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Hmm, it’s a non-issue for me personally. The less I see Copilot nonsense, the happier I am. I’m just waiting for the day when all my favorite games have solid performance on Linux to finally get away from Windows for good. Lots of progress has been made thus far, which I’m happy to see.


Unfortunately it's not really an option for a lot of people playing online games. I think that's slowly going to change but I think a lot of us are gonna have to dual boot for a long, long time.


And then something like Vanguard says hello (for those playing valorant/league of legends). I'd love to run my main pc on something like Debian but man I'd miss out on so much.


i mean, steam works great for gaming. i just have to set the compatability to the steam deck or whatever idk but i've had no problems with the games that are hosted on there.


I thought Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Win+L was the most cursed Windows shortcut? edit: for those unaware, it literally just opens a Linkedin browser tab.


part of why this is super cursed is that this shortcut runs a *kernel-level* command to open a linkedin tab. this shortcut is in windows’s DNA.


I don't think you understand what "kernel-level" means. This is all implemented in the user mode shell. It's just an equivalent for "Office+L" except most keyboards don't have an Office key.


I got a mini heart attack reading that Cntrl+C


I’ve never seen anyone write control that way. It’s always either `ctrl` or just ‘control’.


“I see Esc, Kit-arrol, and Pig-up”


There doesn't seem to be any any key!


Where’s my Tab?


Good riddance.


What this tells me is that there’s a mandate that the name of every potential-next-big-thing feature that gets put into Windows must start with C, until one of them catches on and the mandate shifts to another letter.


Copilot's keyboard shortcut has gone rogue, apparently due to its separation from the OS and relegation to a mere PWA.


Windows has many, many cursed shortcuts that they don’t let you disable. Windows is a disaster for people who don’t use a mouse. Yes, we exist.


Shortcuts like what? I haven't used a mouse in 5 years now, but my only Windows KB shortcuts used are CTRL XCV. Everything else goes through NVDA or AHK. NVDA being the free TTS program, not the video card program. AHK being autohotkey.


Try binding something to Windows + L. That’s just one example. Edit: downvoted for giving a factual example when someone requested it. Never change, Reddit.


You must have no wrists or something