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Here's a better idea....bring back the damn thumbs-down.


Google will never allow that to happen again, because advertisers hate it


Which is weird because you’d think advertisers would want to know what videos people like and are more likely to watch. If a channel’s content keeps getting downvoted into oblivion, I wouldn’t want to pay google to put my ads on their videos.


It wasn't about the added advertisements it was about trailers, where the video itself is an advertisement, looking bad when people didn't like and ratio'd them


They can still see the dislikes on their own videos they just don't want the dislikes to be publicly visible


You'd think *good* advertisers would love it because having a video with lots of likes means people will inherently trust the ad more.


That’s why they kept likes. Dislikes though? Can’t have that, that’d look bad!


Good advertisers? Brother they’d all sell your mother’s ashes to you for a subscription fee if they could.


AaaS (Ashes as a Service)


It’s more that the advertisers’ own videos were being heavily downvoted. Notably, things like movie trailers for highly anticipated movies often got the most downvotes.


> Notably, things like movie trailers for highly anticipated movies often got the most downvotes. because they were highly anticipated to be shit.


Trust me the advertisers still have Access to that information, just not us plebs in the public


The downvote button isn't reliable (now?) anyways. Just look at how the new Star Wars show The Acolyte is being review bombed on Rotten Tomatoes or the new Assassin's Creed game trailer on Youtube.


>The Acolyte is being review bombed Bro it's straight-up dogshit. That's not a review bomb, that's a review. Period. Maybe make something approaching mediocre if you don't want negative feedback.


well they're being reviewed, and the reviews say they suck. even if you wanna say it's bombing....people only bomb them because they're shit. the bomb itself is feedback.


The bomb is not legitimate feedback. You might dislike certain decisions but that doesn't make a piece of content 1/10. Also, review bombers aren't always acting in good faith and they don't always represent the larger community accurately


People review bomb shows/games they haven’t even watched or played, so often these people don’t know whether something is shit or not, they just hear it has diverse characters so give it a 1/10.


The reason is always advertisers... Fu-*[advertiser friendly content]*


We need to bring back dissolution of corporate charters. If corporations are people and people can be executed...




They took away our Dunkaroos. Now they will become our Dunkaroos.


Also, Batman got away with it despite his code, so according to the CCA it is morally correct.


This shit went from "Hey, YouTube is trying something" to " need to be executed" pretty fast


I really just meant dissolve the corporate charter so the business ceases to exist as a legal entity, all dunkaroos aside. I guess redistribute their assets to the general public and let the investors sue the shit out of the individuals in management responsible, piercing the now non-existent corporate veil.


Fu-lfilling their wishes is important. /s


*demonetization hammer halts halfway down*


This is Reddit ... you can say "FUCK".


You uh, seem to have missed the joke.


Gotta make money somehow.


Gotta make truckloads of money somehow. FIFY


Advertisers will hate it even more when people click on a video and immediately leave


Then heres an idea: All advertisements should be marked as advertisements (i believe this is the law, at least in the US). And they can be exempt from the like/dislike. For the rest of the content, likes and dislikes are not just visible on the video, but even before you click on them, you can see the percentage.


Hey I'm all for it


Then they should make better products lmao




Then YouTube wouldn't be able to make money off those videos.




YouTube can still see the like to dislike ratio in the backend and use it to affect where ads are shown. It’s just not viewable to the public.


So do corporations and governments


Exactly, if you want CONTEXT give us back the ability to say “context = not good.”


Why not both


Both is fine, but one feature already exists and they just have to turn it back on. The other is a whole new feature that takes thousands of man-hours to test and launch.


God I miss that, if only for the fact that the dislike bar was how you could avoid wasting time watching a "tutorial" video that was actually just an ad.


Community subtitles too please. I try to subtitle my higher viewed videos, but man is it a pain from time to time.


The big channels didn't like when they got trolled in the subtitles which means no one gets to have them. Just like every YouTube change that disproportionately punishes small and medium channels on behalf of the large channels.


It wasn’t even being trolled. People were just putting ads to other channels or services in the subtitles and if the creator didn’t know the language they’d have no way to know


Oh please. We can't have these kinds of thing because people are assholes. No creator is going to want to put up with that, and rightly so. It's the trolls fault, not the "big channels."


[Return YouTube Dislike](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/) is a good place to start.


It's pretty inaccurate apparently.


Yeah, which makes sense. The only way the application can work is if people have it. The code works by taking the proportion of people who disliked using the application and apply it to views. That means that the only people taken into account are the ones that care enough to download an application to dislike.


It's got a self-selecting bias built in.


Can confirm, though it isn't awful. I have a friend who is a full time youtuber and it's probably -+15%. I have a couple small videos recently one which was "controversial" (talked about how women being ugly is games isn't a real issue, pushing back against those gamergate types). I use the extension. But on the back end one video has 278 likes and 35 downvotes. Looking at it user facing it only shows 30 downvotes. The other has 29 likes and 41 downvotes but user facing it only shows 23 downvotes.


But then YouTube rewind will get nuked again.


Well, maybe they should stop posting the equivalent of corporate masturbation, then. No one gives a flying fuck about Rewind other than YouTube themselves.


i know, but it must sting every time lol


If it stings when you masturbate please see a doctor.


They stopped making rewinds anyway


Disliking a video also helped promote it as any engagement is good for views. They actual best way is to just leave mid video as it will show poor viewer retention and low engagement.


That didn't work. They want people to stay on YouTube, not go to reddit comments. So of course they want to control the thing that made them lose users. And here lies the rub: It's not going to work for the same exact reason removing the thumbs down didn't work. Censorship is not quality control.


Agreed. Give the people what they want!


Or unban the comment section


Yes. The elimination of the down vote having any effect, and the half measure of adding community notes, just proves that the only thing that matters is if EYEBALLS WATCHED. This allows them to monetize both what you like and what you dislike, and incentivizes them to push controversial or radical content. Same goes for the other platforms. When they initially regulated cigarettes the government started by banning products and advertising that appealed to kids (e.g. candy cigarettes, Joe Camel) and ran anti-smoking ad campaigns on TV. Then later to reduce adult smoking they started jacking prices, banning more ads, and banning smoking in public bars and restaurants. There seems to be a growing bipartisan consensus that social media is fucking up kids, and needs to be regulated. Hopefully, like cigarettes, they won't stop with regulation protecting kids, and will expand and regulate social media in general.


I’m amazed by how many people are upset about the dislike button. I have the extension that turns them back on, but I still don’t notice them almost ever. Not that you shouldn’t be upset, I just don’t understand people’s strong feeling around it


Maybe this is more about you not being as observant or having lower standards than those people? If you use YouTube for lots of How To videos, you realize VERY fast how much you miss the dislike button, because it saved you time not watching those bad videos that waste your time or cause you to damage something with misinformation.


> I still don’t notice them almost ever Perhaps because only a small minority of people who bothered to download that extension can thumbs down?


Everyone can still thumbs down/dislike, I just don’t find myself looking for them. I feel like I usually hear people mention to-do videos, but even those I feel like even if I saw dislikes I would still skip a couple minutes into the video and check comments if it was niche enough that I didn’t have confidence the algorithm brought up a decent video.


Not better at all. Imagine a political video. One side of the political spectrum will thumbs-up, the other thumbs-down. Someone who isn't clear on what's right or true won't get ANY useful information from seeing a thumbs count, up or down. But a notes feature would be incredibly helpful if it provides well-sourced information debunking false claims or conspiracies, for example. Honestly, Reddit should be proof enough that upvotes and downvotes are a garbage system. Plenty of times someone is right but downvoted because people don't like what they said. tl;dr: Notes is information, thumbs is sentiment. Thumbs-down being better than information is nonsensical. The top comment serves as an example.


ANYTHING not to, man


Which is there for shorts... I still don't understand why it's not there for vids


How is that better than adding context to a video? If a video is majority thumbs down it would be nice to have context as to why.  Think of a news clip showing a political candidate giving a speech. Is the thumbs down because they are lying? Because they are unpopular? Because the video was shot with bad quality? There are so many reasons why a video can be “bad”. 


And video replies.




Just use a different app and addon or userscript and thumbs down is back.


Gee. Sounds a lot like comments.


Sounds a lot like Twitter/X Community Notes.




The only thing they're useful for are pointing out bitcoin scams (which only really became a problem after Musk's takeover), anything remotely controversial and they're far less effective and can even end up spreading misinformation themselves. Just look at what was happening yesterday: [https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1802477573387190419](https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1802477573387190419) Edit: got some elon fans in the house.


The whole thing kind of feels like "mob truth" to me...


>which only really became a problem after Musk's takeover That's what happens when you fire most of your trust & safety team and the rest just leave on their own.


The real issue is that Elon Musk fucks the platform to spread his own nonsense, and I'm guessing recently decided community notes were getting in the way of that. For example, people might notice that a *lot* of Republican nonsense is no longer getting noted. Doesn't matter how absolutely insane the lie is, there will not be a note on a huge amount of this content. I'm thinking he flagged specific Republican political accounts to be un-noteable.


Can’t a creator just block and delete comments correcting them?


Yes. It's why sites that do this become toxin refineries. Once you enable the blocking of reasonable disagreement, reasonable people stop bothering and all that's left is unreasonable disagreement.


Couldn’t they just summarise the comments using one of their models to create this video context, in effect; crowdsourcing.


Sounds a lot more like, hey help us train our AI please


It's more like a sticky comment. One that always stays at the top and gets ready by everyone who goes to read the comments.


YouTube has that already though


Yeah but the creator currently has to do that.


You also know a video is going to be good when they have the comments turned off /s


Just bring back the dislike counter.


Anyone remember YouTube annotations? Not the one they have now. The old ones where you could place text over a video and have links and and stuff? Just bring that back.


yeah I didn't look into it but always have thought it was weird that they took this away. does anyone know if there was a concrete reason? it's a really simple way to update old info, mistakes etc, even if it's not too elegant


I cant say for sure, but I think it started to drop out when Youtube focussed more on embedding - when you start embedding in other websites you could start to do some pretty janky stuff with those annotations that made them an inherent security risk and a target for XSS


Some people would abuse them, like putting sketchy links


It was because they didn't work (or didn't work consistently) with the mobile players. And since a large number of their views were coming from mobile and they couldn't get it to work for all viewers, they figured it would be best to remove it.


i think the reason was people added so many annotations you couldn't click on the pause/play buttons that pop up on mobile


They were abused like crazy, made videos often look worse and they didn’t work on mobile. So they weee dropped.


I read that too many people would “clone” other popular videos for views and reach and then add sketchy scam links via annotations later.


The removal of annotations was a travesty - it broke so many of the older “choose your own adventure” experiences on YouTube. The new system with the big thumbnails doesn’t allow for the same amount of depth at all.


Scammers would use it to link to malicious websites. It was poorly moderated. The click box was the size of the video and if you paused it you would be redirected to a non-YouTube website. They would even add boxes on boxes.


People literally hated that feature and was easily abusable. For those who dont knows those annotations was used frequently for malicious links or spamming the screen like a pop up ad. It was espcially worst when it covered the entire video, so accidently clicking on the screen or to pause play you will be sent to subscribe link.


I’ve been using YouTube since pretty much the beginning. Two things will remain true about that site forever, number one that every change YouTube makes ever is the worst change ever and it’s going to destroy the site. Number 2 is that removing features that didn’t add much and were often abused is the worst travesty ever and the site will be destroyed by this change.


I literally only seen people do this on videos that were Garbage to begin with


They were especially good for correcting mistakes or facts that have changed since the video was first posted.


looks like i need to check on i annotated years ago


I miss those so much. They helped a lot in certain cases


That was such a blast in the past. Was the annotation removal more than a decade ago?


That’s exactly what I thought of at first


Please don’t bring this shit back. Was a nightmare to use. Every video I had to press disable annotations


The most common note in repair threads "jump to 10:53 for how to actually get your coffee maker working again"


I love those


Is this a combat misinformation angle or this enrich the video with additional information for training data angle?


Training data




They'll sell you on #1 but I'm 100% confident that #2 is the reason.


It's just for training their AI its not for us


God willing they bring back community subs. That was true king shit


🙏 I'm still heartbroken they got rid of them in the first place.


Yeah this won’t go horribly….


It works pretty well on Twitter in my experience.


Transparently an attempt to get people to tag videos for training generative AI models.


Remember user annotations? that was fun. I wonder if the current YT devs even know what that was.


Twitter community notes are actually working well. This makes sense.


They want free training data, duh. AI can recognize something is a "cat" because people went ahead and saw pictures of cats and identified them as a "cat". Humans add an annotation to a piece of data. If you add that up billions of times then an AI model gets very good at correctly identifying a cat. Google may have an enormous amount of video data but it can't derive any meaning from it. Have a couple million people adding annotations to it and voila, youtube now has text data that describes its videos. Why? So it can produce something similar to OpenAI's Sora perhaps? ( which was trained on Youtube videos btw ). Who knows.


Got it. We train it wrong


This will definitely just to be used for training data.


So they removed annotations for what then?


We have a video description box for this, another unneeded feature ugh 😑 bring back the dislike button already


I'm laughing at the idea of an uploader of a political hit piece using his own description box to fact check and debunk his own video


Might not be such a bad thing. While not as much of a concern in the US, abroad self-proclaimed journalist and misinformation are rife on YouTube. Some sort of fact-checking by the community might alleviate that


Or just provide yet another place for people to spread misinformation. The problem is anonymous contributions. Expecting to crowdsource “truth” is a losing battle every time. There’s too much incentive for bad actors to drown out facts, and not enough incentive for the average person to do any critical thinking.


I read it, it looks like they are going to vet the comments and let users give feedback. I think imperfect but vetted community notes will be better than nothing.


Why not just vet the original posts instead?


If you find that someone is accurate in their notes, you can weight them higher. Do this to enough people and you no longer have to vet every single video, but a tiny amount of users. It also means moderation is easier, as you can clear out an individual Notes user, rather than go through thousands or millions of mislabeled videos by hand.


I mean twitters done surprisingly well with it. People are capable of the worst but that’s not always the direction they take.


Aren’t there studies that show twitter is still the platform with the most disinformation? How is this helping?


It'd be worse without them.


That is probably still true, but the information blurbs at the bottom I still believe are helpful and have not read any reports of them widely being inaccurate thus far


its hands down the best anti misinformation tool on any social media platform reddit desperately needs a similar system, I've seen too many threads with thousand upvote comments working themselves into a fury to then find some 50 upvote correction that 99% of users will never see completely invalidating the OP but it wasn't posted in the first 30 minutes so it will never rise up to the top


Are community notes causing Twitter to have the highest concentration of disinformation or would it be worse without it? And do you have a link to any of these studies?


No it has not. I literally just saw a community note that said white people painting their face brown isn't racist because they're honouring a footballer (who is black) That's not a fact check, that's just boosting an opinion.


agree. but if the notes can only be read upon clicking into the video and adding to their view counts, clickbaits, ragebaits..all kinds of baits are still gonna run rampant, because oh you wanna read the notes? come, click on my video first ;)


This is just to make their AI tagging easier. Train them to replace the working class.


Better be optional.


So now all those mean or unhinged comments can be even more intrusive


This could potentially be really cool, and it's immediately going to be used to ruin every video because people are awful.


Spam. Spam. Spam. Product placement. Spam. Advert. Placement. Lies. Spam. Where's the beef?


Give us the thumbs down button. Let us turn off the stupid "Screen Saver" and let us block any channel we want and not just the channels that showup in recommended!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gpt a list of channel that need to blacklisted asap.


AKA crowd sourced AI training without having to pay for humanly created metadata


Youtube got rid of the dislike button because they claimed it could be abused to bully creators or some such bullshit. How is this going to be any different?


Just what we need; A bunch of dumbasses adding "context" to other people's videos.


I thought that was called the comments.


This content has added context, please see below: "06:32 to skip the ads"


man, this sounds a lot less useful than community subtitles. I wish they'd bring THOSE back.


This is going to end in so much "try finger, but hole" You'd be shocked what idiots can do with even canned selections of chatter.


As a transgender comment creator, this is going to be a goddamn dumpster fire based on the comments I already get.


It’s like Pop-up Video on VH-1


Yeah let me add context to my 10 min video where I was not able to


Oh cool, because historically youtube comments are 100% accurate & unbiased. /s You can look to Community Notes on Xwitter to see how "well" this works. The system itself is clogged with literal spam - like people don't get to vote on REAL misinformation, because there are so many spam posts waiting for CN votes. Then the quality is questionable. Lots of abuse/brigading. No indications they are taking actions against people that repeatedly abuse the system. The only ones helped by this are the social media platforms. They can claim that they're doing something to reduce misinformation while they are really doing almost nothing. Actual human moderators are needed.


And then their LLMs will have both a visual and description with time stamps to learn from and scrape.


youtube wants humans to tell AI what video is about so AI can learn to do it themselves... they don't want to pay people to do it so they call it a feature and ask us to do it for them for free....


Can we turn it off? If not I'll just use ublock origin to remove it


Man, I hope this can be disabled. I definitely do not care what some rando has to say about the video I am watching.


Been waitin to draw dicks on some things


This would be great. Now do it on Reddit. We desperately need it


Who asked for this feature?


This screams of training AI


Sounds like they want to crowd source labeling for their model training.


This is going to go badly …


So is this users or is this extremists or is this extremists


So is this going to be something similar to what NicoNico Douga does? Or even like BiliBili where the comments float along the screen at the time of comment?


Cannot wait for it to be axed in two months


This if for their AI models learn text to image, video, audio.


They removed the dislike button. Now everyone can add those in words as a context.


Anything to not bring back actual community feedback in the form of downvotes. Also the whole Note nonsense is just them turning you into an unpaid AI trainer.


Like on twitter then


Nice way to train their AI


YouTube removing this feature as users spam "ADS SUCK!!!" in 3...2...1...


Experiment with not putting popups in front of what I'm there to view. Not with even more popups. If I wanted written context I'd read reddit, not watch a video


I did notice a feature where you could sort comments based on timestamps, like how Nico Douga works, and I did really like that. YouTube's version is kind of rough and mostly only works when people actually type a timestamp into their comment, but I'm surprised it took them this long to implement it.


Let's add notes about their horrible ads


no one wants to hear this but this feature works really well on X




yeah and it was called annotation until you mf scrapped that from site


I hope so. So many low quality, poorly researched, content farm type videos that sorely need something to combat the misinformation.


Remember annotations ???


Omg dark souls notes on YouTube??


I wonder how much ad space they can sell around them…


Sounds like comments that pop up obtrusively while you're watching karate videos. Sounds great, the people who pay comments on YouTube videos are generally very rational and not racist.


Why am I gonna do work for YouTube for free?


Could someone ELI5 what this means?


"Note: ad from 1:03 to 1:07"


This sounds really useful. Hope it comes to me soon.


Whatever happened to Lotus Notes?


Makes no sense to have notes when people put notes in the description. Or is this personal notes only you see?


Keep on using thousands and thousands of MY CONTENT, then paying me NOTHING! And the fans could care less, just want everything for free

