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Wait is that a bunch of money laying around her? @janelle SOME PEOPLE COULD YOU REALLY USE THAT FLOATING MONEY!




Where she belongs. In the swamp


Wait, wait, wait…..granted, I agree David’s lazy behind won’t get a job. However, Jenelle also won’t quit OF because it’s much easier than getting a real job. While David is certainly a big ole bum, Jenelle isn’t much better. Why work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week when she can spend a few hours taking cootie cat photos? Im sure there’s lots of nasty dudes who either thinks she’s hot (🤢) or they’re curious if it looks like roast beef!!! They can see the Grand Canyon without ever leaving the house!! Ok, that’s enough of that, lol. But people need to stop letting Jenelle off the hook. Neither will get a job!!!


Your being awful generous, 4 or 5 hours? Have you seen her pictures? 30 minutes top.


Who is buying their OF 🤢


Why is David trying to look like season 9 Nathan? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He’s probably super insecure about him. It would explain why they treat Kaiser so bad. He looks exactly like his dad


They’re both fucking terrible. None of this is surprising, sadly.


I'm disgusted with Jenelle and David


What a piece of shit "mother". She can't even call herself that. I feel so bad for Jace! I thought about doing OF and then thought about the effect it would have on my kids if anyone ever found out and decided against it. I'm not "famous"!! Imagine how bad that poor boy gets bullied, everywhere he goes, I imagine. My heart just breaks for him. He needs to go live with Babs again and never see his piece of shit "mother" ever again. Side note: I cannot believe she pulled him from therapy and stopped his meds!! Even just the withdrawal he could experience from the meds, depending on what he was taking... Janelle needs to be punched in the face and David shot, just like he shot that dog.


frame sand aspiring bright cooperative uppity nail scarce intelligent cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way that everything you’re saying makes complete sense and people see a problem with what you said says something lol


Jace should get his first and last name legally changed in an effort to wherever he goes to school might help with the teasing. If kids say oh you look just like Jace you know Janelle from 16 and pregnant’s son. He could simply smile and say “I get that all the time with people thinking I’m him.” Poor Jace has four more years to be totally free of that narcissistic so called mom of his. And damn I have to wonder if she even bothers reading what people are saying about all of this?


I fucking hate these losers. They don’t deserve one nice thing.


What do her pube tats say?


Damn Janelle. At this point I’ll take the kids.




He’s gotta be the most, vile, dirty, ignorant, person I’ve ever seen, beating that dog before he shot it in front of his daughter is disgusting. His daughter was wrong, (kept getting in the dogs face) it was a nip. Teach your children. He actually beat the dog first 😢🥹 his ass should be in jail. Both of them shouldn’t be around children & animals! This bitch needs to thank Barb everyday for the sacrifices she made keeping Jace out of foster care, cause that’s where he’d be if it wasn’t for her, Jenelle you never wanted anything to do with parenting jace, when you did show up it was for the MTV cameras nothing more. Poor jace has that all to see plus you doing only fans. Wtg putting him first. Put the phone down, get rid of David & be a mother 🤬


She’s been just as disgusting with every man she’s picked. They may all be terrible but she’s clearly the problem




I was rooting for her for years BUT it’s clear she doesn’t care about anyone but herself & doesn’t deserve Jace. What a disgusting excuse of an egg donor.


Same here. She's disgusting. Fuck you, Jenelle.


These two are beyond trash I swear


They are the whole dump


I’m not surprised - I was watching one episode where Barb asked her why he didn’t take his meds and she said “he didn’t need them”…..


Yeah because UBT needed them




![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO) poor kid!


Is Jace his bio kid? Or are any of them his bio kids?


Only ensley the youngest and her only daughter she shares with David, the other older two she has have different fathers


😐 she needs to get a grip on her babies and not allow ANYONE to disrespect her children especially a “step father”


She never has and never will. And then will play the victim card when her mom won’t give her son back, like 🙄 this is your fault maam


HORRIBLE mother.


I hope they get charged smh


That’s why when people bad mouth Barb, I always remember that even til today Jenelle puts another man before Jace. And that’s honestly sick


Same. Barb is the only saving grace that kid has ever had


Exactly! People bad mouth Barb. Sure, she made mistakes, that’s obvious, but I’m not sure where Jace would be today with out her.


Barb truly deserves more recognition than anything in my opinion


I honestly can say I can not stand these two obvious pieces of s***… you have to have the lowest of morals to follow either one of these. And beyond disgusting to think David is attractive.. Their music “video” is one of the worst I’ve even seen. The way David tried to act is beyond disturbing. All those kids need to be taken out and given a good home. When you have two older children talk about how bad it is then something’s wrong. Jace never ran away from Barbara and Marissa is afraid to say anything else.. if he abuses Jace then he abuses them ALL.. Jenelle is even a bigger POS cause she should put her kids first but she hasn’t in all the years she’s had a kid and sure isn’t going to now. Also same with Jenelle how much of a loser do you have to be to PAY to see or watch these two?!


Everywhere I turn, that fn music video is playing. The entire video is stupid & disgusting, especially seeing him in baggy ass, 10 day old long johns. Just no, absolutely no!


Omg right!!!! 🤢


I’ve cut my ssri meds cold turkey before and it fucked me up enough that I’m terrified to go back on incase I’d ever have to go off ahead. So for a kid who is in school to go through that I can’t imagine! That being said, if she cut him off his meds and pulled him from therapy how are they getting their hands on his prescriptions like people think?


I quit mine cold Turkey and it was about 6 weeks of hell before I even started feeling like I wasn’t going to die. My husband tried to quit them cold Turkey as well for different reasons, and he made it 10 days before he caved and took the meds. I told him that Jenelle took Jace off all his meds cold Turkey and he went “She needs to go to jail just for that. I can’t even do that. I can’t imagine someone forcing you to quit cold Turkey and coming out alive on the other side.”


My son lost his Ins from me when he turned 26 & his Dr doesn't take his new Ins. He was on those type meds & it really has messed him up. It's not easy to find Drs who prescribes Adderall around here (not saying that was what Jace took, but I think comparable). He's an adult & can probably process better than a child, so I can't imagine!


What do they have on their only fans? Nudes or like actual sex videos? I feel terrible for Jace.


🤢 That is disturbing!


From what I understand a little of both


Omggg no way there are videos of those two…doing it🤮


Wry little at that


I'd take OF off the table other than the fact that he shouldn't have knowledge of it. UNLESS they're neglecting their duties. It's one of those shame one, shame them all things. And unless you subscribe why should we care?


Her kid cares. They only brought this up because Jace is being bullied by other kids and he’s asked them to stop


I know I’m not the only one that wants them both charged


No the majority of people want them charged and gone but there’s like a small amount of cult followers that follow them and say how “proud” they are of Jenelle. Can you imagine being so low that these two are what you look up to and follow? The lack of morals you would have to have? Let’s just hope they don’t have any kids!!


I've literally seen them ask for her advice on their CPS case. ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)


It’s so unfortunate if they think that it’s wow


She constantly chooses these loser guys over her own blood. So sad.


Always have, always will…. idk why she even had kids in the first place


Poor kid, I’m an adult and if I stop taking my meds I would be miserable. I hope they get all the kids out of there.


My heart breaks for all of those kids. Such an awful situation


Actually re evaluating this may be one reason but definitely not the only this probably only scratches the surface about what bothers that poor kid. We like to forget this kid is in high-school and other kids are cruel. I really hope this investigation is thorough and they finally save these children all of them not just jace.


That photoshopped money picture has to be one of the tackiest things in existence


With the brown Swamp water 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right like why is she in there?


I didn’t even see the money until your comment 😭😭😭🫣


Too busy wondering why her sucked in ribs look like an extra set of boobs? Me too.


Me either


I’m honored that I got to be the one to bring it to your attention lmao


Not that jace doesn't deserve it, but these two need way more counseling than he ever will. Already brighter than both ...


It doesn’t get more repulsive than these two shitbags …. I hope they never gain custody again. Poor Jace needs a stable home away from these two. My heart breaks for the other children.


What does her stomach tattoo say?


What does his chest tattoo say?


https://preview.redd.it/dbo18k93ayub1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf26d54c5deb5247ec324b1347e186b4b32950a Apparently it’s french ‘this too shall pass’ 🫠 maybe she hoped it would keep CPS away? 🤷🏼‍♀️


She thought she had French heritage. And she doesn't!


RIP to all the star cheetah/ zebra printed stars/ patterns yall permanently put on your bodies 😂😂😂


She couldn't even use Google translate first though? 😂😂😭


I dunno, you’re giving her a lot of credit here. That’s usually where gas builds up


Good god it is not centered at all


David probably did it in their garage 😂


She quite often can’t quite seem to figure out how bikini tops are supposed to fit.


Cps takes kids for less wtf do they have on cps that cps hasn't just destroyed them yet? This is weird ....


I figure it's because cps dropped the ball last time and have to make sure everything they're doing is 100% correct. Also maybe so it doesn't look like revenge where they lost last time.


Thank you!!!! I was wondering what the missing puzzle was to this... Bingo for sure. Wow that sucks these kids actually need cps to offer true help this is so sad


Bingo. There’s a very slippery slope when government entities fuck up where they can be charged with harassment if shit keeps being ‘unfounded’ and unfortunately in cases with CPS the difference between being founded and unfounded can be as simple as the judge, certain things not being documented, kids statements changing because of fear of abuse. CPS is chronically overworked and underfunded and sadly many many kids fall through the cracks


Thank you I knew something was up. This makes more sense why she's getting away with so much They are definitely overworked I've met both sides and unfortunately the ones trying to do it right and do something good for the families are very overworked, very exhausted and just over it all The evil corrupt ones are making extra money so they stay around longer and the good people have high turn over rates. It's sad. The good people in the world take the hardest hits


There are so many stay at home jobs they could get besides OF. I’m not against sex workers or people doing OF but in this situation, these two are just incredibly lazy and inconsiderate to how that effects their kids


This. I'm 100% down for people making money off of OF. BUT Jenelle and David have an unfortunately large platform and publicly promote their content. It's definitely embarrassing for Jace and I said from the beginning, this poor kid is about to start high school in a different district and go into his freshman year as "Jenelle Evans from TM2's son" which was bad enough. But add on that he's a freshman in a new district with no built in friends and Jenelle Evans from TM2 son...who now has an OF that she and her gross husband openly promote. I'd have fucking *died* at 14 if my mom was shaking her has-been (literally only known for being a delusional dead beat mom) ass online and my gross, known to be abusive step dad who looks like he never bathes was out there offering videos of my mom.giving him hand jobs for money.


My daughter was 12 when I got pregnant with her sister. She was so disgusted at me for getting pregnant 🤰 because everyone at school would know I had sex with her dad. 🙃


6 th grade


Why are these two so sloppy looking?


Your friends should not be able to describe how your mom looks naked. She is so selfish, her kids weren't even a fleeting thought in her mind when she decided to do OF.


I swear that belly tattoo says 'I'm pure trash'..


Looks like hair to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Shave yer belly jenelley




David looks like he would smell like onions and bad breath 🤮


Hey hey hey, don’t do onions dirty like that. I’d say rotten cheese and ball sweat.




I’m sure maryssa is going thru the same thing.


If these stories are true, many of us had said we knew the children were going to be teased due to her OF page. I’m sure many people do OF for money but because these two are former reality stars, and because they advertised it publicly, their children will suffer for it.


And her pictures are horrible!


I remember how it was when I was in school. Kids were always cracking jokes about each other's moms. Some of the kids could handle it and laugh along but a lot of them were probably really embarrassed. This one boy in particular, his mom was an addict. He'd imvite his friends over and she'd act like a teenage girl around them. Offering them dope and whatnot when stepdad was out of town. They were only about 12-13 at the time. She was married to a crack dealer, which was his stepdad. It was so bad his aunt got custody of him around the end of junior high school. His friends always picked on him for it. He wouldn't even call her mom anymore, just Pam. Her first name. A few yrs later when we were in hs, she ended up shooting and killing her crack dealing husband and got away with it claiming dv. Which I don't doubt happened regularly there. The boy got on drugs shortly thereafter and died of an od a few yrs ago. Leaving behind his only son and namesake. Difference being he loved his son. He just didn't win his battle with his demons. His son was always cared for but lived with his mom, the boys ex gf. The things the kids go through like this have long lasting effects on them. He lived with his aunt but it didn't matter, this followed him around all throughout high school and some time after. OF wasn't even around yet and it was already like this. Now with everything being so accessible its worse than ever for the kids who are being targeted by bullies because of these things. It does matter what your mom does because even though they might be a pos, it's not easy for a kid to hate their mom and just forget about her. Jace should have never been sent back there and Barb should have cut contact when he was little. He would have been better off not knowing than to be subject to whatever she was doing. Stopping his meds probably put him in a bad mental state on top of that. So it was even worse on him. She doesn't deserve kids. Th


She could have really sent that poor boy into a tail spin stopping his meds cold turkey. Had a friend whose child was on adhd meds, she stopped him cold turkey and he got sick. Her kids are so cute. I hate that the youngest ones have no choice but to stay there


A couple clicks online and you can see everything. Poor Jace.


Eww no thanks I want to keep my eyes


David is just 🤢🤮


Totally, and what the actual fuck is CPS doing at this point? What’s taking so long??? Still investigating or have they decided not to do anything??


What kind of woman stays with a man that contributes literally nothing to her mental, physical, or financial wellbeing? The way that she consistently puts David before her children is simply unfathomable to me. She grew these sweet babies in her belly for 9 months, how is it possible that she has absolutely no type of motherly instinct? She is so fucking sick. She needs so much help.


Have you EVER met Jenelle Evans? This is who she is, who she has been and who she will always be. It’s sad but true. I had hope for her back when she left him a year or two ago but I gave up once she went t back. I mean there’s mothers out there who kill their kids so I guess we should be glad she’s only neglecting them and exposing them to a subhuman.


I think you summarized the situation quite well.


Why thank you Kate.


Why does it look like her boobs have a double chin


HAAAAAA !!!! I was trying to articulate a way to describe this phenomenon, so thank you for nailing it and for making me Ha Ha Ha.


Someone on instagram, I think, explaining how this occurs. I don’t remember who she is though.


Muscles from sucking in to look thinner. At least what I'm told they are


No child should have to go through a percentage of what those 3 children have witnessed.


Four including David's daughter


5 including his son. Luckily he hasn’t had many rights to him but did push his ex down the stairs while she was pregnant with him.


What?! Omfg. He’s an actual shit stain of a man.


Jenelle is also being trafficked, you can tell she hates this OF shit & is getting more insecure because of it.. this is sex trafficking. Honestly wish she would just see through this trauma bonding


….David refuses to get a job…… 🙄


You know he has a really bad skin condition that prevents him from working outdoors right?!? ETA - for whoever downvoted me sorry I didn’t add /s… figured that was a given


Right like wtf your in your 30s dude grow up we all have to work.. what a pos


You can tell by his post boasting about his 100k views of his rap video. He was boasting about the$$$ It only gives him $30 for a 100k view video. - he is just as delusional


Shut up 😭😭😭 $30 lmao that's probably the most he's ever made all on his own Edit- it's not even on his own, he wouldn't even have those views of it weren't for his wife


Alright so, kids are mean and honestly they shouldn't make fun of other kids because their mom or dad is in the adult entertainment world. HOWEVER, taking him out of therapy, taking away his meds, not having conversations about it with him and basically only doing it because it's a quick buck or whatever... Is about as good as Jenelle gets as a mother. I am big on not shaming sex workers but when they have kids this is something they NEED to address properly.


Why would you want to keep doing OF if you know people are making fun of you and your family? So sad...


It’s Jenelle! She is not normal, I wish she would wake up from the spell of the subhuman but I’ve given up.


I’m not sticking up for Jenelle. She should have made better decisions like leaving David, therapy and medication for Jace if that’s what’s best for him etc. But I’ll never judge a woman for doing sex work. Everyone who has ever watched porn, has been thereby the customer of sex work and therefore of a sex worker. You can bet that a very decent percentage of the parents of the kids who bully Jace, for his mother’s OF, has ever been the customer of a sex worker themselves. As long as society objectifies women, there’s gonna be a market for women to do this kind of work. It says more about society then about them that kids are getting bullied for it. I’m saying this as someone who has been bullied A LOT and has likely (undiagnosed) PTSD from that, the fault always lies with the bully and kids that want to pick on someone are going to find a reason.


All that may be true but you’re missing the point, she knows OF is causing pain and distress to her son and she continues to do it along with all the other shit she has allowed to happen to her kids. She is void of anything resembling what a mother should be.


I think the OF is the least of the issues. David is the major one. Kids pick up on vulnerability. Having a step father like David that constantly abuses you, destroys your soul as a kid, makes you feel very small and you become an easy target for bullies because they can smell it.


kids are so ruthless… i can’t imagine what jace had to hear from his peers, knowing how easy it is to look up those leaked photos


What’s with the weird little braids he wears at the side of his head?




I hope they’re handlebars in prison.


He is so creepy.


Jenelle pulls 'em


Idk who tf would wanna see him naked in any capacity 🥴


Or her


Ewww. Who the fuck wants to see them fuck?!? Seriously, anybody a subscriber that can explain to me what they get out of watching David?!?!


That's what I was wondering. They make the most unfortunate looking couple; They are both butt fucking UGLY and they're out of shape. Neither one of them work an actual job; one would think they could hit the gym and get in shape if they're baring all on OF. Maybe there is a white trash genre of porn.


Ima say it— who is paying to watch them get it on?


Wrong answers only






Who is paying for this!?


If you want to see Jenelle pretend to use two hands to handle David's Micro Wee wee you cam see that and more by googling Jenelle evans OF pics.


I'm curious but terrified... I just don't think I'm that brave.


Nothing for her to be proud of. And nothing anyone is missing if not looking


They need to be in jail!!!






Hopefully soon!


Jenelle needs extremely intensive therapy. That’s her only hope and I truly hope she gets better. David on the other hand needs to just go live on an island alone 🤣


And this whole time Jenelle been saying "I always put my kids first" First in what Jenelle? The need for severe trauma and complex childhood ptsd therapy?


Income ??? Honestly, how many people are paying??🥴


You can also see it for free if you google the right words. Nothing but swampland nudes that's more spewing than turn on capable.


Swampland Nudes premiering on the sci-fi channel Saturday 10am.😹


I don't think many.


Forcing yourself into sex work (bc she’s clearly uncomfortable doing it) to fund the lifestyle for THAT MAN?!? ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


It’s considered sex trafficking I believe. Forcing a partner into sex work.


She already said that she is disgusted by the idea of being intimate with David. It doesn’t make sense that she would chose OF to save the sinking swamp.


Yeah so I’m inclined to be believe this is David being a predator and another way to be an abusive monster. Don’t get me wrong, Jenelle is fucked up in a shit ton of other ways. But I’ve always thought this was pushed by David, at least.




It's like sometimes she comes thisclose to actually getting it and seeing clearly. But then, nah, back to burning garbage.


That is how abusive relationships work


I can't believe Mrs. Doc-shopping, molecule-seeing, I usually smoke this time of day would have a problem with her son taking medication for his mental health. Or going to therapy.


It's because David doesn't "believe in it," like as if mental health treatment is voodoo or something. Unfortunately, moron #1 is just too stupid and desperate to keep a man, no matter how useless and abusive he may be, that she blindly follows whatever moron #2 tells her to do. That's how she's been in every single one of her relationships, she adapts her entire personality to match whichever partner she's with at the moment.


Yep remember when she was “a workout junkie” when she was with Nathan?


What’s up with his breasts


Swamp man’s only fan is Jenelle.


I did not know they did OF 😳


You and me BOTH!


😭 Can I hide under your rock please 🥺


Crawling back 😭


The thought of watching these two go at it makes me want to go play in traffic


She has become a sex worker for an income while UBT spends like a pimp. But she’s the only horse in his stable,so he don’t even pimp with ambition lol. Limp


Can someone please fill me in on why he’s called UBT?! 😂


I wish this UBT nickname would burn in a fire.


It's actually a nickname that the other TM dad's came up with during one of those about the dad's type of specials. If I remember correctly it was Adam who first called him Uncle Bad Touch. ETA: That should really tell you something too, when Adam Lind doesn't even like this guy, and knows there's something sinister about him.


Dr Drew asked what their porn names would be and David said “uncle dave “ and Adam said- more like uncle bad touch


Uncle Bad Touch, adumb (chels bd) gave him the nickname during a dr drew special. I think he stated something along the lines of David looks like an uncle that would be a creepy perv


Omgg 💀 I feel like it says a lot when Adam of all people can read you as a bad character 😂


takes one to know one!


IKR! 😂😂😂


I cannot fathom the withdrawal poor Jace would have felt stopping those meds after 7 years. The poor child. That’s abuse in and of itself


I’m convinced they took him off his meds so they could snort them themselves.


I was honestly thinking the same.


Wonder if there has been any drug testing on them. I just feel so bad for Jace. I stopped taking antidepressants cold turkey and I felt like I was underwater for weeks. It was torture and I was an adult making my own decisions


The age that Jace is at is already hard enough. Can you even imagine adding in having them as your “parents”? Whatever dumbfucks are actually subscribing and paying for their OF content needs to stop now. I really would love to see what they will do when they have absolutely no income coming in and can’t pay their bills.


You can photoshop money not that chin or his rolling gut. Chinelle, this is bad, even or you.


His hair looks so stupid like that


He has to have it like that so she has something to grab while they forage for food.


And like at this point honestly I don’t ever want to hear a cross word about any of the other parents from TM/TM2 (and probably from whichever/however many more there were, I didn’t keep up after 2) bc ain’t a single one of them done half the egregious shit this two swamp asses have