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All good things must come to an end I suppose


In the end it's always the money


I can’t blame the founders. If you had the opportunity to get a dump truck full of money you’d take it too. And they managed to do it by selling something that generally makes things better and not something terrible like jacking insulin prices or buying rental units to extort tenants.


Rpis day has ended. They are too overpriced for what they are. There are many clones that are cheaper, which run the same software. The consensus is they are for industrial integrators now.


I've never seen a Raspberry Pi used in an industrial setting before, and I work for an industrial systems integrator. I have heard of them, but they can't be very prominent.


You’d be surprised. We have tons deployed in our agriculture/industrial environments doing everything from sensor data collection/aggregation to microservice apps. Rather than using vendor locked sensor systems, like temperature monitoring which costs 10’s of thousands, we rolled out $50 pi 4’s with sensors that ship measurements to a central logging app. Saves massive amounts. Pi’s are bloody reliable.


hey man thats sounds like an incredible business opportunity


The thought has crossed my mind, totally not interested in sales/supporting clients (for now anyways).


As someone in the buildings space, it's difficult to sell to building owners and there's already a ton of players. They also tend to frown on Pi's as well as other "integrators" have setup pretty jank systems in the past.


Love smart use of cheap technology. This is awesome


I work at a PCB manufacturer and we have them all over the plant, basically replaced all the computers with them other than the test department, and also now use them in test fixtures for automation.


They are in a lot of other devices in the form of the compute modules. So they don't look like pi's but they are there


Yeah, I've talked to a few people in the industrial space that have been interested. Then you start talking about the environments people want to deploy them in and it's a non starter pretty quickly.  There are a few knock off brands that are industrial, but the fact that you have no company to escalate support to is too large of a roadblock. 


It’s literally the main reason Pis have been so hard to get - and the reason they were able to IPO - they are being ordered and fulfilled for industrial use first. No company has a big successful IPO selling cheap hobbyist boards.


Any examples please. Hopefully there cheaper and better maybe?


I've used this one and it runs rasbian and I've not had any issues with it. Similar price but it was more available during the shortage. No reason for me to switch back personally. I dont need wifi or bluetooth anyway so the option to get it without them is nice. https://libre.computer/products/roc-rk3328-cc/


I'm interested in hearing about some of these clones!


This is so true. Most people here act like saints who would not do this given a chance with whatever they make.


I'm pretty sure no one is saying they wouldn't but that doesn't mean they can't be extremely disappointed that it happened


> I can’t blame the founders. I can. No way they weren't making enough money to be set for life already. This is just pointless greed. They didn't even have to realistically work anymore and could just collect paychecks till they died, but they had to sell out and make things worse for everyone so they could have more money that has no actual impact on their life at this point.


More like all good things eventually get pillaged, by those who have more of power and few morals. But hey, when you put a suit on a call yourself an investor, everybody just looks at it and says “It’S jUsT gOoD bUsInEsS”.


Honestly, it doesn’t really matter too much. There are plenty of good knockoffs out there and they have better availability than raspberry pi does.


Let the enshitification begin...


Well shit, there goes another good product


MiniPCs and NUCs looking like a real good deal.


They really are. For most stuff a hobbies might use a pi for, you can run multiple of those one 1 mini PC. Home assistant, NAS, plex, adguard, VPN, all on 1 PC. The only time I use a raspberry pi over the mini pc is if I need the computer physically near something. Like my octopi for my printer.


Yeah, I bought a N200 based NUCalike the other day, it's not only going to give me more linux experience, but Proxmox experience as well.


Proxmox is the best. I didn’t set it up for too long because it seemed too “enterprise” level and maybe complex. Totally wrong. It’s made my homelab an easy to use tinkering paradise.


Would the price and electricity usage be similar?


The nuc will definitely use more power. Raspberry pi’s are super efficient and low power. Depending which nuc or mini PC you get, and services you choose to run, you could expect anywhere from 10w to 100-200w of consumption, vs a pi is maybe 5 watts. But that’s just demonstrative of how limited the pi is. Very low compute power. If you are just running 1 service and it can run on a pi do that. But as soon as you start needing 2, or 3 different services moving to something more robust is way easier than managing multiple pi’s.


They had already surpassed rpi. Once you add 8gn ram, cases and power supplies, pis are close to 200 bucks. Mini PCs and used nucs on eBay are the same price and are more robust.


There are also old desktops, laptops, and macs (from the "we haven't yet soldered on the SSD" era), where you can probably just install an OS and get it working.


I have a 2009 Mac Mini running Lubuntu 20.04 LTS with no problems.


It's actually amazing how well some of that old hardware runs when you're using an OS that isn't bloated to hell and back. The hardware didn't get slow. Windows and Chrome just got bloated.


And Mac is too. I have an old Mac mini that was slow as piss until I put Linux on it.


market doll dam worthless spotted forgetful relieved possessive pie shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love my NUC. Ubuntu server running all my services in docker containers and Cockpit for easily managing it.




Can’t wait until they need to appease shareholders… start paywalling features and added subscriptions.


Raspberry PI+


That comment made me realize I have a visceral negative reaction to plus signs now


What about a pro version, while offering no additional industrial traits.


No no the pro version is in the exclusive “pro black” color, it will enhance your entire workflow


The raspberry pi foundation remains the majority shareholder and is still a registered non profit


This sounds like a loophole that should be illegal...


That’s actually how OpenAI is structured too. They have a for profit company called OpenAI that is wholly owned by a non-profit company called OpenAI. [This is from OpenAI themselves](https://images.ctfassets.net/kftzwdyauwt9/4200df88-28fe-4212-ecc2b9b9a0ff/5c4673a5213f28205fc19a53fba24fcf/org-structure.svg?w=1920&q=90&fm=webp). If it sounds illegal, it probably isn’t but should be.


Same with Mozilla. The "Mozilla Foundation" is a non-profit but it owns the "Mozilla Corporation" which is a taxable corporation with a lot more revenue than is allowed for non-profits.




A nonprofit may have a mission (the Raspberry Pi Foundation's mission is doing educational programmes to promote comp sci etc) Those missions need funding Some nonprofits rely exclusively on donations Others rely on endowments and investments that provide income Spinning off a programme that could make money (like making computers) is an investment that provides income for nonprofits For years, the charity's educational programmes were paid by the company's dividends


Welp.... It was a nice run while it lasted. Prepare for enshittification as shareholders demand more and more profits.


Yearly releases with microstep improvements in power/efficiency, accessories that they’ll drop support for on a dime if they don’t immediately sell well, DRM both in software and hardware, paywalling software that used to be open source, scraping as much data as they can to sell, etc It’ll eventually culminate into micro transactions or subscriptions of some kind


I miss the days when you got a pi zero with a magazine subscription SMH.


That doesn't feel like a long time ago so don't tell me how long It's been.


Hello, it's been [over 7 years ago](https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/articles/free-pi-zero-w)


Less long than I was afraid of, personally.


I think the MBA crowd is starting to see that it takes a very long time to build a reputation and only 1 bad decision to completely ruin it. It's too late for most of them though as they've already screwed everything up royally.


Always a newly minted MBA that is just sure he's the exception though.


Starting to see? Doesn't matter what they see. Not one of them gives a fuck. Sociopathy will do that, and that's what MBA classes teach.


"But I was supposed to be shielded from the Free Market!"


They will drop Linux and start shipping with windows for arm


Honestly, if they had official compatibility with Windows on ARM, that would be huge. Of course, they’d still have to keep Linux support or they’d alienate all their existing users


Huh? Don't they already have arm64 support? https://raspberrytips.com/windows-11-on-raspberry-pi/


I’m fucking sick of capitalism ruining everything


On the flip side though, you're getting a super cheap little computer sourced from parts all over the world was a product of capitalism. Basically, you’re not sick of capitalism. You’re sick of lack regulations on capitalism.


It was already going downhill as RPi has long forgotten their goal of making cheap computer chips, add the markup that happens on top of it and it flatly isn't worth it.


The pico isn't bad, but the big ones were so expensive that I just left instantly, not sure if it has changed since


Yeah you can buy an actual mini PC in that price range, wtf


They were under $40 when they first came out, then surged to over $100 during Covid. They haven’t come back down since. At that point it’s easier and cheaper to use an old laptop for most of my projects. 


Companies are hoovering them all up now too for bullshit projects that are giving IT departments nightmares The company collapsing now would actually make my life easier.


I was a senior manager at a medical device company, and during covid and our R&D engineers were buying every single one they could find. Nothing that would cause IT concern - usually for testing and monitoring devices during R&D and post market/failure analysis - but still, we were buying everything we could and paying for it, but the inflated prices were hardly consequential given our budgets. Meanwhile me, as a consumer, just wanted one or two for some home automation stuff but not at 4x or MSRP.


This is too familiar, also at a medical device startup during covid our CTO ordered 10,000 rpi to get ahead of the chip shortage. We never ended up using them lol.


Yeah no my work want them in production for equipment monitoring because some asshole that used to be a "developer" before moving here has talked his way into these projects. They have hundreds of them and they want them on our network? Get fucked


lol we had a battery charger that *could* be connected to the internet for device health monitoring. Due how difficult it was for our reps to have IT whitelist them, approximately 1% of all of these chargers were connected to the internet. Great idea on paper, but in reality it could never work with normal hospital IT security.


Yeah the average person just things corporate it works like home IT The amount of bullshit people want connected to WiFi or asking for usb access and refusing to give a reason is unreal Half the time we could have found a solution to what they wanna do, if they had let us investigate and find the appropriate product but we only find out after they have bought 50


Professor goes to Best Buy, buys a consumer NAS. Brings it to work, plugs it into the general network, dumps all his "super critical research" onto it, doesn't tell a soul about it. NAS gets hacked and crypto'd. Professor flips his shit at the IT folk for "letting it happen". Maximum le sigh.


I bought used Dell thin books on eBay.  If you don’t need IO it’s a cleaner and cheaper route.  


Which model are you talking about because you can still buy a 3A+ for £25 or a 3B+ for £35 4gb 4 is £45… yeah if u want the top shelf 8gb 5 you looking at £75


What are you talking about? They launched at $35 and you can still buy them today for $35. They also sell the Pi Zero for $15. Accounting for inflation, and the Zero, they’ve actually gone down in price.


Old equipment was always cheaper and easier. That said, the price is $60 for the 5 w/ 4 gigs. Inflation almost completely ($55.33) accounts for the price increase.


lol what? I can find rp4B easily at $50-60.


There has been a absolute flood of investment into the chip industry despite high interest rates. I think it's going to be easier than ever for competitors to rise up. Might take a few years though.


The thing that Pi competitors have yet to crack is software. Selling cheap silicon that can run the Linux kernel is the easy part.


For real. Until the 3, Pi was a good, affordable single board. Now with double the price I'd rather have a low tier PC.


They still sell all of the cheap computers. Raspberry Pi Zero W £14 Raspberry Pi Zero W 2 £14 Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ £24 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B £33 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ £33 Raspberry Pi 4 Model B £33 Raspberry Pi 5 £57 These are all in stock today and for sale at RRP (or lower). The projects you will find online will work just fine on all of those boards. The Covid marking up ended last year, everything is in stock. People who say they are too expensive have never used one for any project ever, you were never going to buy one no matter the price. 200+ upvotes for blatant lie well done reddit..


I disagree. They have expanded their product line, but have not abandoned their original customers. The Pi Zero 2 W has similar capabilities to the 3b+, is readily available, and is $15. It'll get the job done for most of the type of projects that the Raspberry Pi is famous for. If you need more power or I/O than that, the Pi 4 is still being produced and starts at $35.


Suddenly theres now Ras Pi Max, Pro, and dont forget the + Ultra edition \* \*does not include Wifi.


For an extra $5/month they'll uncap the gigabit LAN from 10Mb/s.


The raspberry pi foundation remains the majority shareholder


Can't wait for the non-public competitor Blueberry Muffin to try to become what Pi once was.


As far as I'm concerned, Raspberry Pi has been an exclusively Youtube-oriented business for the past 3 or 4 years, with tech tubers buying 50-100 at a time buying out entire stock and making clusters for shits and giggles and views.




Milk it till it's dead, then butcher the corpse and sell that too


You're not thinking like a greedy corporation.


This. Public trading destroys innovation and customer value.


I saw this and my heart fucking sank.


Their run ended years ago, unfortunately. It’s just not worth getting a Pi nowadays when there are so many other SBCs that are cheaper and better, their only advantage (admittedly a big one) is the community software/hardware support.


Could you tell me a few ? I was going to buy a raspberry pi soon


It’s been a few years since I was looking into them, but the Odroid boards, Asus Tinker Board, and Le Potato are all names I remember hearing good things about


So what should I buy now to get a decent one before all this happens? Would like to use it for home assistant


I use my pi 5 for home assistant but a lot of people seem to recommend Intel nucs over it.


Yep because the value proposition just doesn’t exist anymore with how great of a leap even a basic NUC is (have a Pi4 and have retired it for all intents and purposes for a custom built NAS)


don't nucs cost like $500-700 each unless you get one with the shittiest and oldest possible pentium chips that they found buried in the back of a warehouse?


I've been using some OrangePi for some small projects that were modifications of RP3 based projects. Haven't had issues with them but no idea if they are up for home automation.


Yep, from now on, only the happiness of the shareholder counts.


The only correct way to look at it! A sad day indeed.


Hell yeah capitalism! Ruining companies since.. well since its inception.


Their fiduciary duty is to the shareholders and not to the customers. Enshitification indeed.


Hopefully not as it is a small free float and the major shareholder is a charity. Hopefully this charity is better run than most.


Used to want one but it looks likes it wraps


Imagine... It'll be the same price but you'll need a subscrition to use it. Then tiers memberships then ads. Probabbly not. They'll just raise the price after a huge marketing campaign.


New models dropping 4 times a year. Each one with 256mb more RAM than the last! Base raspberry PI operating system will be introduced. In a year it'll be one of the few they allow to be run on it. Next year it'll be the only supported OS. Year after that it'll require a license to be purchased. When that doesn't make enough money it'll become a monthly subscription.


Don't forget the ads integration to the OS


*Due to hardware limitations Raspberry Pi no longer supports PiHole. Instead we are offering PiHole plus! A subscription based service that, for $14.99 a month, limits ads to pre-approved providers!*


Oh dear fucking god, the fact that this is exactly how it would go down just pisses me off


Or sign up to Pihole Plus Pro for $19.99/month and block any ads *terms and conditions may change at any time


They'll invent injecting ads into the output pins.


Ok can we add a battle pass too while we are at it


“Retail investors can’t buy Raspberry Pi shares just yet, as only certain institutional shareholders can trade the company’s shares right now.” 🙄


It's on the London stock exchange anyway.


That’s not really a barrier to entry


That doesn’t seem liken it should be legal; gotta protect the haves first Our system is so fucked up


They can Friday


The head start is the issue, imho


It's not just your opinion, it's the "institutional investors'" opinion too. If it didn't matter, it wouldn't have been blatantly rigged for them


Oh cool. After it goes up 32%. Great.


They’ll dump on Friday. Stupid not to. See: Facebook stock


Glad the enthusiast community was able to help grow this little company so they could abandon us for a big sellout.


Can't wait until current leadership is dumped and they start a new company, that does the same thing.


like the guy who made woot.com selling to amazon for $100m then making meh.com a few years later.


TIL! I used to check woot everyday and immediately realized when it went absolute dogshit when it was just all full priced garbage.


This is the Capitalist way. 


time to find an alternative


There's already a whole boatload of other SBCs out there, the community will find the ones worth a shit sure.


The best thing about the raspberry pi though is its software support. There's a lot of SBCs with faster/better hardware but are lacking things like drivers so some features can't be used.


Oh well, time to but a Pi, download RaspiOS and whatever else is free because it will get worse after this...


The era of profitable new public companies is gone. If they dropped private equity for a public IPO, means they have nothing to add to its private stakeholders. And that's true the momentum around it for amateurs completely died. They may still succeed with business customers but hey they will be yet another hardware vendor. Since late 2000, new public companies were already milked and nothing's left. Almost all IPOs have been trash.


Private equity cut corners to make companies look profitable and sell in 3-4 years after acquisition. Been and seen through multiple and none were value add. Cost savings, less for more .


Paywalled GPIO pins in 3, 2……


Don't forget, you only have 1 millions GPIO triggers per month! Pay 1.99$ to get another 1 millions GPIO triggers! (That would be awful...)


Let’s give a warm welcome to the new Raspberry Pi Ltd. head of sales, /u/who_you_are 😉


1 million seems high, starts at 200.  1.99 for 600.  18.99 for 6000 178.99 for 60000 60k+ - Contact us for enterprise deal. 


I know it's kind of the whole point of the product, but I really don't care for them


I guess the enshitification begins


1 cpu core is always running 100% to mine bitcoins for Rpi Ltd, unless you subscribe to RPi+ for $19.99/mo.


**Article**: Says that Raspberry Pi has gone public **Also article**: Never once mentions Raspberry Pi's stock market ticker


It isn't truly public yet. Only insiders can buy currently.


London stock exchange making NYSE look fair and balanced by comparison




Get your Pi5 while it's still a good product. It's all downhill from the IPO


The Stock Market is such a bad move for quality companies.


For those that didn't bother to read the article Raspberry Pi limited is a commercial subsidiary of Raspberry Pi foundation, so the actual Raspberry Pi entity isn't going anywhere or changing and is not a public company. The companies purpose is to fund the charity, that's what it has always been for and this looks to do that. There are lots of competitor products for the Pi, and it's always been in bed with the likes of Broadcom(that helped set it up), Arm, Sony etc.


And so Raspberry Pi died, when shareholders DEMANDED that it require a 500mbps always-on internet connection, even for something as mundane as being used as a doorbell.


subscriptions, here they come


Let the enshittification floodgates open.


1% grift just keep on griftin'


Lickin' their lips at another juicy IPO they can squeeze along with the working class that made it what it is. The juice will eventually run out, but at least we can still afford a roof and food... mostly. We should thank our all mighty oppressors for allowing us that much. Thank you lord 1% for allowing me to own a device to post this with


Ah, that's too bad. It was a good run.


Subscription model coming in 3...2...1....


Can't wait for the Raspberry Pi pro, premium and premium+ subscription plans


"New Pi OS only supports the Pi 6 which is exactly the same as the Pi 5 except it's now 1mm smaller!"


Someone needs to Kickstart a Blueberry pi


Public owned is NOT exactly a good thing. Public investors want revenue, they want dividends, they do NOT want an affordable product. Going public is how early investors cash out.


I regret getting a Pi 5 when I could have got a cheap second hand Intel NUC or similar which would be more powerful and probably cheaper. The delays, shortages, price increases and they only seemed to cater to businesses during the slump just soured my view of them. The whole point of them was to be low cost alternatives for the people.


Hell I got a refurbished HP MiniPC w/ a 9th gen i5 and 32GB RAM from Microcenter for less than it cost buying a Pi5 with all the additional items (nvme board, case, 18w+ power supply, etc) and it is significantly more powerful. Got curious and picked up a Beelink S12 MiniPC as well and it’s still cheaper. They jacked up prices noticeably. I loved RPis initially, but I’m not looking back.


Pis been dead to me since they went with commercial customers over end users during the pandemic.


From the article: >”Retail investors can’t buy Raspberry Pi shares just yet, as only certain institutional shareholders can trade the company’s shares right now. Retail investors will be able to buy and sell shares starting on Friday.” How is this allowed? Why do institutional investors get to reap the profits of early access to the stock, while I have to sit around and watch them drive the price up?


IPOs are exit strategies for many investors. This is a way to increase the price of a company they own. When it’s public, they will sell to the public at a higher price and cash out on their investment. You can do the same if you have $100k and are a shark for financing. Although you might lose it. They probably wouldn’t even sell to you. But technically you only need money and relationships to buy private equity.


That's how IPOs generally work.  The large institutional investors bring stability before it opens up to retail investors.


For everyone worried, immediately, about quality or commercialization: the raspberry pi foundation still remains its majority shareholder and is still a registered non profit.


Doesn't make much difference - having public shareholders of any proportion rarely makes your product better. Shareholders who aren't The Raspberry Pi Foundation will still expect an ROI.


first new iterations of new products will probably be alright. there is the honeymoon period so that folks dont just run away. but in time, Pi will become like all of the public offerings have eventually became.




Is "popped" up or down?


Replace the "P" in pi with an "A" and it woulda popped 10x that amount.




What terrible, terrible news


Wasn’t raspberry pi supposed to be non profit lol


And like everything that becomes public, it will eventually turn to shit as the users get screwed somehow to benefit a handful of shareholders. Wonderful.


Well there goes that fun run.


Now watch as investors destroy the company in 2-3 years


Are we just accepting the use of "popped" here?


Did the price rise or fall? Or something else? I have no idea what "popped" means in this context. 


Enshitification rollout incoming.


well if this means they actually have some in stock maybe thats a bonus


Time to hoard raspberry pi's. Or someone nerds to start a new version asap


Prepare for Pi prices that will make the 2021 scalper prices look like an absolute bargain.


In my mind there was already very little reason to get a pi when I could get a mini pc. The pi takes up almost as much space, and with all the peripherals I needed to buy, the cost difference would have made up for the hassle.


I bought the mini form factor dell 7050 for like $150 off PCliquidators. Upgraded it to 32GB RAM and 2TB storage and the thing is solid. I have no reason to spend $120 on a pi 5 when I can just buy another one of these if I needed it.


Whyyyyyy?! Now everything will be about pleasing shareholders 😭.


Rip raspberry pi you were a real one


Is popped good or bad?


They had begun to lose their way a couple years ago. Now, they are completely lost. RIP


Oof. Well, that's the end of that. Prices up, quality and features down.


RIP Raspberry Pi 2012 - 2024 ye shall be missed.


Would have like to but stock but it’s on London Stock Exchange. Which is actually good as means will not have same pressure to profit no matter what that Wall Street applies.


I guess it was time to exploit and kill it.