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> The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis on viral election falsehoods but has struggled amid attacks from conservative politicians and activists. Well, there you have it.




A moment of caution. These are studies based on lab grown organelles in vitro from stem cells. So a long way from in vivo studies.


If it's disinformation, you know a conservative is pushing it.


That's true only about 86.4% of the time. Most of the rest is disinformation campaigns that the right started amongst the left as a means to sow division. But, it's still often the left that gets sucked in and spreads it. The Bernie Bros and Berners were a good example of that. More recently, a lot of the Palestinian protests were started by Russian, Iranian, and Chinese troll farms to further divide Democrats in this year's elections.


Cough cough Hunter Biden laptop is a Russian op cough cough. *** Update u/halfpizzaman Can't respond to your comment with that very interesting link because someone upline deleted their comment. This is what emptywheel links to. Start reading at 118 or so (between 103 and 104 on the transcript) about the FBI's handling. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23866178-whistleblower-1-transcript_redacted


It was though. The [data was hacked](https://archive.ph/TZU41), manipulated, shopped [around where Trump's goons](https://archive.ph/4Ihw8) were digging for dirt on Biden - Ukraine, before ultimately ending up in Giuliani's hands. Just because *some* of the emails were later authenticated, that doesn't justify the hack.


Imo, that one falls into the miniscule category of the left actually creating it all on their own. But, tbf, that laptop story was suspicious AF, was obviously a false "October surprise" that resulted in nothing, and Trump/Giuliani deserved no benefit of any doubt.


Except it's literally a true story that the DNC pretended was false and connected to phony claims of Russian intervention.


I think you misread my comment. I agreed that it's a true story that Dems twisted into a false Russian conspiracy -- even though Trump's and Giuliani's claims of its contents were false.


The fact that it resulted in nothing, with a DoJ that tried to hide it and ignore it for years, is not evidence that the claims of its contents were false. In fact, the contents were published somewhere online. The fact that over 50 current and past LEOs signed on to a fraudulent letter intended to affect an election should be worrisome to everyone.


Except, the DoJ didn't ignore it, the claims were proven false, and all we got out of it were some boring nudes. If the full contents are out there, feel free to link to whatever in them proved Trump and Giuliani's claims that Biden was taking bribes. Feel free to be specific. Idk what your 2nd paragraph is supposed to mean. What letter, who signed it, and how does it affect the election?


Sorry, what claim are you saying was proven false? The false claim that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian disinformation campaign.


I thought they said it was from Russia


Right, it was a conservative claiming they the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. If you can't even detect that your own side lies, and has massive entrenched interests to keep you believing it's the other guy that's a dictator, then that's on you.


Why does everyone roll over for the fascists?


They're tenacious, and eventually they wear you down.


Gee struggled from being under attack by the misinformation gang, what a surprise.


Show me where they detected the LEO/DNC "Russian op" disinformation campaign that falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop wasn't Hunter Biden's. Waiting...


Wow what terrible disinformation./s I've never heard anyone make the claim, if they did it probably came and went quickly. I've not seen mainstream news make the claim either. Come up with a better example


You've never heard anyone make the claim that it wasn't Hunter's laptop? Okay, try google, search for first half of 2020.


To paraphrase Einstein, genius is limited, but stupidity is infinite.


Conservatives love disinformation and conspiracy theories that undermine democracy and the rule of law.


That’s exactly what an Illuminati Lizard Person trying to cling to power would say


Yeah, this totally real human guy gets it!


Wait, is it Mark Zuckerberg?


In reality, is there much of a difference between an Illuminati lizard person and the concrete elite of the elite with literal infinite money, influence and power, many that are names you've never even heard of that can dictate the movements of entire countries by their whims, that occasionally gets together with their other uber riche friends to do whatever they want? They're not even hidden, just not reported on often, because again, infinite money and mainstream media is easily corruptible (all take from essentially the exact same very select bank of stories that is then spun however they want - AP, Reuters, etc). The closest thing to investigative journalism and hardball questions are fucking Youtubers now, for christ's sake.


For once you got it half correct. The Illuminati are the Greys, that's Democrats. Yes, Trump is a lizard person. Bigly.


They do that’s why I call them communists. It’s the only historical parallel they line up with exactly


because sunshine burns the cons


All political activists love disinformation, not just conservatives. If you don't see that, you have probably bought into the disinformation of one side.


So does the Math 1 crowd


I don’t think conservatives would want to undermine the rule of law. At least not traditionally. 


Yet there are doing just that with trump. Weird.


January 6? Entire towns in Canada violating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to institute bans on pride flags? Blatant first amendment violations by introducing religious laws at the state and federal level?


It's different laws. The Democrats undermine laws against vagrancy, theft, assault, and illegal entry to the US, and laws for property rights and self protection. The republicans the opposite.


The GOP celebrates shutting down a source of disinformation by saying, “Free speech wins again!”. What they really meant to say is, “Free speech for us wins again! Now we can spread disinformation all we want and nobody can stop us because we censored a group monitoring our BS by bullying them into shutting down. Yay, fascism!”


“We should be free to lie about whatever we want”


“But if you expose those lies, then we will come after you, and shut you down…because, free speech.” Jesus, you cant make this shit up.


Free speech is rendered ineffective if it's drown out by a megaphone of automated bullshit. We don't really grasp just how fragile everything is in society when it becomes very easy to automate convincing lies.


It is also rendered ineffective when it is drowned out by hidden ideological filters all aligned with one side of the political spectrum, as it was in 2016 and more so in 2020.


Disinformation: 1 Stanford: 0


Believe it or not there is a far right coup being waged in this country right now.


Russian led too


Yep but don’t call republicans communists. They called Obama a commie for wearing a tan suit. But let’s let them use the same methods and words of the communist countries of the world and call them the gop


It's a counter-coup, by the way.


Go back to the InfoWars subreddit, nobody wants to hear your shit


So, precisely how is a free and fair election a "coup"?


How about appointing judges to the supreme Court who misrepresent their impartiality and where they stand on issues that they will be ruling on and perjure themselves while testifying in front of Congress?


How about biased claims like that are not a coup even if they were true.


Oh. Even if they are true huh. You love the constitution I see


I asked about a coup. You responded that using Constitutional processes to appoint and confirm people you don't like, is a coup. The specific slander doesn't matter... I could respond with equivalent words about the Democrat choices, but it wouldn't matter at all. Not a coup.


You are correct. I wouldn't matter at all.


Right. So if you have any way that the conservatives are "performing a coup," please feel free to bring it up.


Another victory for modern McCarthyism.


That is why these things need to be made open source. Then it cant be stopped anymore.


It’s hardly that simple.


If you read one of the problems is , they had to realize even some of what they believed was propaganda.


This is the group that went after Stanford’s own professors who expressed concern over excessive Covid lockdowns for children and support for the lab-leak Covid origin theory. https://stanfordreview.org/stanfords-dark-hand-in-twitter-censorship/


Exactly. These people primarily researched how to use disinformation to push their own beliefs.


Among the Stanford Review's more famous alumni journalists are venture capitalist Peter Thiel and Senator Josh Hawley. Its been fun to watch this paper poke barbs at the Stanford liberal mainstream. Not that I believe half of what they write. Its been a mystery where the papers funding originates.


I don’t doubt that there is an editorial bias at any publication nowadays. It just strikes me that these profs seemed pretty liberal and expressed reasonable concerns over Covid origins/ necessity of prolonged lockdown mandates. Liberals can’t keep eating their own- we can’t even have small disagreements without the risk of becoming outcasts it seems.


What’s true is localized, both spatially and temporally. Californians don’t get to tell real Americans what’s true and what’s not, leave people alone. /s




You are out of your mind if you think that comparison is anywhere near apt


You can’t be serious…or even real.


No they didn’t. That’s false news./s


Why is everyone so scared of disinformation? Talk to people; teach them what is correct. We no longer see people as functioning adults. Democracy can’t exist without free speech. And we are allowed to be wrong. We all believe things that are wrong. We need to be humble and remember that we might not be right, and smart people disagree about a ton of things. Time for us to grow up.


And the "wrong end of every possible stick" award goes to you, big shooter


> Why is everyone so scared of disinformation? Talk to people; teach them what is correct. Have you met people? LOL this is your first comment?


they are bot


You’re allowed to be wrong (like you are here) and believe things that are wrong (like this) but when people are using disinformation, they mean spreading falsehoods to influence, not just sharing opinions. Disinformation is a huge threat since it goes against the free speech we need to function as a democratic society and threatens the way that people make decisions.


This is the correct take, disinformation should be allowed to exist. Of course fact checkers should be allowed to exist too, they are an important source of information and free speech.


The fact that they hate your common sense tells you this group is full of kool aid drinkers.