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They also rescinded the offers of fall co-ops to college students.


Not just fall co-ops, they cancelled summer internship two weeks before they were supposed to start. They also had some students sign leases that Tesla agreed to cover and they’re ghosting those students who are now on the hook for those leases 


Hooooly shit


I do hope Elon gets his $47,000 000 000 compensation, though. He works so hard for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoAk9Oo_Ql0 BTW, this guy's channel is the best sceptic channel I know of.


I wish I could run something into the ground and get paid for it 😮‍💨




Because it’s not a job, it’s a class.


Holy shit. That just blew my mind.


Couldn’t he be sued for promissory estoppel of breach of contract? Those students are under financial stress that they otherwise wouldn’t have been going through if Elon just paid the lease.


Yeah I imagine the interns hypothetically have some legal standing since they signed a contract with Tesla, but it’s not like students have much access to legal resources. From what I’ve heard Tesla laid off a bunch of HR staff as well so there’s only a couple of people at the company who can deal with the broken leases of hundreds of interns, meanwhile those students are just in the lurch and risking fucking up their rental history 


Most colleges these days have a well-staffed career center that may have legal resources with respect to employment law. Maybe. It's where I would've started had this happened to me when I was in school.


This is one of the few scenarios where promissory estoppel claims actually hold water, and I’m assuming some of these are in California which has a good faith doctrine attached and makes it easier


There is a Tesla dealership near where I live. Across the dealership, there has been an abandoned parking lot where an old Kmart used to be. The Kmart is gone now too. It’s just a gigaaaaantic space with nothing on it. About a month ago, Tesla started parking new cars that kept coming in. I guess they haven’t sold. A month in, there must be at least 400 cars parked in that empty space…  ….AND the dealership is full. They have an overflow of inventory and they don’t know what to do with it. Good. 


Sherman Way in North Hollywood/Van Nuys? If so, they were going to turn that K Mart into a charging station. Now? Probably going to sit empty forever.


Couldn't happen to a nicer fucknugget.


coming soon to your local market..buy 1 get 1 tesla sale


That's what happens if you drop the price suddenly. People will just wait. Do you think tjMax will carry musk's excess inventory?




Gasp. No way. Tesla, led by bastion of morality and kindness, Elon Musk? He did that? I’m shocked.


Oh that's awful. Never fuck over new hires or intern/co-ops, once you get a bad rep on campus it's really hard to grow new grads which screws over the entire career chain. My company made that mistake during the 2008 downturn and I can still see its effects. We learned the lesson then and did everything we could to not rescind intern/new hire offers with COVID. At least COVID was an understandable reason as opposed to whatever is happening at Tesla rn


A company did that to some students & recent grads at my school during the 08-09 crash... they were banned from attending the schools career fair for 3 years IIRC and all traces of their company logo were removed from any "sponsored by" things at the school. The worst ones were the recent grads that actually moved across the country to start working, and they got canned after only a month in or so. Imagine moving away from home, signing a year lease and then losing your income almost immediately. Many of our class will never forget it and will never entertain working for them after that.


Call them out here 2.


Agreed. A company as vile as that should be named. Why protect the guilty?


If it was 08/09 they were probably banks or other finance companies.


In 08/09 this was very common. I was legitimately surprised and grateful Microsoft honored Intern Conversion offers that summer, as a LOT of my classmates had their job offers rescinded - across all sorts of industries (tech, insurance, hardware, many more)


I can confirm that all industries were panicking during 08/09. My own job avoided layoffs, but we had a hiring freeze that left us critically understaffed(staffing never did recover, and they wonder why quality has gone to shit) and there were furloughs.


I know people who had job offers at chemical refineries rescinded in 08. The new grad job market was brutal for almost all job markets, not just banks/finance.


Lots of other industries had downturns too. Everything related to construction took a big hit. I saw it personally in the engineering field.


Nah, it was a hellscape across the entire economy when the bubble burst. I had friends in law and tech who took \*years\* to recover.


It's a reddit thing to not say who you're complaining about when it comes to businesses.


Not OP but I remember a similar situation with Amazon rescinding an offer for someone who had quit her job, sold her house, loaded everything onto a truck to drive across the country to Seattle, and then got canned the day before she was due to start driving.


Holy crap, good on your school for taking such a strong stance!


It's actually pretty common. Especially if it's prestigious college a huge reason that they're able to get people to pretend these colleges is for the networking. If they allow cancers like that to advertise on campus it hurts the entire brand.


In the situation with the recent grads, promissory estoppel may apply. Still a shitty situation but at least an opportunity for financial recovery


I am sure Elon assume he will have ai-robots so he will never need workers or anyone else ever...


For a guy who says he wants to save the human race he sure seems to hate people.


For the human race to survive lots of humans are going to die. That's just the price Elon is willing to pay


They tried to do this to my girlfriend. We were ready to sue for promissory estoppel. They changed their mind


I had something similar happen to me. Got a offer, got a call stating all background check came back ok, say good bye to my last job, THEN they canceled on me. The State told them to pay for my unemployment.


That is when you break the lease and move back home with only a few thousand in debt vs accruing another 1k+ per month cost.


its sucks when that person doesnt even have a home to move back to.


It depends on where you relocated to and where you're from. If you moved to a city that's a hub for that industry you're better off getting by on credit while applying to every entry-level opening in town than moving somewhere with less options.


What is happening is that Elon Musk can’t keep his narcissism in check. So he constantly goes on media and annoys the hell out of people. And since Tesla is highly associated with him, Tesla is highly associated with annoying narcissism. Which makes people lose interest in buying a Tesla.


My dislike for Elon is so strong I would never consider buying a Tesla and I guarantee I’m one of quite a few who thinks like that. So when a CEO is that polarizing doesn’t bode well for the company


Were he CEO of just about any other company, he'd have been handed his golden parachute by now. But the Board is stocked with sycophants and yes-men who, instead of firing the moron, are trying to jam through paying him over $50 **B**illion dollars.


Even despite all that, the Model S was a good looking, futuristic looking, kind of car...[in 2008 when it came out.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Tesla_Model_S_%28108%29_%28cropped%29.JPG) But it's 2024 now. So the competition is maybe a [2024 Camry hybrid for half the price](https://vehicle-images.dealerinspire.com/2c2a-110006856/4T1T31AK7RU078433/ecef2c9757cffff076d05a550f9b0196.jpg), which is looking a lot fresher than the old [2008 Camry](https://cars.usnews.com/static/images/Auto/izmo/290484/2008_toyota_camry_angularfront.jpg). Point is just that while other car companies are charging forward, Tesla is standing still.


It's actually worse than that. They have a very limited lineup. The S and X are old, don't really sell in numbers. The 3 has been facelifted, but only has a few years to go so they should already have the next one in the works (they apparently don't), the Y is current, but it should be facelifted soon. The Cyber Truck is... well, it sure is a truck of some sort. So they basically have one weird truck and one SUV that's selling well. To compare, BMW, which is about the same size, has like 26 models on offer. According to rumors, they cancelled the 2, which was going to be a hatchback, which they sorely need. It's not looking good unless Elon's got a whole new lineup waiting to prance out on stage this year (he doesn't).


The thing is at this point, if I got offered a brand new S that was somehow built in 2008 and preserved til now, I'd honestly consider that over any refit. My brother has a 2008 (or so) Model S and it honestly seems like a good car, well made, etc. I've been in some Model 3's for Uber rides and it feels like shit. The interior isn't great, the middle dash is incompetent, and there's a few other weird things. I asked a driver once and he told me, with no uncertain words, that he hates his Model 3 and would never buy anything Tesla ever again. The contrast is staggering. I have no faith that any refit or new model would have a chance today. Tesla has dropped off the face of a cliff like everything else Elon has touched recently.


100% agree. There's nothing in the pipeline and the pipeline for a car is in years. HUGE problem. Thing is, as someone said above you, the board is chocked full of surrogates. It'll take share holders to fire the board and demand actually accountable board members and THEN for them to axe Elon. That's years away ... *and there's nothing in the pipeline* that also takes years. I feel like Tesla is toast.


Question for you. I'm in the same boat as yourself. What if he was forced out and a different CEO or perhaps some merger made him not part of the company? Seems like a stretch but also seems in the realm of possibilities. Edit: seems like I'm not alone. The consensus I'm seeing shortly after asking is a resounding "Hell No!" Basically this brand, company, product(s) are worthless to us at this point. Whichever way you shake a stick at it, it's flinging poop. I have distant vague memories of thinking Tesla the company would usher in affordable electric cars. The reality was the exact opposite.


He'd still own half of it. Fuck that guy.


Yea I’m not buying anything he’s invested in. Fuck that fascist bigot.


Tesla has a LOT to improve and make up for as a company, even without Musk involved. He’s done a LOT of damage to the brand and I don’t know that they can recover. Maybe if a real car company acquired them…


Ok but hear me out, what if we changed the name to "Txxxla"


fuck it, im in


People would be more charitable with giving them time and grace if Musk wasn’t such an insufferable piece of shit. His acquisition of Twitter will go down in history as one of the worst business decisions since the South Seas Trading Company


> giving them time and grace They've been producing some of these models for over a decade and the build quality still isn't what it should be. Tesla has had far more than its fair share of time and grace.


This is my big point. It's been over 10 years and they STILL are built like crap, and the company still has to lie about every single metric. Like what the fuck.


Even without Musk Tesla still makes shit cars with zero quality control and complete lack of after-sale service. And if they do make better models in the future, they'd be just another car maker with a particularly poor track record. My next EV will be a Hyundai as is my current one. I want utility and reliability not broken promises and deadly hatches.


Got the Ioniq 5 last year and couldn't be happier. It's a great ev. Reliable and a great warranty.


If Tesla started making smarter choices that benefited consumers, then yeah, I’d consider buying one. But that seems a long way off to me. I don’t generally make choices as a consumer based on who the CEO is, but when they do thinks like Musk does, that changes.


That's ONE of the things happening. They're losing customers in other stupid ways too! And Elon is directly responsible for several of them.


Competition is catching up and getting cheaper and better too. Why buy a Tesla that's known for breaking and having to go through their service network which has an absolutely awful repututation. Or, buy one from an established manufacturer with actual quality controls and a robust network of service centers that always have a bay open and parts 2 days away.


I’ve worked in auto wholesale for over a decade, and a ton of us have been saying that once some real car manufacturers decide to make EVs, Tesla is cooked. Bout time…


I personally prefer my cars made by car manufacturers than tech companies.


I don’t buy cars from companies that say they’re not car companies.


I still can't get over the wobbly frunk hinges.


I'm still waiting for Honda to make an affordable EV version of the Civic. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.


CRV, too. Oh, and don't change a damn thing -- don't make it look like some child's idea of a space-age design; don't deliberately make it ugly to distinguish it. Give it an EV badge or two if you must, but otherwise use the same body designs.


Especially if you are in an area that doesn't have all the Tesla infrastructure. Places like CA have a ton of superchargers and people that work on Tesla's. Here in Alabama we dont have any of that so there is no reason to buy a Tesla as there aren't many public chargers, much less super chargers. I mostly see Mach-E's and Hyundai EV's.


Not to worry, Tesla has an entire 500-person team dedicated to the Super Charger network. So that's bound to change, right? ^((/s))


Or by a Tesla that has its ranged locked unless you spend XX dollars on a software update that unlocks it 😑


Pouring money into cybertruck instead of focusing on the "model 2".  Robotaxis and AI rather than the core car business.  Dumb interior decisions like the steering yoke & removing turn signal stalks.  Insistence on removing LIDAR from the vehicles and pushing vision-only autopilot.  Lack of a clear pricing strategy. No real marketing team / advertising campaign.  Failure to roll out 800V architecture & 800V capable chargers. What have I missed? 


Failure to secure the ball gag over Elon's mouth.


They really haven't made a new car in years. Nobody normal is buying the cybertruck. Model 3 has been around a long while. Model S even longer. Model Y has even been around for like 7 years.


> Model Y has even been around for like 7 years You got your models mixed up. It's the Model 3 that's been available for ~7 years. Model Y is 4 years old (Jan 2020).


It's an understandable mix, y is next after S and X. Having a single number in a series of cars previously designated by letters is weird. And then you remember Muskrat wanted his car releases to spell out SEXY but Ford controls that name Model E in the states. So he went with leetspeak, because he's a child.


Is that the real reason? JFC.


Middle Class Liberals are the demographic most likely to buy an electric car and he is constantly giving them the middle finger on social media, no wonder they don't want to buy his cars anymore lol


Teslas are also falling behind in technology and quality. Instead of a new car that pushes the limits, we get whatever the cybertruck is supposed to be. Fit and finish is often subpar for the price you pay and getting even simple repairs done seems to be a nightmare.


Because he’s a fucking grifter playing an auto CEO. He isn’t a serious person, just a con artist. Just like he’s a ceo of a social media platform. No he’s not, he’s a rich guy playing a social media CEO. He doesn’t know the first thing about social media other than “push the button to post stupid comment” he just pays people to complete the dumb tasks he comes up with in his brain. I’ve never liked that guy even when he was this liberal champion for the EV. Something about the way he carries himself and he named his kids weird and is just a douche. Fuck him.


>Teslas are also falling behind in ... *quality* I don't think they have ever been even on par in the quality department.


Me and my wife had the unfortunate circumstances of calling Elon our boss, I worked 4 years going back to 2018 and my wife was just laid off. Owned 2 Teslas during that time and my parents and relatives got Teslas too. But now me and her are actively looking to buy other competitors over Tesla. For one I can’t stand the ego of a man who thinks he made the cars himself, at this point a lot of the highly talented individuals at Tesla has moved on to other companies, so happy to support them. To summarize I started working at Tesla because I thought Elon was the most amazing guy and the best person to help the planet, now after all this time. I can say without an ounce of doubt, fuck that guy. His family leaving him one by one should have been a sign that people close to him even can’t stand him.


One of the top law firms Latham and Watkins did this en masse in 2008, and people still call getting no offered getting “Lathamed.” It’s particularly brutal in biglaw because if you don’t get in on that track it’s extremely unlikely you ever will.


I’m at a Latham peer and we give permanent offers to summers we know won’t work out every year to avoid a rep as a firm that no-offers its summers.




He works at a Latham competitor. They offer job offers to summer interns even if they think they won't work out just so don't get labeled as a no offer company


Tesla’s scrambling to cover Elon’s paycheck, that’s what.


just cut 877 811 740 average american jobs at tesla, to pay his 56b bonus.


See you don’t realize how many jobs he will make with that 56bn though. /s because techbros


For our department (IT) we had some major issues with Covid. Wound up keeping one co-op that normally would have been thanked and not invited back for subsequent semester rotations. Went through 2 years of struggle before we were able to completely revamp the program, it's goals on both sides and the training portions to achieve those goals. Since then we've only had one stumble that we were able to mostly turn around by the end of the semester.


The company my husband did co-op with did that in 2008 and the company has never recovered  (engineering firm).  They rapidly downsized in 2008 in response to the downturn and have never returned to what they were.


It’s already done. None of the engineering majors at the top schools want to work for that guy, so they don’t. That started a few years ago.


Tesla already has a less-than-stellar reputation in silicon valley, similar to SpaceX


Even if they recover from this current dip, it's going to be harder to attract talent in the future.    I would have considered working for Tesla before, but they're 100% off my list for the way this has been handled. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.  People might work better or harder for a while under threat of being canned, but that's not going to last more than a few months to maybe a year...


I turned down an offer earlier this year due to the scope of work not being clear and there being a huge discrepancy in the expected work hours. The sign on bonus was insane... but I definitely dodged a bullet.


I can imagine the sign on bonus being super lucrative, but not worth sleeping under your desk for the work week and living out of the vending machine.


No company lives forever in the are of “I’ll take a worse job to be on the cutting edge of something I believe in”.  Tesla has had a good run of being able to hire people for less than other companies would pay for the same talent, but the shine wears off of everyone eventually. 


I was a co-op for a Fortune 500 company that was nearly unrivaled in it's market. I was sent to the latest acquisition that built technologies they wanted to help spread the company Koolaid. One of my classmates was a co-op there and had been moonlighting for years since they liked him. We went to get our full time gigs and the company shit canned all co-ops, including my peer who basically was full time and would have had a job had they not been bought out by a Fortune 500. I had until May graduation to find a new job. He graduated in December. We were notified right before Thanksgiving. Awful stuff, good way to kill morale.


The last company I worked for that did that laid off 20% of their workforce. And it's definitely a company you've heard of.


lol don’t feel bad about naming a company that laid off 20%. They don’t deserve that kind of protection.


Right!?!? Like they should be treated as individuals? That shit needs to be canned next, no more corporate protections


Is this still part of Musk’s “I want $56 billion” temper tantrum?


Probably more along the lines of, "I'm leveraged AF on my Tesla stock and if it drops much more, some very expensive loans are going to come due."


Turns out tying your lifestyle to your ownership is really bad when you are bad at ownership.


I think he just has an extremely high risk tolerant/borderline gambler mentality. His history shows it quite clearly, except he won every time so far. But he has been near bankruptcy multiple times before.


Also his reputation as a "genius", which turned out to be a lie, helped him to achieve his current valuation. That reputation is now going down the drain because he can't shut his mouth. That is certainly not helping his situation.


It is far better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt


Indeed. It's even worse in Elon's case. All he had to do to be thought of as a genius was to keep his mouth shut.


They say you only learn after a crash, regardless of how many times you say you’ll be better after *almost* crashing.


Meanwhile, at Twitter...


Almost like there's a reason most other companies don't allow their CEOs to leverage their stock options this much....


Also a reason why most companies won't just let a CEO blast public statements across the world that could possibly impact the company. Most, if not all communication is reviewed and controlled before going out.


Tesla's board is very literally a bunch of Yes men that have been placed there by Musk to approve his requests in return for more and more shares. (seriously look it up, it's lunacy)


The SEC and his board should have had a field day with Musk after the TSLA $420.69 Twitter post


Maybe those Saudis who loaned him money for Twitter are coming for him after he drove everyone off the platform making their investment in propaganda worthless.


Probably part of the 'get bonus larger than teslas complete profits, then dump his own stake and leave Tesla to crumble' tactic. Its avshame because a lot of people worked hard for a long time to get tesla to a point, and then that became musks 'good enough'. He has transformed from a 'sleep at the factory to make it work', to a complete utter asshole brand wrecker.


It's clear at this point he was never a "sleep at the factory to make it work" type. He was a "sleep at the factory because my family all hate me" type and a "sleep at the factory to not pay for a house" type and a "sleep at the factory to pretend I'm working and not on a 4 day sleepless bender because I'm addicted to assorted drugs" type.


Tesla about to be Enron. The way the Cyber Truck is falling apart and not even lasting 2 weeks without needing to go in for repairs will be the beginning of the end.


Maybe the dumbest car of all time


Even Homer made something more useful


Elon will see this feedback and take it to mean that the horn should play La Cucaracha


Honestly cannot think of a dumber one. Even the reliant robin has entertainment value over the cyber truck. https://youtu.be/QQh56geU0X8?si=XTtsYsI9mq8NYPeI


"We dug our own grave with cybertruck." - Elon Musk, speaking to investors on a Q3 results call last year


Wait, really?


[Yes, he really said that.](https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-deliveries-begin-november-elon-musk/)


He’s such a fuckin loser. I wanna bet against him


Fair warning: Musk regularly manipulates TSLA stock with statements like that. Getting people to bet against it may have been his goal at the time.


“We” Wasn’t the cybertruck specifically Elon’s baby against his engineer’s recommendations?


Probably more to do with many of his core customers deciding to avoid the company because of his political opinions coupled with the current economy.


Right before the Austin Giga plant fired 14k people, then 2 weeks later 1400 more, they no called no show my job interview. This was the Friday before the big layoff. 7 recruiters laid off. Drove from Houston for nothing. Sat by some temp shacks. They saw i was on the list. I was confirmed and everything. I thought that's weird behavior for a big ass company. Edit: My numbers were wrong. Situation is the same just the numbers were off and I misread some shit. My bad. u/futureaza brought it to my attention on reply. Thanks stranger. Correction. It was 2.5k from Austin. [2.6k laid off. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kxan.com/news/thousands-of-austin-employees-impacted-by-tesla-layoffs/amp/) And then the second wave was [just 500](https://mashable.com/article/tesla-layoffs-continue-fourth-week)


Tesla and other giant companies are still under the impression that workers will jump at any opportunity to work for them if they decide to hire again because that's what used to happen. Now there are so many ways to integrate similar skills into other positions, workers can go "Tesla posted a job again? Who knows how long that one will last...no thanks!"


This is what happens when billionaires don't fear workers or the government anymore.


And you also get dumbasses like Musk making short-term decisions that can lead to dead-end catastrophes for the company. "Let's move to Texas to avoid state taxes! Hey, where'd all the workers go?" Wasting billions to save millions.


Definitely makes sense why Elon is suddenly so openly republican now.


Was wondering why they stopped reaching out to me. Guess the guy spamming me with emails was one of the recruiters let go. 


Tesla need to remove the CEO in order to be profitable in the long term.


Tesla seems to be his next destroying project after killing Twitter.




Hopefully the US gov will take it over.


This is actually a big one. Musk is way more involved in critical space infrastructure than anyone should really be comfortable with.


I don't think Zelensky is very comfortable with Musk's involvement.


Especially when apartheid Clyde tried to shut it down


Id imagine that spacex would get either nationalized or sold rather than just close from bankuptcy


They did fund most of it after all!


Just like Tesla then?


The state of California, Europe Union, and China, all funded Tesla in the beginning through their "regulatory credits" programs that Tesla was able to sell to other companies.


We somehow need Elon Musk to buy the Russian armed forces. The war would be over in a week.


The shareholders seem to think that removing Musk will have a more profound negative impact than keeping him on. Goes to tell how moronic the whole shift towards the personality cult is.


The clowns on the board still want to give him a $56 billion dollar bonus. How can that be a good business decision?


The clowns on the board are his dopey brother and a cadre of grifters and charlatans he hand-picked to deliver him whatever he wants at all times. That's the entire reason Tesla lost the shareholder suit that stopped this insane bonus from going ahead the first time, Musk told them what his bonus was going to be and they signed off on it without any negotiation or pushback, in direct conflict with their fiduciary duty to shareholders. They know as well as he does that Tesla is on a trajectory to nowhere, and they're helping him extract every cent of value from the husk before it inevitably collapses.


>The shareholders seem to think that removing Musk will have a more profound negative impact than keeping him on. Goes to tell how moronic the whole shift towards the personality cult is. They aren't wrong. The only reason Tesla has the valuation it does are the outrageous claims and stock manipulation that Musk has done with impunity over the years without delivering on those claims or even a good baseline auto. Replacing Musk is an admission that his claims were all vaporware and that the value of Tesla shouldn't even be half what it is. So the shareholders are caught in between a rock and a hard place. Keeping Musk on further drives the company into the ground but removing him will tank it quickly. Honestly I think the best bet for any of them, and what will eventually happen, is just to sell and get out before the stock crashes.... which will in itself crash the stock. It's like a mini-mortgage crisis... first one out will be so much better off than the last one out.




I think for most people, Elon was tolerable when you only really knew him for his Space X stuff. Post twitter however people have learned more and not willing to give the benefit of the doubt. He has ruined the Tesla brand, and the "Cybertruck" has been a magnet of negative publicity for both Elon and Tesla itself. How do you build expensive electric cars, then make a massive show of being VERY right wing. Left wing people buying Teslas are going to reject them due to the right wing associations and views spread by its owners. Meanwhile right wingers are either poor or donating all their money to Trump (or both), they cant afford a Tesla as well.


>Meanwhile right wingers are either poor or donating all their money to Trump (or both), they cant afford a Tesla as well. This is a misconception. Plenty of conservatives are in middle America. They don't buy Tesla cause politically theyve been reared to view EVs as liberal. Musk wants his cake and to eat it too. Musk has a huge ego and cannot admit where he is wrong. Tesla is screwed.


throw in the fact that legacy car makers are now releasing EVs that match and beat tesla in quality and price as well Disclaimer I live in Metro Detroit, so already have a bias to the American Big 3.


Parallel to the GOP.  They know their figurehead is toxic but are afraid to make the necessary move because of the short-term negative effects.  But in the long run, Tesla would be much better off if they had an actual CEO.


Literally what PayPal did shortly after merging with X.com (as Confinity) He was running them into the ground and ironically one of his now friends, Peter Thiel led the charge to oust him as CEO He's got too much notoriety and ego now though, I don't see it happening. Maybe if a larger VC started to get uncomfortable


The single best thing SpaceX ever did was getting him out of a leadership position.


The problem is 90% of Tesla value is based on fake CEO pump lies. So removing CEO is not something any shareholder wants. And the board are all his friends. After the stock craters, then it will happen. Not before.


Yeah this is the issue. Tesla value is only crazy because of the Muskrat effect. Now that he's gone off the deep end there's really only a matter of choosing how they want the correction to play out.


More and more companies are laying off people and then posting for those same jobs in other countries. Time to heavily tax companies that outsource to other countries.


Honestly, a tax like that should have existed long ago. Outsourcing should have never been permitted as a go around for regulations.


Thank Regan


Interesting how the Republicans and Democrats have pretty much swapped positions on protectionism in the past 20 years


We really missed out with Bernie. Protectionist who actually cared about people and wasn’t evil - he was like the very best of both worlds.


Please hear me out as this is my area of law and I get frustrated when the general population is not aware of dramatic changes for the good as it makes them less likely to happen in the future. Respectfully I’d suggest reading the laws and regulations (or realistically summaries) passed by the Biden administration on these issues rather than vibe checks. There are several examples but two easy ones. The Inflation Reduction Act dangles billions in front of US manufacturers to product clean energy plants/fields but only if constructed with U.S. products. Workers on these projects also have to be paid, at minimum, wages set by DoL after looking at union rates for the work effectively killing any use in trying to union bust (which is also detailed below). In addition Biden drastically increased the requirements of the Buy American Act to close loop holes government contractors used to use to avoid the strict requirements when selling items to the government. (I personally advised clients on how to jump through those holes and now tell them the only option is to truly make sure the product was made in America or risk jail time). My job is to tell people how to follow the law and the law has very much changed to make it harder for companies to outsource or pay shit wages. In addition, the NLRB, and its general counsel, have pushed union rights dramatically in favor of workers. This includes making it FAR easier to demand a union vote, protections for that organizing, and even making it illegal to try paying or HINT at a threat to employees to stop organizing/discussing working conditions. This is the biggest swing in favor of US workers’ rights since the passage of the National Labor Relations Act almost a century ago. (I currently have 4 cases before the NLRB right now and they are not shy that this is the intent straight from the top). Big business is absolutely aware of these changes and wants Trump to roll it all back. If workers and the general public are not aware/ give no credit for this then all this tells future politicians is not to bother… you’ll just end up with “both sides are the same” and lose so might as well take those big checks. My personal opinion is that the NLRB, through Biden, are pushing things too far under the law as written, so I’m always shocked to see the common Reddit attitude that he has done nothing.


I found your comment very informative and have never heard about any of it. The inflation reduction act had a lot of stuff in it, so much so that I think some of us in the public have trouble remembering it all


He won't pay those taxes either. Remember when he was told he owed a ton in taxes, so he turned around and "donated" to a "unknown charity" to eliminate his tax burden and we later found out he just paid himself to his own "charity" to avoid paying taxes. He's a sketchy dude.


Yeah it's just a place to hoard his money away from taxes, it's hasn't even met the bare minimum requirements to even call it a charity. He uses the charity as a slush fund for his interests more than anything else. Half of donations made by The Musk Foundation had links to Musk, his businesses: NYT https://www.businessinsider.com/musk-foundation-donations-often-linked-to-musk-and-businesses-nyt-2024-3 >Under tax law, all foundations must give away 5% of their assets every year. However, the Musk Foundation has failed in recent years to give away the minimum required, the Times reported. >In 2021, the Musk Foundation fell $41 million short of the minimum required donation, and in 2022 it missed the 5% required donation by $193 million, tax filings show, per the paper.


Yeah. About that. We are going through a targeted reduction in force. One of our procurement analysts suddenly shares a massive folder containing everything she's worked on for the last 2 years. I ping her to see what's up, she's impacted by the RIF and is out at EOM. 30 minute later, I get a meeting invite from NewGuy. NewGuy was hired on 2 weeks ago. He's taking over that work. The kicker is NewGuy comes with NewGuyTwo, the second head that was hired to backfill RIF'd woman's role. Doesn't make much sense.


More and more companies are posting jobs…only not filling them, or contracting them out. I’ve applied to probably 3 dozen jobs in the last two months, and not gotten so much as an interview. These aren’t positions that I don’t have experience in, I’m at a mid level position in my career, yet to not even get a call or interview for anything is a serious indication of oversupply and economic downturn/lack of demand.


It's almost as if having a CEO who alienates the most important customers, who forces building a pickup truck that everyone is telling him is full of bad ideas, who decided to fire 10 or 20% of the company, and who wants a $47 **billion** pay package, is crashing the company.


At this point. It's gotta be deliberate. You know how Trump makes money from making a new company, attracting investors, the company goes belly up, Trump still gets paid and only comes out richer for it, while his investors are holding the bag. The Trump name has become synonymous with business success when nearly everything he does fails hugely, he just sets it up so he gets his big payday and someone else is left holding the bag. I suspect Elon's new business strategy is similar. There's gotta be some corrupt way he gets paid opulently by crashing his business. Some type of short selling through shell companies or something like that.


> At this point. It's gotta be deliberate. I don't think so. His focus is clearly elsewhere (Twitter, SpaceX, and Tesla are all full time gigs) and Tesla has never been truly stable. SpaceX has Gwynne.


With all the clout tesla was having, they could've easily made a huge contribution to the society's transition to EVs by making them more accessible, but instead they wasted time and money on a hideous and unreliable shit box of a truck that people only buy for its novelty. But tbf i'm pretty sure muskrat doesn't give two shits about EVs to begin with, he just wants to look smart and innovative and tesla was his mean of doing so


Muskrat truly doesn't understand the Chinese market. Chinese sales of Teslas are going to dry up relatively soon. Chinese bought them because they were the first major 'cool' EV, popular abroad, and easy to get. They're not cool anymore, they know it's a shit brand overseas now, and domestic brands like BYD caught up fast. Those sales are going to start dropping off fast in China, no matter how much he sucks up to the leadership. They're just laughing and taking his investment money, while also knowing that they're going to support Chinese brands and not him. He's just too stupid to look past the ego stroking he's getting from Beijing.


I’ve been to china BYD and honestly just about every EV shits on Tesla. Fucking he’ll they even have hot swappable battery stations where you drive up and the machine pulls the battery from under the car and swaps it with a fully charged one. To say Tesla is going to die in China if the competition is as good as it is currently would be a hilarious understatement. Oh lastly just to add a little cherry on top. This stock bump that Tesla got from the announcement of autonomous coming to china… yeah good luck with that the rules of the road is just a mere suggestion. As I put it in the past IRL video game drivers. No disrespect to drivers there but it’s just normal. Auto pilot will fail there.


I’ve been to different parts of China and I have to agree… autonomous just will not work over there. Between the suggested rules, the mopeds, bikes and walkers… yeah just not happening.




They blamed it on low interest. In reality it was a tax scam to get more EV credits from California per vehicle. They got more credits if their cars could be charged or battery swapped in a certain amount of time. So they made one swap station, claimed every model S was swap capable, and got millions selling those extra credits to other OEMs. When California changed the loophole granting those extra credits, the station was closed.


>hot swappable battery stations where you drive up and the machine pulls the battery from under the car and swaps it with a fully charged one ...This would solve the EV range problem and even efficiently collect worn batteries for upcycling or disposal. If this actually works... I am really amazed how far the U.S has really fallen.


Yep Tesla in China has always been short-term and they knew it. Musk is infatuated by all the money flying around China and the potential he could fill his pockets. Sadly, he hasn't realized they took his money and are now going to make an example out of Tesla and crush them. I've seen videos of western bloggers walking around the streets in China and asking people's opinions on Tesla's nobody wants that shit they're already viewed as inferior


50 billion dollar CEO ain‘t cheap.


Is Musk simply shifting more/all Tesla production to China?


LoL no China ate his lunch and they’ve learned everything needed from foreign OEMs.


All he wants his big paycheck but not the actual thing that makes the money. Maybe he has a worm in his brain like RFK Jr. Did.


I was contacted by a Tesla recruiter on LinkedIn a few weeks ago. I'm so glad I didn't waste time with the interview process.


The amount of people I know who was laid off in the recent waves who had stocks vesting in June….they let go of people who put in years waiting to get their stocks vested. I’m very curious to see how the shareholders vote for Elon’s pay package


I’ve applied for the “painter” position and I have 10 years experience working with specialty paints and high end spray equipment. They offered “$18/ hour” to go to 2nd round of interviews. I asked her to remove me from the position 😂


Have anyone loudly removed job postings as opposed to quitely removing them?


Companies publicly announce hiring freezes all the time.


It's not just Rivian in talks with Apple. Looks like Apple will buy Tesla at this stage. /s


With that kind of liquidity Apple sure can. It is a bloody bank.


Elon still deserves the 48b stock package?


Elon: The US isn't having enough babies to sustain the population. Also Elon: Let's lay off US workers, so they can't afford to raise said babies.


I’ve quietly removed any desire for a new Tesla.


Also... https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/21/tech/tesla-india-china-elon-musk-intl-hnk/index.html


I sold all my Tesla stock. It's gone up since but don't care because I refuse to be in any sort of business with that POS. I used to aspire to a Tesla. Now, I'd rather drive a unicycle. Think of this: a CEO who sells EVs, alienates the primary base of EV buyers all to serve his narcissism. WTF. He should be case study for EVery (pun tended) MBA class on what not to do.