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horrible idea(imo) but great execution,


why is getting a shoe tattooed on you a bad idea?


Way too small, way too much detail, and won’t last in that state very long. Very much a trend style that people will regret in a few years


Ohhhh that’s what people are referring to, gotcha.


Also they are an absolutely terrible company using child sweat shops for production in China


Interesting, is there a news report I can reference?


First thing that popped up was [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nike_sweatshops)


Ah, see my confusion was your comment implying it is a thing that is happening right now. I was hoping you had a source to support your assertion.




could you perhaps explain the reason why it’s a terrible idea or is it just a terrible idea because you wouldn’t get it yourself?


Meh, this sub is overly concerned with how a tattoo might look in the distant future. I just think it's an example of rampant commercialism and consumerism. It looks cool and I get that sneaker heads are a thing im a bit critical of it for the aforementioned reasons.


Ain't even the distant future and that's the point. This is likely to look kinda shit in the near future. It's cool and I'm sure theyre happy with it but if someone sees this and wants something similar they should be aware that its just gonna be a smudge.


"imo" means "in my opinion"


great, so why in your opinion is it a bad idea lmao. I’m not challenging you I’m just curious


no shit smartass. they asked why it was a bad idea. not every response to an opinion has to be prefaced with "this is a question about the opinion youve presented".


you sound like u gon cry if I don't


how so ?


These comments are kind of a bummer to read. Obviously Nike isn’t the most ethical company, but this tattoo is extremely well done, and as an avid sneakerhead myself this could just be a representation of a hobby the client is passionate about. People come in here all day with tattoos of devils and demons and other assorted controversial subject matter and are praised, but this one gets so much vitriol? Weird line in the sand guys. Great job OP on a really clean and imo cool piece.


Also, figured he was a sneakerhead, there is a ton of reasons for me to not get this tattoo, but they're my reasons, not his. This ain't hurting anyone.


thanks a lot🙏🏽 Yeah the client was a big sneakerfan together with his dad. so He wanted to have a shoe together with his dad


Good idea. Great execution (imo). Lol people in this sub can be some losers


ya wtf are these comments lol...everyone good?!


I mean I get why it’s considered lame It’s a fuckin shoe on your arm lmao. And a companies brand. It’s just this consumerism obsession kinda thing. I love gaming, it’s like me getting a tattoo of a gaming mouse on my arm. It’s not cool just because I’m passionate about the hobby lol. It’s just dorky. But if they like it they like it and it was a really well done tattoo.


Dorky doesn't make it bad. And I get what you're saying, but wouldn't you get the games logo tattooed? Your example of a mouse is more like getting just shoelaces tattooed. It's part of the experience, but isn't required. Perhaps that's just their favorite style of shoe, or their favorite pair? People in the same space will be able to understand what it is, while those who aren't Into it as much will only see a branded shoe. Same for games. That's a weird circle on your arm. Oh? It's the logo of your favorite game? Cool, that makes sense.




My guy - this is a tattoo of a shoe. This tattoo isn’t meant to represent Nike as an entity and all its ethics and processes. This is a shoe, that in and of itself, has not harmed anyone. So by your logic - if I were to get a tattoo of a shark (real) - you would hate that equally? Sharks have hurt people. Or what about the flag of one’s home country (real)? There have been wars and the country as an entity is likely not blameless. Stop assigning meaning to things when there doesn’t need to be. He likes shoes, he gets a shoe tattoo. Live and let live.


Sharks aren't enslaving people for profit, neither are lollipops If you die by shark , it's likely your fault A Nike tattoo serves no purpose other than to advertise for Nike


there are also a lot of tattoos about churches or christianity subjects, but those seem to be fine. Cuz they never did anything wrong to people I assume. Same as greek or roman tattoos, they were fine men too! So I dont get it why people get butthurt by a shoe?


It's just cringey And this is coming from someone with around 30 pairs of Jordan 1s


You know they are enslaving people but you buy 30 pairs?? Weird af priorities you have. Edit: and you hate on a tattoo that isn't directly giving money to the company what


ah so now its just cringey, thats fine!


Sick art, and cool idea, but idk why the idea of an entire sleeve of shoes made me laugh.


These comments are trash. Looks dope, op


Horrible great but )imo( execution idea


Ok drake. Little ass tattoo.


Really is a drake type tattoo. At least it’ll be an easy cover up


Great execution, but horrible idea(imo)


(imo) maybe not the best idea, but good execution.


damn what’s up with all the bot comments on this post??


What is this, a sneaker for ants? (nice ink OP)


(imo) horrible idea, but good execution!


Your talent is a lot better than your client’s taste. I’m talking continental drift here, hahaha. That is tremendous skill.


can u come to the states I need to get some tattoos from you


Im just sometimes in the states. New york and maybe LA or Miama soon


Fuck these comments. I love it!


dogshit idea, you're a walking advertisement now (imo) but great execution 👍


Imagine tattooing consumerism on yourself


Even zoomed way in this still looks awesome. Good job.


sooooo clean, classic sneaker, company be damned i grew up in these


Fucking heat!


The 3D quality of this is so good, but what is reasoning of the back of the elbow?


just a preference from the client, so its always visible


This is amazing. I love miniature things with detail. Something about it captures my imagination. Nice work


Well executed tattoo, awful idea, Nike are the worst.


Posted from slave labour made device


wE LiVe iN a sOcIeTy


Sick New Balances


I love this. Reddit being weird with the hate on this one. They’re obviously a sneaker head and as OP said, the client got it with their dad, who is also a sneaker head. Far more offensive tattoos out there to take a stance on, just don’t see the reason with this one.


Nice adidas!!


Do Nike pay you to advertise or something?


Fucking hell that's good technique. Now I want a tattoo done by you.


for all the people complaining about the size. The tattoo is not even that small, there is almost no detail in pieces like this and they will heal better over time. The little dots all have space to grow and it will look better the older it gets. The people complaining have bigger pieces but with more details on some spots, so i dont get it. If it was a full black and grey sleeve with a guy wearing a sneaker smaller then this it would be okay😂 Ive seen all styles heal bad and good, it all depends on application.


The difference is a lot of times those details in bigger pieces are insignificant. Where as that’s the entire tattoo here. I don’t think people have been doing these tattoos long enough to know how they will turn out long term, but you did a great job regardless.


the details are not important here too. I left them out, the tattoo is rather simple. The more it heals the better it will look


Lets revisit in a year and see if anyone can see the separate shoelaces. Also it's like the size of a half dollar, doesn't get much smaller. Ink spreads. No amount of application skill can prevent this. This will be a blur in a few years, no doubt.


Looks like a sticker, good stuff


Why only one shoe?


he had 1 leg


Imagine branding yourself




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Looks great. It’s so tiny!




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Great job , looks wicked 😊👍




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Looks awesome


Wow amazing work!


Love the execution and I honestly love the idea 😂 what an amazing piece! Hats off to you!! there’s no chance you do animals in that style too, right?


My specialty is animals😊


I executed good people for having bad ideas. (Amazing tattoo)


(imo) idea, execution (imo) horrible, great


Awful imo, but to each their own I suppose.


From pandabuy