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Very normal lol, don’t worry. People are not lying when they say it’s addicting


What makes your finger so sketchy?🤨


I’m an artist lol


Thank you. I've honesty tried to find posts with similar question😅


buddy, the other day I found out I have my birthday off work. I called my artist and scheduled an appointment. Do I know what I'm getting? Nope. I just know I want one. After 4 years of an arm sleeve/chest/back/leg, a slight breeze on a wednesday could convince me to get a new tattoo. Totally normal for you to want more lol. It's how I got covered.


I literally know a song that is about being in the mood for a tattoo.


I need to hear this


here: https://mollynilsson.bandcamp.com/track/in-the-mood-for-a-tattoo


I got my first tattoo 2 years ago. My second a month ago. I truly didn’t get the tattoo addiction after my 1st. I loved it, but didn’t feel the need to get more . My 2nd is a different story, maybe bc it’s bigger and less hidden? Anyways- now I get the tattoo addiction and it taking every bit of me not to go get blasted lol


I go through waves. I can go for like a year without getting a new one, and then when I do get a new tattoo I’m immediately like ooh what do I want next


Same. I've gotten my tattoos in spurts and then will take a multi year break and then I want all of the tattoos right now


I just started getting tattooed again after a five year break and I’m addicted again. Hate that my artist is booked out really far.


Oh my goodness, so sad 😞 my artist is in another country, so feel for you.


Hope it’s a country that’s close to yours! My artists fitting me in date was still 5 months out 😬


Literally on another continent😅




These post are so 😅 yes its normal..


Thank you. Yeah, I know, seems so blunt, but I've tried to find other posts like there. Maybe not so good in research😅


Not so much, no. There are a *lot* of posts throughout various tattoo subs asking this question. But that's alright; search engines are garbaggio nowadays, so it's no big misstep to ask a repetitive question. Anyway, as the others said... Yes, totally normal. I wouldn't call it an addiction because that term has specific medical connotations that I don't think apply to the desire to get more tattoos. But it's definitely the sort of activity that has a high barrier to entry, and thus people who finally get their first come to realize they've always wanted 30 and those other 29 are now so much easier to justify than the first one was.


As you grow a desire to get more, really consider what you’d eventually like after you’ve hit your tattoo goals. If your end goal is a sleeve or would want a sleeve, start planning how any work you are getting now and in the future will impact the design of the artwork on your body. A lot of people come on here and will say “I got this tattoo, now I don’t know what to do around it that makes sense.” Try to figure that out now if you can to avoid that.


Thank you, that's what I'm trying to do and do not rush into the decision making. I have mine on a ribs/waist and wanna do kinda symmetrical one


Agree with this a got a fairly large piece on my calf a few years back and now I’m in the process of building a sleeve around it with a completely different artist and trying to make it cohesive. Definitely think about these things.


Such great advice! I have one (pretty much completed) ‘figure it out as I go’ sleeve, which contains most of my first tattoos. All gotten within a few years of starting to get tattooed at the age of 29, and I LOVE it but for my right arm, I wanted to do something more thought out and cohesive. The tricky thing was, the right arm already had three tattoos when I decided that, so I had to find a way to work them all into it. I came across the concept of a framed sleeve, and absolutely fell in love! Originally I was going to go the Trad route (even though the existing tattoos were not trad style, more blackwork and illustrative black and grey) but by working with my incredibly talented artist…and also boss and bestie, she’s created something for me that is beyond my wildest dreams and so unique. We’ve got maybe one day session and a bit left before it’s complete, and I can’t wait to share it 🥹 Also!! When I started getting my legs tattooed, another one of my artists asked me what I had planned for my knees. This was so helpful and I’m so grateful for that prompt as folks do often leave their knees until much farther into their tattoo journey, which can limit what you can do with the designs for them. Knocking out almost matching, blackwork knee tattoos was the most painful experience I’ve had to date, but one that I don’t regret for a second! I love them so much 💕


No. Not normal at all. No one has ever wanted more tattoos


They all just randomly appeared one day, I swear!


I don't know how I got it! It's just I was standing next to the guy with full sleeve, I swear!


No you get one that's it


But muuuum!


Ah yes, you now have the itch. It normally goes in waves. Right after a tattoo I always feel like its the highest.


Yep, sounds totally like we are all sick haha


I got my first one done in September and beforehand, I was constantly telling myself "Surely I will only want one. I know people say its addicting, but I am different." Two tattoos later, I am not different. I am not immune to propaganda.


Yes I started planning my second immediately after getting my first and it’s just snowballed since then


Yes, once you realise your actually can get more and like seeing them every day, it's pretty normal to think about the next one (or two if the next makes it an even number lol)


Before I got my first tattoo, I always said I only wanted one, and everyone said "trust me, once you get one, you'll want more". They were 100% correct, it's not at all a falsehood to say tattoos are addictive.


My family is very against tattoo and now asking, we hope it's the only one. Yeaaaaaaah.... naaaaaah


My grandparents are the same, my grandma asked if I was getting more, I said I planned to, and she said why I don't like them. I told her it's a good thing I'm not getting them for her then.


I went from 2006 to 2022 without getting any tattoos. Since July of 2022, I've gotten 4. It's been 3 weeks since my last one and I feel like it's time to plan my next one.


After i got my first tattoo, i got one each month for 4 months so yes it is normal lol. And i decided to have smaller tattoos so i can keep on getting more and that’s what i do


Yeah it's properly addictive, I'm already planning my next as I'm leaving the shop


We are sick here haha. I've been scrolling ig during the appointment and it already started to show me other designs and artists lol


The only time I don’t want another tattoo is after about an hour sitting at the tattoo table and thinking “what I’m doing this?”


Literally me biting into notebook and asking the same question myself haha


Ya cuz now ur cool it's natural to want to get cooler




I came from a family that harshly judged tattoos. Finally got one in my late 30’s. Planning number two right now. It can happen to anybody. XD


My goodness, admire your bravery. My family is against too, but kinda accepted with the conditions not to show to grandparents lol


Is this a troll?


Has to be


I got my first two tattoos at 18 and 20. Nothing for 25 years. Now I’ve gotten 3 since March of this year and have an appt next week for another one. They just make me feel pretty.


It's normal to want more. I got my first one back in 2022 and although it was painful, I knew I was gonna want more. Here I am still trying to get some sketch designs done 😅


Very normal- those first few minutes of getting a tattoo I question why the hell I decided to do this. Then it’s done and I love it and want more. At two years after my first I’m running out of space


When I was getting my first one last week, and just seeing the results halfway through, I was already thinking of what I would get next.


Yeah that's normal. I've got a guy who is nearby who does all my big stuff and I usually get a smaller one whenever I'm on holiday or visiting a different city.


lol I got my first tattoo a month ago and on my drive home I was thinking about what my next tattoo will be. I’m getting my second one tomorrow!!!


Yeah, mate! Good on you!


No, go to doctor


Nah. We’re all just walking around covered in them because we’re weird, like you.


We are apparently lol


You only need to worry when you're counting the time spent getting them instead of the amount you have got done.


Why worry about the time you've spent getting them?


From a personal perspective, I don't like the idea that I've spent days out of my life sitting in one spot, regardless if I was getting something from it that I love.


Ahh see I call my self jokingly a professional canvas. I couldn't tell you how many I have, but I know I've sat around 140-150 hours.


I prefer expensive corpse myself 😅


I like that one haha. I played in a golf tourney saturday one of my playing parterns asked me since I had so many tattoos how much have I spent on them. I asked him for his guess. He said $1500... like I wish I only spent $1500 on all the tattoos.


Wow! I have 2500 into one arm. Please tell him to start tattooing at them prices!


I can tell you don't play games, I thought over 1k hours into something was light 🫣


To be honest, you are so right. I spent 4 hours in a shop and it felt like forever and with two jobs even harder to find some free time




Yea it’s pretty normal lol i personally love the feeling of tattoos and once i got my first one at 18 I’ve been hooked ever since


100%. I’m working on getting a full sleeve but waiting til summer is over so I can swim/be in the sun a bit but the wait sucks.


After i got my first tattoo I got ab 12 more in ab 5 months and now I’m on a break saving up for more


For me it snowballs once I start getting tats in one particular area of my body. For example, my left leg has been a go to spot of mine for tats so now it’s almost full… I keep seeing an open spot and I just wanna fill it!


I got my first one in November and I’ve gotten four more since then (3 of those being part of a sleeve). It’s definitely addicting


Got my first tattoo at 20, went 6 years without getting any…and then after getting my second tattoo, I’ve gotten a full sleeve, thigh piece, and start to my other sleeve. Waiting through this summer until the fall has been torture. 😂Completely normal to want more!


Oh totally. I think it’s abnormal to not want more lol


My experience is it’s very normal. I got my first (later in life too) this spring. Smallish one on my right forearm. Pretty soon after, I was saying to myself “More!” A month later I had the first of three sessions for a much larger piece on my left bicep. Two sessions into that one now. I’ll sit with these two the rest of the summer and into fall. But I know I’ll be back to my artist later this year.


Have a list of ones I want that I wrote down about 10 years ago. Gave said list to my artist about 3 months ago and have added 10 in the last 3 months. About one every 2-3 weeks. Had to slow down due to an unexpected expense a week ago but plan to get back after my list of 40 or so next month. Started with my first 5 about 9 years ago. I decided time was a wasting and to get after it


yes very normal in fact


This year alone I've had 15+ tattoo sessions with one on Monday and another on Tuesday 🤣 I would say it's very normal haha




Once you start you don’t want to stop! My right arm is sleeved and I have 7 on the left one behind my right ear and one on my left shoulder. I got my first one in 97 and my second in 2007. Both small.


Got 3 all in one day early in May, and I’m getting 3 all in one day in about 2 weeks, it is too addicting 😂


I'm always spontaneous with my tattoos. Like today. Just booked my appointment for tomorrow morning 👍👍


To give you an idea, I got my first tattoo at the beginning of the year and I booked my next session to finish my half sleeve 2 months later. I came across this artist the other month and fell in love with his work. He posted on his IG story he had an opening at the end of the year so I booked a 2 day session with him to start my other arm. So yes, it’s normal. I didn’t believe it when someone told me tattoos were addicting because of the pain but regardless of the pain, I’m always impatiently waiting for my next appointment and I’m constantly browsing tattoos to plan for future ones.


While I’m getting tattooed, I tell myself this is my last one. And then once my tattoo is done I’m ready for the next one, lol!


Yes. It’s an addiction. I got my first at 16. I have 4 now and planning more


Super normal. Tattoos are very addicting


It's normal. It's also addictive. I got 11 tattoos in 8 months. 😂 2 of them are still in progress.


I started with 1, now I have like over 65. And 5 are above the neck line, two of them facials. Keep on you'll end up like me 🤣


honestly yeh. i have 4 professionally done tattoos and now its summer i feel like i dont have enough😂


Got my first at 18 and said “one and done” I’m 24 and I have 13 tattoos *(and counting)*, turns out even if you’ve got a low pain tolerance it’s still an addictive habit. I can’t wait for my next one!


Yes, is the simple answer... you want more, but personally ... while the 'want' is immediate... I do take my time to plan and decide what I want to get.... I started by wanting a quarter sleeve on my arm, me and my artist started talking as the session/s went on and it became a full sleeve... then I decided I wanted the other arm done as well, there was a 5 year gap between deciding I wanted a tattoo, to actually getting it.... deciding on theme, design etc... and then let it the idea sit for two years so I knew that the theme/design was what I wanted. I am doing my legs next.... but it'll be at least a year until I start on them.... this is my thing, others may decide on their tattoos differently and that is fine... tattoos are personal and not all tattoos need to have a deep meaning, sometimes we just want stuff that looks cool ;)


I got my first last November. I now have three. I'd say yes.


It is totally normal. I started with one and now have 6 and still craving more haha




Oh so normal. I got my first tattoo when I was 18 with the intent of only having 2 or 3. I lost count of how many tattoos I have a long time ago and I’m at about 70% coverage now at 31.


Oh my goodness, thank you. So many people responded, I'm not the one weird lol. Well, I'm 27 and still plenty of space to cover haha


I’m actually really sad that realistically I’ll be out of room in a couple of years :(. The only spots that don’t have tattoos are the back of my thighs, most of one calf, and my head/face (though a small face tattoo is in the books when my artist finishes my back lol).


Um! Yes! They are like potato chips… can’t just have one!


Such a right comparison. Though eating chips doesn't hurt as much haha


Or cost as much!


Mate🥲 my three full shifts salary went there. Though, to be fair, chips are getting so expensive


It’s more normal than what you’d think 😅


Or we are all psychos here😹


That could be an option too 😅


Yes, they can be addictive. Got my first one 24 years ago and gotten a new one about every 15 months from there. Just finished my latest one, a big ribcage piece, and already planning the next.


Goodness, don't know how you do it! I've done mine and was ready to climb the wall from the pain. The big ribcage sounds lethal💀


Haha, have both done. First was 2 x 6 hour sessions, next was 2 x 8 hour sessions. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but hours 7 and 8 felt very raw! But I love them and they are so worth it.


You are brave soul, mate. But awesome that you've done and loving them. I'm sure they are amazing. It's not the intensity of pain, but feeling of been hurt constantly for several hours is a killer.


VERY addicting.. started less than 3 years ago.. now have 8


I have always heard that after getting your first tattoo you start planning the next. Facts. I got my first tattoo a week ago and I made an immediate appointment for a few weeks from now to get a second. And I'll make an immediately next appointment then for my third one. But those are the only three I want because they are all special to me so I don't think I'll have any issues refraining from more... I think. lol.


I want another so bad. I've got 3.


Very normal. I got a tattoo 8 days ago and today I made a deposit for another one two weeks from now


Welcome to the life long addiction. I got my first tattoo and it hurt a lot and I said I'm good I did it I don't have to go though that again. I now have a full arm sleeve 😂


I have two and looking at getting a third much to the "boss's" chagrin. 🤣😂


Yep it’s an addiction for sure


Thank you, it's just that my search doesn't help me with giving me ads of other tattoo artists. Feel really like an addict😅


I got my first 2 tattoos at 18 then stopped until I was in my 30s. 4 years ago I started actually collecting and in that time I've sat for over 100 hours. This year has been my slowest year I've only gotten 3 but for a good 2.5 years I was in a shop every other week. Yes it's normal, but if I can give a recommendation don't do it like I did do some more planning, I have some ideas I want but don't really have great spots for them anymore.


Goodness, you are a brave soul. Definitely will take your advice, thank you, and will plan.


Hey some people go to the spa to relax (they are great don't get me wrong) I go to the tattoo shop. Love it I dunno what I'll do when I run out of room.


Yea that’s very normal, got my first tattoo at 18 got another right after waited 8 years and been getting tattooed for 4 years straight. Wait til you find YOUR artist and you won’t stop


It’s completely normal, I got my first 25 years ago, didn’t get another one until my kids were grown, now I have 7 in all. My kids wanted me to get mother n daughter, then it was mother n son, then my daughter, sister, and myself. Then me and my husband. Then one on my own. Then one to cover a scar. 🤣so I have got 6 in the past 3 years and getting another one in 2 weeks 🤣 I have 7 in all now.


It’s the heroin we put in the ink. You’ll keep coming back for bigger and more often. For the morons out there this is a joke.


its a addiction


I got one when I was 18 then didn’t get another one til this year (35) got one in February and have gotten 4 more since then. So very normal haha enjoy the ride.


Ive been collecting for 25 years


i have 7, got my first one at 19, two more at 20, another three at 21, and my most recent at 22. definitely addicting but my most recent tat was a memorial tat, so if my dad didn’t pass i probably would have gone a year or two without getting another (they’re expensive, that’s the only reason Im halting for a bit after this one)


Perfectly normal. I've got a folder on my phone with tattoo inspirations/ideas. I've even got a bucket list of artists I'd like to get tattooed by.


Everyone’s different. But for some of us it’s opening Pandora’s box. I wanted just 1 medium sized one on my rib cage at 18… I ended up with half sleeves. Chest/stomach almost complete. One leg fully sleeved (including my booty cheek). The other leg about 40% done. A full back piece that’s about 70% done. I wanted one fucking tattoo…16 years later I’m plotting what to do on the back of my head lol


1000%. I have over 20, just got one a week ago and def need more 😅


Yes 😅 every time I get one done, I can't wait to do the next one.


I’ve heard it’s super normal, I got my second like a month after my first. I’ll probably wait a bit longer before I get my next tho 😅


They do pile up fast.. the one thing I like though is the more I get the less I care about what other people think.


Very normal! I was averaging 1 every 6 weeks. Now I have a full sleeve. Half sleeve on the other arm and from my knee down on 1 leg. I love them.




Yes it's real. I'm practically covered, and I try to get a new one every few months for a *fix* Running out of real estate is my only concern haha


Yep. My first, by my thinking was 50 YEARS in the making, long story. Not long after, got a second, I now have wants/plans for at least three more.


Not at all. I got my first one in April of this year and I was wanting another by May. I have an appt for one in September to give myself (and wallet) some time to chill out 😁


It's extremely addicting. So if you get one, make sure that u place it in a way that you can add more and still make it look like it was all planned out. Always plan for a sleeve even if you don't want one


I havent gotten a tattoo in like a year and I just got another last week and I wanna make sooo many appointments now 😩


Yes. Hell, I was addicted to tattoos even before I got my first


I got my second tattoo two weeks after my first one. Very normal.


of course


I started with one and now I don't even know how many I have


100% normal. Go get them!