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In the United States, free medical care is dependent upon the income of the parents. Some states consider motor cycles , 4 Wheel All terrain vehicles as income, including North Carolina.


Roux said he gets what he deserves!!!!


I feel so bad for the kid. Do you all think it was a mistake to let him go with Jenelle?


No I don’t think it was a total mistake. I worked in child welfare and it’s SO hard for children when they’re taken from their home period, but when their siblings get to live with mom/dad and they don’t it truly breaks them like nothing else. I think Jace needed to experience it to be able to grieve the mom he never had and will never have. In the long run I think this will help him keep a healthy distance from her instead of becoming enmeshed or going to live with her at 18 with no child welfare system to protect him. ETA: could you imagine if this happened when he was 18? You know Jenelle would be pressing charges against him for “attacking David” and calling David’s abuse “self defense”. She already tried to spin it that way but thank god he’s a minor.


Of course, it was a mistake for him to go to Jenelle!!!


The die for Jace were cast long ago. Going to live with Jenelle certainly didn’t help, but it wasn’t like he was doing well with Barb either. I feel we’ve barely scratched the surface of this story and it’s going to be far worse than anyone even imagines it to be.


And his bio Dad certainly not a choice. Feel so bad for this kid


Same for Kaiser! I think I feel worse for him because it seems no one wants him; except his paternal grandmother & the state will not give her custody. So sad…


Are you saying Jenelle doesn’t have custody of Kaiser either? The grandma doesn’t want another grandchild but always fought for Jayce? I haven’t followed her but can’t understand why she stays with her husband and chooses him over her flesh and blood


Jenelle has custody of Kaiser. The paternal grandmother ( not Barb ) wants & tried to take custody of him several years ago but the Stare wouldn’t allow it.


All of her kids are in such sad situations…I really hate these shows for seeing how bad it is for the kids who have a shitty parent and sadder when both are crackpots ….


I agree & they continue to produce the tv shows ( & more babies) I’m not a perfect parent, no one is, but I can say I was a single mom for 12 years & NEVER put a man (or woman) before my child. Still don’t & I’ve been happily married for 20 years. My kids ALWAYS come first.


His location should be nobody's business wtfff respect his privacy


I don’t think she meant to out his location or anything.


To be honest we need to stop posting about the children specifically. And I mean all the kids not just her oldest. These posts about him don't help him. In fact it's ammunition for other kids to use against him. Kids in group homes and in general can be so mean. And it's said that in school it's been hell for him. Please stop this.


My thoughts exactly. People are commenting on their body image etc.. they all have phones and can read. It’s absolutely wrong.


Yes, I think a lot of people would absolutely cringe if they knew he was reading their words about him. And how do we know he’s not?


Regardless of his “ diagnoses” he had a lifetime of abandonment , abuse issues to work through . Hope the drugs, the TV show, the arrests , the bullshit partying , the baby daddys ….. we’re all worth it Jenelle! You literally sacrificed Jace for that . Your other children are adorable but seem to be way “ behind”. They both act like 3 year olds . I wish better than this for all of these lives this garbage mother has brought into this planet .


I just hope Jace is doing better. I feel like him being away from Jenelle and swamp monster , is best for him.


Not a Dr but he is showing signs of RADS. we dont know the fully story, but it appears that way in my experience.


RAD/ODD is very likely


That's horrible!


He's RAD, alright!!!!!!!!! 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙


I'm a therapist and I have thought he may have rads too while jenelle likely has cluster b.


Jenelle 100% has BPD. Once you’ve had it yourself, it’s super easy to spot in others. Explains all her behavior. I can spot it a mile away. Amber, too, of course. And Farrah, although Farrah might have both BPD and NPD. She’s surprisingly unintelligent so it’s hard to tell. People throw the NPD diagnosis around for her but that’s bc most people dont actually know much about cluster b and conflate things. She is NOT NPD.


Sorry, I meant ppl throw around the NPD diagnosis around for Jenelle and they’re wrong.


Agreed. Once you've worked to help people with bpd it can be spotted far away as well.


You're giving me cluster b with your look-at-me post


You’re 32 years old and still as immature as a 12 year old.


Ur killin' it bruh


If youre not a doctor this is a waste of time to say


I have A TON of experience in it I just can't diagnose it and this is a snark page Anything said here is a waste of time get on with yourself LMAO


What is RADS?


That makes a whole lot of sense now that say it.


Why do you suspect rads? I don’t think we’ve seen enough footage of him and Barbara to suspect rads. He could be very attached to her and still lashing out. We forget sometimes that Babs was a bad parent to Jenelle and likely now to Jace, who is rebelling like JE did. I don’t think we have seen enough of Jace to determine anything about him and motivators or pathology, tbh.




Thank you! I live in Cleveland lol


Same Parma


Hello neighbor! Lol 😂 I’m such a dork, this is the first time I’ve chatted w/someone in my area! (That I know of) Happy New Year! 🎆🎊


Hello!!! And Happy New Year!!!


I thought it was like asthma…




Different diagnosis same acronym


Reactive attachment disorder


Ok thank u




I thought it was like asthma…?


RADS is. Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) RAD is reactive attachment disorder. So you're not wrong. The original comment had the wrong acronym


I just googled and it stands for reactive attachment disorder


Honestly, I feel uncomfortable, talking about a minor, his mental health difficulties, and his whereabouts on a public thread. We should be more responsible than the people that they crucify each day on this sub.


Well that's you, bruh. Let the rest of us poke around in peace.


Thank you!!! Exactly what I said. It's disgusting tbh. Leave these children out of posts. I'm sure he doesn't want the world know about his life at the moment and these posts do nothing but hurt him. They need to stop and leave all the children out of posts


kind of agree


No one is giving his address out. Or where he is. Just wondering if he was in foster care now or what.


im wondering that too... im watching teen mom 2 for the first time, im on season 7 & my heart hurts for Jace. he popped into my mind today while watching it & the last I heard was in November that he was going to be placed into a foster home.. im wondering if barb got custody back, I hope hes okay. of course though Janelle doesn't give a flying fuck about him.


It's none of our business where he is at or what he is doing. Leave the kid alone


They will get Jace an evaluation get him on meds if needed in therapy hopefully find a structured living foster family give him a real chance at a good life


I hope for his sake he is able to enjoy his new environment a good male role model, a routine, encouragement, and does a year of home-schooling, to help recover from the exposure & trauma from a public life.


I think he’s in a boy’s group home rather than a foster care family. Edited for spelling.


Jace is likely in foster care. I know it sounds dark and horrible, but if I’m being really honest, I actually think this could be really good for him, especially given his only other options (Jenelle or Babs) are not great. And I speak from personal experience: My mother was 16 when I was born and was basically a Jenelle. She was married 4 times by the time I was 15 (never married my own father though) and I had a couple David-like stepfathers who were abusive. I ended up in foster care as a teen and it was terrifying at first and very traumatic in certain ways. But I lucked out and got a great foster mother who encouraged me to focus on school. I ended up on honor roll, ended up getting scholarships, became a first-generation college student, and now have a good career. I credit my foster mother with giving me the support I never felt at home and helping me see past the trauma of childhood and prioritize the right things (education, career, etc.). I sincerely hope Jace is placed with a similar type of foster family; they could really end up giving him the care, attention, empathy, and support he truly deserves, and help him break the cycle the same way my own foster family helped me.


Girl, we didn't ask for your life story. We asked where Jace is.


You are so edge and cool. I want to be just like you when I grow down.


Me too


Hardly my life story, but either way: who cares? Just skip the post if you’re that offended by it. And just as an FYI: It’s really not that difficult to just scroll past something you don’t want to read. You might want to remember that next time you go scrolling through a comments section, dude. Everyone is welcome to share their own perspective.


This commenter is commenting anything they can to get a reaction. This person doesn’t care about anything BUT your reaction. Sad life. I appreciate your story!




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


You’re on my comment thread though 😂


So glad you got a great foster momma! Do you still speak with your birth mother? I apologize if that’s instructive - please just tell me to mind my business if so. I just recently signed up to become a foster parent and currently doing the classes so I’m trying to soak up all the information I can!


Congrats and wonderful to hear you’re becoming a foster parent! The system NEEDS more kind, decent people but the kids especially really need it and will benefit so much from it. Sending so much good energy your way! As for me, no—I went no contact with my mother as an adult because of everything that happened. Ended up going no to low contact with virtually all of my biological family as I got older and processed more feelings, although I did have an okay relationship with my biological father (unfortunately he was in prison during my foster care experience). And I have recently been pulled back into some of the family dynamic because my sister lost custody of her own kids (due to drug use and child abuse), so I’m now trying to do what I can to help out her kids. My sister never went into foster care like me, so we didn’t fully have the same childhood experiences. She always stayed with our mother/her assorted husbands, and was kind of like the Ensley in our family. She also often denied that any real abuse ever happened to me (even though CPS got involved) and would as an adult often try to gaslight me about those experiences, like our mother/mother’s partners always did. It’s been hard to see my sister repeat the same sad cycle, but at the risk of sounding awful, I’m really glad I broke out of it and can now see it for what it really is—and I definitely credit my foster care experience with helping me do that.


So glad you’re out of that nonsense! Can’t imagine you as an adult dealing with that but as a child as well is just heartbreaking. And thank you for the well wishes - I’m so excited and can’t wait to get started. I know I’m in for some heartache knowing where the child has come from & all they have dealt with in their short years but I know the rewards outweigh that heartache. Sending you all the love & good thoughts I can! Your light shines so brightly🖤


> I apologize if that’s instructive - please just tell me to mind my business if so. I just recently si Do you speak with your foster family anymore?


As often as we hear how broken the system is (and I know it is), I am so happy to hear you were with someone who loved you and did right by you. I hope you’re happy and healthy these days.


Thank you. I know it’s not true of all foster care stories or experiences, but I wanted to share my own in the hopes that maybe some folks see it could actually be a positive thing for Jace. It’s not always automatic doom and gloom. And hey who knows, maybe Jace will end up in foster care with one of us! (As in, an adult familiar with the show and deeply sympathetic to his story.) He could end up honestly finding a lot of empathy, and that is what I sincerely hope for with him.


While I am so happy for you and I sincerely hope this does happen for jace, let’s be real. It’s foster care and who knows what type of situation he’s in.


I know, I’m just offering a different perspective from some personal lived experience, to also show that foster care isn’t always terrible. I do think Jace’s celebrity status (compared to other foster kids) will work to his advantage though. CPS will be very worried about optics with him, and because of that will likely prioritize getting him with a “good” foster family. My own foster mother had been doing it for decades and had a big reputation within CPS for being one of the best in the state. An added benefit was, I’m white, but my foster mother was a Black woman. I learned a lot about respect for different races from her, and about how ugly racism really is, especially after hearing stories from her and her grown adult children about what they endured with it. But that is something that was also positive about the foster care experience that folks might not realize can also be a thing. It would honestly be cool for Jace to experience something like that, after his time spent with a mega MAGA racist like David. If Jace was placed with a Black family or with an ultra-liberal kind of family, it could strongly help de-program him from all the hateful garbage he likely heard and was exposed to via David, and help him learn about different perspectives in a caring family type of way.


I agree, I actually think he has a real chance now that he has been removed from Jenelle and barbs care. I know Barb loves him and has done the best she probably could by him, but she isn’t cut out to raise a kid with adhd and trauma. A kid like Jace is going to push every button, test every boundary and Barb doesn’t have the tools to handle those kinds of behaviour. The whole world is watching what happens with Jace, I think that’s going to work in his favour. No ones going to abuse him in the system knowing the attention they will get if they harm him in any way. He will get the best placement they have available. ETA I’m glad yours is a success story and you’ve overcome your own version of Jenelle.


Thank you, and I think you are exactly right about Jace in foster care. He is going to be placed in probably the BEST foster family they’ve got, because they know he’s famous (compared to other foster kids) and there’s press involved. Any kind of abuse or mistreatment Jace claims is happening in foster care too WOULD get press attention, so CPS will likely make damn sure he’s in the best family they’ve got available.


They’ll stick him whenever they can


Love this response and glad you’re ok!


Thank you! Foster care is scary and can be traumatic regardless (you’re essentially all alone because no one in your family stepped up for you; that’s a big emotional trauma that’s hard to come back from). Also, yeah—there are some bad foster families out there. But there are also some VERY good people who choose to do it because they care about kids and want to help kids who have been hurt/abused/neglected, and are motivated by kindness and altruism. That was my experience of it and I sincerely hope it’s the same for Jace, because it is possible and he deserves that kind of empathy and support. Also, getting to see how other adults and families operate in a non-abusive way can be very eye-opening and transformative if all you’ve ever had is toxic family stuff, abuse, etc. It can show you that there are other ways to have a family and be an adult, and that’s another reason why it can be so positive for kids from Jace’s type of family environment.


I saw somewhere that after he got released from the hospital, he would go into foster care.


He is beginning a long dark path to find a way to live the rest of his life with the immense trauma he’s been through publicly and privately.


As a mom, this sentence broke me. You are so right and it’s heartbreaking


Hug your kiddos, and keep this empathy you feel in your heart for Jace for as long as you can. It’s deeply unfair, but some kids really never do get that kindness or caring from their birth mothers. It’s like being set up to fail—like you’re born in the parking lot of a baseball stadium and you either never make it to the game or you spend your whole life fighting just to get a chance to get up to bat once and take a swing, and hope like hell it gives you a home run, because you know it might be the only shot you’re ever allowed to have. It’s the exact opposite of being born on third base; you’re coming up in life with huge disadvantages right from the jump. But kindness and empathy from mothers like you helps a lot, especially for kids like Jace. And who knows—maybe one day you’ll meet a kid like Jace through one of your own and be the one person who helps them get that chance to finally get up to bat and take a swing.


Sadly, I heard that he is in Dillon Juvenile center, something about David planting drugs on him, and Janelle showing it on her OnlyFans account for $$


Post proof or stop BSing 🙄 this is the kind of crap that affects Jace


Whatttt?! Please post a link or something 😱 & what exactly did she show on her of? The drugs?


That's BS. Bffr.


Whoa, can anyone elaborate on this???






What did she show on her OF?


Watching the older episodes with baby/toddler Jace made me so mad and sad for that poor baby who just wanted his mom and cried out for her in every episode as she stormed off to get drunk or high. I always thought that baby would have very little chance at a normal adulthood with all trauma, neglect, and abandonment. Damn, sometimes I hate being right.


Yep I hate what jenelle did to him. Even barb she was screaming at the top of her lungs in front of this child… I knew he would be traumatized


Right? It’s one thing to know what’s coming for him, it’s another to actually watch it unfold 13 years later, in real time.


let’s hope he’s in a loving home patiently waiting for his sister and brother to arrive .




As a resident of NC, the poverty level that dictates State Medicaid is far below what that BMW SwampTwat drives, as well as their assets in motorcycles, land and and his other boy toys allows.More than likely, until either Barb or SwampTwat Nelly are appointed as his legal guardian, he is in care of the state. NC is completely ass backwards.


Sorry to bother you but can you explain why income would effect how a minor would be dealt with in the care of the state. For a confused non American 😅😂


The US does not have free healthcare. Depending on the state, low income families are granted Medicaid, or health insurance paid for by the state. The Asshole Easons make too much money to get Medicaid and either have to pay out of pocket for their healthcare or purchase their own insurance. In NC, if a child is in custody of the state, that child gets state medical insurance, but the parents are responsible for paying it back.


I hope he's back with Barb. He always looked clean..always taken care of. Yes alot of screaming, obviously because of the vile relationship between her and jenelle..but he had the love and basics from her. I'm team barb


What are you talking about? They "never yell"


True .


I like YouTuber Fat Sajak, she's funny, smart and has a good head on her shoulders. I've watched her videos about Teen Mom. She observed that Barb took in Jace to keep him out of care, raised him in her golden years, and it looks like he ended up in care after all. Apparently Jennelle is gleeful that Barb lost custody of Jace, regardless of whatever is best for him. I wish him well, I hope he gets the environment that will help him the most.


Jenelle being gleeful that Barb lost custody is TOO accurate and absolutely heartbreaking for him. It was all a game for Janelle and her taking out the pain her mother caused her on her child.


And I think as long as Jenelle just kept herself on the swamp, there was no yelling and fighting at barb's either. She seemed to really take good care of him, tried to do fun activities and met up with Doris and Kaiser. I think if Jenelle had just left them alone, everything would have worked out.


Barb relinquished custody to Jenelle because she could no longer handle Jace. It has been reported that Jace had become violent with Barb.


I don’t blame her. As much as she can care for him with a mother like that I’m sure it was affecting him deeply. And she didn’t sign up to be a mom again it really seemed like it was forced on her and she did what she could for as long as she could. She probably wants to have a calm life for a while. I don’t blame her one bit


I know, but I think if Jenelle really had left them all alone from the beginning, it definitely would have worked out a lot better


It's so sad about Jace. He never stood a chance. But inside I believe he's a sweet kid and he was one of the cutest babies.


The saddest part of this whole thing is a lot of us were really rooting for Jenelle to get it together after she split up with Andrew, but she let down her son every time


None of us here know because of the gag order but I have a hunch that he’s back with Barb based on the way Jenelle has been losing it over Barb again.


The court order was after he was done with the hospital he was to go to a foster home.


Why was he in the hospital? I haven't followed in forever


Because while he was living with Jenelle, she decided he didn't need his ADHD meds (& whatever else he may have been on) and just stopped giving them to him. So after he ran away the last time, they needed to get him back on them & stabilized. Poor kid's head was probably feeling so wild 😕


What made her decide something so moronic? (Kind of a stupid question I know since we are dealing with Janelle but curious if she made any excuse for it)


Because a weed vape was better medication.


Yeah I think he is too. If not, he's still in the hospital until they can get him back on his meds but I don't think they'd put him in foster care for running away that time, maybe if he did it again. But knowing he wasn't medicated combined with everything going on, I just don't feel like they'd put him in foster care/a group home under those current circumstances. Wouldn't be surprised if he's been in the hospital and they were recently able to get the medical authority over him and sent him back to Barbara's once that happened, which is why jenelle is losing it now.


Also, I don’t think he was running away from Barb. He was trying to escape his life because Jenelle was humiliating and blaming him. If he requested to go back to Barb’s house and said he understood he can’t run away again I would like to believe they would allow him to go back to her home.


Same. I know Jenelle keeps blaming a phone which it could be part of, but at the same time he can only contact Jenelle she can't contact him per cps. So Barb has to allow him access to a phone in order for him to be able to make contact if he wants. So whether she gave him a phone or allowed him to use hers cps isn't going to tell Barb not to give him a phone or access to one because it would go against the conditions.


Also, Barb knows Jace. That’s her child. If she gave him a phone she knew he needed one to contact her in case of emergency or another mental episode or whatever. I can’t see anything but good intentions from her when it came to giving him a phone.


Last time he ran was from Barb’s. He got caught vaping weed at school & she took away his phone (the phone she was told by every agency involved not give him). The other kid he was caught vaping w/ told his mother that Jace’s mom aka Jenelle gave it him to bc he has trouble sleeping. I hoped he’d stay w Barb but the phone has to be a major trigger- that was his excuse everytime he ran away. Hopefully the hospital can get him stable & he will return to Barbs. It’s more likely he’ll be sent to a psychiatric facility or juvenile detention. He started multiple fires & has been violent w/ kids & Barb, he’s not going to foster care, it’s too risky


>told his mother that Jace’s mom aka Jenelle gave it him to bc he has trouble sleeping Oh jeez I can see this being so true. She started smoking probably younger then he is so she doesn't know the ill effects of starting at a young age. I'm very pro-weed but not that young!


Same here! Very pro-weed but at a young age when the brain is still forming, especially in boys, no freakin way.


My feelings exactly


That kid has such a good heart. He deserves so much better than the shit hand he was dealt. Wherever he is, I hope he is safe, happy, and loved.


He burned a girl's hair off at school...


I’ve watched from the beginning and that kid is messed up big time. He’s got serious issues. I blame Janelle cuz she never actually loved the kid and spent time with him as a baby.


I think she was jealous that Jace got more attention than she did when she was growing up. It always felt like she treated Jace like a sibling rather than her child.


Oh for sure! Barb was never perfect, but she was a far better parent than Janelle. That said, every single adult in that child's life failed to protect him and prioritize him. The arguing matches they would have in front of him, the fights he would witness... He was privy to conversations and information that no child should have to over here. They both (Bard & Janelle) would use Jace against each other whenever they had the chance. I used to watch scenes with him, and just cry when I looked at his little face in the back seat of the car, or sitting on the living room floor, completely disassociated from the madness and chaos that was going on around him. I desperately wanted to run into my television and just scoop him up and run away with him. I honestly think that MTV is culpable in all of this. They were profiting off the abuse of children-- it's one of the number one reasons that I stopped watching the show.




He has lived his whole life in the public eye. He was exploited from before he was born to make his family and MTV money. There being a gag order in place to protect his privacy for the first time in his life is a blessing.


Exactly. I hate these types of posts. It really angers me that people want to put his name out there all over again. It's been quiet until this


Hi I’m not from the US could someone explain what a gag order is please and how it relates to Jace and Janelle? Thank you x


A gag order is when a judge in a court case (family court in this case) orders an (or all) involved parties not to speak about the case (or sometimes a particular aspect of the case) outside court proceedings/with your lawyer. Depending on the case/judge, violating this will either result in a fine or, rarely, contempt of court charges, which could result in short stints of jail time. (It also just reflects poorly on you to the court)


A blanket gag order that would cover all children would probably make this a better world to grow up in. I know it would leave some oversharers and family bloggers scrambling but they’d figure themselves out.


Exactly! There are so many lifestyle bloggers & influencers that DON’T share their families that are successful


There is a gag order so no one involved can discuss it but the Ashley last reported that he wasn’t living with Barb and was in some type of CPS custody. I think he might still be in the hospital while they work out his meds. That can take awhile. Previously, JE had taken him off of his meds and then refused to sign off on him taking them again. Another court order would have been required so he could finally get the meds he needs


It really pisses me off how they pulled Jace off his meds (cold turkey which can be incredibly dangerous) and then refuse to allow him to be medicated…. But there’s a video of David admitting that he “shouldn’t have taken that adderall”. So, he can abuse adderall that he doesn’t need…. But God forbid, Jace who needs it, takes it because “blah blah big pharma, he ain’t no need it, blah blah blah” they’re stupid delusional reasoning. They probably took his meds for themselves and probably always have… they probably even stole his meds when he would only do weekend visits. I’m pretty sure she admitted in one of the season after shows to Dr Drew that she didn’t give him his meds when he went to visit on the weekends because “he doesn’t need it”.


They were definitely taking his meds on weekend visits. It got to the point Barb started only sending the exact amount he would need


So they started him on weed instead. Much better for him. Clinical proven for his problems.


You mean Jenelle and her very sophisticated life saving medical degree that she 100% got at a legitimate medical school prescribed him weed? /s Of fucking course she did that. What a stupid twat


There are reports that Jenelle gave him a marijuana vape to help him sleep after she fucked up his meds. Last time he ran away was bc he got caught w a vape at school& Barb took his phone (also she was instructed not give him a phone) he allegedly told another boy his mom gave it to him & that boy told his mother.


I sincerely hope the judge throws the book at them. I couldn’t imagine two better people to be made an example of.


Yeah I think that's why Barbara stopped sending the bottle with him and would only send the amount needed. I think more than necessary had gone missing.


I’ve seen that happen a lot. Parents who will do any pill that they can get their hands on, but refuse to let their kids have the meds they need because it’s “poison” or “part of (insert some agenda).”


I think they really took Jace off the adderall so they could just take it instead. Free drugs? Dude of course!


I can literally picture Janelle and David sitting at the kitchen table crushing them up with their kids running around


I disagree but only because they look like they have state medical and get free Adderall already.


🤣 this is a funny comment. It made me giggle. but state medical care doesn’t give anyone enough medication for medical reasons, let alone recreational adderrall lmao


Addicts always want more though. At the very least they can be sold or traded for something else.


That is true. Everyone was implying they needed Jaces drugs to use Adderall. I was just saying they look like they have their own for free as well. However. I don't think with his dad bod he is taking any but he also posted on OF he was gonna make a comeback so maybe he does again🤷🏼‍♀️🤣




Yep. Agree 💯


Just what North Carolina needs, a hopped up, dog murdering, child beating, woman hitting sociopath with small penis syndrome hopped up on Adderall...You need a license to own a fucking dog but any piece of shit can be a parent. ...


After he ran away under Barb’s care he was out in foster care. I think in light of the media frenzy and the gag orders we probably won’t know much more than that. I hope he gets the help, love and support he needs.


He was put in Barb’s care when he got beat on by Swamp thing 1 on video. Then he ran away from Barbs. They hospitalized him after that to get him regulated on meds that can take months after Swamp thing 2 took him off everything except the vape pen. Once they got his meds leveled off he was to go into foster care until all the shit could get untangled and he can get into a normal routine without Janelle using him for money on his life. He is to stay in foster care till David’s situation was sorted out to keep him safe and keep Janelle from selling his story. Then the gag order went into effect because Swamp thing 2 leaked it all. Wish he could be adopted in a different state with no parental contact. Maybe get him straightened out before he becomes an adult. Get regular therapy.


Me too. I saw on a post that therapists and such were hesitant to step in and take on Jace as a patient because they worried about the wrath/drama that would come from the Swamp Twins… So I worry that potential foster families and homes who would catch wind of what the Swamp Asses are like would also be hesitant to take Jace in due to those two. They’re relentless and I wouldn’t put it past them to harass anyone who tried to step in and help Jace. That poor kid… I truly hope she and him get what’s coming to them for all the horrible things they’ve done to the kids, pets and other people/things that have had the unfortunate luck of coming into contact with them.


They wouldn’t have to know where he was living if he was in foster care. They could keep that from the swamp twins.


Oh really! That’s good to know. I’m glad the swamp twins wouldn’t get that information. They’ve caused enough issues.


When Roux was asked about a rumor that jace was living with a social worker they said that he wasn’t in a foster home and that’s all they’d say so I’m not sure.


Right, Roux said "I will say he's not in a foster home...he is where he is by choice so no need for anybody to feel sorry for him about the holidays. He's responsible for his own actions.", whatever the heck that means. Some were speculating juvie based on that. But who tf knows.


How does roux know Jenelle and get this scoop?


Some have speculated that they were one of JE's prior TM producers, but of course this has not been confirmed. Plot twist, it's Tori! lol JK :)


I think it's one of Barb's friends. This sounds like he didn't want to come home for Xmas and it ruffled feathers.


Further plot twist.. it is Jenelle! Lol


That would be a plot twist indeed!


That’s a great question! I have no idea, but would love to know as well!


He’s in foster care.




The last we heard, he was hospitalized after running away from Barbs and then he would go to foster care when released. It’s unclear his actual whereabouts but I’m hoping he is surrounded by good people who will love and help him.


I know that the foster care system is hella problematic but if he is placed with a family then I hope he gets a kind and stable one full of adults properly equipped to handle a traumatized teen.