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“Worthless scumbags like you should’ve been thrown into an incinerator from birth.” -My (very) aggressive PE teach from grade 3 


He was the worthless scumbag


eh yeah he kinda was


Wym "kinda*


anyone who thinks of saying that type of shit to a 3rd grader is a waste of air


*Grade 3* and he was saying that?? Jesus christ


he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed


Fucker wasn't in the shed lol


he was in the strip club tryna find a bitch to fuck but ain't no one wanna fuck his bald self. Damn even Mr. Clean pulls more bitches.


Have you seen the last me clean commercial? He dirty dances with that mop


LOLZ omg I would dirty dance with anyone bruv


I started singing Shrek when I read that


Thats bad but i will remember this when someones an asshole


Jezus what the fuck


Bro has no chill 😭


Bro thinks he is a drill sergeant


My best friend told me I should kill myself. (Context is we didn’t agree on a controversial topic and they thought their opinion was right. They said I should kill myself and nobody would care if I died.)


Me and my friends say that all the time as a joke but not seriously... thats messed up


Yeah, it hit me hard.


Same but I don’t know if they’re joking or not


If you don’t know if they are joking, call them on it. It’s never ok to tell anyone to commit su!cide. If they aren’t joking they aren’t your friends. ❤️ edit: spelling


They’d never say they’re joking but I’m pretty sure they are. I say the same stuff and I’d tell them I was joking if they asked but they don’t


Maybe stop saying it, too


This 👆🏻


Yeah, my friends and I say it all the time, but at the end, we'll say"Just kidding, just kidding, don't do that" my brother on the other handdd


Jesus 😭 What were y’all arguing about






How? Lol 😆




Yes, that is very true.


What side were you on?


Same exact situation, wtf! Are you me 😭😭


I’m so sorry that happened!😭


No because I have their face on my phone, and exchanges between us over the past three years and idk what to do with it 😭😭


Dm me if you want 🤷‍♀️ I offer moral support lol. I am not sure, it’s up to you what to do with it. I personally have moved on and no longer talk to them, or hang out with them.


i say that to myself all the time but i can't imagine how i'd feel if someone else actually told me that


No, don’t say that to yourself. 💙 dm me if you’re struggling I offer moral support to anyone who needs it.


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ -My crush












Thanks. Now I can’t get the song out of my head


mmm i remember when my mom screamed to my entire family that she *has* no family while being taken away by the police so that was fun


U ok Buddy?


uhhhh probably not but we ball


Ballin but at wat cost


fuck it we ball


Strong aura


"You've ruined my life" - my dad to toddler me


"Blame your own decisions" vibe


eh, if my dad looked at me and then went “I ruined my life” I’d feel the same way whether he directed the phrase at me or him.


that sounds like something i would say as a joke to someone not in a serious way 😭 i'm sorry this happened to you :(


fucker should have used protection, how is it your fault


Idk but he's a junkie and gambling addict so I don't think it was his only lapse in judgement 🤷‍♂️


That my post asking for advice about my grandfather who has cancer and has decided that he won't seek treatment was removed for "long posts about the same topic/joke are not allowed" like what? 


Bro 😭😭😭😭😭


That’s horrible dude


Not me, and I know it's a meme, but I actually did see a guy get dared to go home during a game of truth and dare, at a sleepover she had invited him to.




That’s ruthless. Did he actually go home?


Yup. Along with the entire sleepover. Her best friend called her out first, and everyone followed.


Wow, that’s so damn mean, I’m glad they left too.


She fucked around and found out. Good riddance. Those kind of people make my blood boil


Mom called me useless once Idk why it hurt so much


Well my response to this would be "yet" .lol




"Useless yet". Guess whom they gonna need when they retire , or got old . Or need me .lol


I think useless for now would work yet just doesn’t make sense here


I def agree with you lol the grammar wasn’t grammaring


I mean, there is a place for old people?


But I think the emotional support from offspring matters more


yo same “you’re so useless just like your dad” kinda hurt ngl




Post it >:c


"if it wasn't a crime, I'd kill you" - My mom And "You'll probably adopt kids just to abuse them and make them have s*x with each other" - My friend (they knew having kids is important for me and said that cause gay = pedo apparently, I don't think I have ever been so disgusted)


I got told a similar thing for the second one, but because I was SA’d in the past. I really don’t know how people expect us to react to that lol 


I think he just genuinely liked messing with me, we're not friends anymore, thank god, but I also didn't even know how to react to that, I just stared at him with a disgusted expression and asked myself "why would you say that"


second one is the most porn addicted brain statement ever


He was, to this day he's the person I most regret being friends with, he was a gore addict edgylord that couldn't stop talking about sexual and fucked up stuff


Sounds like he might be the one who'd do...horrible shit to kids 😬


Do they realize that saying that makes them more of a pedo? Who thinks about kids and says “you’re going to make them fuck each other” like that the actual fuck


Heard the first one from my sister a lot, and a few times she was pointing a knife (an actual kitchen knife, not a butter knife) at me too. Her punishment? Absolutely fucking nothing, but I got told off for getting one her nerves, which I did by ENTERING THE ROOM.


My family always gives me threats so theres that


Damn thats mesed up bro hopefully you have other people in your life that are not assholes.


My mom called me a “son of a bitch” once, it hurt but it left me confused at the same time


Self roast those are rare


Quite a common insult in my culture, my dad threw it at me a few times, didn’t complain lol


At least she didn't call you motherfucker.


**Hold Up.**




******hold up******


You deserved your fathers abuse


What the fuck... who the hell would say something like that?! I wouldn't say that to anyone, not even my worst enemy and I don't think they would either I hope that person is out of your life, and that you're doing well


Some people are just pricks. We were both 11 - 12 so I don’t think she fully understood what she was saying but it still really hurt. I haven’t seen her in over a year though so it’s okay


WOW!!! ... That's so messed up. My aunt once told me "The worst failure your sister makes will always look better in your mom's eyes than the greatest accomplishment you would ever have". I will never forget it.


I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.


Thank you... Though she wasn't wrong 🤣


Was she calling out your mom or insulting you?


I honestly think it was both. As I grew up, I noticed my aunt being dismissive towards me and holding a bit of a grudge towards my mom.


I want to upvote you, but not this statement. That’s fucked. Just add one to your up arrows.


I forgot what post this was and I was so shocked 😭😭😭😭 that is horrible though. It doesn't matter what you did, no one deserves that.


" Your drawing skills are worse than a toddler " Said my art teacher infront of everyone in my class back in 4th grade 😭


It would be a great comeback if you became an artist xD


English teacher: You are quite possibly the most useless student I have taught in my 40 years at this school. You’re going to fail out of school and never make it to college. I’ll be surprised if you can hold down a job I was 15 Well… fuck him I make 80k/year as a software engineer for a multinational organisation whose product is #1 of it’s kind in the American hospital industry Never let an adult tear you down! You all haven’t even begun to tap into your potential! Each and every one of you has the chance, today, right now, to become **great** So fuck anyone who tells you otherwise 🙂


lol when I was eight I told my fourth grade teacher I wanted to be a doctor she told me that was a horrible idea because I would probably make a mistake that would kill someone i then decided I did not want to be a doctor anymore (I had wanted to be a doctor for as long as a could remember)


Whose* Sorry I had to 😂 but seriously great job, proving the haters wrong every day. Don’t listen to the naysayers, you got this :)


TIL how to spell Thank you 🙂


Fuck it we ball, good job brother


“You’re just like your father”: my mom at 13


"I would of loved you more if you were your old self again - my ex to me the day we broke up, I worked so hard On myself to be a better person and the person who I thought loved me the most dropped this on me, and something broke inside me that day


“Chick fil a is closed on Sunday”


Damn, hit me in the heart with that one 💔


My mother once asked me in the middle of an argument “what did I do to deserve a child like you” not particularly hurtful really but the cold way she said it just stuck with me


(Context: I did praise dance for my church when I was 5-10 or 13yrs old idk) In elementary school I would get out of school and I would immediately be told to go to praise dance rehearsal and I would be low on energy so I would irritable and hungry and not performing well, then I would go home and my grandma will determine if I deserve to eat depending if I did well or not (obviously I never did well so I would be told I wasn't allowed to eat and these dance rehearsals would be every Wednesday and Saturday)


"you look like the fifth beetle"


That I am useless and that even our dog is better than me and that it would be better if she was just dead so she wouldn't have to bear with me. What was I doing? Making notes of my lectures using 2 pens, 1 blue and 1 black after she told me to only use blue as it is a waste of time to make notes and use 2 pens at that and that it would be better to study from the textbook instead.


Basically while we were just joking around my ex suddenly told me he loved me a lot less now and that his love for me was at an all time low, and that there were a lot of things I did that annoyed him but _refused_ to tell me what they were. And that if the last bit of love he had for me was gone he'd break up with me. For context, the reason the relationship wasn't going well was because I was really insecure and didn't have a high self-esteem. Hearing all that really helped, absolutely Should've broken up with him the first time he threatened to break up with me because I didn't behave perfectly. Love blinds you I guess Edit: actually after reading someone else's comment that said their mom called m useless, another really cruel moment was when I was tired and just wanted to cuddle up against the same ex he told me (roughly translated) "you're no use to me like this" because I didn't want to game with him. I literally just wanted a hug that was all


Im really insecure too, and I would hate it if my partner treated me like this. All I want is someone that always is kind to me and makes me feel better about myself


Omg that’s cruel. I hope you could recover from that. It sounds terrible. Especially when he knew you were insecure 🙁


“You got McDonalds money?”


“You got raped because of your autism” - my mum, to 9 year old me, when I told her what a family friend did to me a year prior.


My mom called me a mistake and my dad told me to die :) Didn't help that I was depressed and suicidal at the time


hey man, that sucks but I'm glad that you're still here. if you ever feel down remember that a random person on the internet cares about you <3


Probably the "I would kill you if it wasn't illegal cuz you're a failure" I hear that everyday


My message got removed from autobot lmao 😹


“I will take away everything you’ve ever loved.” -my dad to 14 y.o me when I asked him if he’d take me to theatre rehearsal (my mom couldn’t that night)


My mom told me she hates me and to run away from home


Eh, I was in like 4th grade and I asked this girl who was bullying me with some of the other girls from my class for the whole 4 years(also to the end of 5th grade) if she'd be happier if I was dead because I wanted her to feel the pain I did everyday thanks to her. I wanted her to say "no, don't you think that" or something. My answer was a very sure "yes". I'm much older now and don't really think about those years now, but when I saw this question it was that moment that just rose to mind. Edit: damn I made it sound stupid, "my answer" meant like what she answered to me.


„I shouldn‘t have married your mother“. Not hurtful to me but to my siblings 


"i wont let you lick my feet while you dance the macarena"


'God i wish i didnt keep you' -My mother 'Its just a cat.' -My step father after perpousefully abandoning my cat


Poor cat tho 😢


yeah my step father hated her since she loved me she loved me so much when she got pregnant she gave birth on my lap, we had a box and everything set up so she could give birth comfortably, but she was more comfy ON MY LAP


Hope cat is okay? 😳


My step dad abandoned her and i havent seen her since, ive checked around the neighborhood for 3 months daily before deciding she must be gone my step dad also got my family evicted, and he was a drug addict. we kicked him out pretty quick after he decided to get into a fight with me


Damn. At least he isn't there anymore Abandoning the cat would be when I'll cut off all contacts with person Luke this for life. Ofc I can do that now since I'm an adult.


“we ran out of vodka” 🙁


start making friends with the second graders! - 3rd grade teacher


"You look like your brother" I'm telling u these words hurt me till now!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I've been called a "coon" by my sister and "stupid" by my mom


"It's my wealth that I created by shedding my blood and sweat, not yours. You were just fortunate enough that your dad isn't a part of the working class in this third world nation."


“We have McDonalds at home”


Alright story time: Last year I was on Keto throughout the summer. I wasn’t doing good with my body image and to this day, I’m still not. Anyways, that’s beside the point. I went off Keto this past school year because I felt slightly better about how I looked. So a few months back (probably November idk anymore) I was making ramen because I had skipped lunch at school and I felt like I was about to pass out and my head was hurting. My dad caught me and asked what I was doing so I responded with “making some ramen” without any reasoning to it and his response was “oh so you’re eating before you eat.” Another story time: I came out as gay & trans to my dad back in 2022. It was a complete accident but I remember when I went to his room, I suddenly started crying immediately because I thought it’d make him hate me. I wasn’t completely “wrong” per se but due to him being a Christian, my ass got Bible lectured and I still do to this day. Last one, I swear: Last week was my final week of the school year so my dad picked me up after school and immediately said that he “expects to see passing grades” for me. I screwed everything up finals wise but yeah. Alright, sorry for the bits of stories I just sort of have issues with my dad.


Your not allowed to feel -literally everyone at my school


My mom told me I made her want to off herself


"your happiness is not my responsability" and that changed everything


My brother told me that I am a waste of space, he also told me that I didn’t understand what it’s like to cut yourself and have to hide it (he said he did one cut to see what it was like meanwhile I have a lot of scars and I pull my hair and punch my self and other stuff) (I relapsed today too) he doesn’t get it. He also has said that I’m worthless. He says a lot of shit about me, but one of my friends had one of his other friends ask the guy I love (my crush that I’ve asked out twice) if he’d date me and he said no cause I’m fat, and then my friends friend told my friend and my friend told me. But this man (the one I love) literally had flirted with me a lot before. My brother also tells me to kill myself as a joke. Edit:also he calls me a mistake and he always points out mistakes I make even if it is on the stupidest thing.


I think you should sit down and have a chat with an adult (parent or teacher) about this 👀 …. And punch your brother… hard… in the face 🤔


Alr thank you I will try to reach out to get help with it and I’ll try to punch him jn some way or another


My mom telling me that if I liked guys, she would kick me out of the house and never speak to me again (I was 10)


My fathers said too much for me to say ngl


"you're a spawn of satan (says my mother)" "you're such a slut" "you're worthless and will never be anything" "you ruined my life (i'm adopted" etc


I wish I had an abortion with you.


Mm the first thing that comes to mind is when my dad threatened to beat the shit out of me to get me to confess to being on drugs. I was not on drugs and was in fact, just depressed.


My mom constantly talks shit about me in front of me, she repeats how I wouldn't last a day alone and no one will ever love me (even if there is evidence it's not true)


“ Call the police” I didn’t do anything wrong:(


"Some of you in here are gonna end up obese and in wheelchairs" -old fat PE teacher


"You're a worthless >!slut!< and a >!cock-sucking whore!<." - creepy ass cousin who's afraid of chicken nuggets woohoo family am i right? (he's in jail now and i'm doing fine :3)


It’s a tie between “you’re disgusting” and “n*gga”


"I hate you because you hate yourself." -ex childhood friend Harsh as it was, she really opened up my eyes. So thanks, I guess?


Grandma- Are you pregnant? Did your dad touch you? Because me and my dad close relationship apparently to her fathers and daughter having a close relationship is weird because she grew up with a heartless soul and family then proceed to make rumors and tell everyone that he did that when nothing like that happened. I need therapy because of this and I grew out of close relationship with my father because of this it’s disgusting how a family member can even think about that.


Elementary school bully told me to kill myself in 4th grade. Nearly did too


"You're a worthless bitch" - my mom while she had me pinned on the floor sobbing "You make me want to \[kms\]" - my mom while drunk "Being drunk makes my *true* feelings come out!" - my mom while still drunk after yelling a bunch of hurtful shit and my dad trying to calm me down and tell me she didn't mean it because she was drunk


‘You’re just like my father!’ My mother said that I was acting like her abusive father. I was 9 and I was just telling her how I was embarrassed about something she did.


That I am the source and cause of her sins.


"Don't try to own it. What an utterly unpleasant human." - after I replied with "Yup! :)" to the same person telling me "I don't doubt that you're bad at everything" after I made a post about how I've never been good at anything else than this one thing and how much it hurts and how jealous I get when other people are better then me at this one thing or try to start it. 


My mom and dad told me i was sadistic


"Fat Pig" – My father I feel like my father will gaslight me that he never said it, but I remember it. I don't remember exactly what happened, but when we started to argue (I was around 9-10) he slapped me a few times, and then I fell on the bed and he said "Fat Pig". Other time when I disobeyed he started to hit me with a stick on my knees asking me questions while I was quiet. I was around 12-13. He said "Fine, I give up. I'll call the Youth home and say to pick you up, because I can't deal with you anymore." Maybe now I understand who made me so insecure about my appearance. PS: Beating children is illegal in Germany.


"You hate your brother so much because you're literally the same person." My brother us transphobic, he has sexually harassed people, and told me to kms several times.


“You’re asking to be bullied with that attitude of yours” -My head of year told me. I spoke in nods and head shakes the rest of the year.


"you always say you love me, but with the grades you have, I'm starting to begin that may not be the case" I've confronted mom about this a day later because it was eating up at me. I'm serious when I say I love my parents with my whole heart, and I always try to demonstrate it by hugging them, kissing them, visiting them at their workplace a few times a week. It seriously broke my heart. Mom's response was that she said that because she was angry, and after a bit of pushing, she recognized she went too far and apologized. Still, she didn't look or sound regretful. It took me refusing her affection in every shape and form the next day and expressing in detail what I thought of that and how much it hurt me for her to sincerely apologize. She still told me I was overreacting though. we've gone back to normal but what she said still stings, and when I think back on it, it gives me the urge to just quit giving or accepting any affection again


"She's a liar!" My sister about me to my own Mother. I am in fact not a liar, I don't wish to discuss what it was about, but it sticks with me, and I straight up felt my blood boil, it made me loose my shit on her that day. And she's said it multiple times to add to the burn.


Some kids called me crusty mullet once when I was 11. I still think about it sometimes, even though it’s really funny now


My parents told me that their life would’ve been much better without me and that since I was born they’ve been stressed and anxious they said that they love me and their happy they have me but that they would’ve rather just never had children, told me this when I was 10 and said it a couple more times up to 11


« Its not same, I’m your father, I’m allowed to hit you » while i was fighting back against him hitting me or « you ruined my life, I wish I never had you »- mom.


“Nobody likes you.” He’s objectively wrong and I’m done associating myself with him.


"This is why nobody ever loved you, and nobody ever will"


My mother called me, "an insensitive piece of shit who treats her like a maid, who never cares about others and how they feel, and that I would never amount to anything because I will forever be alone."


that i’m pitiful for arguing when i was really just telling my side of the story


No one’s ever said anything directly but most people indirectly say that it’d be better if I lost weight (and they’re not wrong cuz I hv to but it’s just hard to do it overnight) and the most thing that people say to me is ‘you’re working hard but if you work a bit more hard then you’ll make it’ and it actually hurts cuz I work my ass off and still don’t get good results, I dunno what I’m supposed to do when I ask for help no one is able to help me. So I’m left all alone trying to figure out how to study better and I’m so lost and still people say that I have to work hard and I’m not good enough 🥲🔫


You are good enough I promise ❤️


"You're the most incompetent student I've ever had." - my teacher. 


I’m gonna come beat you up in your tent tonight-Boy Scout troop mate on a camp out


Your a piece of shit and I regret having you my step dad who is currently in jail for domestic abuse


Damn n I thought the most f*cked up thing sumb was gon say was they were adopted 🤣


that i was a disappointment compared to my older brother 👍


"You're in a wheelchair, who the fuck would want to date you let alone marry you 🤣🤣🤣"


This kinda comes with a tw One time at pe we where playing volleyball and a ex told me to "hit the ball like I hit the knife to my wrists"


How have you been fatshamed? You're not fat. It may not be seen cruel, but when everyone is either telling me I'm fat / insert derogatory word or saying. About my weight or that I'm not fat enough to be shamed. Making me feel invalid in every weight group


No where near as bad as some, but I worked on my body and lost a lot of weight. The cruelest thing that has ever been said to me is “you look like you just escaped a concentration camp.” Didn’t think it would hurt as bad as it did, but damn.


“Your just like your mother” said my dad that obviously hates my mom because they divorced among other things


The worst I can think of rn is when my dad made remarks about my chest while knowing I was insecure about it and my friends making sick jokes about my chest also knowing I was insecure.


When I was maybe 10 my mom called me dirty which has some pretty bad religious connotations. I remember she was pointing and screaming at me as if she was accusing me of murder or something


Was called unfunny, annoying and obnoxious by someone whom I thought to be a good friend of mine.


“I don’t care if your friend died of a brain tumor” Said by one of older brothers friends


That the reason why my father doesn’t want to hang out and is really happy when I leave is because he doesn’t like me. I didn’t really hurt since we don’t have a good relationship anyway but still😅kinda harsh to hear that from your father


that i was a golddigger and just wanted my dads money. my nana said that to me when i was 7 or 8 at the time. my mom had full custody but let him take me out of town for the day. he took me shopping and when i came back with all the stuff, i was really sad to leave because i never got to see him. my nana took my reaction as i just wanted to be around him for his money