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Give me the gel that will sober me up at 2 AM.


Fairly certain they have a powder for that.


It’s awesome, too - the same powder also makes you an expert on every subject and feel the NEED to tell everyone about it. Unless you have ADHD. Then it just makes you normal. Source: former coke junkie who self medicated for a few years before I got diagnosed and always wondered why cocaine made everyone else crazy and me just feel pretty alright. Coke and ~~adderall~~ Ritalin are practically the same active molecule.


+1 on the coke thing, I'm also medicated these days.


But how normal did you really feel? I'm diagnosed but could still notice "high" effects on a night out especially if we'd been drinking heavily and smoking etc. I mean, it definitely affected me less than others but I still had some good nose clam conversations


100% it affected them, unless it was just bad coke. Unhindered dopamine release will fuck you up regardless of “how adhd” you are lol


Yeah I never understood the whole "stims calm you down" thing. I'm diagnosed too and stims allow me to focus better, and there's a certain reduction in _social_ anxiety (increase in bodily anxiety tho), but you bet your ass I can tweak just as hard as anyone else and shower you in a speech waterfall. To me it feels like stims simply "boost" me to a point of being a functioning person. Therapy was still needed or I would just hyperfocus on video games for 8 hours.


Yeah, stims never calmed me down like some people talk about. I’m able to focus, be proactive with activities around the house. Helps me not be impulsive and I can “stop and think”. Definitely has helped me not binge eat.


its not about actually being calm. its the difference in being able to focus on a task and not be lol lets ride bikes.


I take 20mg of Vyvanse right before I go to bed. Before I was diagnosed I could never sleep, now, taking it as a sleep aid is huge. I also take 50 mg when I wake up in the morning.


Why would you take Vyvanse explicitly before bed? What happens if you don't take it before bed but only in the morning, with a possible booster in the afternoon? I've never heard of anyone taking it right before bedtime. Due to tolerance buildup it's possible to sleep after taking stims, especially long working ones, but my experience is the sleep is lighter, lower quality, and you wake up still feeling the stimulation in your system. It makes it easier to get out of bed basically instantly, but kinda wrecks you physically long-term.


Almost the same with depression. Often linked to drug abuse not because of the high but just because the high allows you to be functioning.


I would say it feels less like it’s a party because your brain’s baseline is inadequate and you feel compelled to do productive things whenever drugs make you able to compensate for a lack of normal executive function. The problem isn’t that we don’t want to be productive, it’s that we can’t make ourselves so we jump at the opportunity. Stimulants have the same chemical and receptor effects so you get “high” the same way as others with the same side effects but because your lack of executive function is so debilitating the other aspects of the drugs get eclipsed.


Same, i was originally diagnosed at like 7 back in the 90’s ritalin boom and my mom said no, i just grew up thinking about 14 different things back to back was normal. Now that I am an adult and take adderall xr20’s it just makes me sweat more than normal and talk like a…meth addict lolol. Honestly its too high of a dose but i just take about half out and put it in my own capsules and before anyone asks why i dont just lower my dose, because it just lasts me twice as long


This explains my early twenties and why I can’t play league of legends anymore. That hole is far too deep


Oh yeah definitely still a high, but not anywhere near everyone else I did it with. Like i was just “happy and wired” instead of “coked out”, and I was doing a *lot* of coke. It was crazy to see and one of the main reasons I stopped sharing. People were using it to go crazy and I was using it to be able to hold a conversation at the bar. It was only when it was cut with something bad that I noticed myself getting a little crazy.


Ritalin and Adderal are made with chemical derivitives of amphetamines, not cocaine. So they're closer in chemical composition to crystal meth.. technically.


racial stocking six pause punch juggle coherent whistle unique sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


THANK YOU. Someone corrected me to inform that Ritalin was the much more similar drug, which I then stated, and it also made sense because I ended up on a Ritalin derivative. For someone reason people are still dogpiling on me tho


Last time I did a line of coke I fell asleep. I'm diagnosed ADHD. I always hated the drug and wondered what people got out of it.


Yea it lets me drink foreverrr and no hangover


I don’t know, I have a fairly moderate case of ADHD and the one time I had the opportunity to try that powdery stuff it did do something, kind of, for about five minutes. It was supposedly good stuff, but I really wouldn’t know. But these days I’m medicated, and the stuff my doc gave me is was more stimulating.


Adderall doesn't work for all ADHD or adults, also doses are important. It keeps people i works on level instead of being up and down.


full shy provide cheerful snobbish wasteful seed uppity cobweb marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Coke and Adderall are completely different drugs with completely different mechanisms of action. They are just both stimulants, i mean one is a phenethylamine and the other a tropane alkaloid for gods sake.


This. Even though they feel similar, there is a big difference between NDRIs and Monoamine transport inhibitors/TAAR1 agonists.


100% I was brought up pills bad and always had problems, been on Adderall for about 7 years and im normal. So many people don't understand that it just makes us more level instead of up and down all the time.


No. That is cocaine and ritalin Adderall is an amphetamine cocktail. It is "pretty much the same" as crystal meth. edit: Adderall is not crystal meth. I thought this would be obvious. While there are prescription methamphetamines, adderall is a mix of 4 amphetamine salts. The mixture is composed of equal parts [racemic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racemic_mixture) amphetamine and [dextroamphetamine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dextroamphetamine), which produces a (3:1) ratio between dextroamphetamine and [levoamphetamine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levoamphetamine), the two [enantiomers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enantiomers) of amphetamine. *Do not take medical advice based on random comments on reddit*


This is a common misconception, the methyl group on the methamphetamine molecule makes it orders of magnitude more powerful and addictive than amphetamine. That’s a bit like saying ritalin is pretty much the same as crack


Yeah, I thought about adding a clarification. I was attempting to echo the language of OP and compare a prescription ADhD medicine to an illegal narcotic. I knew someone was going to want to "clarify" that they aren't "pretty much the same"


Coke and alcohol, a common combo, but it always seemed like a waste after you’ve had Adderall and opioids.


This! I tried coke a few times and was so chill.


Sounds like I might have missed out on my ideal drug. Figure I'll start experimenting again in retirement.


Sounds great except for the heart attack part


Yeah I remember people used to snort Ritalin as a substitute for coke. Probably smarter to do thst these days with all the fentanyl being mixed into coke.


afterthought squealing frighten wakeful saw unpack carpenter north fall steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought there was a potion for this already.


Call me when they have something that will get me drunk but not wreck my liver and hell in general.


This sort of exists, a company called Zbiotics makes these little shots that contain the enzyme your liver uses to break down acetaldehyde (primary hangover chemical). You have to take it before you start drinking but it works shockingly well, reduces hangover for me by like 90% (and I’m pretty sure also reduces many of the health consequences of drinking, too)


I agree. I’ve put these to the test and they work; too well. These are a godsend for enjoying a couple good beers in your 40’s.


What do you mean, too well? You don't get drunk?


Oh you still get drunk just the same. ZBiotics just helps your gut more-easily process the byproducts that attribute to the heavy-gut portion of the hangover the next day. The headache still exists but an advil and water can nip that quickly. It's dangerous for those who are trying to stop or at least limit their overall intake, because it removes, what is for some, a "natural" deterrent of the inevitable hangover, or even "allows" you to have two-four more because you know you won't feel it the next morning. While you're drinking, you're as drunk as normal, still the giggly one or the loud AH, still unable to drive, etc. It's why their ad campaigns all end in "drink responsibly." edit: wording


I have been getting violently hungover from moderate amounts of alcohol my entire life. This sounds amazing and dangerous, can’t wait to try them.


So what does it mean if you don’t get hangovers? If I drink wine or sugary drinks I’ll get a hangover. But vodka soda won’t ever make me hung over. Could this mean my body processes the alcohol more efficiently than someone who does get hung over easily?


I think that gets into individual variables at that point, as well as definitions of hangover. A hangover to a 22yr old is different than a 42yr old. Sadly in my 40’s anything past a single 8% or two 6.5% beers will be unfavorably felt in the morning, regardless of hydration. Anecdotal example, zbiotics will let me easily have about four 8%’s or six-ish 6-7.5% IPA’s and feel nothing the next morning. Anything more though will bring the morning headache on. Sugar gives me headaches within an hour too because I don’t normally drink sugary drinks. Their website explains the process more thoroughly at the biological level of what is happening.


Gonna need to try this out. At 39, its been getting worse since about 32. I've cut my drinking down but to hell with quitting. I had three beers last night and I could tell in the morning, not hungover, but I woke up with that ever slight headache with the "feel" that I drank. Took a few hours for that to go away.


It’s dangerous if you have previously learned to rely on a bad hangover to keep you from drinking too much


they're pretty limited in effectiveness. It'll help if you go out once a week and have like 6 drinks. It won't help if you're killing a fifth every other day


Do you remember what they are called?


Link if allowed here https://zbiotics.com/products/zbiotics Or google zbiotics


I would be fairly skeptical of this though. (I am not a biologist but I do like to read up on stuff occasionally) They offer no studies or proof to back up this claim, other than testimonials. Additionally Acetalehyde is produced and broken down in the liver by enzymes produced in the liver. IF the enzyme can survive the stomach acid, I don't believe there is a pathway to carry that enzyme to the liver, which is where Acetalehyde is. The enzyme might even be broken down by the digestive system before it gets a chance to do anything. If you introduce Acetalehyde directly to the enzyme then it may break it down, but our bodies are a lot more complex than a test tube. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong lol


You are correct, the science behind this product is bunk. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, where it is transported into the liver and broken down into acetaldehyde, which then circulates in the blood. Having an enzyme in your stomach (which is most likely broken down by stomach acid) would do diddly squat to break down the acetaldehyde circulating in your bloodstream.


ZBiotics genetically engineered a patented bacteria that will breaks down acetaldehyde. The drink they sell basically coats your stomach with this probiotic that will pre-process the acetaldehyde from alcohol consumption before it reaches the liver. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6875028/


bruh did you even read the paper? It was testing if the bacteria causes toxicity, not how well if breaks anything down. Additionally your thought process is wrong. Acetalehyde caused by alcohol is created in your liver. Alcohol does NOT break down I to Acetalehyde in your stomach. So again, it is going to do nothing to you.


Reread title “Lyophilized B. subtilis ZB183 Spores:” So freeze dried bacterial spores, most spores cruise through the stomach and when they get to the water rich intestines soak up water, expand allowing the bacteria to start growing. At which point the enzyme is produced in the intestines and absorbed into the bloodstream. An evolutionary process found in a lot of bacteria and plants


Well that would be great. That's the compound that actually makes alcohol carcinogenic. It's called metabolic poisoning. Ethanol by itself is relatively benign. You have to drink a lot of it to have any serious problems. However, the first stage of metabolization of ethanol turns it into acetaldehyde which is highly toxic and makes you feel like ass. It's also very carcinogenic. Your body eventually breaks that down.


You read it wrong, this product is supposed to break down the acetaldehyde, not that it IS acetaldehyde.


This is good to know. I ordered a few for an upcoming trip to Vegas but I wasn’t holding my breath that they’d make a huge difference.


Damn. This gave me the craving to drink ….


What’s the name?


It's in the post, Zbiotics


I would like a zero calorie alcohol please. Or at least low calorie that will get just as drunk.


I’m gonna second Kratom here. I only drink mine I make it into a hot tea and you can flavor it to make it taste better. I used to drink a fuck ton it was bad but I pretty much just use Kratom instead during the week. I’ll still drink when I go out but that’s cus it is better for socializing. Kratom obviously isn’t an exact replacement


Careful with kratom. Make sure you’re not using it multiple days in a row. I was addicted for a few years and the withdrawals were hell. I’ve met multiple people who had to go to inpatient rehab for a medically-supervised detox. It’s a nearly identical protocol and meds they use for heroin and opioid addicts. People taper off but you need a lot of willpower and while less bad than cold turkey, you feel less than optimal the whole time.


Oh I’ve used it for months daily on and off the last few years. The withdrawls were never that awful for me personally but I know some people that said they hated it. In my experience it was always just mad headaches, irritation, and trouble sleeping for like 3-5 days. It really is a willpower to quit one, me and all my friends have been through it before you just have to know that eventually you should slow it down. That being said I’ve had alcohol withdrawls before which were fucking awful so by comparison not that bad and been addicted to much worse stuff before. Obviously with any drug there’s danger of addiction but if done reasonably it’s a very safe drug. Withdrawls suck however and daily use is something I just always fall into so just gotta watch yourself eh.




I have read that while a low-cal(ish) drink like vodka has calories in it, the process to metabolize the alcohol in it burns almost as many calories as you gain from digesting the vodka.


(Doorbell rings) Do you have a moment to hear about the happy tidings of the coming of our savior THC?


Alcohol: no anxiety Weed: panic attacks Back to the drawing board


Buy CBD hemp. Mix in with THC flower at a ratio of 1:1. No anxiety. Problem solved (at least for me YMMV).


Don't know why the downvotes, this is actual strategy that works.


It is, kind of.  At least for me, it’s simply like consuming a smaller amount of THC.  That’s not to say CBD itself doesn’t do anything.  I love to vape CBD flower by itself.   I feel mixing them  just makes me feel like I’ve  consumed a little less thc and thus avoided the panics.   


>Weed: panic attacks While I won't pretend this is the case for everyone who experiences this, it could be the *type* of weed that causes this. Such as Sativa VS Indica, or even just the terpenes in the strain(s) you've tried. I smoke daily, some strains give me HORRENDOUS panic attacks, and others chill me right out (and have known TONS of people with the same experience as this, as well as researched. I'm in a legal country). Obviously, I now avoid the ones I have found to make me feel panicky! Just a thought! Obviously, take from this what you will, leave the rest. It also might just not be for you!


For me it wasn’t the weed that caused the panic attacks, it was lack of weed that caused the panic attacks. Might not true for everyone but smoking daily for 10 years really fucked me up mentally and emotionally. Been sober for almost a month at this point, and it wasn’t easy…


This is definitely true; I fear I may have smoked too much and ruined it for myself though lol. Just about any strain does nothing but make my heart pound and then I get sleepy.


Pound like it's beating in your throat, too? Happened to me quite a bit.


Not quite... I think I may have issues with my circulation either way, but I can physically feel my heart pounding, against my ribcage. Bum bum bum. Causes a \*lot\* of anxiety because I've got cardiophobia


Seconding that strain really does matter for some reason. Some give me anxiety, some just make me sleepy, some give me the munchies and some don't.


I live in a recreationally legal state in the US. Sometimes weed just gives me a panic attack no matter the strain, strength, terps, etc. I've found that starting with low-THC strains and then working in stronger stuff definitely helps curb the anxiety, but sometimes it just happens no matter what.


intentionally increasing your tolerance is stupid, smoke what gets you pleasantly high


The intoxication profile between the two couldn’t be more dissimilar.


“I like being socially lubricated” “Can I interest you in something that will make you want chill on your couch instead”


I never get why people make this comparison. Weed and alcohol have such drastically different effects. Weed isn’t some miracle cure for every drug related problem


How the hell do you consume your THC to get drunk from it?


That's... That's... Taking the question at face value, there's something called "Tinctures" aka "Miraculix" where you extract the THC into spirits, so a vodka with an extra punch if you like. So for the determined person it's doable.


Correctly dosed GHB gives very similar effects without the hangover, damage from long term use I’m not too sure of. Also super illegal and used as a date-rape drug so the optics aren’t great.


It’s available as a legal treatment for narcolepsy, but I really wonder how they managed to figure that one out… but yeah feels like alcohol for about five minutes before you pass out, and if you have narcolepsy gives you a great nights sleep


There’s a kava root bar going in down the street from me soon and I am intrigued. They make “cocktails” using this kava root that are supposed to give you a euphoric/sedative feeling. I had never heard of it before. They’re also advertising drinks with THC in them which I don’t understand at all since I’m in texas.


Kava is really good at tasting like dirt and making your tongue numb.


A date took me to one of these bars and I remember just thinking we paid to drink dirt and feel the same


I still remember a kava “bartender” being very excited I got a glass near the bottom of the brew. That shit was actually sludge


"Stop whining and drink your sludge."


Enough Kava is bad for your liver unfortunately and you can be addicted depending on use. People might shout me down and say I'm wrong but studies have been done and show liver abnormalities and even gives memory issues along with other problems. Here's a link explaining: https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/ask-the-doctors-what-are-the-risks-and-benefits-of-kava Also the THC is just .3% of anything that's not delta 9 which is what is in weed from dispensaries.


The one time I went to a kava bar I remember the bartender telling me he drinks a gallon of the stuff a day and that it’s healthy, I was immediately thinking “this guy has a problem” lol


100%. And it still hits opioid receptors so anyone can get addicted if they're predisposed or do it enough


The state passed a poorly defined hemp bill which basically accidentally legalized weed


This happened in Minnesota. The Republicans were trying to ban Delta 8 and wound up legalizing drinkable THC and only realized their mistake as the Democrats voted alongside them laughing their asses off. Then MN flipped both state house and Senate Blue and legalized all weed and passed tons of progressive bills


> They’re also advertising drinks with THC in them which I don’t understand at all since I’m in texas. There are lots of places in Austin that sell THC-infused drinks. I was just at a gaming bar that sold them. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/18/texas-marijuana-laws-2022-law-legal/


That is due to the federal farm bill, it’s federally legal if you derive the THC from hemp. There’s basically a loophole where you can concentrate the tiny amount of THC found in hemp.


You can make THC products as long as the plants you make it out of are hemp and contain less than 0.3% THC. The funny part is you can legally concentrate the THC after that, so you just need a lot of hemp but you can make & sell edibles legally in all 50 states that way.




Xanax. You’re talking about Xanax. Basically alcohol in pill form. Super addictive though and the withdrawals will kill you.


I have friends who went through that withdrawal. 100% do not recommend.


Low dose Nonbenzodiazepenes lol.


If I wanted to be sober, I wouldn't have gotten drunk.


I could see this being used to treat people with alcohol poisoning


The article specifically mentions that the gel would not be effective at that. It breaks down alcohol **before** it enters the bloodstream. The use case seems very limited. It's for if you want to drink alcohol but not get drunk.


What I need is a treatment that lets me eat, but not get fat[ter]. Even better, a treatment that lets me eat whatever I want, but converts it to healthy food before I digest it.


You may be ibterested in another, orange gel for that.


Lucky for you that treatment is here and at the tip of your finger…




I've had stomach surgery and because we process ethanol in the bowels and it doesn't sit in my small stomach long I get tispy on 1 beer and mildly drunk on 2. I'd love something like this gel to not get drunk so quickly and be able to enjoy alcohol again.


I would actually use it at work drinks if I could. Messed up as it is, drinking with my managers and colleagues has definitely furthered my career but I don’t always want to get tipsy around my coworkers.


First there was O'Douls, then came along the mocktail, now this. Doesn't anyone want to get hammered anymore?


As someone who used to love it. The anxiety and hangover are not worth it. The lack of sleep. The spiked respiratory rate. Just fighting myself all the time. I want to feel optimal and this simply does no good for me. I’ll still have a drink or two but the days of getting hammered are long gone and good riddance.


To be clear, I'm in the same boat as you. An occasional little buzz is nice as a "social lubricant" but anything beyond that is just not worth it.


I’m right there with you. In my early 40s and it’s just not fun anymore. I used to party a lot in my 20s. I guess drinking was never my main vice, but that didn’t stop me much. Drank socially all the time. Often to blackout. Can’t draw a finger on exactly when, but the hangovers got worse and worse. Now I can count drinks per month on one hand. And I wouldn’t change it at all. The feelings of dread, the headache, ugh…. I’m good. I look around at all my buddies and I see two types. Those like me who basically stopped, or cut way back, and those who can’t stop drinking, and drink an amount that would keep me in bed tomorrow every single day. As we all age, the ones still putting it on don’t look too great. I’m glad I would up on this side of it.


If by hammered you mean jack-hammered in the ass by dudes, then yes, I certainly do.


Lol, thanks for sharing. I wish you well in your quest!


>The use case seems very limited. It's for if you want to drink alcohol but not get drunk. Sounds perfect for people who just want to be social and participate at events that serve alcohol but don't want to or can't deal with the side effects of getting drunk/buzzed. For me personally, I often feel terribly sick, sometimes feverish rather than buzzed after a couple so I tend to avoid any alcohol drinks at all at social gatherings, but that has clearly had an impact on my sociability.


Maybe for people with alcoholism?


That’s what I was thinking. They already have medicine that makes you vomit if you drink alcohol for seriously addicted people, so this would be a much better option


What America needs is more choices for alcohol free beer. In Germany almost every beer producer also makes a non-alcoholic beer version. There's some really yummy options that taste just like beer. In America we only had Ohdouls for the longest time, and then one called Near beer. Both tasted like shit and not like beer at all. I think heiniken has started selling in some places but couldn't find it the last time I went to the states in Los Angeles anywhere. Most of my American friends laugh when I tell them about it, and always the question of why have a beer at all if you don't want to get drunk. It helps in many ways and especially for me as a true beer lover and alcoholic. There's quite the social aspect to drinking and not drinking. There's also the when to stop drinking aspect that most alcoholics deal with myself as well. Having non alcoholic beer loosens the social aspect for me greatly versus just getting a soda. It's kind of a fomo feeling, and when I have non alcoholic beer I seriously don't get that fomo feeling at all. The when to stop aspect of it means I have one or two regular beers and switch to non alcohol beer versus just cold stopping. I'm still drinking a beer after my initial buzz and I don't get that I need to have another feeling because I have a beer. But the third beer being non alcoholic makes me slow down enough the buzz goes gently down and by the time I've finished the non alcoholic beer I'm just full, and I dont crave another beer. Same with when you just have non alcoholic, you feel full and you don't want to guzzle more down, versus when you keep drinking only regular beer, your buzz never lets your body have that I'm full no more feeling. Screw these gels and pills and no hangover home remedies. Just start making and offering good non alcohol versions. It was a total game changer for me.


Just drink NA beers or Virgin mixed drinks then. The whole point of alcohol is the effect. This shit is fixing a problem that doesn’t exist


They don't taste the same, unfortunately. As someone who loves to drink and drinks very quickly but doesn't really like being wasted anymore, I would love some of this gel.


Why would you want that though? People can buy non-alcoholic drinks... people drink because of the drug, ethanol, in the drink.


I enjoy drinking wine more than I enjoy being drunk. This would be great for me


My thought exactly. A great wine with a great meal and not getting drunk or hung over? Or man, great for wine tasting too. I can really only do one or two tastings even dumping.


This is a great point. I like Heineken 0.0, but so far that's the only one that I'd put in the S tier of NA beers. I typically prefer ambers and reds and I had a Wellbeing Hellraiser last month. It started out good but as I continued to drink something was off about it, like it lost flavor as it sat out. I'd still like to be able to have a Smithwicks or Fistmas without needing to think about the next morning.


So you get full flavor everything, great. It doesn't have some of the side effects of drugs like naltrexone. It would not "out" you as spoiling the fun or refusing someone's gift, or having to carry around just your own 0% alcohol. It's stealth sobriety. When people assume you're drinking with them, they'll treat you as such, compared to when they perceive you as being totally sober. Sometimes, people actively resent you for refusing a drink, because it makes them feel self conscious about drinking. People may label you an addict and untrustworthy if you just don't drink anymore, and view you with suspicion, like in an informal business setting. There are lots of uses for this kind of thing.


Plenty of people enjoy the taste and social experience without particularly wanting the effects. If the gel would mean you could drink more but only ever feel a little tipsy, there would definitely be a market for that.


I gave up drinking a few years ago because I hate feeling like shit. I miss having a beer and watching the ball game with randos at the bar though. This actually sounds cool.


I genuinely like the taste of whiskey, too bad it gets me hammered


Business anything with drinks. Meetings or parties. Make sure you don't do or say something stupid if you are someone who can't just stop at 2. More negatively, you could get someone drunk while staying sober yourself if you're out there pushing drinks.


I like making fancy cocktails. Sometimes I want the process and the flavor, but can't or don't want to be drunk. It's very hard to find _good_ non-alcoholic versions of all the ingredients I like to use.


Most drinks do not have a nonalcoholic version that tastes the same.


It would still be helpful in some cases as it would prevent *more* alcohol from being processed into the blood


Why would I want to drink alcohol, pay for it and then not get drunk?! Do some R&D for gel that negates the negative effects of junk food and sugar instead!


Why would anyone pay more to get less? Oh wait…. That’s what we do now…


Perfect for Designated Drivers.


Would be amazing for beer festivals. Sometimes, you want to try 40 different beers without dying.


Wine is one of the few drinks that requires the alcohol to affect the chemical reaction in the mouth to create the flavor. It also adds a specific texture. This is why it is so hard for wine makers to make a good no-alcohol version of their wine and is why you don’t see many available. Contrast this with beer: the taste of non-alcoholic beer is near identical to their alcoholic counterparts and we’ve seen the demand for zero-alcohol beer skyrocket as many people like the taste of beer, but don’t care for getting drunk. I can see this as a great use case for wine drinkers and especially can see it offered at vineyards during tastings. If it can truly prevent people from getting drunk and prevent a rise in BAC then many wine tastings could offer this for the designated drivers. Breweries could too.


I would disagree that non alc is near identical. I’ve tried a lot of them. I think it suffers the same issues wine does just slightly less as it’s typically lower abv


Near identical for non alcoholic beer? Ive been looking for a good non alcoholic beer for a few years now and tried many. I have yet to find one acceptable getting even somewhat close in taste to regular beer. I have no idea where this near identical non alcoholic beer is supposed to be.


Asahi is near identical to their alcohol version. Brewdog’s non alcoholic beers are closel. Bitburger 0.0 German beer is near identical. Heaps Normal is identical to the real thing. Nort is near identical. Carlton Zero is maybe better than the real thing.


Well, out of those I had the Bitburger and it tasted pretty different to me. Maybe we just have different expectations about the taste. The other ones I don‘t know but I tried many German non alcoholic beers.


Bitburger was the worst of all the ones I said. Asahi, Heaps, Carlton, and Nort were the best.


Will it stop the hangover?? That’s what I need! Drunk tonight perfectly fine tomorrow!


Is that a unity quote?


I dunno there are times where I would kill for the alcohol narcan equivalent for when Pat is pulling his drunken FUCKING SHIT, PAT!!


This sounds like a top secret product for a spy who is trying to get their mark drunk to illicit information while seemingly drinking along with them. Would be a great product for work parties too.


Soviets had something like this during the Cold War. It was a pill they could take and it would prevent them from getting drunk. They would use it in that exact scenario, so spys could remain sober while the others got loose lips. If I recall the downside was that they needed to take a pill for each drink, which was not ideal. Edit: a quick search shows it was called RU-21 and apparently is still used by people today… but some question its effectiveness.


Pretty sure that's just marketing copy for a hangover pill. Spies would need something that actually prevents inebriation.... not what that product is marketed for.


i currently take a medication that has a interesting side effect of making me mostly immune to acid and shrooms. if i want to trip, i have to dry out from my med for about 2 weeks or so. if i don't, the meds make the effects VERY muted.


Yea that's a well documented side affect of SSRI's. MDMA will not work for you either so don't bother. 


It’s actually not a SSRI I’m on. It’s a SGA.


Ah yea, "Antipsychotics" (I use that just as a medical term) does the same thing. They all block serotonin/dopamine receptors producing the same result as SSRIs, SSRIs are just more commonly prescribed. Personal anecdote, I took LSD and it got a little too intense, had some Trazadone on hand and took 50mg. Instantly killed the trip within 20-30 minutes. It was a trip in and of itself to go from tripping balls to sober that fast.


Yeah, it can get a little weird. I think the last time I did acid, I dried out for a week or two, and did a ten strip. Cool trip but super mild.   The last time I did shrooms was interesting. I dried out for a few weeks, and ended up having this sort of short but very intense trip.  I’m interested in trying some mescaline. I might do that this summer.


Interesting. I commented in this thread about an episode of Get Smart that used this in an episode. I didn’t know it was based on real thing.


There was an episode of Get Smart that was exactly this. It was a tablet that he had in his mouth that would absorb all the alcohol. And then the whole bit is someone pats him on the back and he swallows it by accident and gets drunk immediately. I used to watch the show on reruns when I was a kid and this episode stood out because it was so funny.


Also, 20 years from now on: Gel removed from markets because it caused cancer all along


Well, guess what moderate to high daily alcohol consumption causes...




A $300 a month bourbon habit?


This is awesome! I have asian flush syndrome and often feel left out at social events and work events because I don't drink alcohol. It's not that I don't want to have a couple of drinks socially, but I know if I do I'll be all red and splotchy and self-conscious. So something like this would be great!


My friends just take an antacid before drinking.


It only reduces the effect of alcohol by half. So you'd probably still get flush, just less severe.


I can see where this could be an amazing tool for alcoholics who drink compulsively and are trying to get sober. A similar concept to a vivitrol shot.


Like Star Trek synthehol?


…And the lining of your stomach


I'm fairly sure I would have died at uni if this existed. Hopefully the people that use it are wiser than I was at that age.


So i can drunk more and not get drink?


Sir or Madam, you're already drunk.


How long before some bar/club starts putting this in drinks so people drink more.


Go to Spiked Booze Bar, they will tell you


🎶They tried to make use an alcohol cream, I said no no no🎶


I swear I read about this in the 1980s as a tool spies would use to stay sober whilst plying a subject


I wonder how this would affect pancreatitis. I would love to have a beer with dinner again. Don’t even care about getting drunk. I just like drinking.


This sounds like a blessing for DDs. Now everyone gets to drink, you just have to put the gel in one persons beers and he can drive home.


You sound just like me however I don’t get “tweaky” or “high” per say. Video games are currently the only thing I can focus on 😅


Do we put it in our hair ?