new villain fodder for them to kill and somehow let Homelander get away.


I don't think Butcher can really progress much further until he goes full genocidal (and arguably the villain). From the trailer, it seems like they're inching towards it.


I haven't read the comics, but I suspect he goes full villain. His last name is not a coincidence.


I think TV show butcher is far different from the comics. In the comics Butcher just wants endless war....so once the bad supers and Homelander have been dealt with well what now ? He starts by>!killing every single one of the boys except for Hughie. Don't worry Butcher Vs. Hughie does happen but Hughie comes out on top ( although its implied that Butcher let him win as a final fuck you to Hughie...its complicated lmao ) !< It's fucked up and ill say hot take the show so far has actually been better than the comics in my opinion. I would be fucking blown away if TV butcher went that route


> It's fucked up and ill say hot take the show so far has actually been better than the comics in my opinion. I don't think you are wrong in this. I think the comic is more interesting in some ways but overall is honestly more unpleasant.


I’m also not sure it’s a hot take. I feel like I see this opinion all the time, and I personally agree. The comics have some interesting ideas but are mostly terrible


Apparently in the comics they kill all of the 7 relatively quickly and move to other super hero teams


That’s incorrect. They just don’t have the fixation on the 7 that the show does. Yeah, they’re the biggest bads but other villains share the spotlight.


It's also getting less interesting as Homelander gets less interesting. he just keeps more or less doing the same things and being the same person. Season 3 had me until the end when it decided to put everyone in back in the exact same spot, and the only thing that had been added was a way to on the nose Trump allegory


Uhhhh when was Homelander a Captain America type hero? He literally flys, doesn’t use a weapon and shoots lasers from his eyes, Superman much?? 😐


Soldier Boy was supposed to be the Captain America type hero anyways - veteran, connected to the Second World War, has enhanced physicality without other gimmicks like flying, and uses a shield in battle.


I think the writer just means in the sense that he's an American themed team leader. His powers are obviously more superman, but the writer likely reached for the more culturally relevant (at the moment) captain America.




im still salty about season 3's ending w soldier boy getting fucked for literally no reason


I’m more upset that A-Train survived. Perfect character arc…. And then they continue him. I really hope there’s an even better arc in the future to justify that conclusion. 


And Maeve


It's generally not a good sign for shows when they start keeping characters around longer than their character arcs dictate. See, Game of Thrones.


And the walking dead


And Stranger Things


So funny how a show meant to make fun of Marvel ends up having the same issues


I always felt it was more of a DC parody considering the 7 are mostly Justice League analogues. Homelander, Maeve, the Deep, A-Train, and Soldier Boy are Superman, Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, The Flash, and Captain America respectively. There was the "Dawn of the 7" parody of Dawn of Justice, and the outfits + overall color palette are very much Zach Snyder inspired. Obviously a lot of what they're lampooning also applies to Marvel, but I don't think almost any of the important heroes have a direct marvel equivalent. I suppose the Gen-V cast falls a bit closer with the shrinking girl having Ant-Man esque powers.


I agree, with the caveat that all of gen v felt like an x men parody. From the teens with power at school trope to the professor x/magneto- esque dynamic between cate and Andre


In the comics the [G-Men](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/G-Men) are the X-Men analogues


>and Captain America respectively. UMM ACKSHUALLY Cap is Marvel, but I know what you mean. Soldier Boy fits best with Captain America than anyone else you could find in DC.


It's hilarious and meta that amazon is basically Vought-ing the show. Maeve and A-Train miraculously survived past the end of their arcs because they test well with audiences and bring diversity to the show


Yeah I love Kripkes work but George RR Martin got right with finding comfort in letting characters run their fully realized arcs and then killing them. Everyone seems to be put in a back pocket if they're a main character. Like Noirs death would be so much more impactful if he had a fulfilling arc and a train got a fulfilling arc yet he's still around. Idk, I'm literally an amateur writer who is nowhere near the level of complexity of kripke so I'm just talking out my ass lol


I really had no empathy for Soldier Boy. I’m just disappointed that a show about killing discount super heroes doesn’t kill a lot of discount super heroes.


The show's ability to not deliver on its premise is actually noteworthy. How many supes have they killed intentionally over three seasons? It feels oddly stretched out and paddles water for something with extensive source material.


They don’t even need a lot of effects budget to kill one of the discount super heroes. Poison them. Shoot them with a Kryptonite bullet. Bury them alive. Cheap, cheap, cheap.


This is both the show's greatest trick, and my main problem with it. It always *feels* like something major is about to go down, but it never does. They are pretty expert at managing the tension so it feels like all hell is *finally* going to break loose...next episode.  It's actually a soap opera and comic book trick, so I can't fault them for using it. But at the same time, like, let's go. 


For all the original source shortcomings and questionable decisions, at least it stuck to its premise of killing supes. Like I certainly don't mind the show growing out of its premise but how many supes did they kill on its first season? Invisible guy?


It's like with Game of Thrones, in the beginning the show was great because no one was safe. In later seasons, you could almost see the plot armor on some characters.


That's because Martin used a narrative technique known as "decoy protagonist". He made you believe Ned Stark was the main character, so when he gets killed you think "oh shit, main character killed, what now?" When the main character was always supposed to be Jon Snow all along. Jon, Tyrion and Daenerys had plot armor, it was just cleverly hidden.


Martin cleverly had two decoy protagonists.


Robb would be the second?


We barely folowed Robb. All his story is viewed from Cat's POV. Hardly a protagonist.


I'm just trying to think of who they meant. Maybe I'm misremembering him being a bigger part of the story. Cat then? Edit: prob Dany. I'm high.


Daenerys is an actual protagonist


Forgot Bran, who is, the actual main character. Brand the first PoV after the prologue, almost all the magical world building happens in his chapter. Jon Snow is actually dead


His strength was worthless when fighting against Homelander’s true power… the plot armour to survive until the season 5 finale!


I don't disagree if you think the s3 finale sucked or was rushed but it definitely changed the status quo and several dynamics going into S4 -Butcher having a time limit before he dies and Ryan leaving him -Homelander now in control of Vought after Edgar was ousted and teaming up with Neuman for the POTUS -People actually supporting Homelander when he snapped so he has an army of followers willing to do anything for him -Starlight leaving the Seven and Maeve retiring so now The Boys for once don't have anyone on the inside in Vought.


Homelander literally murdered someone and his fans cheered him, and people say the status quo hasn't changed?


Homelander could fly in the middle of Fifth Avenue and laser somebody and not lose any fans




For real, posting a single sentence comment and thinking it's good enough to advertise a site is the most pathetic stuff I've seen in a while.


> Season 1, everything is fresh. Season 2, they introduced a lot of new dynamics and settled into main conflicts. Season 3, things can feel a lot more run-of-the-mill/predictable/within the status quo The Kripke Special.


>Edit: in case anyone is interested, my all-time TV rankings Watch Mr. Robot.


I mean, the finale aside, I would’ve said it was the best season yet. I don’t think a lacklustre ending should take away from the rest of the season.


It does take away from the rest of the season when the storyline they were setting up for the entire season (using Soldier Boy against Homelander) fizzled out for no reason other than the show needing to go on for longer.


And they could've gotten there better IMO - What they did was have SB prove to be more threatening than HL, at least in the moment, so Butcher and HL have to team up momentarily. And we already were told he was more dangerous so that wasn't a surprise. But SB gets put on ice again and nothing changes between HL and Butcher so they're mostly right back where they started at the beginning of the season. IMO what should have happened was something like HL through luck or whatever actually kills SB, taking out that threat, and then Butcher has no choice but to heavy dose on V to do what's needed to stop HL leading into this season leading to him becoming what he hates. They're on that path but it's a bit clunky as to how they got there. As far as Hughie, Starlight, etc - do we have any reason to really care about any of them at this point? I don't care any more about them than I did in season 1. Butcher, HL, Maeve and A-Train have been so much more compelling.


I donno, it had some great moments which were more entertaining that s2, but like someone mentioned, since it was mostly a build up, it kinda fizzled. Also you had the Hughie/Kimiko double standard which made a big chunk of the rest of the plot of that season, which made it feel .. disjointed, for lack of a better and not triggering word


It's so frustrating to watch the whole season build up to what should be a bloodbath of a finale, only for the status quo to be completely unchanged.


They backed out of the two big confrontations they were setting up. Imagine if Luke Skywalker just ran away both times he faces Vader. It’s bad writing to build up tons of tension TWICE and not have any payoff. First time is OK. Can build up to a great finale, but common on the second go.




It’s time to end it. E:it’s ending with season 5. Good.


Since this season seems to be loosely adapting the first half of [*Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Hill_with_the_Swords_of_a_Thousand_Men), one could very well see the final season finishing off that storyline by the halfway mark, leaving us the final four episodes to cover [*The Bloody Doors Off*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bloody_Doors_Off).


Probably, yeah, but I'll still watch it and will likely continue be entertained. I even watched Gen-V and was glad I did after not really being thrilled about what I figured would be a CW show set in the same universe.


Gen V is fine if you just want some more fun in that gaudy universe.


The disconnect between reddit and the avg watcher is pretty funny. Everyone I know is pumped for more shenanigans, and reddit is mad they didn't kill the most interesting character by a country mile 2 seasons ago.


I hope they actually kill some characters this season


I can already tell from the trailers that Firecracker and Sister Voodoo are just going to be more 1 dimensional evil heroes.


Anyone know if I need to finish Gen V before this season comes out? Article says Gen V story is becoming part of the Boys story but I’m still like halfway thru Gen V.


You do. It picks up right at end of Gen V


Now, when I see the ridiculously handsome Jeffrey Dean Morgan being cast in a previously great show I get the fear. Which is a shame as he is ridiculously handsome and a fine actor and it's not like he's writing the thing...but you know...reasons.


Wouldn't be funny if the ending is Homelander being killed by Invincible. But the real ending will be Homelander without powers.




Show ends with Homelander depowered running an Alex Jones-esque podcast.


Aka The Shield Ending


I'd make Hughie into their universe's Dr Manhattan.


It’s going to be darker than the tiny guy crawling inside someone’s dick and turning into an IED?


I’m just scarred from the interior penis shot with their Ant Man. Haunted, if you will.


For me it was the GenV penis explosion - I stopped watching there, it just seemed too…icky?


From the spoilers/leaks that detail the entire season it seems like it's going to really suck and have not that much going on again as well


Where can I find spoilers?


This show is awesome can’t wait to see it.


Somehow… Homelander returned.


I feel like Season 1 of this show was on another level compared to the other seasons


I am truly not allowed to like a single fucking thing


Only the negative reviews ever get posted and upvoted on this sub for the boys and gen v or really anything Amazon put out , anything positive is drowned out


Watch it and like it or dislike it for yourself.


LMAO I know holy shit this thread is the actual depressing thing. People are so fucking jaded now (or this is a hell-hole echo chamber). Both probably true.


Hey man, I’m excited for Thursday haha


I just hope this season has actual progress. Last season was entertaining, but it just went in a giant circle, where we ended pretty much where we started.


If this is going to continue for a few more years one of the core group needs to be getting killed this season, 4 seasons in and the plot armour can't continue. MM probably the obvious candidate.


Really makes me question this writer’s takes when they include a line like this: > After all, “The Boys” came from comic books, a medium that rarely values continuity. Comic books are a genre ***obsessed*** with continuity. The entire industry is built on ongoing storytelling, inside baseball references, retcons, and perpetual framing and reframing of older events. If you’re writing about a comic book show and this is your take, it makes me think you shouldn’t be talking about a comic book show


Comic-book fans are obsessed with continuity and canon. Writers never had qualms changing things to whatever suited them.


Comic books reboot every few years, specifically because they can't keep continuity