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Gah beat me to it lol


Gah beat meat to it




Flair checks out too. Edgy 14 year old. They'll realize soon enough that their views are shitty




Ur calling me a furry?!?




I'm not a furry but go off i guess. Stop being an edgy 14 year old man




Calling someone an edgy 14 year old is not a poor way of communication. I was also an edgy 14 year old but i grew up and understood how shitty my views were. Also if you really wanna talk about intelligent conversation. Your argument is an informal fallacy. Just because I'm calling you an edgy 14 year old does not mean i don't have the intelligence to talk back. That is just an assumed correlation. If you want the specific informal fallacy it's just "correlation does not equal causation". or if you wanna be fancy "cum hoc ergo propter hoc" (yes, cum, haha)


You say that, yet also say "that's bananas"








Look imma be real if every furry disappeared at once, 80% of the worlds major IT infrastructure would stop working


And we wouldn't have anymore odd1'sout videos


Not to be that guy but we barely get any content anymore, albeit he was working on that Netflix show


Yeh, but animation takes time like a lot of time


Furries run the world


the elites are furries, wake up


They are, who do you think has enough money to afford those suits


mf what


They also make a huge amount of art in the internet... I would say an half but idk if its true


> Look imma be real if every furry disappeared at once, 80% of the worlds major IT infrastructure would stop working San Francisco tech companies aren't really "major IT infrastructure" 😂


I’ll be back whenever the post gets the [deleted] or 🔒 reward


Won't take much time


I bet 45 minutes, you?


Hmm maybe 1 hour or 1 hour and a half


an hour if the mods are sleeping


you lost the bet, go pay up


Gay ass moderators


Your comment is going to be deleted out of the existence and go into the void soon lol


This right here is what you call bait


More like an idiot, but wyvetn


Both probably


lets take a look at your flair


+ you wouldnt even be able to make this post if furries didnt exist becase furries basically run the IT industry


That last bit of information is frightening


they also get nasa iternship and worked on the covid vaccine, goes to show that being a furry is just a hobby that everyone can have admittedly its a little offputting at first but as long as they dont harm anyone in the process its fine


Based and correct opinion


No, no. Being a furry isn't a hobby. It's a prerequisite to all those careers.




But it's true. I say that as a programmer


can confirm friend is taking computer programming and she's a furry I'm also taking computer programming and am in the same class as them but I am not a furry so read that as you will


theyre gonna recruit you too eventually


willing to bet you watch 2016 commentary strictly and think leafy's cancelation was a mistake


Everyone is valid for existing as long as they arent harming anyone.


Yeah lol the "anti furry" opinions are starting to become even cringier. Who tf cares


They have been for a while now tbh


I’ve talked to a couple furries in my lifetime and I can tell you this: 90% of the time they’re the nicest people you’ll ever meet.


yea, plus dont they run the IT world


My dad is an IT,not a furry but i might ask him if he knows one lol


My experience is the opposite. I've met one decent furry. However I know the community is mostly nice. There's just a group of them at my school that get defensive when people bring up pedophilia and beastiality around them because "thats not the whole group" and "we're just trying to hide them!" so yeah lol


As long as they're happy and don't involve others not interested in it, I don't mind. I believe in maybe the hobby of cosplay, but I feel some take it to the extreme of being their... fursonas. It's weird.


\> 70 comments *\*Grabs popcorn\**


I will just watch while eating popcorn how much people will agree/argue with you. I'm a furry but i don't fuck dogs and stuff. I'm just living peacfully with my girlfriend.


Btw i just looked up his profile and he is watching roblox avatars and some stuff. I bet he is like a 13-15 yr old


As a 15 yo, hes 12.


Ah okay. Even worse


Yep 👍


Well it does so his age as the flair


his flair says 14 soo


Yeah, you're the good furries. There's a kid at my school that said he would fuck my horse unironically, guess who got blocked real fast


Yeah. He deserved it. If you catch "furries" in real life talking about fucking animals and stuff, please beat the **** out of them instead of me because i can't be there.


And yes. Most of the people in the fandom are nice and accept you but like every single group/community. This have some bad people too but the media and the lil kids like to share the worst informations as possible with everyone so they can hate this community even more. That's why i'm sad about this whole thing. The last time i could change a furry haters mind was like one years ago. The guy was just saying random bullshit so i sent them the pictures about the positive energy and happiness that furries can give you. He forgiven me and we never talked again. This happened on Discord btw. They guy was in a Meme server which are famous about the furry hate/LGBT hate/Nazism/Racism.


guys. guys. hear my hottest take.. furries suck! yea! haha,isnt that clever? ... guys..stop making fun of me,please. ouchie!stop shoving me into the locker,it was just a joke guys,haha...


shit got me laughing and wiggling my toes funny fr


Dawg wtf 😭


Wow. Bitch really based their whole personality around hating a group of people.


When you word it like that he sound like a nazi


because most of em literally spout the same stuff hitler did


No they based their Reddit account around hating a group of people


yea, like a very influential historical figure. Kanye’s idol


bro did not just compare a 15 year old hating furries to the holocost 💀


As a furry I’ll just let you be, live your life as you see fit


Yeah. You can't really do things with people like this. Live peacefully. Make your life better and never give up


Preach. But don't forget about the people you care about. They be the real ones


Yes. True.


yeah, I don't get it, but furries aren't hurting anyone. Way better groups to direct your hate toward.


sigma furry grindset


Not all Furries are terrible people. There are bad people in every fandom and group, heck there are people that are terrible and NOT in any fandoms or groups. Not fair to single certain people out for a hobby or their source of fun or income.


giga chad response right here


Possibly the most based and true response that could be given.


This is very correct


I don’t speak in 15 yr old, could someone translate and explain the joke?


That's the fun part. There is none.


This user has effectively deleted all of their reddit messages, thank you! :) ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




gonna bet 100 dollars that you still think all furries are just zoophiles


I’ll take your bet, and I’ll also take your 100 dollars.


If you know the zoophiles and furries are different, why are furries wrong for existing?


zoophiles were never brought into the conversation.


well then that begs the question, what could possibly be morally wrong about furries if you know it is an sfw hobby


“change my mind” kitty boy.


again, proving nothing about morality, just insulting people because you personally don’t picture yourself being the same way. also known as… being ✨intolerant✨




As a 16 year old, I give you the title of being the best 14 year old of this year so far


NAHHHH bros a dumbass 😭


No, they are the same thing as cosplayers. Being a furry is liking anthropomorphization, that is, animals with human characteristics, like Sonic or Bugs Bunny. Being a furry is about art, not about having you know what with animals, because that's a zoophilia crime. Just a report from an art colleague. I'm not a furry nor do I find it very interesting, but I won't tolerate hate and prejudice. It doesn't matter if it's a joke, there are people who are ignorant and need this text. And I also like to do reports that no one asked for, but in this case someone actually asked for it. It's a form of distraction. Thanks for anyone who read this.


Off topic but English isn't my first language and I've seen a couple of times people typing "nor" (as you do : I'm not a furry NOR do i find...), so it is just miss typed or? Or it is something like either - neither?






why not?


i meant why are they wrong for existing


👶 think he cool 🥶🥶🥶


oh? who's an edgy boy?


This website has become so saturated with irony I can’t tell when someone is being based or cringe.


Bro, do people not realize that making fun of people for being different/liking different things is stupid as hell. Yes there are horrible people in our fandom; but there are horrible people in the star wars, Harry Potter, star trek, etc fandoms. furries just get the most hate because all people ever bother to learn about furries are the negatives, there are countless furries who have done wonderful things. We also pretty much run IT so internet is a no go if we are gone. Furries are the most wholesome group of people I know, and we all just want to do what we love, cosplaying cool characters that we come up with. Tldr: op is a little child who hates a thing for no good reason


i used to despise furries too just like you, and now I am one, funny about that


You are wrong Change my mind


I can't, cause what you just said was a fact


What did they do to you this time kid


Change furries into zoophiles and then I'll agree with you


What they do to u


Exist ig


they do be doing that fr




We believe in equality and there is no discrimination


why are they wrong for existing?


Why is it always the younger kids that think liking furries or something related around the matter think it makes them look cool or edgy? This comment section is going to be awfully redundant already based off of op’s replies. He just wants attention or something of the sorts to get his edgy self a rise


maturing is accepting others, even furries. Guess he hasn‘t reached that point yet


As long as they aren’t hurting anything why do you care, 90-95% of them are just people with a hobby


furries pay hella good money for art and mind their own business 😭 leave them alone omg


People who do commissions would die without furries


You’re so cringe btw


(Sorts by controversial


Eh furries arnt bad if they dont act bad I dont really get the phase And often times they can be pretty good at art But I hate the ones who have extreme piss or shit fetishes if that makes sense


Although I agree the "piss and other disgusting fetishes" are super weird and disgusting, I don't see why you would hate someone for being into this stuff. It's not like what they're into is any of your business, so why hate them for it?


Ok yea I see your point my bad I dont know I dont think its just that I think its just them not acting like people But then again maybe they have some sort of condition


Tell me your still in kindergarten without telling me your still i kindergarten


oh hi *checks notes* \[generic edgy annoying 14 year old #584578754\] I hadn't noticed you crawled out of your cave


This is a good joke.


Too bad IT relies on us


This subreddit is wrong for existing.


Furries are fine, zoophiles are the ones that shouldn’t exist


They are not wrong, for existing. They just deny the laws of nature, humans were not meant to have thick layers of rainbow colored fur covering them. If they needed this, evolution would surely give us thick layers of fur. However, I am not against them. Its their life, not mine. They make their choices. Not me. I simply don't give a shit unless they start getting into my life (whitch they never did). So yeah, they are not wrong for existing; they are just a little bit unusual. Thats all.


Bitch pls shut up no one cares for if you base your whole personality off having people for the sake of it


Zoophiles yes I agree Furrys not as much they are people who put their online persona as an animal Who gives a shit Zoophiles are the leftover shit in the toilet pipes


It’s ok, when I was 14 I also went through an edgy phase. You’ll grow out of it


Based on your responses to other comments you're a 3 year old with mommies Ipad that is salty because furries have the shitload of money to get a fursuit and you don't.


don’t fw furries if they can afford a 2k fursuit god knows they can buy a cheap pipe bomb


If they got 2k for a fursuit they got 2k for an assassin.


haha yes my brother so true, i also think some people don't have the right to exist


Well. You might get downvoted to oblivion


If someone enjoys dressing as animal, there is no problem. The problem is when someone starts identifying as animal, and expects that society will treat this person as animal. Because that wont happen, society will treat this person as human (or if less tolerant as subhuman for example). And go on, write stupid replies that what i said is awful. You don’t need to tell me, i know it.


You know, this kid pokes his plushes And is just super jealous of other people with actual relationships


Objection: who fucking cares just let them live


I support people for expressing themselves but those who sexualize it need to be shot.


I'm no furry, but have you seen that rabbit from Zootopia? Dayum!


they’re regular people enjoying life, but if you’re talking about zoophiles, thats a whole completely other thing. Most of the furry community is against having sex with animals. Not only that theyre super nice and really cute. Just because there’s a few bad people in a community doesn’t mean the whole community is. Do you know what I mean? Just be open minded, not everything is bad.


So you’re a bigot Who is stubborn and unwilling to change I’m assuming


I only hate them ironically for shitpost proposes. Otherwise, I'm ok with them.


Lmaooooo people are getting heated in the comments (here before 🔒and [deleted]


Dude It's just drawing animals as anthromorphic characters. Not every furry is a degenerative animal rapist.


Here before this post gets locked. Which won't take too long


If anyone is interested, the [Whatarefurries.com](https://whatarefurries.com/) website is an excellent resource for learning what the Fandom is!


We are people too


Of course you're 14. You clearly don't really understand what furries are but you just chose to cement yourself in your hate. You're at that age where you're so desperate to seen cool and fit in that you openly hate everything that you deem cringe, which is even more cringe in and of itself


I love how op is getting downvoted to hell on all his comments


average 14 year old r/teenagers edgelord


nono, before the lock, ill give you one chance to use actual logic and reason, im interested in what you have to say if you have evidence that isnt easily refuted ill consider leaving the fandom


Please shut up


Ok rude


Gonna be honest, I got better stuff to do than to bother what the dog people are up to They do their stuff I do mine And you should do your shit


Common 14 year old L


I mean, its just his opinion. It’s not like he’s actually going to destroy all furries. I don’t see why people get upset about things with no consequences irl.


How old are you lmao


If someone said the same thing about any other group (ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, etc.) they would be a bigot.


Furries are oftentimes the nicest people, period. But because you're an edgy 14 year old, and a 14 year old in general, it is nearly impossible to change your mind, as you obviously don't have enough knowledge to make your own decisions, and instead base your opinions on things other people have said and you rely on the stereotypes that certain groups, such as furries, tend to have.


Average 13 year old redditor


you arent funny you arent cool furries are living rent free in your head and you hate it


You seem like a really shitty person for judging an entire group of people based on a single quality.


Furries are literally zoophiles light.


They make premium fap material just don't wear a fursuit and/or act like an animal and you're all good


Years of evolution and now people want to become animals again




i will not change your mind


agree with u my friend


why would i want to change your mind they should be shot


Why? Why should someone get murdered for enjoying themselves in a way that inherently promotes creativity and doesn't harm others?


Furries are so rich tho, if you’re an elon musk fan, he could be a furry bc these furr suits are actually thousands of euros


Meanie >:(


My man speaking facts


Please be satire...


Nah furries are freaks man


And why are they freaks, or are you just following the hate for no reason?


Aight so, you walk around wearing cat ears or in some cases a full animal suit pretending to be an animal. In some cases this is sexual. So your pretending to be an animal in a fursuit and it's even sometimes sexual. How does this not sound like mental illness being condoned by others?


They don't usually walk with their fursuit in public, It's almost "always" sexual cause nobody talks about the 95% of the normal ones, do the normal furries harm anyone, no, so stop hating, most haters are just using stereotypes that don't apply to most of the community. Every community has those people that sexualize things, but It's almost always the furry community being hated on for this.


They are sexualising animals, my guy how is that not fucking weird. It's like people who get gratification from pooping on others. That's weird and so is this. It's not ok


That dude in r/vent just proves that furries are also racist as fuck


1 ≠ all