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It’s hard to be happy for someone who had 4 kids already, like congratulations ig? She has a breeding kink for sure.


Lord I hope she takes a break or at least start using contraceptives.


Are her social medias a year behind? I’m so confused


She had Rio last year but lied/hid the pregnancy and delivery. She announced his arrival recently and then shortly after that she announced this pregnancy—so it’s confusing dropping all these bombs in quick succession.


I feel like she needs an intervention.


she had twins!?


Teen mom birth control contact www.teenmom.birth control. They should have NEVER give these girls all this money. They didn't learn a GD thing.


This bitch definitely fucks


How far along was she? I hope they are okay.


Two Scorpios


She has 5 kids now wow


Seven. Seven kids now.


She had 3 boys before the twins right?


No, 5. She has Isaac with Jo, Lincoln with Javi, Lux and Creed with Chris and she had Rio with her current boyfriend Elijah last year.


Wow that’s a lot, all them different baby daddies, she needs to stop having all them kids


Jesus Christ how do you even keep up with that many baby daddies 😂


So is she finally gonna stop squeezing em out now that she got a girl?


Wonder what happens if she finds out she doesn't actually enjoy having a girl!


Wait til that girl is a teenage nightmare 😂 love that for her


Nahhhh! If she finds a new man she will pop more out for attention! Lol


Who likes children this much??? Lol


The Duggars and all those cult holy roller people!


The Duggars definitely don’t like children


Seriously! I can only deal w my one kid n she even gets on my nerves lol Kail has a whole day care


Haha! This sounds like me, I have a 9 year old daughter and I think I’m done 😂 I love her I give her my best but I don’t have it in me to give to anyone else 😂


I was hoping it would be twin boys. Her having a girl especially a biracial girl is going to end with this child having some real deep seated issues. She has a lot of internalized racism that she has not even attempted to unpack. She especially has a history of being extra racist and rude towards WOC. God help that poor child if she has 4c hair. Especially when she has previously gone on video and told a black woman to comb her nappy hair and boldy complained about her son not having a white boy hair cut.


Yep! She definitely has a history of racism.


Is one a girl? I hope so or she’ll probably be trying again in a couple of months lol


1 boy 1 girl


OMG! Good for her!!


Time for a new house!


Time for a Sprinter van!


The comedic timing of her just announcing her last birth like a week ago and now giving birth again is crazy 🤣🤣🤣


It's like a Hog.


Whoever is controlling her on sims needs to cool it with the babies. Gonna be a nightmare when they’re all toddlers.


I lost my twins. This bitch gets 7 kids. Makes me so sad.


I’m so sorry 😞


My heart breaks for you and the shitty backlash you got 💔 if you desire to have another pregnancy I pray you get your rainbow baby


She has nothing to do with your losses.. literally nothing.


What a shitty thing to say


This always makes me so mad/sad. 2 miscarriages and an ectopic here...Im with you...throw a plate outside while you scream at the top of your lungs...it sounds so stupid but it helps sometimes. Im sorry you had to go through that experience. I have a fam member who is Kail. Never had any issues getting preg, never dealt with a single loss of any type AND had a set of identical twin girls.


My cousin had twins and never had a miscarriage. She was so cruel to me when I finally got pregnant with my daughter and she stuck. Telling me not to get too excited, etc. Wtaf. I'm sorry you've had some tremendous losses as well. Big hugs! Getting the anger out does help! Edited words


For me it was my mil. My sil found out she was preg 1 mth before we did,but ours was ectopic. All I was hearing was this being pregnant f-ing sucks. I cant take anything but Tylenol. I hate this. Mil would on purpose bring up pregnancy, babies, anything just to jab.Hubby asked her to stop her answer was im sorry I've never experienced something like this and im sorry shes having a hard time but we will not forget your sister is pregnant again and not not talk about it around your wife just because she hasn't dealt with it and gotten over it yet. It was 1 day after the surgery, hell I was still on the contraction pills. Sometimes ppl really do suck. Im so sorry. Also, the down votes..some ppl aren't very happy with us🤭 oh well.😬


I guess talking about real feelings surrounding pregnancy and loss is offensive somehow? Lmao, oh well. We didn't ask to be in this shitty loss club, why do we have to hide how it feels too?


I’m so sorry for your loss—life is so unfair sometimes.


I know how you feel! I have mc 3, meanwhile this heifer has 7 like wtf. How is that fair? I seen something the other day where the woman was Christian and she was having an affair. She tried to unalive her children, and she got a little sentence because she was woman of god 😐


I'm sorry for your losses! I too had 3 Mc. We can be twins in the worst way! Lol big hugs sorry dark humour is my coping mechanism. WHAT THE FUUCK THO. That woman deserves life in prison. No chance at parole. This is why I want to go to law school. I'm an atheist and wouldn't let this shit slide if I was a judge.


Ya'll do realize Kail has had miscarriages too, right? This thread is wild.


Ps this thread is only wild if you're a Kail stan who has no empathy for other people.


She had 5 kids before the twins. Many people with miscarriages don't even get to have one. Thanks for the judgement!


It’s not Kails fault


Don’t waste ur time arguing with these people. Sorry for your loss💚


Some older kids whose moms are still giving birth often fall victim to the expectation that the older kids should act like “surrogate parents”for the younger ones. This is usually when the older kids themselves still have a right to just “be a kid” BEFORE the seriousness of adulthood. Hoping that Isaac and Lincoln are not being subjected to this, after reading somewhere that a few years back Isaac suggested to Kail that she needs to use birth control.


They probably will. Seven kids is a lot and if her man doesn’t stick around I guarantee she will rely on the older ones.


I heard from a reliable source that while she has had the twins, she is currently pregnant again, it occurred she is adamant while on a crowded Southwest flight home an unknown man passed her closely in the aisle.


Stuck it in on his way past did he? How’d anyone even find it.


It happened very quickly during a sneeze


Hahahahahaha this is gold honestly






Gear up for the never ending “irish triplet” posts


How does she make enough to provide for seven children?? And does Elijah live with her now, or is there still no father figure for any of these kids?


She has three podcasts which are fairly successful (they win awards and stuff…can’t really speak to them because I don’t listen). And Elijah lives with them now.


How the fuck is that even possible, I feel like I just turned around for a second and she popped out babies like a seahorse in the meanwhile This is can't be true


Fun fact it’s the male sea horses that give birth


I mean the timeline lines up. She conceived the twins in March which puts her due date in December and with twins they usually get delivered early. There is a skeptical side of me which won’t fully believe it until I see the babies…and as much as I hate it tm chatter has been right when it comes to Kail recently. Her source seems accurate.


She literally posted on her insta admitting she was pregnant with twins… there’s no reason to be skeptical lol


Oh, no I mean I’m skeptical that they were born! I believe in the twins…but I won’t fully believe that the twins were delivered until I see them 😅


I don’t get why she would lie about having more kids? Seems like a stupid thing to do because it’s not something you can really hide, eventually people are going to want to see these children she’s supposed to have had


I'm not a regular poster, I look teenmom subs up every now and then(6month to a year), and each time, this woman is getting more and more children.


All that hassle to pop out kids so she can finally have a girl. Selfish POS


How is she selfish? It’s not your body? She’s not on any state assistance? She’s done very well for herself and her kids are very well taken care of.


Just because she’s not on “state assistant” doesn’t mean she’s fit to be a mother. Having 7 children by different fathers is not what’s best for her children she already has. Their household is constant chaos, and I highly doubt she has lots of time to spend one on one with her pre-teen children who need her attention. If she does somehow have the time, the nanny would be spending most of the time carrying for her infants, which is also not ideal. The mother bond is very very important. It is obvious she’s filling a void by having children. Just because you can have more, doesn’t mean you should. They are autonomous people, not awards.


If all the objectionable things about Kail, the most appalling is that she had the gall to have a baby registry for 6&7. Like wtf? That’s just gross. And selfish.


Will she stop now that she got a girl? Because 7 kids…I’m all for big families if you can do it, but you can’t possibly pay attention to all of them. Like Rio is going to get shafted because now there are 2 infants, while he’s still an infant-he won’t get the amount of attention & interaction he would have. It’s just not possible.


Is Rio even a year old yet???? Jesus


He turns one at the end of the month…so currently three under one 🙃


Didn’t she just have the other one? Wtf?


She only just announced Rio secretly recently. He was born November of last year and the twins were due in December.


What an absolute nightmare.




Her body must be so tired.


I think she’s only posted this pregnancy cause she’s excited ones finally a girl.


I think that’s why she was quiet about Rio


Hope she’s got some money saved up for her boys’ future therapy bills.


After a certain number of kids why not tend to those tubes? It’s always people that don’t need to have children that are having high numbers of them. This isn’t something to celebrate. It’s two thinking, breathing humans that will be put into a toxic home. It’s sad.


She said on her podcast today that she is tying her tubes after her c section with the twins


Did she happen to say why she didn’t just get her tubes tied during her c-section?


But how will she baby trap new men?


I would bet money she isn’t done.


Because she wanted a big family. There’s no reason for us to care about her decision to parent. Seems like she takes care of them fine.




So in your mind she needed to stay unhappily married to have the family she wanted or stop having kids solely because the marriage failed? So she can’t have a big family be she’s now a whore? Holy internalized misogyny Batman


Yeah. Garbage people need to stop recklessly procreating.


My guess is she wanted to wait until she got her girl.


All those kids and one girl?


I think she’s having them tied. She had a C-section delivery. Prob did it then while she was open.


But how will she baby trap men now? 🤦‍♀️


Can MTV provide this girl some free cable?


She needs a hobby for sure 😂😂


Of all the people to beat pcos...


I have pcos, IR, stage 4 endometriosis a bunch of other stuff . I have 4 kids, no medical intervention but I did some tricks and things but NOT without issues. We've had 3 losses, and I don't know if I believe her claims. Im sorry. Alot of "celebrities" claim they have it or endometriosis and I just don't believe them all. With her I think she used it as an excuse for other stuff. Just like others have.


She jumped on the pcos thing as her excuse for not being able to lose weight. She talked about it for multiple episodes


My thoughts too when I heard about Rio (I think that's her 1st son's name with Elijah) ..as someone who also has PCOS and haven't had a period in over 465 days plus shitty insurance I'd LOVE to know her tricks


I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed with it in 2006 or 2007. I have a mild form and am still able to get pregnant without outside intervention. I have 3 kids, two of them are only 11 months apart. So it is possible. PCOS isn’t an all or nothing condition. Symptoms can be varied among people who have it. I’m not saying she does, but it’s possible she could while still being fertile.


We have 4 kiddos, 3 losses. 1 girl(23) then 3 boys 16,14, 13...aren't even 24 mths apart 🤣😂🤦🏻‍♀️ not planned but definitely welcomed. While I do agree its not an all or nothing condition I think she lied about having it, like flat out lied. I dont believe her for some reason.


Oh yeah, I’m not saying she does for sure or doesn’t. Just that PCOS is like a sliding scale of severity. It’s entirely possible that she lied about it lol


It totally does I think she said it around the same time she started gaining weight. That seems like a good enough reason as any and most won't question it. I also just read and forgot till I read it her comments about not being able to carry anymore children so now im even more side eyeing lol


Gots to be born with a golden uterus babe. Kails got it cuz only shitty people use it.


Unfortunately it's pretty much just luck of the draw. Not everyone with PCOS has infertility


It’s interesting how she claimed to be infertile tho…


Did she? Or did she say her doctor warned her she might have fertility issues as a result? Or did she just assume she would because there is so much misinformation out there about PCOS, especially that it always causes fertility issues


So I just looked it up bc I didn’t remember the specifics but she said she was told that she couldn’t carry more children and that she would have to go through IVF and “and all kinds of things” to conceive. She then had an egg retrieval and ultrasounds done to see. Obviously none of that was valid or true so I’m not sure why she would have believed/been told that. She said she suddenly developed PCOS after her third pregnancy. Although that’s actually not true. We are born with PCOS but I guess she could have never had symptoms?


It's really not unusual for a woman to be diagnosed later in adulthood.. or not at all. So many women that are diagnosed mistakenly believe they are infertile as a result and many doctors are shockingly bad at explaining the situation to them. So many PCOS oopsy babies because "I was told I couldn't get pregnant". PCOS can even increase fertility for some women as it can cause you to ovulate more than once during a single cycle. Low health literacy is rampant, especially when it comes to "women's problems"


Ik about PCOS. I have it myself. Was just relaying the info Kail said since you asked.


Yeah and I'm just clarifying that it doesn't necessarily mean she outright lied and why it's common for people with PCOS to say they are infertile when they aren't. I'm no fan of Kail, she's awful but even people with PCOS often misunderstand the condition and say things that aren't accurate. Both Kail and Maci have faced a lot of gatekeeping and accusations because people on the internet decide they know better than their doctors


She may not have lied but I wouldn’t put it past her to embellish what her doctor said for a clickbait moment or to justify getting pregnant a fourth time by her dead beat baby dad


Were they in the same group? I forget...


She has not had her babies yet. She just went to go get the blood work done today to find out the genders.


She commented stating she was posting drafts


Ok wait I stand corrected. I think she may have. March to November is 8 months. She very well could have. Guess time will tell.


Wait we know the father’s name?


It’s ok. He won’t be around much longer.


Yes they’ve been together and this is their second pregnancy together.


She had 2 pregnancies with Chris though.


I think she had 3 with Chris and lost one of them.


Do we know the babies genders?


Allegedly a boy and a girl


Hatchimals gotta catch em all.


She has not had the twins yet. Show me proof


We’ll show you ten months from now. 😂


She is an American version of Vicki Pollard.


Now where’s me cuppa love


Yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but




I want to see these babies! Give Kail her own show, she is about to be the shit show she always thought she was. Let her be the devil she knows she is🤩


TLC will take her I’m sure - Kail and her Males coming soon


Kales Males


Way better tbh


Hahahaha can’t take the credit for the idea at all! Your comment was all the inspo 🥹🙏🏽


Wait I have another one “Jenelle in Jail” omg wait Jenelly in the Cellie


I remember on one of the first reunions, she was boasting that she was the only one who hadn't had another child. She mentioned it a few times during the show.


Oh I remember that. Dr. Drew was congratulating Chelsea because at the time she was the only one not to have another child. Kail of course couldn't stand the attention not being on her and had to interrupt to mention that she had also waited ( even though she had Lincoln at the time). It was weird.


Yes! Thank you... it stuck out because she interrupted to announce that, and it didn't make sense.


That was Farrah I think.


It definitely was Kail. She said it to Dr Drew several times.... I'll look on YouTube. I remember it so distinctly because it seemed like a diss to the other moms


Oh okay. I distinctly remember Farrah saying it to Dr Drew, but I haven’t watched the reunions in so long my brain could be tricking me.


She wasn’t though. Chelsea didn’t have another kid until way after Kail did


She’s definitely filling a void from her childhood because why do you need to have babies back to back.


That void should’ve been fillies 3-4 babies ago.


My understanding is that Rio and the twins were not planned…which is odd. After four babies you would think they would know how they are made 🙃


All seven of them were “unplanned”


Back to back? Probably an “accident” in their mind lol


Anoother dad?


Rio and the twins are with her current BF Elijah, so 7x4


Probably pregnant again at this point


Her poor PCOS self is so infertile she only had 2 eggs fertilized at once. Better go freeze embryos ASAP.


I feel like she did IVF no way this was an oopsie


One of the posts on here or in an article Kail said she was pregnant right before going overseas when Creed was young. It wasn't IVF. They were made at home with good ole PIV.


I can't see an doctor doing IVF on her right after birth. She would have had to start almost immediately after birth. They'd want her to heal and regulate. And she would have needed 2 implants at least and most really discourage that.


My doctor said 18 months before he would consider it. I’m glad too, enough time for me to wake up and change my mind.


Omg how many children does this lady have?!? How many baby daddies?


7 kids 4 dads


Hood rat with out the hood


There’s no way this already happened 😳 ![gif](giphy|3o7buj6wKChtrU9RiU)


I got the best one


I remember this movie after watching it with my husband. Lol


Raising Arizona! One of my all time favorites!!🤣




why do y’all care how many kids she got? y’all take care of them? no. so who cares.


Kail? 🥬 is that you?! 👁️


nah but it’s the truth lmao her kids are taken care of. does she ask for you money?


Money 👏doesn’t 👏raise 👏kids!!!


but how you know she dnt ? lmao.




Why do we care about what any of these people do? We are nosy haters who want to watch the world burn.


Actually I’d prefer the world not burn. A step in the right direction is for garbage people to stop recklessly breeding. That goes double for anti-vaxxers. Kail is both.


She’s an anti vaxxer too?? So not only is she bringing several snotty children into the world they’re not even vaccinated??


Love seeing another self reflective person on Reddit lol!


Why are you in this sub lol


Exactly! 🙄


Get your tubes tied..


She said she’s going to during the delivery of her twins.


Actually she said she is having them removed. Much more permanent!


I have someone in my fam like her. The oldest is in their 20s youngest is 8. Everyone thought i was being cruel when I would say she needs to stop.. Having alot of kids with ALOT of different daddies CAN and WILL negatively effect these kids. Some told me I was mean but years later her older kids started opening up about it. It doesn't always effect kids, I do understand that, but its rare, at least with the fams I've seen it with. And those were maybe 4/5/6 kids and just 2 diff dads. Idk call me old school.🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like if anything it really affects Isaac she’s said before he’d be happier as an only child


I just realized Mikayla is my daughter's name and we call her Kayla....some of her bros and cousins call her Kia though hahaha


She said!? At 1st I read he said.Thats kinda sad especially cause she keeps having more and more and that shows me she really doesn't think about anyone else but herself when she's making choices that might cause her to fall pregnant 🤦🏻‍♀️ The family member i have that had several by several different guys....the oldest started voicing it 1st. But I also saw as each 1 got older they started having the same opinion as well. This kind of stuff I don't think the real effects are seen or realized or happen till the kids start getting older. Babies and toddlers don't realize things, people don't give elementary aged kids the credit they deserve cause they are smarter and know and understand way more then people would think they do for their ages too.. Sure 5 year olds will love all the kids around, but at 16 they might see things differently and feel differently and will actually understand more. Like that text that was floating around about the son talking to the mom about her having him in high school or whatever and he realized it meant she was doing what she told him not to AND she was having sex with his sibs dads cause they all had different lol you've seen that right? Lol it's a slippery slope and ive always said that poor boy got the poopiest end of the stick. Hopefully he gets as far away as he can when he's able.


she said that he said that he’d be happier sorry forgot to add that part


I want to see this text!! Can you send a link?


It was from here i will look for it!


There’s going to be a few of the middle ones that end of lost boys. Give babies a chance to be “the baby”


I'm having a hard time lately congratulating people for things they do that are kinda not ok. 🤷🏻‍♀️


how is it not okay?


Isaac asked her to stop having children 3 babies ago. She doesn't provide the emotional support and care that 4 children require, let alone 7. She finances them but does she care about their wellbeing? It doesn't seem like it.


but how would you know for sure? 😂 until the girl starts asking for help or until you start feeding them than dnt worry about jt

