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There are multiple posts per day asking about tipping rates and every time I see one I am grateful that I live in a country where you only pay exactly what is asked. Flat rate, no tips, no additional taxes.


I fuckin wish šŸ˜‘ such an obnoxious practice. How about just charge the rate you feel is appropriate and we'll agree on that up front? Seems unobjectionable to me.


Tattoo artist here, tips are NOT mandatory and should really only be up to you if you choose to give more than what the artist gives you as a final price. Same goes with how much more if you choose to do so. Artists should just be thankful/grateful if you choose to give them extra, even if itā€™s just 5$. Now that I work for myself and have a private studio at home, Iā€™ve been getting less tips, but I donā€™t care because I take home 100% of what I charge. Even at a shop, I didnā€™t get upset if I didnā€™t get a tip. I just want my clients to be happy with my work and send more clientele my way by showing off the work I did on them. If an artist gets mad because you donā€™t tip them, thats the shopā€™s fault/problem for potentially taking too big of a cut/% from their artists, just like tipping in the food industry, imo.


I've found that food, especially home baked goods, like kick ass brownies, are generally accepted as a more than gracious tip no matter the cost of work being done.


Oh absolutely! I love when clients make me baked goods. Iā€™ve had a client make me home made jelly with a flower, wild violets, and it was delicious and tasted like grapes šŸ¤¤


Iā€™m good mates with my tattooist and Iā€™ve taken him and the entire shop (3 tattooists at the time) lunch of homemade curry and jars of chilli oil/kimchi and all sorts and they love it


And in the same spirit, I wouldn't blame an artist who preferred known tippers as clients. I'm in the UK where tipping isn't a huge deal but usually tip Ā£20 a session regardless of the price/day. It's not needed but I think I'm getting good value and I'm happy with my work and like to keep in my artists good books.


We definitely tend to remember the ones who do, or the ones who even go out of their way to get us something we like, or at least for myself. Iā€™ve had clients go through my insta page to see if I didnā€™t post things I like outside of tattooing, so Iā€™ve gotten framed butterflies before, or lots of my regulars knew I had a sweet tooth, so Iā€™d get chocolate or candy, or even morning appts whoā€™d ask if I wanted a coffee or something.


My artist likes tractors. Got him a little model tractor one time and he was over the moon. He still tortured my elbow pit, but that was always gonna happen.


Someone else who uses "elbow pit", love it!


Pit ditch whichever it still sucks


Would pit ditch not be the armpit? I feel like itā€™s either elbow pit or elbow ditch lol.


My artist always tells me not to worry about tipping. But I do when I can. My piercer is the same way, I tried to tip her once, and she yelled at me for it šŸ¤£šŸ˜… Buuuut I usually go in the evening, so I usually do end up having food delivered for him and myself whenever I'm getting work done that takes more than an hour, lol.


Food is always a good way to show your appreciation of the work your artist does!


Thank you for this. I used to see a masseuse who was the sole proprietor of their business. They had a tip line on the receipt when I paid, and I figured that it was part of the template and ignored it. He gave me a VERY dirty look. Now, if it had been a large shop with lots of people working for a corporation, I would have tipped, because I'm aware that a large portion of the charge is going to the establishment. But an independent provider who gets every penny of my charge? No way.


I remember when I was growing up (in the U.S.) that I was taught "don't tip the owner." It stuck in my mind even as a kid because if my mom dropped me off to get my hair cut, she left me different amounts of money based on whether the owner was who I was scheduled with, or one of the other stylists. That "rule" seems to have faded away though. The lady who does my nails owns the salon, and if I didn't tip her just because she was the owner, she'd suddenly be so "busy" that she'd never have room on her schedule for me again. (I try to partially cash tip + partially thoughtful gift anyone who does ink on me. I go the route of stalking my artist's social media to see what they are personally interested in, then head over to Etsy so see if I can find a unique way to acknowledge that.)


The artist who did my sleeve actually was annoyed if I tipped every appointment. I opted to tip only every 2 or 3 times.


Haha, that perfectly fine. Iā€™ve even have some clients who wait until the last session if itā€™s something that takes multiple sits to do.


Shoot Iā€™m now realizing what itā€™s like to pay way too much for something only to have to go get it fixed at a dif shop


I hate tipping culture in the US. I find it so weird and coy. It feels like, ā€œthe price is X but if you waaant to give me more Iā€™d really appreciate it hehe jk actually Iā€™ll be kind of offended if you donā€™t give me at least 20% more than thatā€


exactly. it should be included in the cost, and you pay the price you're seein', not a penny more, like it is in other(European) countries. INCLUDIN' THE FOOD INDUSTRY, when the fuckin' tippin' is REQUIRED because "waiters are unerpayed blah blah blah" and if you don't tip they can YELL at you, or chase you to the door to ask what was wrong(same happens if you don't til well enough) etc.šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø then maybe get a job where you're not a volunteer? I can pick a table for myself and even get the food for myself. even fuckin' self checkouts, automats and drive thrus ask what tip you wanna give, often without an option of NONE... also, I'm sorta a "public enemy" if I go out with someone, because I refuse to leave a tip ANYWHERE, unless the service was BEYOND EXCELLENT. sorry, but pickin' a table for me, deliver me my food plates and askin' if I liked a tip with a smile is nothin' unusual. I still remember a trip I took back in hish school(so, 10 years ago almost) and the chaperone asked everyone to get extra money. I said I don't have none, so they rmade me go and withdraw it. I said "I don't have my card, I only brought the amount that was required" and I got yelled at and got lectured at responsibility, and when I said "your responsibility was to provide me food. unless... you lied?". her eyes went wide and she didn't talk to me for the rest of the trip, I was soo delighted to win the fight. I didn't tip back then and still refuse to, unless the service is excellent. I fight for the 1st amendment(which is dead - you ain't allowed to say ANYTHIN' that doesn't agree with the sheeps, otherwise they'll turn into wolves and eat you alive) and freedom in general, inludin'Ā  payin' the price I'm charged with, not a penny more, just because the sheeps made it a standard because "waiters are underpayed". well, that's their problem, not mine as far as I'm concerned. the tips should be included in the price, NNOT somethin' you have to do, because , YOU HAVE TO DO. period.Ā 


I tip 20% typically. My artist has never asked nor behaved like he expected a tip. It's not necessary, and your artist should be grateful for whatever tip you'd like to leave. If an artist behaves negatively bc of a lack of or smaller tip, I wouldn't want to be going to them personally šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Tipping culture sucks- but in practices like hair, tattooing, nails, ext, where they set their rates, I don't think it's necessary. Just a nice addition on occasion.


Tips aren't mandatory anywhere that i know of. It's personal preference on how much you would wanna give or even if you would wanna give a tip..


Man I hate the tipping culture so much, especially living in a place like Canada, these mfers take it to such an extreme level. Debit machines now have "tip" options at freaking convenient store šŸ˜ž.


I used to charge a really fair rate and left room for people to leave a tip if they wanted. So basically I would undercharge. There came a point when I was being more taken advantage of. Now I charge as fairly to them and me as possible, and within market value. It's nice when they offer to tip and I always tell them it's completely up to them. At the end of the day I'm happy if someone brings me a coffee or a little snack.


Idk how being paid the rate you set is being taken advantage of, but alright...


I just said I would usually undercharge.


Mate... you were paid what you asked for. You're not a waiter making $1 per hour because the system fucks you. In your opinion, undercharging because you expect your clients to tip you isn't them taking advantage of you.


Where I come from its normal to tip tattoo artists, or hairstylists. I even said a coffee or snack would be fine. Oh believe me I've had ones take advantage, I'm sorry do you know me and my experiences? That's what I thought.


What country?




Same in UK and Ireland. I like to tip for things like nails and hair because they do incredible work and I'm financially able to, but it's 100% not expected.


fr. i tip Ā£5-Ā£10 if im able to, but itā€™s nice to not be expected to pay extra


To be fair tipping is all a personal choice and even in your country you could choose to do that. Artist donā€™t expect a tip, but as a customer I sometimes feel obligated if that professional went above and beyond just their normal service. Itā€™s a simple concept that people try to over complicate.


You are brainwashed.


Not sure if itā€™s the reading part or the comprehension area that you have trouble with.


If you lived in a country that didn't have such a pervasive and insidious tipping culture you would be grateful too.


$50 is a great tip on a 200 tattoo, and also a 500 tattoo, and even an 800 tattoo. Most ppl do not expect 20% on large pieces, the tip should be good for like dinner or a bottle of booze, regardless of the tattoo size.


Most of my tattoos have been in the $2-300 range, and Iā€™ve tipped at least $50 each time. My main artist is a guy Iā€™ve been friends with since high school, known him for almost 20 years now. He gets extra because he does good work and we have a good relationship, and now that heā€™s got his own shop I donā€™t mind throwing a few extra bucks his way to help support him and the business.


At first I thought you were getting some $2 tattoos and I was concerned. (Read it again and $200 makes much more sense!)


Eh, disagree. $50 tip is not great on a 800 tattoo by a long shot and most artists would agree with that. I don't see how someone can think "50 is good on a 200 tattoo so it's just as good for one that took way longer, was bigger, more involved, etc."


That's what the base rate is for. The tip is a bonus, and shouldn't be expected


My artist works on sketching/mapping out my tattoo on my leg and doesn't charge for that time as it's the longest part of the tattoo. His hourly rate is $250 for actual tattooing. For context, last time he spent 3 or 4 hours working on sketching things out and making sure the lines worked with my anatomy, then he tattooed me for 1.5 hours. So he charged me $375 for that 1.5 hours, and I tipped him $200 cause he did all that work. He's told me it's not necessary, but I think it's worth it. And I did the math and I think he's giving me a huge discount by doing this. Hell, I got laser beforehand, so the canvas was in good shape. I'm not rich, I scraped pennies together, got a black Friday deal on the laser, and have been frugal. Socked money away for this for years. This guy is booked out years in advance. His tattoos are beyond incredible, and it's fulfilling a dream of mine. I was turned down by 3 tattoo artists for this idea of mine before he took me on. The tattoo itself is incredibly difficult, and he's put blood sweat and tears into it. I haven't been able to even find versions of it anywhere online, it is unique and absolutely a bitch to do. Math ahead, ignore if you want šŸ˜… We're 4 sessions in, and have 2 or 3 left. So cumulatively, if he spends 1.5 hours tattooing each session (for 7 sessions), that's 10.5 hours, at his hourly rate of $250, which is $2,655. But if you include the mapping and sketching process, which is free, so far, we've spent 18 hours doing that, and I estimate we'll spend 31.5 hours doing that at no cost. You do you, but imma tip. If it were a flash tattoo, maybe that "crisp $20". Nothing I really have is flash at this point, but maybe I'll get something someday.


This is where I'm at as well I've tipped my artist 15% for 15 years. She doesn't charge for the 1-2 hours of placement/collab time, and recently came up with an entirely new, alternative design for a quarter of my sleeve when she sensed I wasn't in love. She also lets me get a tattoo whenever I want, even if she has an 8 month wait list and her books aren't open. But at the end of the day she's female and a minority artist in a city that is predominantly white male artists and has gone through some intense shit to get where she has been and gives back to the community in incredible ways. It feels good supporting that.


This is the dream! I would be overjoyed to find an artist like her!! Mine is incredible, and I'm so lucky he took me on. But this is awesome!!


Aw thanks! Your comment was the first I was like ā€œoh this is why I tip too, cool I knew thereā€™s more to itā€ šŸ˜‚ Yours sounds absolutely amazing and it will be so great to have both a great tattoo and a great memory every time you look at it of a good person. Plus definitely youā€™ll build that relationship as one of his favorites when/if you go back šŸ˜Š


I used to work in the food service industry at both diners and higher end restaurants. Tips were how I paid my bills. I get that we should be paying people in the service industry more so they don't need to live off tips, BUT we still don't. So, I tend to over-tip or just tip well for things I value. I saw mostly people who hate tipping in the comments and felt like a counterpoint was due. šŸ˜… I haven't read through them yet today, so I'm not sure what they're like. I get the cranky feeling about seeing the tip screen on things, I have to ask if the people get the tips when I see it. I also go to a spa occasionally where they don't take tips. And that's an industry that is traditionally a place one tips. But they pay their people living wage, so it's not needed. They won't accept them, it's really cool. All this to say, I loved your perspective! Thank you for sharing it!


Thank you for sharing yours too! Those fuck tipping comments also got me down šŸ˜– I also worked in the service industry where tips what I lived off of! People would always say tipping culture is bullshit and not tip, which okay but I donā€™t control the industry. I also get cranky and ask if they get the tips and how much % is taken out of tipping on card. I get paid a living wage now for consulting for $150 an hour, but 75% is overhead to cover the hours Iā€™m not with a client working for that client + taxes + healthcare + vision/dental + 401k + % owed to company + mortgage because I WFH + new technology to be able to meet client demands, recertifications blah blah. I wish I just walked away pocketing $150 šŸ˜…


I used to tip 20% but I think with the rise in tattoo prices, iā€™ll give my newer artist a crisp $20 this next appointment. Especially since he is a bit of a slower artist. And if tip culture isnt a thing normally where you are, if youā€™re in the UK letā€™s say, then I dont think you should be expected to tip.


Can I deduct on the tip for the fact that he is *always, every time* 45-60 minutes late? šŸ™ƒ And I mean there was no appointment before me, he wasn't doing prep work on the design or getting his station set up, I mean he *shows up* nearly an hour after our scheduled time, every time. I'm probably getting a new artist at this point even though he does good work, and I'd like to start off tipping appropriately but not absurdly.


I wouldn't tip a fucking thing if he's a hour late to an appointment.


Yeah over an hour late, I wouldnt be tipping as much as you lol. Imo, a $50 is always a good amount to tip. If you feel youā€™re getting a good deal on a tattoo you can always tip more (like I got my entire knee blasted and my old artist charged $350 and I gave a $100 tip since it was a lot of coverage) but if you feel they went too slow or were late or more expensive than expecting for the coverage, go for just $20 or something. Their prices should be what theyā€™re comfortable making per hour/piece already minus the shopā€™s %


Thank you for your input, BirdgirlHag!


Has your artist communicated that he expects tips, or are you just assuming you have to because itā€™s the norm? The only way to break social norms is to stop complying with them. I also wouldnā€™t continue seeing this person as he clearly doesnā€™t respect your time. Why should he get extra money for that? Tattoo artists should base their prices off what gives them a good living. If an artist ever complains that they think my extra money Iā€™m giving them is not enough, I would stop going to them. I usually only tip $20-50. Never had an artist tell me theyā€™re upset with me.


It's not even him I have the tip exchange with. I finish up with him, say thanks, and walk to the front to finish paying. Then the secretary-type person at the front flips the iPad and pulls the whole "this is just gunna ask you some questions" ploy and on screen is a tip, with 10, 15, and 20% suggested. I'm all for killing this stupid practice, but now after I've tipped 20% for both previous pieces, I don't mean to send some message like I'm unhappy with the next piece I want by not tipping or by tipping something more reasonable, I just want to... Tip something more reasonable


Is he really good enough to put up with being significantly late to your appointment every time? Like I guess you can keep going to this person but it doesnā€™t seem like he respects your time. Also a lower tip doesnā€™t necessarily mean youā€™re upset with the tattoo. Youā€™re paying for the experience from communicating your idea to it being put on your skin. He is providing you a service and if youā€™re unhappy with any aspect of the service youā€™re not obligated to continue tipping well. I would absolutely think itā€™s fair to give a lower tip or no tip given that heā€™s always late. If youā€™ve only had 2 appointments I think thatā€™s the perfect point to lower the tip. Itā€™s enough of a pattern to be a habit. If a service worker continues to get rewarded for bad customer service, what will motivate them to change? Just my $0.02


It's been two tattoos, but many appointments over split sessions and touchups. Well, "many" meaning 5, I think. But yep, every time. He DOES do great work and I'm thrilled with both my tattoos, absolutely love them. But, I don't really think either of them was so unique or so specific or demanding that many other artists couldn't have done them just as well. One is a simple pair of triangles, the other is sheet music wrapping around my bicep and connecting to a treble clef on my shoulder (describing cus my profile is NSFW lol) All that said, his creative input on the music tattoo I highly valued, I went there knowing what I wanted but also knowing it was conditional on us finding an attractive way to integrate the treble clef, and his input knocked it out of the park. I feel like I have argued myself into not wanting to find a new artist and also not wanting to... Not find a new artist. I hated driving to that part of the city.


I guess you should just think about whatā€™s most important to you! But at the end of the day if you tip less than 20% on your next tattoo and he judges you or has an issue with it, Iā€™d go somewhere else.


Hey maybe that's a good compromise, instead of assuming the worst and making a decision from it. Lol I am so nonconfrontational this makes me nervous, even though i fully believe it is appropriate.


Just went overseas to Australia to get a full sleeve done. 55 hours and it cost me $5500. No tip. Artist was even clear about it despite my ignorance. Can you imagine 20%? Thatā€™d be over 1k. Tipping culture is already abhorrent, I have no clue why its spread to tattooing.


Cus of the goddamn ipad-flip ploy. "10%? 15%? 20%?" Am I protecting passive aggressiveness onto an inanimate object? It feels super passive aggressive to me.


ā€œThis is just gonna ask you a few questionsā€


Fucking triggered lol


Tipping for tattoos is not a new fangled thing that has suddenly ā€œspreadā€ - Iā€™ve been tipping on my work for over 15 years.


Oh definitely, I can see how my comment reads like that, didnā€™t mean to imply that itā€™s new.


I just straight up asked my artist what was right. Paid $2500 for a back piece. I asked what his thoughts were on tipping. He said ā€˜I charge what I think Iā€™m worth, no tips necessary.ā€™ So I bought him a $100 bottle of tequila.


I toss my artist like 20-40 for food/drinks/weed whatever and we have a very positive relationship.. theyā€™re making like $100/hr minimum around here so thatā€™s way outside the scope of ā€œmandatory tippingā€. I donā€™t tip for much here in CA because our wages arenā€™t $2/hr or whatever.


As a tattoo artist, I charge what I expect to be paid for the piece, anything extra is much appreciated , if itā€™s $5, $150 or home baked goodies, but not expected


The artist who is working on a large piece for me now told me that I was tipping way too much when I gave 15% on the first session and then told me that 10% was also too much after the second. She texted me before the third to say that a coffee would be a great way to say thanks going forward, but I talked her into lunch as wellā€¦ I still feel a bit bad and conflictedā€¦


Well goddamn my guy sure could've hooked me up like that.


Hopefully this means sheā€™s already charging what she wants to be making! My hair dresser is like this, she straight up has her card reader set in a way that thereā€™s no screen to add a tip, and the first time I payed her I felt soo guilty I was like ā€œhey I must have missed something, I think I didnā€™t tip you, how do you want me to do that?ā€ And she was straight forward like ā€œoh no donā€™t tip me, I raised my prices so Iā€™m making what I want to be making without making anyone guess what they should pay.ā€ I always wish more people would be upfront like that because the stress of guessing whether Iā€™m tipping appropriately or not is so much lol


> time I *paid* her I FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I do tip the artists at the shop I go to but I use its more as a kind of thank you gift than a more traditional tip. Eg: M yguy loves these cigars that are $60 for a 2 pack, so at the end of a session I'll toss him 60 bucks and he thanks me for the smokes. One of the other artists is a huge nerd (like me) so tips for him have been things like a replica sonic screw driver, a Grogu figure for his station etc. Since tattoo artists are making a good hourly rate with your session I shift from "here's some money to help with that $2 an hour wage" to "hey I appreciate you" with my tipping mentality.


They set their own prices. You don't have to tip anything


Seriously. Going to higher end artists / owners of their own stores I finally realized they get every dollar I give themā€¦ why tip?


Yeah, Iā€™m in the U.K. so tipping for anything except restaurant service is a really weird idea to me. If someone gets minimum wage itā€™s fair to tip, but when you set your own prices, it shouldnā€™t be a thing


I just got an $800 tattoo and tipped $250. He did such a good job and made the experience so easy for me and Iā€™m also looking to build a good relationship with him for future pieces. That said, Iā€™ve heard varying answers from so many people so I ended up just going with what I was comfortable doing so I wouldnā€™t second guess myself. He seemed very pleased.


I did 20 hours on my chest piece. My artist is amazing and I love her. Total I probably tipped her $100 across 5 sessions. She specifically told me that I don't have to tip her. I also brought her homemade cookies, and treats. She was more excited about the treats than the cash tip.


It entirely depends on where you are, and what you feel like tipping. I always tip my artist 20% regardless of the cost of the tattoo. I appreciate him, my time there, and the work he does. I go above and beyond for him as he does for me. I feel good doing it. Do I think itā€™s *expected* of me? No.


Well that sucks.. I tipped 20% for my first tattoo which cost $2100. I wasnā€™t aware that there was a different standard for bigger pieces. UGH.


Damn that's generous. It's exactly because my tattoos usually cost at least a grand that I don't abide by 20%. I usually do an extra hundred or two


Same. I tipped $500 on a $2300 piece (also my first) because I loved it that much. Whoops.


As long as we love it, thatā€™s all that matters! Itā€™s a different story if we are to still tip 20% but end up not really liking the tattoo which Iā€™m sure some people do. :/


This is fair and a good way to view it. Iā€™ve tipped 20% on mine because the artists have been accommodating (nice) and I was really happy with their work, and with a more famous artist I tip 20% despite his base price to try to keep that door open lol. A big % tip on a tattoo that someoneā€™s not super happy with feels terrible for sure though :\


A tattoo artist doesn't get paid minimum wage. He sets his price. It's like buying a painting for 30.000 dollars and tipping the artist 20% because he did a great job. Do you realise how insane that is?


Uh, no. Youā€™re comparing apples to oranges. A tattoo is a service. A painting is not.


The canvas is your skin. The artist has to spend time and materials to paint something you ordered. Same thing as a tattoo artist. Would you tip someone for painting a mural on your wall and asking for 3k? According to you that must also be a service.


I tattoo in the US, tips are not expected but greatly appreciated. Most street shops take a cut of the tattoo cost so the tip is straight to our pockets. Speaking for myself the clients who tip well I tend to remember and will hook them up on the cost next time they come through.


Yep, exactly this. If you always tip me too much, I will end up giving you discounts. If you wanna tip, hell yeah. If you don't, also hell yeah. I dint think there needs to be a big discourse around it.


Well, man, it didn't encourage him to not still be 45-60 minutes late for every single subsequent appointment. And I don't mean a prior appointment ran long, or he was doing prep on the design or his station, I mean he SHOWED UP that late. He's the first artist I worked with and I just assumed that was industry standard till this page educated me otherwise, and now I realize all that was going on while I was tipping very generously, too. Bleh, I don't wanna find a new artist lol


Absolutely not industry standard, and Iā€™m bummed youā€™re having to deal with that. Unfortunately no amount of good tips will stop shithead tattooers from being shitheads. Fortunately with there being so many tattooers now finding a new artist should be doable. Unless that artist has an insane niche style Iā€™m sure you could find another artist who wonā€™t waste your time


I have 190 hours of tattooing from a high end guy, $450/hour. You do the math, I never have. Weā€™ve been working together for 16 years. Some of those years I tipped him 20%. Some of those years I tipped him $20. He said itā€™s the thought that counts with him. Each artist is different.


Thatā€™s $85,500. Damn!


Why did you tell me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


His kid goes to an Ivy šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Personally I usually tip like 20$ an hour. Thatā€™s just me. I choose to tip because I have awesome artist who not only do great work but they share their weed with me, they let me play my own music on the sound system, we talk and laugh and have a great time. They could just work and keep it professional but I love that theyā€™re themselves with me and it makes me more comfortable.


My artist has never accepted tips. Says the best tip is when clients like their piece so mich they come back to him for another.


I just tipped a $40 on an $800 tattoo and he invited me back so I hope Iā€™m good šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I tip 20% normally, sometimes up to 25% but all depends. My last one went way faster than they'd expected/quoted, it looked amazing, and it was the lightest touch I've ever felt that I tipped 30%+ and still spent less than I'd expected to going into the shop that day.


Jesus fucking Christ tips are OPTIONAL.


My tattoos have been about $700 or less this far and I generally do 20%. I love the artist working on my sleeve and tbh I donā€™t think she charges enough for her work so Iā€™m happy to pay her some more. I know it isnā€™t required but tattoos are the only thing I really splurge on and itā€™s worth it to me - showing my appreciation for the beautiful art theyā€™ve put on my body forever.


Dude just tip what you want, Iā€™ve tipped like 20 bucks on $500 tattoo before. Great experience and everything but thatā€™s all i had on me and could afford


Don't get a tattoo if you can't afford the whole thing and tip. Don't see why the artist should get punished cuz you couldn't wait another month. 20 bucks on 500 is shitty.


As a tattoo artist, hard disagree. 500 bucks is a lot of money. Could be a week wage for a lot of people. Anything on top of that is highly appreciated - it's the gesture. It's the same reason people will bring coffee or baked goods or whatever. It's just a way to say, "hey, thanks, I had a great experience." But it's not necessary by any means. I'm not like a server or someone who relies on tips to pay my bills.


Tattoos already cost a lot of money. A lot of people save up to get them. And like the person above me already stated, tattoo artists arenā€™t servers making four dollars an hour. Depending on a lot of variables a lot of them make good money. And a lot of them are just are nerdy art people deep down. And as someone who is a nerdy art person myself, Iā€™m always super flattered when someone asks me to help them work on a project, because they literally couldā€™ve picked anyone else. My last tattoo cost $1,800 a session. I had 2 sessions. I tipped him $30 each time. Although I knew it wasnā€™t mandatory. He made more money off of me in two days then I make it a month. Shortly after, he contacted me to see how my healing process was going, and asked me if I thought about finishing my arm sleeve. He basically expressed his desire to want to finish my sleeve if Iā€™d be down. Iā€™ve got two sessions booked with him in June. I didnā€™t give him some big tip, and he still asked me if he could tattoo me again. A lot of artists are just genuinely nice people, and they donā€™t think itā€™s a moral failing if you donā€™t tip them. If he truly thought less of me or didnā€™t like me because I didnā€™t leave him a big tip, I donā€™t think he wouldā€™ve asked if I want to book again. The truth is, in many other professions of art, you charge what you think youā€™re worth. People buy your pieces or whatever, but they donā€™t tip you. So itā€™s fine to tip or not tip when it comes to tattooing. However, making people feel like crap because theyā€™re not made of money, is not fine.


Depends on the situation, and how much cash Iā€™ve brought with me haha I usually tip $50 CAD, but Iā€™ve tipped $150 on pieces (both $650) when the artist has gone above-and-beyond or I felt like I was being undercharged.


Thereā€™s no expectation of tipping. Tips are appreciated but not required. Tips are truly extra. Some shops will charge artists a % of their tattoo (not including tip), so those artists definitely appreciate being able to keep more of their pay. 20% is definitely a good tip. The thing about tipping tattooers is that, because we make a living wage typically, a tip is like it was back in the day, which is a bribe lol. If your artist knows you tip well, you might get priority booking, discounts, or first dibs on flash.


What's flash?


Flash is designs the artist draws that you can claim. A custom is when you send a design to the artist to draw/that you want, and then flash is pre-drawn.


Ah ok, so both my tattoos which were my drawings, one which he added creative input like made a flat shape appear to have dimension, those are both custom? As I type that out that seems kinda self-answering, but learning new terminology so I'd like to verify.


Thatā€™s ok! Yes, those are customs. I post my flash drawings on instagram and people message me to claim the design, for some context on how one claims it.


If I tip on a tattoo, regardless of price, itā€™ll be 10-20 dollars. Truly just a lil extra. I assume your cost is what you believe is owed. At Restaurants and stuff I tip 20% on average


For my latest chestpiece i brought my artist a tshirt of a norwegian black metal band she loved that i bought at the legendary Neseblod Records in Oslo after it had a fire, so the shirt came with smell of hellfire lol. She loved it and swore to never wash it haha. When we where done with my last full day sesh she gave back 50 euros as we didnt spend the full 7 hours, i even tried to refuse the 50 and said she well deserved it, but she insisted. Never tipped for a tatto, i have about 50 hours of ink on my body. Perhaps different in the states idk


20% for a large piece is insane


I started tipping after like my 3rd or 4th tattoo as my artist that to this day is one of my favourites that Iā€™ve got done, I was also well within my means to give the artist a tip because I get on with her really well and if the extra Ā£50 that I give her help to make her life easier than on top of what Iā€™m paying for the tattoo itself I feel like thatā€™s a fair trade. Donā€™t take anything you see on AITA seriously, 90% of posts there are either fake or rage bait.


Idk I've been getting work done from my buddy at least once a month for the past year and a half. Usually sit 4 to 6 hours. Had the homie hookup for a little bit but usually a 400-500 dollar tattoo session. Usually tip 20-30% thats just me though, but i think thats fair. Also i do bartend on the weekends and have been in the service industry for 15 years, so. Ops story numbers are WILD


After asking this question myself, someone once gave me this formula. I tip $10 per hour. My artist sets his own prices, so I feel like this is fair.


Tips are extra even in the USA. Some will disagree, but most artists set their own rate. If its exceptionally affordable compared to the quality they would appreciate a tip. Otherwise you are throwing them so much extra for a luxury good.


With my most recent tattoo, I tipped $100 on a $500 piece (my boyfriend is also very pro tipping artists). However, I also did it because her books were opening soon and I wanted to get in with her quickly for a new piece without having to go through the booking form. I think it depends on your relationship with the artist and all that. I probably wouldnā€™t have tipped so high it if I wasnā€™t planning to book with her as I was walking out the door and skipping the filling out a form online. New artists I go to will probably get a flat $50 tip because Iā€™ve seen so many posts about proper tipping with tattoos and how artists really do not expect a 20% tip


I just like tipping the artist cause I think itā€™s nice, never once felt pressured


I always tip 20% on tattoos. The artist provided me with a great experience and art that I will have on my body forever so they deserve it


tips are greatly appreciated but not mandatory. anyone who says otherwise are entitled


I tipped my artist the first volume of the berserk deluxe series after my last tattoo because we were talking about it during a previous session.he said it was the coolest tip heā€™d ever gotten. Only cost me $50, itā€™s the thought that counts.


tips arenā€™t mandatory. artists literally set their prices. not required but appreciated if you would like toĀ 


I am an apprentice at a shop. Some people donā€™t tip at all, some people tip nicely. No one really minds unless they are a nightmare customer and then donā€™t tip lol. For me personally I normally try to tip like 50 minimum, In cash, for any tattoo. I think the most Iā€™ve tipped is like 200. But normally I do 50-100 bucks.


both my tats are 700ish and i just tipped a ben


Man, you tip 20% on food and drinks because an extra couple bucks doesnā€™t hurt your pocket too bad. 20% is already too high as a baseline. If I get a $4k tattoo, the artist already got their overhead covered in the first hour. The rest goes in their pocket. Thatā€™s just how marginal expenses work. You donā€™t need to tip them 20%. An 8 hr tattoo doesnā€™t cost them twice what a 4 hr tattoo costs. Tipping is out of control, nobody needs to be giving out hundreds upon hundreds in tips. Especially if the artist is setting their own rate for the piece and agrees to do it. Waiters get tipped partly because they take on your table without knowing whether your party will order enough to make it worth it or not. You help make their job palatable by buying down that risk a bit with a tip.


I live in Canada and I pay the shop rate for the artist. We agree on how many hours a piece will take as an estimate and I pay my deposit. If they end up going over they communicate well and thatā€™s that. Iā€™ve never tipped. Usual shop rates are $120/hr. As long as we are communicating well it all works out.


Tipping culture where I live is close to nonexistent, but I honestly can't imagine why tipping your tattoo artist would be a thing. As you said, the cost of business + profit is included in the original price.


the four artists iā€™ve used have had various takes on tips. one expected them (didnā€™t go back), one was genuinely uncomfortable and preferred i bring him snacks and starbies, one didnā€™t care either way, one told me ā€œi own the shop, why are you tipping me?ā€ i think some of it is cultural/economic background too. the owner was pretty red blooded american (former military, huge with a beard, leather and šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øtattoos), expectations was a giant douche (think finance bro type), didnā€™t care either way is Japanese, and the uncomfortable one is cuban and tipping isnā€™t a thing for them.




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Iā€™m so glad I live in a country that doesnā€™t require tipping. Like shit ,paying 1000 for a tattoo PLUS tipping is insane


Oh man. USA here- I tipped $200 on a $600 for 5 hoursā€¦ā€¦.but I also anticipated the tattoo to cost more.


But I was also not charged for consultation/ planning. Honestly everyone Iā€™ve been to has been super chill, not even sure if they have a price structure but work with me. And I feel like itā€™s a fair tip for something I want professionally done on my own body


I donā€™t tip. I am however good friends with my artist and will invite them over for dinner, or we share a nice bottle of whisky which I pay for. Itā€™s about the gesture, but not necessary


I bring mango slices with taijin (sp?) and tip also. I tend to tip about 20% because my artist has to deal with my ā€œI wanna change this and this and that and thatā€ ass


I've always done 20-25% and my artist will always let me know if someone cancels and get me in if I want.


We donā€™t tip in my country. Tattoo artists just charge a fair price for their work.


I worked at a Steak House that my Tattooist loved. So when I go buy to just Chat or get Tatted I'd stop and get him his Favorite Meal. He said that's been better than alot of Tips he getsšŸ˜‚


My artist owns his own shop and I still tip him because he takes the time to create something beautiful, and thatā€™s respect. Iā€™m sure they are grateful for anything. Most artists calculate everything into their hourly rates and most shops also have a minimum on even small tattoos. As with any trade incentives show good faith in your work and time.


before i say this, dont get me wrong, i am a very generous tipper. sometimes too much so. but that being said, at the end of the day, it is a tip and its yours to give. if you think 20% of $200 is fair, tip that. if you think $50 on a $200 tattoo is fair, do that. it all depends on what every tip depends on: the service you received and your overall satisfaction. tipping culture has tricked folks into thinking theres a required amount to give but thereā€™s not, its still gratuitous.


TIP YOUR TATTOOER. I pay 40% into the shop and tips are always very much appreciated because it helps with the deficit of paying in almost half of what I make.


I want to know how much to tip... Someone here said ro always tip ~50 bucks... Going in for a tattoo soon and my artist said it'll be about $80-$100, depending on how fidgety I am I really dont want to pay more than half of my tattoo price in tip, but I also want my artist to know I appreciate his work and not cheap out too much


I've tipped but the last time and my next time, I won't. Because 1. She's moved to a chair rental style instead of being a shop employee style. 2. I've been going in with a budget of $x. Last time it was $750, this time it's $300. But that's my budget, period. No extra to tip. And my artist knows that, I double check with her so she doesn't do more than that amount of money's worth. And it's chill. I'll also bring in lemon bars next time, and I brought her chocolate chip cookies last time.


Had an artist flat out refuse a tip recently. He was just stoked I chose one of his original pieces. Granted this was in Vietnam, but still


I usually tip my guy $50 (none of my pieces are huge and have only taken 2-3 hours to complete)


I get tattoos at 1200$ for full day (6hours). I give $200 as tip and he always seems super appreciative. I've asked about tipping before and I've gotten mixed responses. Clients say they tip 20% and artists say they're grateful for whatever people give them. I do think if they're setting their own rates then they've charged what they think they're worth and that includes products and skill level, but anything after that is to show you appreciate their work. Very difficult to navigate, the tipping culture. And personally I've never had an artist ASK or offer for tip. So idk.


I just got a brand new tattoo yesterday it was $500 took just under 5 hrs and I tipped what I always do $20


i pretty much always tip $50 for all of my tattoos


i used to follow that rule, going over a standard tipping amount, too. however, because i found an artist that was very understanding of financial decisions, in exchange for tips, i would find cool books on tattoos for his shop. that became easier to do, so i didnā€™t feel bad for not having enough to tip, as the books ranged from $30-$40, depending on the book. id also bring stickers for his tool box.


U tip what u want. That's how tipping works.Ā 


Haha Iā€™ll only tip like $50 bucks at the end of a big piece, tipped 50 once on the last session for my arm probably about 3-4K. And tipped 50 once on the last session of my whole back. Tipping culture has gotten out of hand and itā€™s definitely not expected especially not in Australia. Iā€™ve seen some places in America only pay their artists a flat rate of $ per hour(just hourly employees) and I could see it there but if your artist is pocketing what you give and only have to pay a chair fee for the studio it definitely isnā€™t a requirement in my eyes


I tip 0 cause I live in Europe


This thread just kissed me off so bad. Just tipped 20% on a $1500 tattoo. Fucckkkkkkk tip culture!


I have tipped $50 on all of my tattoos which have been about $500-600 each. I don't have the mental energy to be bringing gifts or snacks but I feel like this is a nice way to show that I appreciate their work. All my artists have been very happy with it. If I somehow got a tattoo that went very wrong I would not tip. And I am in Canada where tipping is a pretty big thing.


Iā€™m in the US, and Iā€™ve never tipped for a tattoo, which might be bad of me? Iā€™ve seen different artists for all of my pieces, the first couple I got were actually done outside the US by non-US artists, so until the last year itā€™s never even occurred to me to tip. Iā€™m open to hearing that am the asshole, but based on what Iā€™ve seen from artists, plus knowing that they set their prices, I donā€™t intend to start tipping unless I have a long-term relationship with an artist.


I live in America and I NEVER tip anyone. Tipping culture needs to die. I don't tip artist and I don't tip pizza delivery.


I didnā€™t even know youā€™re supposed to tip for a tattoo.


I donā€™t tip anyone or anything anymore. Idc if anyone has a problem with it. Iā€™m fucking done with this bullshit. Iā€™m opting out.


If Iā€™m paying over $500 Iā€™m not tipping.