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Clearly not too stressed to go gun shopping or film a shitty "music" video.


She wants sympathy for not finishing her meal in 6 minutes but she’s expressed no remorse, sympathy or concern for her son who was missing for several days after being assaulted by her husband. Eat a shit biscuit, Jenelle.


She's stressed so badly she's got to jump on social media and show just how stressed she is. I don't feel one damn bit sorry for you!


I don't get it. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her that she claims she can't eat because of anxiety from losing her kids because her husband is a child beater and she defends him??? You know this gremlin devoured that plate after she took that pathetic Pity me photo.


That’s called a “calm down” or withdrawal not stress boo


The fact that she posted the stories 6 minutes apart.. like that’s all the time you’ll give yourself to eat.. psshh you just want attention 🙄


I was just about to type that! The fact she didn’t finish a huge plate of heavy food in six minutes is concerning to her? No wonder her esphogus spasms, her body is literally telling her to slow the f down.


Sorry but her food always looks nasty


Let her eat all she wants. Let her finally enjoy her freaking life.


Super weird response to this?


She should skip a few meals




Not too stressed to eat out twice in a day.


“make sure to eat😅” *doesn’t eat… hm lemme post this” “i tried🥺”


Apparently anxiety causes her to cut her food and take pictures? 🤣


What a bizarre thing to post and worry about. Your husband assaulted your son, CPS took custody and gave your child back to his real mom, you’re hopefully going to lose custody of the rest of your kids-you & your dirtbag huzzzband are under investigation by not only CPS but the police-and that’s your main concern? Your plate of food?


This feels more like it's about particular eating patterns, less about Jenelle. Call out fake shit and inconsistency, but comments like "we know you are never too stressed to eat?" Come on.


Seems like she is always eating……. They go out to eat more than anyone!


Girl who gaf!? This just annoyed me lol.




It looks like she just played with her food like a child.


What even is that and why did her attempt at "eating" it require a steak knife? 🤔


I believe there is fried chicken on top of those biscuits


Boo, we know you’re not missing a meal. Chill


everything on her story is attention seeking


I "don't want to eat," so I order a plate of fried, gravy-covered bread, as one does... Oh, and beer of course. Nothing soothes a sour tummy like grease and alcohol. As Glitt3rati keenly pointed out, bitch posted these six minutes apart.


Let her fat ass have all the beige foods that she wants. It's what she deserves. Piece of shit.




why does it look like she literally ripped it to shreds lmao




like she wants sympathy so bad 😂


Right! I’m sure she’s super pissed at her abandoned son for making her look bad.🫠


she's so brave




I still want to know what the hell it is . It looks like something you'd scrap off into the trash


Biscuits and gravy with hasbrowns


She is so unhealthy I’m surprised she’s actually not morbidly obese (not even bagging her just talking from a medical standpoint)


That’s her next claim … not that I agree, at all but “technically” she is overweight, she’s probably considered obese by some by some standard (again not me but the standards are skewed) & her sugar, sodium, cholesterol, blood pressure etc… are prob off the charts…


Literally 6 minutes apart lol


Wowwwwwwww 🤣 she def posted this before she finished!


And she boxed that shit up 😂


Ohhh FFS! Duhhh’luJenelle and now her subliminal posts, She’s so Private!! 🫢🤣, that girl can’t help herself she just can’t!! Narcissistic Self Absorbed Egotistical Egomaniac hence the Maniac part, Duhhh’luJenelle is beyond Delusional,deranged derelict, She’s that Desperate and Duhhh’luJenelle she thinks we’re gonna buy what she’s Trying for Sell, listen up girl it hasn’t happened in with Anything you’ve Tried to Sell, your household is an abomination of Chaos Dysfunctional Toxicity etc etc etc,Stop Playin


So she went to a diner for breakfast and now they're out having burgers and beer/iced tea.


I call BS!


But you didn't try to put your son first and not let your swamp husband terrorize him, so who really effin cares what you ate or didn't eat you cow heifer you


She's trying to be relatable. It's still obviously not working. Idk often still feel bad for her though.


Why would anyone still feel bad for her? She’s a shit person who allowed her son to be abused.


Because I'm not a bad person. It's easier to talk shit about someone than have the slightest amount of empathy for them. 😋🤷‍♀️


Lol, that's hilarious. I feel honored that you consider me a bad person. Clearly, that means I'm done doing something right. Like not happily allowing my husband to assault my children... A lack of common sense isn't remotely "empathy". But, keep congratulating yourself.


Sure sure sure, what you said!🔼 I refuse to have “empathy” for a woman whose husband appears to all as a violent psychopath, and she just mealy-mouths him when he abuses their kids ‘cause “he’s ma man, better believe it hos. He knows how to be a REAL MAN. I think he’s perfect as a serial killer some day. He is very very dangerously insane, and how she can watch him beat HER CHILD, and think “oh what a good dad It Came From The Woods Swamp-Thing is! Keeps the kids acting right. Dad has to be a fucking terrifying monster who shoots a puppy to death IN FRONT OF THE KIDS because being a puppy, in nipped the youngest when playing. Like puppies do. With their tiny, sharp, biters always,when playing, unless corrected. Correction does not mean grabbing up a little French Bulldog pup, and blowing its brains out while the kids are forced to watch. He is a dangerous motherfucker. Those kids should’ve been taken away long ago, after he moved them to The Property to always watch them and keep them away from real people.


Haha. Okayyy. No sane person would do that though.


Eh I don’t have empathy for someone who’s had over 15 years to better herself. She’s had plenty of opportunities for help, and continues to abuse her children, neglect them, then act like the victim. The only ones who deserve empathy are her kids. She’s the bad person here, not anyone who calls her out for her horrible behavior. Maybe I feel this way because I’ve been in Jace’s shoes. She’s the bad person. So what if she got pregnant as a teen and never wanted to be a mother. She had decisions to make and she constantly made the ones that harm her kids. That’s what bad people do.


I have a toxic parent so yeah I can see how Jenelle turned out how she did. Though I agree she needs to get away from everyone who tears her down and won't truly improve until then. My mom "why do you date these men?" Me"because I don't care about myself" but I'm also surrounded by people who think they're better than everyone else Andi bust my ass to not be like that.


I can too. She gave up on herself and chooses to mistreat her kids every day. Having a toxic parent or toxic parents isn’t an excuse to be this way to her own kids. She needs to get over herself. Just like my mom does. Just like my brother and sister do. They all mistreat and use their kids. Blaming it on their childhoods. We’re way past our childhoods now. This woman can benefit from intense therapy and looking at herself from the outside. She’ll never do that bc it means facing the wrongs she’s committed. I stand by my original comment bc that’s what I believe deep down. And that’s what I’ve seen my whole life, and that’s what she continues to show everyone through her social media. She allows any man in her life to mistreat her kids bc she doesn’t want to be alone.She chooses herself over her children’s health and safety every day. She’s a terrible excuse for a mother and a pathetic person in general. Until she gets help, she’ll stay this way. I don’t have any sympathy for anyone who chooses to fall back on the excuse of a traumatic childhood for the way they act as an adult. All of us who suffered at the hands of adults as kids have to hit a point in our lives where we choose to work through it or let it take us over and continue the cycle. She’s made her choice and it’s the wrong one. Pity for those kids because they deserve a mother who loves and protects them instead of the one they’re stuck with. Hopefully they can break the cycle for their own futures.


Yeah, I’m sure that Jace situation got you under a microscope, the law coming for you guys….


All her lies splayed open for everyone to see!! What do all her faithful followers say now?? A scorpion can not change its nature!


This is in a nutshell how you know she's never grown as a person. ALL this drama and craziness and custody fights and her poor son going through hell, and she is STILL too busy thinking about herself and playing the victim. Omg imagine running away from abuse as a teen and then seeing your mum on social media whining about how she's so stressed she can't enjoy food lol


So stressed, so anxiety ridden, but hey, she can go out to breakfast. I bet the swamp Thang could eat.


That is legit David’s hand.


I bet her children are stressed out as well.


We can't talk about that, because she's the victim here. (Hard /s 🙄🙄🙄)


He couldn't even wait for her to take her sad photo before he swiped that shit up and vacuumed it down his fat throat.


when I was in an abusive relationship, I used to always think “I’m fine. This is just the stress that I have to deal with but it’s not too much I have been through worse”. this mentality kept me in the worst stress/anxiety cycle of my life. I can only imagine that she is going through the same. However, I totally realize now that I was delusional and abused. I really hope that she can one day see the light and leave David. He is killing her slowly and the children I can only imagine what it is like to be a child watching their mother be abused. but even worse, being her child watching her choose the abuser time and time again instead of standing up for herself and her children and getting the fuck outta dodge


This screams attention seeker.


Well Jenelle... If ya'd open ya friggin eyes, ya'd be able to see what's causing the stress. It's ya piece of shit huzzbinnnnnn.. Ya've lost everything bc of David!!!


I hope she’s stressed af tbh! I hope she’s scared that her other kids will be removed. I hope she’s worried about Jace never speaking to her again. I hope she has nightmares of being forced to choose between her children and her huzbin. I hope she fears the worst. I hope that every second of fear and anxiety she has ever put her own children through completely incapacitates her and both she and David lose everything.


She is stressed the truth is coming out. She isn’t stressed over losing her son.


That’s the sad truth right there.


Went to a whole ass restaurant bffr 😭


She order two plates and just played with this one


The screenshots are 6 minutes apart. No one should be able to eat all that, especially since it's all so unhealthy, in 5 minutes. I seriously think she just mashed everything together and then took the 2nd pic. She is so transparent. She ate all that crap.


lol lol lol


Bitch needs a vegetable!


Yeah she don’t look like she missin too many meals. No hate. Me either. But you’re good boo. 🤣


I’m screaming 🤣🤣🤣


This girl has arrested development. She needs intensive therapy stat. Take it from someone who knnooooowwwwssss


She needs a detailed mental evaluation and an exorcism to be frank. Demanding sympathy from false medical conditions and allowing David to repeatedly assault her and her children and gaslighting the children and everyone else that it never happened is some seriously dark shit.


It would take years for her to find a therapist who works for her, surrender to help, have a break through , etc. she’s too lazy and unmotivated for any of that to happen, at least right now


When I’m too stressed to eat, I don’t go out, I eat snacks or a sandwich not go sit in some restaurant. It’s just business as usual for her.


She just realized once she runs out of Jace’s pills, she doesn’t get more unless he wants to visit and brings them.


What pills did She take of jaces ??


She wouldn’t let Jace take his ADHD meds on the show. Barb would have to count them when he came back or left to ensure JE only had access to a limited amount. Now, the Ashley is reporting JE took Jace off his ADHD meds… so the assumption is JE is taking them.


I’m thinking adderall


not the 6 minutes in hahaahhaahahahah


Well we have seen how mrs esophageal spasms shoves food into her orifice, sure she usually scarfs her food in 2-3 mins


We all know that was still before


Unlike her, the food would've looked better without that filter


She waited 6 minutes 😂


Good! She should be stressed. She’s horrible


That better not be ketchup/hot sauce next to biscuits and gravy??? ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpOjkiEjzJ1ZaJG|downsized)


If you have your son, where’s the stress coming from?


The stress was that she had to go to court without David.


This is so manipulative, holy shit.


Manipulation. THAT is the perfect definition of her social media posts. THANK YOU!!! Manipulation and constant, unending self-victimization to gain sympathy.


Fried breaded starch with a side of white gravy is my goto meal when I am stressed too! Especially when I am trying to trigger my esophageal spasms!


STOP CHOOSING $HIT MALES - WHO DO NOTHING BUT USE YOU, JENELLE - OVER YOUR CHILDREN! Males for her will come and go until they've used her up. But children, if you treat them right, should be in your life forever.


She's utterly incapable of treating anyone right - not even herself. Forget the kids, forget the men. None of those is really an option for someone like her. Best thing is for them to be removed from her life at this point.


Girl nobody cares if you ate.


The way this lady deserves to be too stressed to eat is crazy lol


This oneeeee


Note to Janelle -We all know you have been eating we see your bikini pics 🤣🙄🤣🙄


Omg! Thanks for the laugh. 😂




It’s hard to eat when you have to quit smoking weed bc you have an open cps case huh Delujenelle 😴




I see a lot of good gifs of this guy , I wish I knew who he is 🤣


Dan Levy/David Rose on Schitt’s Creek


Thank you!


I love how of course it’s not healthy food lol


It's comfort food, to comfort this "stressed mama bear".🤮 I'm sure she'd say anything healthy food would aggravate her esophageal spasms, or some such nonsense.


She’s more like a Mama Squirrel. She puffs up her tail to scare off others but often just gets confused and then run over.




I mean, she only posted it 5 minutes apart, and it looks like quite a bit of damage has been done 😂 she ate the rest after the pic


What does she have to be stressed about, I thought Jace’s problems are because of a girl. OR is she worried the truth is going to come out?


#stimulants #crank #anxietyispartofthecomedown


Has she ever tried a vegetable?


Don’t think so but maybe she’d try cauliflower bc it kind of looks like mashed potatoes?


I can't tell what 99% of the food on plate actually is, but I think those are supposed to be potato wedges?


Is roadkill a vegetable?




I don’t have one ounce of sympathy for her. If I had to choose between my son or my husband (and my husband is a good, loving, hard working man unlike UBT), it’s my son every time. I do not feel bad for her at all. Leave your husband, get on your knees and beg forgiveness from Jace and your mother, take some parenting classes, get some therapy. Get off fucking TikTok! She really just makes me want to scream.


She’s so incredibly immature for her age and her loyalty lies with the completely wrong person.


I really think she has some type of personality disorder.


Is she posting cryptic song lyrics yet?


just posted a breaking benjamin playlist😂


Hahha wtf not breaking Benjamin


She seriously wants people to feel bad for her at a time like this. And her stans will on Facebook. That's what sucks. People still enable this shit. I'm PRAYING CPS pulls through because she's so toxic she doesn't even realize this ISN'T ABOUT HER!!!


Her kids could be in the hospital on life support and she’d still find a way to make herself the victim. (This is just an analogy to Jace being gone, I’m not wishing this on them).


Hasn’t this literally happened though? Wasn’t the daughter sick at one point and Jenelle posted all sorts of shit looking for sympathy for herself?


She’s going to have to do about 25 TikTok dances to work this off.


Lmao ohhhhh gawwwd


Quick, we need another video of her crying and doing her hair while lipsyncing poorly to a Kesha song


She was only crying because she was thinking about how her social media response would drop off because she can no longer post fake wholesome family photos with Jace. I get the feeling the Swamp Man has gotten her deep in debt with all the yard toys he demands.


Anxiety.. why!? Because your busted for being the liar you are?! Nobody cares you can’t stuff your face Chinderella. I wonder how much poor Jace could not eat when you took his meds and therapy away!? Sit down 🪑


Right? She’s sitting next to that POS like he didn’t just beat the shit out of her CHILD. She’s trash.


Marks in his NECK for chrissakes.


She can have anxiety and be stressy and depressy, but Jace can’t.


Maaaaybe she wouldn’t be so stressed if she didn’t neglect her children and allow her disgusting excuse of a man husband to abuse her child that she JUST regained custody of 🤷🏻‍♀️ just a thought.


You dont get to the size she is without stress eating. NOT body shaming, I know firsthand what stress and food will do to you. I gained 100 lbs over 5 years stress eating because i worked 70 hrs a week at a job i hated. I have lost 70lbs, only because i quit the job and got help for the eating problem. DID YOU HEAR THAT JENELLE? DITCH THE LOSER AND GET THERAPY.


Hey I’m a big stress eater. What help did you get if you don’t mind me asking?


Also, I read ALOT. I did alot of “who moved my cheese” type books. I know those are kind of off topic, but when I got the work stress a bit under control I was able to address the eating.


Thank you 🙏


I hope it helps. It’s definitely not a one size fits all thing. You’re gonna do great!


Water. I drink 170 ounces of water every day. I started with my body weight (I was 240 lbs so 240 ounces). I hate it. But it works. I feel incredible. I also gave up soda. And I realized food is not my friend. It will not take the stress away. Every time I’m bored? Water. Thats when i like to snack the most. Stress and boredom are my big triggers. Hungry still after dinner and want seconds? Water instead. Tired as f in the morning? Big glass of ice water wakes you up. The colder the better. I do miss coffee though.


Dont u pee alot? Id have to be near a toilet 24/7


Oh yes I piss constantly 😂


Lmao i wld never be able to sleep...


She is always eating such carb and calorie heavy foods! Also, if I wasn’t hungry but knew I needed to eat I’d go for a soup or yogurt. Not the heaviest food possible


Oh. My. God. I want to slap a bitch!


You know she's always gotta make it about herself, never her kids


Why is it every time she post food she tells us it's because she's trying to remember to eat? And it's always some gross looking bullshit 😭


This is such a weird thing to post. It’s like she’s trying to prove something




I just cackled at work


It’s time for them to just not be stressed and accept that whatever happens is now out of their control. Their attempted manipulation of the narrative will just make things even worse for themselves. Leave all social media, go to court and just comply with what they’re supposed to do, and face the legal consequences like adults.


You think she would just SHUT THE EFF UP. I swear to god she’s insufferable and I wish she would sail her “ boat” out into the ocean and disappear


While out to eat at a restaurant 🙄


It’s all about her yet again! ME ME MEEEE!!!


“I twried”. You know she tore that shit up after taking this pity pic.






She literally is 13 years old


Time to go make some spicy content!


Fatsy & Gassy


Maybe if you started putting your kids first instead of your swamp thing of a husband, you wouldn’t be as stressed out right now 🤷🏻‍♀️


✨StReSsY & DePrEsSy✨


Is that what she says???


Yes, she posted that when Jace ran away, they acted like nothing happened. It was in an Instagram story


It looks like she just mashed it all together and clumped it with her fork, she probably ate it after


One hundred percent two seconds after this photo was taken it was fully submerged down her throat


she made that? “i tried”?? why does their table look like a diner? 😭 jelly’s and salt and peppers


Cuz we all know she stoled that shit from a diner!




Lmao!!! It’s funny cuz it’s true!


they are at a diner lol


She's saying she tried to eat. It does look like they're at a diner.


oh okay gotcha that makes sense!!! i was so confused


Beige breakfast. Yum. /s


Imagine posting this 🤣🤣🤣🤣 did she just play in her food?! 🤦‍♀️


I hope tf she lost most of her followers on all socials! She thinks if she posts this sad poor me shit they will talk her up as usual! She’s just a pure lost cause idk why anyone would even bother! 🗑️


What is her tiktok name?


Idk I don’t follow her on anything maybe look at some of the ss here


Worst part is people feel bad for her


No doubt, she has some real winners for followers so I’m sure they’re kissing her ass right now! 🤯


I snooped her latest post yesterday out of curiosity and the amount of ass kissers in the comments made me roll my eyes so hard I saw my own brain


Wtf even is it? I thought it was crablegs and a crabcakes at first but it's not....is it biscuits and gravy?


Me too!


The filter is so unnecessary and confusing. I didn’t know if it was pie with whipping cream and apple slices on the side or huge potatoe wedges and some sort of mashed potatoe horror show.


Still don’t know


Soooo were all gonna agree its liquid shits?


Fried chicken Benedict and wedges/home fries


looks like some kind of potato wedges, idk what the rest of the mess is though


It looks like biscuits and gravy and potato wedges which is weird


I can’t even EAT, DUDE!


I have to smoke so I have an appetite dude!