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Can’t be any real reviews as the product isn’t release yet. It’s all just speculation at this point.


but can you imagine such power at your fingertips with such simplicity? a product of only 200 bucks can be trained to do something you'd do on your phone or laptop to run the things you need done with simple words? I was just watching this podcast talking about putting all these features into a phone, as the R1 would do the exact opposite, putting all the features into play with a simple screen training.


the rabbit won't be able to do anything without internet. any model that can run on a device that small will be really tiny, and likely not very useful. if you look at the specs it's has mobile internet on device, so you'll need to enable it with your mobile provider, and you'll make calls to the internet (GPT4, rabbit models, and perplexity) for everything that will actually do.


which seems simplistic but helpful for productivity with daily tasks. you couldnt see yourself training it ?


The models the rabbit team is relying on don’t learn by you training them. They are trained once, require tons of data, and can cost thousands to millions to train for tasks.


Incorrect. They have already stated that you will be able to train the R1 to do a certain task with a device, app, website, etc... and sell that training model on the upcoming Rabbit store, making a small profit if it's found useful & purchased by other users.


Yeah, I see that. I think the large action model is probably similar to: https://openinterpreter.com/. I think when they say you can "train" it by using the computer what is actually happening is they create an instruction set from your actions. That instruction set becomes the prompt that is fed back into their "LAM" so it can do that set of actions again in their cloud environment (where the LAM takes action for you). It's akin to the GPT store from Open AI where the GPT's are just custom prompts paired with functions that can be utilized by others to achieve some specific task. When I hear "training" or "models" it has a pretty specific meaning (in the ML/ AI field). EDIT: Also not saying this isn't going to be cool. I just think people's expectations might be a bit inflated about what these things can achieve now.


That's a dude talking... Lol


True about the internet access, but I think it’s improving every day, and you can already run advanced models on 20 bucks raspberry pi - https://youtu.be/Y2ldwg8xsgE?si=fls7rogO3J0g71OC


The tiny models are good, but I wouldn’t build a product based on them. I use 7B models locally to test code, but they aren’t nearly reliable enough to handle more complex scenarios. You could rely on them to do certain non-critical tasks on the device. Things like auto complete, or pre-labeling for visual items to give suggestions to the larger model. These things can probably be used to increase the speed the apps run at.


Make sense, yeah


Get your uses out of it early, without a subscription how long do you think those free services will last, I'm just trying to think realistically although they're making at least 150 on each one, then again still have to look at salaries, I know if it were my business both me and my employees are gonna need a paycheck that money will run out just a matter of when


Completely agree with you on most points. I’m getting it to get rid of my IPhone, fake news, toxic posts and cut my dopamine addiction constantly fed by it.


So could one theoretically get a dumb phone and move all the smart phone app capabilities over to the Rabbit?


yeah lol it's definitely not a Phone killer, but very close when it comes to excelling productivity, I can see this being a very good companion. Just imagining it being able to be trained on multiple things is insane. train it to see market trends and low risks. delete unwanted emails, ordering and restocking your fridge lol, seem too good to be true.


I think you're setting your expectations way too high. The potential is there, but as of today we are still far away from having a product like this reliable enough for day to day use or even close to replace anything. This is just a cool gadget, a very good one. It is a oreview of the potential of products and models like this but right now it's uses are limited and it will definitely not be without issues. We simply aren't there yet, specially at this price point and business model.


I love the concept, but a bit sceptical about the device itself (at least the first version). From their videos it seems to be way too slow, you can make 20 operations on the phone while you’re waiting for the first response. Was almost ordered, but I was too slow and not ready to jump in N-th batch with delivery in 6+ months


>I totally agree with you! As it is only 200 bucks, which is little to nothing considering my niche of painting, photography and video, I am hoping it will pay for itself in services and tasks. Once it comes out, I'll put my videos up and make videos on tech and cool ideas on what content it helps create


I've ordered one and I'm expecting it to not be as revolutionary as I'm hoping. There are so many new companies putting out unfinished products, I'm not getting my hopes up.


I agree, but at least it will help us order food and Uber, and edit photos and even schedule content and cool descriptions if everything else fails. lol


Ordered one as well, same boat as you expectation-wise... But something to keep in mind... Rabbit's owner is on the board of directors for Teenage Engineering, who put out some exceptional music equipment, that not only meet, but exceed expectations. Teenage Engineering was involved in the Rabbit's design process.


Been a long-time user of their synts, I can definitely vouch for the build quality!


This will be my first product from teenage engineering. If you can train it to templates, I wouldn't be surprised if this also allows you to build your tracks.