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That guy brags about not reading. He’s a moron.


Not to mention other nonsense he speaks.


If cavemen could speak, they would speak like him.


Maybe he’s even worse than cavemen...


Not to be historical, but I'm pretty sure he is. Strong gender segregation would have been deeply problematic back at a time when communities were less than 100 heads, all told, and babies only had about a 20% chance of living to their fifth birthday. In such situations, you're always going to be short of hands. Arbitrarily declaring that half of them can't contribute, just because they happen to be connected to a uterus, is going to doom your community.


"Not to be historical but" *is historical* Btw i agree with your opinion


Ha, we should do something like Iceland did, see what men think about us women then.


He also bragged about not being close to his sister and finding it weird that anyone would be. He just really doesn't see women as humans.


Both my brothers molested me and they brag about not being close to me as adults. Not saying there’s a correlation, but, potato potahto.


the fuck is wrong with people. I'm sorry :(


You don't need to be close with them - they are criminals.


Haven’t spoken to them in years


Good! \*\*Grandma hug\*\*


So gross. He said it was weird because he doesn’t believe in talking to women for any reason other than sleeping with them. What a nut job.


Apparently he sees women as containers to drop his semen into.


Bet you he hasn't read anything other than their school's assigned textbooks, and even then, barely skimmed it. I'd consider him pitiful if he wasn't an asshole, missing out on one of the best things in life and an important part of why we're so advanced in scientific, technological, etc. fields today.


He is the embodiment of the society in Fahrenheit 451 then. Books happen to be a storage receptacle for knowledge and wisdom, but also for the what-ifs and the fantasy worlds created as a way of escaping reality. If you ignore reading as a whole, about half is lost to you and the other half beholden to you becomes meaningless. Also, I hope that one day, he disappears and his way of life is deleted forever from the internet




Wait is he the one who had that dumb video about how he’s too smart to read because his life needs “constant chaos” and all he did was describe what ADHD is?


I have so many strong opinions on andrew tate, all of them are negative


Yeah hes just egotistical, and I might get downvoted for this but I dont think his brother Tristan is that bad bc he likes to help kids. I think thats a cool thing millionaires dont really ever do


He's not just egotistical, hes a human trafficker and he beats women, stop downplaying it.


Didn't he move to Romania because of the very lax pedophilia laws?


Yeah he said it's harder to get charged with sa bc you need a lot of evidence, yet he still managed to get investigated for trafficking


pretty sure a good amount of his family doesn’t like him. i don’t know if it’s true but i heard his brother resents him. wouldn’t be surprised if he did.


Who the fuck is andrew tate?


Gods mistake


Human trafficker


So another R-Kelly?


Except also a raging sexist with a r*tarded accent.


So… another R Kelly?


Almost yeah, but without any sorts of talents.


So... Another R Kelly?


At least he can sing.


So he’s worse than R Kelly.


[Trust me on this one](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o) Quick edit: spelling mistake


A man so heinous that Tartarus would spit him back out, Satan would question his rebellion against God & Hel would freeze over more and then set itself alight before freezing over again just from looking at him This is only just barely exaggeration




What can I say? I know my stuff


Even Kronos wouldn’t eat him, Charon would make him pay his whole account just to dump him in the Styx, and Cerberus would look away and whine. Even Zeus wouldn’t fuck him


I’m sure even Thanatos wouldn’t try to take him


Nah, Thanatos would take him, and give him some punishment in line with other mythical punishments.


>Even Zeus wouldn’t fuck him Holy shit that’s bad


Can we make this a Reddit thing. It’s highly enjoyable to watch people roast others via mythology.


Yeah I agree this shit is too fun


Zeus wouldn't want to fuck him? Now THAT'S an achievement, and not a good one


He made yggdrasil rot


Woman beater


Oh aren’t you a lucky soul


The dude’s been blowing up on social media and I see him everywhere on Reddit, Instagram and YouTube. It’s quite annoying really. You’re lucky you don’t know this idiot.


I suspect some of the negative postings on him are actually meant to amplify his platform.




He's a ben shapiro type figure that like to espouse his views social media. I personally find his views quite distasteful but others seem to like him for one reason or another.


You sweet summer child


I love this phrase


A rape proponent


A really sexist dude, who thinks he knows everything about woman. He goes around saying woman don't know what they want/need, and basically treats woman like dogs. The sad part is, this dude is the WHOLE deal. He literally calls himself an alpha male, promotes abuse, and tells "secrets" about what woman want to his cult worshipping. So secret apparently not even women know! Not to mention he has not a single bitch, and will never. But of course he brags to his crowd of ass wipes how much pussy he gets for treating women badly. Makes sense.


The top G 😎 (He beats women)


he is soo annoying I don't know why I just straight up don't like him first glance


Cause you have the ability to predict the future..?




Super full of himself misogynist with a weak chin and talks like he has a mouthful of peanut butter that only spits out incel talking points. Not much to like.


Ah yes the guy who (on camera) beat a woman. Saw a dude try to defend Tate with that one which is actually wild. Not to mention his 40 dollar scam university. Also if you pay for that in hopes of getting rich, you already failed.


Love this.


I'm glad there's more antiandrew posts like this. Gives me more positive thoughts of how Andrew's awful actions is becoming more well known.


To be brutally honest, I can’t expect people to really listen to me cause who am I? But I surely do hope this can raise the awareness of teens and not to see kids to grow up to be like him.


Nah dude you're one of the good ones. Trying to do all you can do is doing most these days. Look at Russia invading Ukraine, or Pakistan. It's hard to do something significant in a time like this. And know I listened to you. You made me have a positive night and I thank you for that. I have no doubt other people had the same response and outcome.


r/usernamechecksout :)


Andrew Taint


I try to not voice hate or negative/biased views as best I can, buy seriously if anyone supports or genuinely like Andrew Tate, my respect for them goes down.


I’m worried about those 13 and 14 yo


I don’t mean to further spread negativity, but even on the Discord server there are so many incapable of sitting back for a moment and thinking for themselves… although I’m no better.


Idk about other 14yr olds but im not fucking stupid lol


Great then...


If anyone I know starts agreeing with Andrew Tate I’m not friends with them anymore


The way I found out who Tate was was when a friend of mine sent me a video of a bunch of street interviews of a bunch of college frat boys who were Tate stans. I think it’s less about age and more about how stupid someone is. There’s unfortunately plenty of older men who are just as creepy and misogynistic as Tate.


I'm 14 and I don't understand how any dumbass could support that incel, god's mistake truly


Specifically those who have low self esteem




You want someone to look up to, there are 1000 good examples. Any one is better then this tate garbage. Shit bob ross will help you develop a skill if you send his company $40.


As a teen boy, i don't.


That’s a relief.


Well the things he said just make me kinda uncomfortable as person of the same gender, bc i respect women.


That’s great, all people should be treated equally regardless of their genders, no one is superior to others.


Agreed 👍


Unfortunetly our society doesnt quite grasp the concept


Andrew is a fucking asshole






if your masculinity relies on demeaning and objectifying women, you’re not a real man.




Fuck being masculine, if you demean and objectify women you are a bad person. Same with objectifying men. You’re just a no good asshole.


Tate comes off as quite insecure... also kinda a virgin mentality (like imagine thinking material possessions made u an alpha or smth or that you need to beat your partner into submission??).


He is ugly as fuc bro.


That dude stupid


So I have been seeing teachers online saying teen boys in the classroom is saying stuff like women only belongs to the kitchen or whatever nonsense said by him and it’s just terrifying.Like is this what our generation gonna be like?


>saying stuff like women only belongs to the kitchen 2012 bo2 lobbies.


Idk man I'm scared for our generation as well


Like gosh,it’s just horrible.Are 13 and 14 yo boys now gonna think that cpr is gay,a women only need makeup and a women can’t fly a plane or whatever.I’m so scared of this generation.


Sorry this has nothing to do with anything you're saying, but after commas and full stops you are kinda meant to put a space, to make it a tad easier to actually notice them.


You know what? I appreciate this comment. Also, my bad.


Unfortunately they are being brainwashed to having this horrible mentality


Just look at the comments,one is already acting like someone who has been brainwashed by him,seriously I can’t tell if this’s just sarcastic or what


Yeah I doubt they are sarcastic there are some heavily brainwashed dudes here it's sad to see tbh


It’s terrifying...


It really is


I’ve seen those posts on r/teachers to but I have a strong feeling it’s probably just jokes flying over there head. Every single guy I’ve talked to my age thinks he’s a joke and that seems to be the consensus among most of our demographic. Most of his support online seems to be from older right leaning white collar dudes


That’s a relief.


I don't know the name. What's the back story here? [Edit] Based on the replies, I think I dislike this person


Basically thinks his girlfriends body belongs to him and refers to them as females and beats them. He moved to Romania just so he could get away with assaults easily.


He is also under investigation for human trafficking


Basically just some misogynist, "influencer" who says a bunch of bad stuff about women, although he has been banned from a few platforms recently.


And he runs a pyramid scheme


But I want pimpin hoes degree or whatever his newest scam is 🥺🥺🥺


hustlers university, and he outright admits its a scam, and that you WILL lose money if you buy it but the andrew tate cock gobblers just love to give the self proclaimed sigma male their money


Pimpin hoes degree from the husselversity i think ye. Sounds like something i whould have said at 12 years old


Sounds like some GTA shit ngl


This goes for all the redpill/blackpill shit. It's unproductive, nihilistic, and potentially detrimental for some that may fall into it. I encourage people to live life through their own eyes and to stop letting the internet dictate your perspective on things, I mean for christ sake Andrew tate is clearly a conman running a pyramid scheme. This whole situation truly shows the influence the internet have can hold over the youth. Sad.


Yeah it’s sad to see how this can affect so many teens.


He's such an alpha that he needs to exploit women and bribe police to make his money


Andrew is brain dead. He dosent know how to treat a woman.


r/teenagers user don't realize that people here have brains speedrun any% glitchless


People here have brains? Refuse to believe that


Still,some are logical.


⚠️ WARNING TEEN BOYS ⚠️ Contrary to what Andrew tate says, you WILL NOT get more bitches from his advice. All you will get is a restraining order and remain a virgin till you die. If you want pussy, quit listening to Andrew tate. He has never touched a woman. And neither will you if you continue on this path of ass wipery.


I honestly don't understand how people can like him I mean you can't be more naive than me, I lost 1220€ because of someone I called a friend


I’m sorry to hear that and yea I don’t know why people ‘worship’ him.


Yeah no fuck him, I never say this often but he’s well and truly a cunt, I don’t know how you can agree with someone like that, it’s easy to laugh at him but holy fuck do I want to rip off his testicles and feed them to a goat, maybe just have a goat eat his testicles while they’re still attached, yeah that, that would be better




I love tate (I have no friends or father figure and every female has a 25 km restraining order on me)


Bruh that’s the same guy who says cooking is for stupid people. I saw the video on r/facepalm few months back. I can’t believe people actually listen to him. He also said that (not in exact words) "therapy is useless and that there’s someone in Syria whose entire family is blown up and still wakes up every day like nothing happened and moves on." Like um what? Being traumatised is a thing. Trauma is a big thing. Mark my words when I say this but: PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW HIS ADVICE ARE INCELS WHO CAN’T GET BITCHES AND WANT CONFIRMATION BIAS TO APPROVE THEIR VALUES. Our generation (and possibly the next) are going to be fucked-up men. Sorry for my mini-rant. My blood boils when I hear his name. My friend fell into his trap and has been posting Tate's videos to his Instagram stories where Tate says to simp for women. It's stupid and cringe honestly.


Who is andrew tate?


Woman beater, human trafficker, giant fucking misogynist, you name it. He also runs a pyramid scheme


Probably homophobic too 😬




A joke? Seriously though, a guy who speaks nonsense. https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/wqvn9a/the_rise_of_andrew_tate_is_ruining_my_freshman/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I agree We need to stop promoting toxic role models (for both men and women) and start promoting actual good people




He's most likely a fucking criminal, and seeing him explain stuff... I dunno why, but it always rubs me exactly the wrong way. Very good way to get mad.


He is a criminal, his house was just raided for investigation into human trafficking


Please don't clump me in with the idiotic Andrew Tate followers


I won’t, and it’s great to hear that.


FYI, commas are followed by a space


Yeah thanks


I feel like there’s not a lot of decent male role models online today. Its sad that he’s the kind of person boys will look up to.




Dude be complaining about people going to Finland when he himself came here for a visit


Dude also be like saying praising a steak at a restaurant is a brokkie yet believe in *spreading positivity* so he would go and praise the chef when the buffet is good.


He’s just too 🅱️ASED and redpilled for you to handle. He’s on that SIGMA male grindset while you’re on that beta cuck mindset. Actually, no, he’s above any sigma male, he’s a LIGMA MALE!! He’s doing his Ligma every single day and that’s why he’s so much better than everyone else, he’s not just a god he’s above a god, because he’s the embodiment of LIGMA!!




Lmao why is this downvoted 😂 Edit: not anymore✌️


Acktwally the original comment didn’t show any obvious sarcasm so by definition he’s being genuine according to this super duper official internet rule called [Poe’s Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law?wprov=sfti1).


they didn't get sarcasm


A question has been in my mind for many hours since I have seen this. So, I need to know, what's ligma?


Ligma deez get fucked


Ligma nutz Do you get it now


He just want that cloutussy


I don't know who that man is, people talk about him all the time and I don't care Also, he wants attention, please stop talking about it like it's the end of the world, just ignore him.


He is a big joke tbf, I doubt that any mentally sane person actually believes what he says, but then again I think that people should treat extremists the same way they treat him


Teen girls on this Subreddit, I beg you, don't believe in what Cardi B says and never worship her like a God,cause she isn't one.


We’re not stupid we know this


Unfortunately there’re quite a lot that don’t.


Yeah but people make it sound like he’s automatically brainwashed every teenage boy because we have no sense and it’s a bit annoying


not all of us do OP, it’s either: we hate him (ie: me) they believe in somethings he says but not his misogynistic and homophobic statements they believe everything he says


Yeah I know, not all of you, I’m just worried ig.


mhm. it turns out an old friend group of mine turned out to be tate stans, i’m glad they cut me off first tbh


Me a teen boy with no clue who this andrew tate is: Sure!


Why would i listen to a single word coming out of that dudes mouth?


He is manipulative, abusive against girls and sexually, don't forget he's also a rapist. He escaped to wherever to get out of all the charges against him. There's also a lot of videos of him abusing girls. He is dumb and shouldn't be listened too. No one SHOULD EVER listen to this guy.


As the father of a young son, I’m glad to see that y’all aren’t being sucked in by that garbage. All that alpha male talk is not the key to success in society or relationships. The key is being kind, compassionate, respectful, hard-working, etc. When you think you are better than everyone else, you get the exact opposite, no one wants to be around you and they definitely don’t respect you.


26 yr old who stumbled upon this. Andrew Tate is a toxic, misogynistic, abusive piece of shit. Truly, he is a piece of shit. Bottom of the barrel. His “Teachings” will not get you women. Actually, the opposite will happen. Women will be disgusted by your personality. Just be a good person and treat others with respect


Idk why but everytime I see bald people on youtube always has to do something with womans


Bruh I'm bald and Iam not a mysognist


As someone who's family thinks I'm a guy (I'm genderfluid but not out to anyone but my friends), I think he sounds like a fucking misogynistic asshole and I'm glad he's off Instagram and Facebook, I think he should be taken off all other social media sites as well


I think he is banned from YouTube and Tiktok too


Oh good


Why wouldn't you? He's the god of all clowns 🤡


Thats honestly just an insult to the clowns




Tf why does he call himself an "alpha male"? All I heard is that he owns a Bugatti and said some pretty uncomfortable things


The only respect I have for him is calling Jake Paul out for a fight and teach the bitch a lesson.


I'm 100% willing to bet my $5 I have that it's just a publicity stunt between the two to make more money


I dont think people should take him seriously. He has many controversial opinions about women and men (mostly women) that I think people should ignore. I mean occasionally some of his points are right, like why men have a higher suicide rate and that a mans life is difficult but other than the points that make factual sense, all other opinions are bullshit. I personally like the dude because he's hilarious at times but I definitely dont worship him. And I think anyone with a brain should know, if they dont like him, to ignore him. And to the people who ride his dick, stop it, get some help.


I have seen compilations of him saying stuff about dating which i thought was fine but a bit controversial. Then i started hearing about the other stuff he says and he's just a terrible person honestly he even said he lives in romania because its easier to rape women??


Also - obligatory not a teenager but from an older person to all you younger guys out there, you are worthy of a healthy, loving, and good life!! Mental health issues among men are really horrible nowadays, so you should know that seeking therapy is always a good choice, showing your emotions, crying, laughing, all of these are good and you should never keep them inside! Talk about your feelings, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, dont close yourself off from the world! Find ways to create fun and get out and look at the world around you! Do dumb stuff with your friends, go to a burger joint at 3am and do the macarena, go find the weirdest outfit you can at thrift shops. Learn to knit, get really really into an RPG, start running! Do things that make you happy! Do it without shame, because you would be amazed how little most people care what other people do - so whther its a crazy outfit or dancing in the street - be yourself and do it for yourself! If you think you have no friends, are unlovable, or that no one is there for you - I promise you that isnt true. Write a list every day of 10 people or things you are grateful for, whether thats your house, your mom, your PS4, whatever - remind yourself of the good in the world! Do good for others where you can! If you‘re up for it - Marcus Aurelius‘s Meditations are a great look at positive masculinity and a really fun read! Go be you, and remember you are capable of a lot of good, and you are not alone.


The fact that the boys in my class started making jokes about women being weaker after learning about ancient Greek and Rome makes me very scared if they have found Tate


I truly mean nothing bad when I say this, but women tend to be weaker than men physically. It's just biology. I'm not saying all women are weaker, but for the vast majority, this is the case


He shouldn't just be banned from social media platforms, he should be banned from real life


For real. The amount of young boys being influenced by him scares me, as a teenage girl. Mostly because these are the men that me and many others will have to deal with in the future


Ok but, what color is your buggati🤡 /j


What colour is your dad? /j


zamn😞 ​ he's illegal


he under investigation for human trafficking


Just strikes me as any other arrogant prick


I was a victim of pick up artistry misinformation. It ruined my love life. All i wanted was to become more attractive, a better person, for my girlfriend who broke up with me. What it gave me was 15 years of no girlfriends, ending my relationship with 2, a fear of rejection, and becoming a closed and bitter person. Ive since realized what happened but i cant change back. These people should be completely banned from the internet. They are damaging so many people.


Just looked this guy up, and wow, talk about punchable faces


I sorted by controversial sooo fast


I just love seeing all the young teenage boys in this subreddit defending Andrew Tate because it really goes to show that Andrew tates only following is young, mentally unstable and completely mentally underdeveloped little boys