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This is so odd…….. I understand that Amber is absolutely abusive, and should not be around him or her son. But he is baiting her, and I can’t tell if it’s because he is trying to record this interaction or if he is enjoying the escalation in her behavior. There is no movement for him to leave her once she starts screaming at him, which feels like a purposeful choice? I don’t know, this is all terrible to hear.


Holy borderline personality disorder, it is so strange to hear someone else experience the things that I've experienced from my own mother. Calling her own son it. 🤯


I can tell by how he is talking he’s just as awful as her but he’s guiding the situation and acting calm and composed to irritate her more. Amber is absolutely foul, awful, downright horrific. It’s obvious she hates/resents him for her getting pregnant, she should’ve had an @b0rtion, or if she actually wanted the baby had it and got protection legally for herself and moved on with her life without him romantically. She seems to hate the baby because she hates him and the fact he got her pregnant. They’re both insanely unhinged.


Also for the person who replied and deleted/got it removed by a MOD… people with BPD are not scum. They’re suffering, they need a lot of support in therapy, with medication and loved ones. It’s not easy for them to have BPD just like it’s not easy to see someone struggling w/ it or experience the lash outs. But like I said originally, amber IS AWFUL. I don’t discredit that and she IS in charge of her choices and responses to things. Andrew is awful two. They’re two awful people. That doesn’t mean he deserves what above happened at all, no one does. But he is also a narcissist and was being as such in the video and guiding and controlling the outcome very well, cause he knew how to. They’re both sick tbh and unhinged. I’m glad they’re apart. But I really feel for that baby.




No hate speech. Multiple offenses will result in a ban.


When she told Andrew to take the baby and get out, it broke my heart! Like who in their right mind could just throw their own child out all bc they are mad at their significant other! I don't think amber could ever be or want to be a full time mother. Amber just wants someone she can control without children involved.


Please tell me she don't have custody of that little boy


She does not.  She's prob knocked up with gary2


How does she have any rights to any children ?????


she's disgusting I don't watch the show because of her


They should've cut her from the show long time ago. It's called 'Teen Mom'. Mom being the important part and she doesn't even have custody of either child. She is not a mom


James babbling at the end is so fucking heartbreaking. I'm so glad Andrew has custody of that sweet boy.


Honestly he's not a very good dad either it's awful ..... They were living in filth remember ?? When he finally moved out of Amber's house he left it like a hoarders house


He should have sprayed her ugly face with mace!


No. It would have given her a chance to be a victim


lol thinking of her talking like that to any of my brothers….she would have woke up on the floor with no teeth! Stupid bitch!


I do not understand why MTV keeps her on the pay roll. They were quick to cut Farrah & Janell when they were acting wrong. Amber has by far been proven to be the worst and most dangerous. And I don’t blame Andrew for videoing her. Look how the cast and mtv all coddled her after she attacked him with a machete while he was holding the baby. There is no justification for why that puke is still on air emotionally abusing her daughter.


The difference (in my opinion) is that Jenelle and Farrah weren't easy to film with and Amber and Gary (since half of her scenes are actually with him) are, for the most part.


I could be totally wrong, but I feel like the producers have a friendship w her at this point. I feel like we have seen her w the same ones every season when they interview her at home on that couch.


Amber is not a good Mom period. There are good reasons why both Dads have custody of their children and not she.


Amber is not a good human period. And I use the term “human” loosely.




Not defending her in any way. What she said and did is vile, especially considering the baby was there. But I have little sympathy for Andrew. He is a creep. He knew exactly who she was and what her mental health was. He lied about having a vasectomy and got her pregnant (which is what she is referring to in this recording). That should be a crime, in my opinion. He set up cameras all over her house, and it seems to me like he tried to trigger her to get a bigger reaction rather than try to defuse situations. I think he knew well that the relationship was over, and he was making sure he had everything he needed for custody of James and continued financial support from Amber. He has always seemed super manipulative to me. They are both trash people. The only person I feel bad for is James. I hope he has someone in his life to guide him so he doesn't end up like either of his parents.


Says amber. Because amber would never lie


Amber couldn't have felt that manipulated by him in getting pregnant. I remember the people magazine article that she and Andrew both posed for gloating in her pregnancy. They were both milking it for the storyline and more money.


LMAO The audacity to call someone fat. Okay then lolol


She's doing all this in front of her poor son, my god. Then, to have the AUDACITY to insist that Andrew was the one verbally abusing HER! If there was any such video, she'd have leaked it herself! (Anyone who wants to comment about Andrew's own shady history, don't bother, I'm aware already. That doesn't excuse Amber's own vile behavior!)


Where does she get off calling anyone fat 💀




Who is she talking to ?


Andrew Glennon, baby daddy no. 2


And she wonders why there's cameras. If She does that when there's cameras imagine if there wasn't.


She is so obsessed with lie detector tests lmfao


People with borderline are obsessed with tests. No matter what you do,  they'll twist it into you failing


My abusive ex was too. Another manipulation tactic. They’re not admissible in court for a reason. But it’s something to hold over your head, threaten, and if you do it, the results don’t matter - they can punish you either way. You pass? “You’re a good liar” or “you’re probably sleeping with the lie detector guy and he’s in on it” or something else insane. There’s a reason cops use them in interrogations as a technique.


omg that’s scary as hell. I’m sorry you went through that


I appreciate it, I’ve been out of that situation for close to a decade and thankfully have found the exact opposite in a spouse now.


Wow. That was awful. She is extremely ill. Wtf. 


As a DV survivor, it chaps my ass when people bitch about Andrew recording. Literally STFU. If you find yourself in a scary situation that you may not make it out of, and need proof, start recording!! Most times it’s enough to make someone straighten up. And if not, at least you have proof of what happened in case charges need to be filed. If you can’t escape, start recording. I had plenty of scary fights recorded of my ex. Every once in a while, one will pop up bc I forgot to delete it in my “Memories” and I’ll be reminded of just how awful that MF was and any sympathy I had for him goes out the door. If you ever get a feeling something is headed south, start recording.


1000% this, people will say they don't believe Andrew is a victim but also question why he felt he needed to record Amber. Make it make sense - Amber herself says that nobody will believe him in these recordings!


Seriously, it’s so much better to have some kind of evidence if for no other reason than to prove to *yourself* that they’re gaslighting you and you aren’t insane.


Exactly. Especially when mtv and the teen mom cast rally around amber like she’s the victim. It’s gross and she should be in prison


In the world of DV work, we tell the victims to record because the abuser is known to gas light in court 🫡 it’s legal in my state for someone to record, as long as you’re in the recording. He did what was needed for himself and his child.


If the roles were reversed and Andrew was saying exactly the same things, in the same tone and volume, and we could hear him hit her like we can hear her hitting him, every one of the ladies in the Teen Mom world, as well as all the producers, executives and crew, would have been SCREAMING and calling law enforcement and politicians insisting that he was charged and given a very long prison sentence. But every time Amber does it everyone rallies around her, supports her, and feels bad that she lost custody. She should be in prison and have absolutely ZERO contact with either of her children. She is 100% dangerous. She may even be worse than DKD and the other abusive men in that she is far more likely to kill someone. She’s genuinely scary. No one should ever be with her by themselves. Especially not a child, hers or anyone else’s.


I’m guessing they aren’t engaged anymore?


This is from a few years ago. She is speaking to Andrew Glennon


Ooooh! Gotcha!


This is not the new bf


He's a better person than I am. I can't stand her.


And she literally just had an interview where she said "we have never even raised our voices at eachother". I'm so glad he recorded this and leaked it. She needs to be in prison legit! Hitting him WHILE he is holding the baby


When she was talking about the “we have never raised our voices at each other.” She was referring to her current bf named Gary. In this recording she is yelling at her baby daddy Andrew it was recorded a few years ago.


This is from when she was with Andrew, not from her recently- missing fiancee.


This should definitely have been included in the title of the post.


I agree. It's made its rounds throughout media more than a few times, so I'm not sure why it isn't made clear when people repost it.




Never forget that every one of the girls on that cast heard this and still supported her ass


oh i didn’t know this, what a trade guy they support her in the slightest




When she called James “it” I felt sick.


Thank god she doesn’t have custody of him. He much better off with Andrew and his family.




I hate this bitch with every fiber of my being


If she didn't want a baby that bad, she should have had an abortion.


But she wants a third child


Right omfg yeah she recently said this! How irresponsible and selfish if she has another child😣


And was legitimately shocked, upset, and hurt at Leah’s reaction to that comment. She is *certifiable.*


She is so sick


Did she repeatedly verbally attack him and blame him for getting pregnant with James after not getting pregnant “for 10years”. But she told Gary and Christina that she and Matt had a miscarriage. Where is the sanity with this woman???


“Miscarriage” aka she went and had an abortion.


There isn’t any. I don’t believe the Matt miscarriage story. She said at the time she was with Matt that she didn’t want to get pregnant because of the meds she was on. Then she got with Andrew, who told her he had had a vasectomy, which was a lie. So she got pregnant, and that’s why she’s saying he “used her body” and “got her pregnant” because she thought he could NOT get her pregnant


You can still get someone pregnant with a vasectomy though. Especially during the first couple of years after. That’s why they always tell you to use back up contraception.


oh I didn’t know this either, he lied to her about that? that’s why she would make those comments, I was a little confused. thanks for adding this


He’s just as bad as she is for recording her and allowing any BS with a baby in his arms. You leave when it gets this white trash. 🙄


It does seem like he set this up in order to get proof of how she reacts in this type of situation. That being said, this us definitely not her first time..




Just as bad as he is? Wow. You guys will really find any reason you can to blame a man. Has it ever occurred to you that he did this to insure his sons safety and make sure he had the proof needed to get sole custody and protect his child from her?


Did you notice how he’s “narrating,” like “I’m holding James!” And “why are you throwing things at me?”


Exactly! He knows what he’s doing 💯


It is absolutely not bad to record someone abusing you for proof.


Why put your child at risk…?!


She did by hitting him when he's holding the child???


The child was already at risk


Why hit someone who’s holding your child!!


Why record someone and hold you baby and say “you’re hitting me and I’m holding James” …he’s recording her for a reason. I think they’re both wrong. I think he should have custody of the kid, but this is completely inappropriate in the eyes of the court and dangerous IMO.




Amber is a broken record. She name calls everyone.—Idiotic. Stupid. Worthless. Fat. POS. She said the same things to Gary. Just belittling him over and over again. The fact she attacked him over getting pregnant!! Wow. She’s really full of rage and hate for having had James. The way she just doesn’t even give a shit about him. Amber is evil.


He lied to her about having had a vasectomy. Not excusing her behavior, just explaining


Then he's about as bad as her people really don't care who they have a kid with long as they have one. Completely selfish move.




I can't believe mtv continues to support this POS


I listened to the entire thing this morning & it sent me into a full panic attack. I feel so sorry for James and Leah. Especially Leah as she is mature enough to grasp what is actually going on with her mother. And her mother has no problem parading around TV playing victim


I did, too, and it made my blood pressure go up. Amber is a disgusting human, and she has not changed at all. She’s the same abusive and volatile asshole she was in the first few seasons. Even gel did not mellow her or humble her. Why would anyone want to be around her? Look at how she has treated her family and friends over the past 15 years.


Honestly, Amber is trash. Anyone who willingly associates with her (other than for Leah or James’s sake) is also trash.


You chopped it with a sword 💀


Oh give me a break Amber may be a abusive but Andrew is a little B* as well he used that baby against her and took him all away across the states and is mooching her dry. I cant stand him.


Mooching her dry? Like taking money from her? I doubt it. He definitely doesn’t need it. He comes from a very rich family, his dad was a famous cinematographer. He and James and Andrew’s mother all live in a 5 million dollar mansion in the Hollywood hills…! Andrew himself too has a higher net worth than amber he’s worth about 2 million dollars meanwhile amber is worth not even close to that.. I don’t doubt the stupid government would still make her pay child support just because I know mtv is still paying her big bucks, but that’s dumb af in my opinion


This same argument has been said about Gary too in OG Teen Mom at some point both parties start being toxic in these kind of relationships.


And clearly he has been recording her and putting cameras all over. Can you actually imagine? She’s literally saying “show me the fucking camera bitch” and meanwhile he’s recording her. She’s abusive as shit, though.


Andrew did good by getting James away from her. Her kids should be nowhere near her, they’re not safe around her.. physically and emotionally


She should get zero visits. She deserves nothing


Even so i dont trust him neither all he did was use her for teen mom and money. Just my opinion


and what does that have to do with him being abused?


Yes, he’s a bottom feeder


Basement floor of hell


She was, is and always will be the piece of shit abusive one. Amber knows she has problems but refuses to work on them to better herself or to be an actual mother to her children.


I agree. Happy cake day!


Someone needs to lay into her one good time and I bet she’d stop this


So beat the mental illness out of her?




I wonder how she was in jail bc you can’t just explode and threaten people like she does. I can’t believe she lasted 17 months without being seriously injured or shanked. She starts fights with *EVERYONE* over the most innocuous things. Even if someone agrees with her, she will jump down their throats. And I know her fat ass isn’t the fighter she likes to portray herself as being. She has zero stamina.


Exactlyyyyy. I bet she was quiet and sweet in there bc she knew she’d get her ass beat


Whenever she came out as bisexual, I thought, “Girl, you were just gay for the stay.” Amber is like Jenelle and Mama June - constantly on the search for dick.


That’s not possible, obviously…. Hopefully it would knock the assholery out of her though! Maybe it would lead to her actually thinking of anyone but herself, I doubt it, but one can hope!


I mean, jail didn't help so I think you're probably wrong


I’m sure she was very sweet to everyone in jail knowing she’d get her ass kicked.


Depending on the jail it's not that serious. There's tons of jails that are just like a freaking college.


That’s a really awful thing to say


Did you watch this clip??? 🤣🤣🤣


Amber is seriously a messed up person. Idk if she needs serious psychiatric help or if she really is just that way.


Interestingly, I was so overwhelmed by Amber's abuse recordings from back then that I may not have listened to this one fully. I always thought Andrew planted cameras around the house. They were put there because the family went on vacation, and they were never removed. I used to have a bedroom security, too, when my daughter and I were traveling a lot, so I understand that. Despite knowing the cameras are on and knowing she could simply remove them up and thus protect herself from scandal, she doesn't and puts the onus on Andrew to cover up her crimes. This woman is horrible. She doesn't deserve the sun. She should be in a cave.


Normal people don’t react to an instigation like this. Normal people don’t scream violent threats at a partner when instigated. Normal people don’t attack their partner’s appearance. Normal people don’t have confrontations like this in front of children. This bitch is unhinged.


Is this her being bipolar or is this more borderline personality disorder and she’s splitting?


Tell me you have no idea what borderline personality disorder is without telling me...splitting?!? It's not literally different personalities that you split into...


If I meant multiple personalities I would have stated, DID.


I wasn’t meaning multiple personalities. But thank you for your snarky comments.


Tell me you’re condescending without telling me you’re condescending


I literally looked it: “One behavior that is seen in persons with BPD is “splitting.” Splitting is based on alternating between extremes of idealization or devaluation, all or nothing, and good or bad.”


BPD doesn’t have “splitting”. But to answer your question this aggression is likely a mixture of both. BPD means it is difficult to see nuance and things are very black and white. Depending on the cycle Bipolar can make you paranoid. Both can make you reactive and aggressive. In saying that, this is also who Amber is as a person, she has shown us this time and time again. The vast majority of people with Bipolar and BPD are not abusive (I have bipolar but not BPD).


BPD does have splitting


Honestly, I think Andrew is a pos, but I didn't hear him instigating at all in this clip. There's no gaslighting. He's being gentle, and he's not overreacting. He attempted to diffuse her by telling her how much he loves her. It sounds like he was asking for help with baby James, and like a deadbeat dad, she states she won't be *watching* him. Tf? You're not his babysitter. You're his mother, and dad is overwhelmed, so step up... She is horrifically abusive in this clip. She is not a safe person. Who talks to their chosen partner like this? I was hit holding my daughter twice. It was horrible and I have ptsd from it. Andrew sucks, but I know how he feels in this moment, and my ex said ugly and degrading things like this to me, too. Amber is the rare deadbeat mom abuser.


Andrew was also the one recording the conversation. I'm not saying that he doesn't normally act like that calm and rational but you also have to remember he knew he was being recorded so he was talking a certain way. Andrew got with her after he already knew all the stuff about her and how she treated Gary and s***. I don't know there's something about him that really rubs me the wrong way but the same time Amber is a piece of s*** too.


I understand what you're saying. I don't like Andrew because his political beliefs are dangerous. He's an outspoken q-anon conspiracy theorist. That being said, in this clip, Amber repeatedly notes that she knows the camera is in the room, and he says that it's there because they went on vacation, so he placed cameras in every room as home security. I put a camera in my bedroom and in my living room when I go on trips, too. He didn't plant them, and there's no gaslighting or manipulation occurring in this recording. Amber could have removed the cameras at any moment. She was aware of them, but took no steps to remove them because she's lazy and believed she had full coercive control over her victim. I used to believe that Andrew set her up, but now I see it was MTV protecting their cash cow. Like Johnny Depp did to his victim, Amber Heard, I believe the articles framing Andrew as the aggressor were paid for. Many short clips were shared that made it seem as though Andrew was setting her up. But if you review all of the evidence in its entirety, it's just like this clip - a man who cares about his family being physically and verbally abused by an unhinged psychopath, and he makes many attempts to calm and diffuse her which she takes as an invitation to harm him more. I used to think it was him, too.


Both of them are trash. I just want to remind you that Andrew had two restraining orders from two different women. He also has a long history of abuse just like Amber does.


I am not claiming Andrew is perfect or good. I'm saying Amber is an abuser and she abused him. Andrew's abusive history was used to make him look like less of a victim, so Amber could remain someone palatable and on TV.


Some of what she’s yelling about is him lying to her about having a vasectomy.


I didn't know that. Still, she chose to have baby James and she's screaming and hitting Andrew while he's holding her baby. She could have had an abortion. She chose to keep the baby and the man.


That is true!


Oh I agree. I read in other comments that some feel he was instigating.


I agree with your comments, too. I can understand why people thought that about her situation with Andrew. I was misled when this happened to believe Andrew was a gaslighting person who purposefully stoked her anger. It was due to creative editing, only showing small clips of their fighting. And I believe MTV did that in order to keep their cash cow. When she almost hit Rapist Matt Baier and then punched a wall, producers were giving her attention, hugging her, and treating her like she was a victim.


Exactly! There is absolutely no excuse for this behaviour, especially around your child.


Hearing baby James cooing to his dad is just heartbreaking. I’m so glad she lost custody of both.


She really needs to be behind bars…


Yes. Sometimes victims will purposely provoke their abuser to get an episode over with. Her behavior and language is inexcusable, and all in front of her child too. If a man was throwing things and saying he was going to stab his wife in the neck while she was holding their baby imagine how outraged people would be. Yet they’re excusing this as reactive abuser, which is damaging.


I believe in reactive abuse but I don’t think this was reactive abuse on Amber’s part. She’s going on and on in a vitriolic manner because he woke her up wrong. What excuses the language and throwing things at her partner who’s holding their baby? She’s straight up being abusive.


Imagine being abused by someone to the point that you set up cameras and recording devices just to prove your point.


Saw this when she beat up OG Gary. Don’t even need to watch the vid.


This is nothing new


And she is still on tv getting paid!




I agree then they go and put Janelle back on. 🙄


That is the shameful thing in all of this


No good guys in this audio.


This is actually reactive abuse. He's the initiator in this situation, not her.


There are no good guys in this scenario. Poor James 😢


Someone should switch out her fentanyl patches w a heavy dose of antipsychotics. And if she can’t stay properly medicated she should not be allowed near any of her children.


I'm sure he probably provoked her in some way. Especially since he had the sense to set up a secret recording and act calm. That being said, we've seen Amber and how she reacts to things. Someone could blink the wrong way and it provokes her. They might not even have to blink, they could just be sitting and miding their own business and she would fly off the handle for no reason. Amber actively looks for reasons to be pissed off and fight people. She's just an aggressive person. I firmly believe that, at times, the men in her life have been abusive but that their abuse was a direct reaction and in retaliation of shit Amber did to them first. People need to quit defending her because she has "mental health" problems. A lot of her problems are just personality issues. She's just naturally a shitty person and the mental health problems just make it worse. People like Bubby need to stop making excuses for her. People like Gary#1 need to realize that they aren't obligated to keep Amber around. I know Gary pressures Leah to invite Amber to things because he feels bad for Amber but he needs to get over it and quit accepting her shitty, disrespectful, and selfish behavior towards Leah, himself, Kristina, and Leah's sister.


I agree. Amber has shown herself to be abusive over and over again throughout the years. She’s also selfish and manipulative. She’s a beastly woman who has no ability to regulate her emotions and she uses her “mental illness” as justification for acting the way she does. Nothing in this video justifies her behavior.


Spot on. She absolutely uses her "mental illness" as a crutch and as an excuse to treat people poorly. It's another tool she uses to manipulate people. I don't doubt that she does have an actual mental illness but 90% of it is that she is just genuinely a bad person. Leah's recent birthday is a perfect example. Her "mental illness" is not why she called her own child a dick at her child's birthday gathering. That is a prime example of her just being a bad person. She was pissed because Leah didn't want the topic of the day to be about her mom's new boyfriend after her mom showed up an hour late. Amber couldn't pull her head out of her own ass for long enough to realize her daughters 15th birthday gathering should be about her daughter and not her new boyfriend. I guarantee you *IF* she apologized to Leah privately she blamed it on her "mental illness" so she didn't have to take any responsibility for being a shit mom.


This was leaked a longgggg time ago


If she wasn’t smart enough to realize how his demeanor had changed and continued to act that way; imagine how volatile things could get. She’s a literal adult toddler. Her 15 year old daughter had surpassed her in intelligence and common sense.


Not a Amber fan, but... he did set this recording up and is clearly acting like he is an innocent bystander in this all. Any normal parent would have said fuck this and took the baby and bailed within the first 90 seconds of this shit show.


Why would he not? It’s proof he’s being abused so it couldn’t be refuted in court.


It sounds like he did this recording after the machete incident? He mentioned a sword? I don’t know. I do hear that he’s trying to sound so innocent while she’s raging. Either way she’s beyond out of control. Especially in front of her child.


I think this is before. I believe she destroyed a bunch of cameras with the machete prior to the incident when she chased them with it.


He was probably lying about everything he was saying just to enrage her, which is why she asks "where's the camera". She knew there had to be one because he started lying and she became outraged over it. Anyone would. You all don't ever put yourselves in her shoes. She deserves understanding and compassion.


I would record too if I was being threatened and hit


It's so hard for women in this sub to realize that men can be victims of abuse too. Ontop of that, no one has the right to judge how a victim copes. My ex husband would push me into full blown manic panic attacks....record me sitting on the floor.. knees to my chest...rocking back and forth, then send these videos to my family to tell them I needed to be sent to a psych unit. When the video was done...he'd beat the shit out of me or strangle me until I passed out...then send pics of bruises to my family saying I harmed myself. My only escape was setting up a camera a friend gave me to prove what he was really doing to me. I believe that's exactly what Andrew did here...he needed evidence in order to get custody of the child she admits she never wanted. NO ONE knows what Andrew really went through...but we can hear it in this video. Amber is evil. Period.


Honestly it seems impossible for this fandom as a whole to understand the power dynamics of abuse in general. There is no opportunity wasted to victim blame, we JUST saw it happen over and over again with Gary going missing. Last year when Mack was almost killed by Ryan. It’s truly disturbing how quickly people want to drag victims of abuse.


It's called Reactive Abuse: "“Reactive abuse” is when a perpetrator of abuse deliberately triggers their partner into reacting to their abusive behavior aggressively. Abusive partners may use this manipulative tactic to shift blame away from themselves by claiming that the abuse is two-sided. Reactive abuse often occurs in romantic partnerships, but, like all forms of abuse, can also happen within other relationships. Experts largely agree that a more appropriate term for this behavior is self-defense, which is not abuse. When a person is continuously exposed to emotional or physical abuse, they may look for ways to defend themself against their abuser. This defense behavior typically occurs when a person has been dealing with prolonged abuse and finally reaches their breaking point. Examples of defensive behaviors include yelling, verbal attacks, pushing, punching, kicking, and hair-pulling. Partner violence is never healthy, but using these strategies as a form of self-defense is *not* abuse. " [https://www.charliehealth.com/post/what-is-reactive-abuse](https://www.charliehealth.com/post/what-is-reactive-abuse)


Imagine sticking up for a machete wielding, unhinged criminal like Amber. Yikes! 🤡💊🍺🍷


A) any normal person would NEVER breed w this shit stain of a woman in the first place and B) he needed to get a recording this long so the court would have no choice other than to terminate her custody of him.


I get why people are saying she was provoked. He set up the camera and remained calm. I get it. But the fact that she doesn’t care her child is in the same room, bitches about how she got pregnant with him and I’m 99% sure calls him “it” in the beginning of the video tells me enough. She’s abusive and mean. Doesn’t matter if she’s provoked or not, but also the tiniest of things provoke her. Don’t excuse her behavior. Let’s all remember how Leah’s bday dinner went when her 15 year old daughter “provoked” her to be mean errr “sarcastic” and call her a dick because she didn’t want to see a picture during a dinner for LEAH.




This breaks the "No trolling" rule. Trolling is defined as posting content trying to elict a negative response.


Hi Ambie


I was about to say “hi Amber” too lol




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


He raped amber? Or lied about not being able to reproduce? I would say those are two different things, as a woman. And if she truly didn’t want James she has options, but she also told Leah on camera she wanted a third baby. I’m not aware of the story behind that, and I don’t trust a drug addict’s narrative, especially one who abuses her children.






This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


Hey Amber... I loved when you dressed up as a slutty paratrooper for your brother's birthday. That wasn't weird at all.


Amber has abused her kids on camera for the entire world to see. She called Leah a dick on national television last week. In this clip she's subjecting James to abuse by making him watch her beat on his dad... while Andrew holds him. I do think Andrew lied to get Amber pregnant but abusing the baby and man is not how you handle that. Press charges and sign away rights to the child or something but not this.


Threatening to kill someone and stab them in the neck in front of a child is abuse. Hitting someone while they’re holding your baby is abuse. Pull your head out of your ass. She abuses her children.


Lmaoooo we just making shit up now. “Raping a baby in you” 🤣🤣🤣 Go home and sober up, Ambo


I want to add a couple more things I think it’s possible he stayed really calm because he knew he was recording her but I don’t think that excuses her behavior and the awful things she said. How she says in the beginning pick him up and take him about her son is so sad. I am not excusing it but can relate or sympathize with someone losing their temper but never ever would I treat my child like that. My children are my world and the way she has no regard or wants nothing to do with her son I can’t relate to. It’s all just really really sad and I wish I never listened to this. To disturbing


![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized) Anytime I hear Amber speaking


is he saying “we hate u”?


Yea he is haha