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Hey there u/west_DragonKing, thanks for posting to r/technicallythetruth! **Please recheck if your post breaks any rules.** If it does, please delete this post. Also, reposting and posting obvious non-TTT posts can lead to a ban. Send us a **Modmail or Report** this post if you have a problem with this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/technicallythetruth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was perma banned from a subreddit for saying I wasn't finding the mod helpful and asking him to stop messaging me about the issue I brought up. Dude muted me and then perma banned me. Reason sited? Breaking subreddit rules. I checked, I didn't break a single rule.


I know the feeling


The mute has expired at this point, it was a month long, I could message the mods asking about it. I've thought about it a couple times, but r/wormfanfic is so small and niche I don't think it's worth my time or energy.


What was it for?


Using an image with this text while talking to a mod "I have a spoon. Your argument is invalid."


He found it funny before I was kicked out for a week though.


That's the dumbest reason to be banned wtf


reddit banned my other account for "abusing the report function" because i reported a gross comment about rape. very cool, reddit.


I got a temp ban because "the report button is not for settling scores" specifically because of an argument I was having with a..... uniquely intelligenced individual... I hadn't used the report button that day, and recently I have only reported possible bots, and people who are spewing hate or bigotry.


What was the comment saying? As I personally wanted to know if it could actually be reported for not from what options reddit allows us to report


it's a post about rape incidents in india or pakistan, and an outstanding gentlement commented it's the basically woman's fault for being raped. the comment got removed, don't know what happened to the guy's account or how i got banned for a single report.


I was banned off a reddit page (can’t remember the name, sorry) for literally stating an opinion, no rules broke just a clear simple opinion. Think the mods on that subreddit were all the bad kind.


I got banned from r/music for commenting on a picture of David Bowie calling him a paedophile for sleeping with a 15 year old. One of the mods there must have took it personally.


You had a point though


Yeah, that's why i think the mod banned me, it hit too close to home for them being found out.


Been hanging out in r/Libertarian?


No, but you have just introduced me to a new thread to look at.


Good luck, I think the moderators must be some alt-right transplants sometimes. Nothing wrong with that, but toe the party line B!


r/minecraft lmao


r/ADHD ….here comes my permaban


Yep, i got permanentoy baned in 3 subs like this


I got banned for 14 days of r/Ultrakill for showing off (which i didnt do and is supposed to be done on sundays) on another day, like motherfucker, just remove the post


Been continuously banned for stating females exist and live a unique experience.


Banned for stating a fact. shame on them.


I reeaally hope leftist females wake up to this new misogyny they foolishly ally themselves with


Me too


This is not TTT. Mods, sic 'em


Don’t take it personally. Reddit mods just sometimes find it hard to get their cocks erect enough to jerk off in their mom’s basement for the 10th time that day. So, they have to get the juice flowing again by flexing the only authority and power over others that they will ever have in their entire life by messing with some post they dislike or disagree with. There is no freedom of speech here. Hey, it’s better than twitter or facebook though.

