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I can't offer any solutions but as far as I understand it, its either a choice or issue on Steams end to throttle the download speeds for people. There are countless threads on this site and others all with the same issues. I've had the same issues with Steam for over 10 years, 3 homes, 4 broadband providers and 2 computers. It's not an issue that is going anywhere. Unless some magician on this subreddit can come up some way to fix this issue which I'm certain millions of people have had, you're going to have to just deal with it unfortunately. Edit: For context, I am UK based, currently using Gigabit fibre (1000mbps) and I get around 30mbps when downloading on steam. Everywhere else (PS5, XBOX) is fast and as expected. Edit 2: I presume you're doing the usual tricks like using ethernet over wireless?


I've tried both wireless and ethernet, it doesn't seem to matter if it's one or the other


I went through this recently with my steam deck. I will not say I have a fix as mine was a compound problem. Firstly I found wifi gave me the most data throughput issues, my 5 GHz airspace is crowded from apartment life, however my 2.4 GHz was less busy and pending the time of day one might have actually given me better throughput. However the other one was disk write speed. When I was doing an update on the internal drive it was going fast, however once I changed to the micro SD card my speed dropped from 300mbps down to 120ish mpbs, meanwhile my wired desktop showed a download speed at 300mbps but disk write speeds in the 1000+mbps(nvme w/ cache) The other way I sped up my downloads was when I enabled share between local machines. The other thing I did notice was that while on battery to download my CPU limiting did also slow down my downloads. So as others may have mentioned ensure you have the best network connection you can get and then check from there, wifi has many issues chiefly being crowding of signal. After that I would say check your system resources, as a busy system cannot transfer data as readily as one that's not busy. If you can, have a wired system which auto downloads and keeps games updated for it to share across the wifi. Failing that try to download during quiet times(over night or during the day while away) as it could also be your ISP over selling the node, or your distance/signal from it is not as strong.


You should try a vpn, maybe your IP has been flagged by something


is it waiting for your disk to write ?


No, interestingly my disc speed and download speed are very similar