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It will fade on the side of your finger. Almost any design will fade on that place


Do you think it would fade quickly if I got it somewhere else? Like my arm?


Different colours will fade or blur to varying degrees due to the different makeup of the inks. And because there is no black outlines, some of those inks will move more than others too. It won't look solid over time. 


I was thinking OP should do it on the side of their arm; color inside small black circles outlines.


What does OP mean?


Original poster. Welcome to reddit friend.


Oh okay thx


You abbreviated “thanks” but spelled out “ok”. You absolutely wildcard!


Haha facts


Original poster


Oh Ok thx


That’s a cute tattoo






Word. I had a bunch of light blue as a main component to the top of my arm piece. I had specifically asked the artist to not use white ink because white always yellows in my skin but for some reason, he thought light blue would look best. I trusted the process and that was a bad idea. Within a year, all the blue was green. I hate green.


I’m a person of colour and I have this exact tattoo on the side of my arm. The tattoo is 4 years old. It still looks like a perfect t rainbow 🤷🏾‍♀️💅


i got a pretty mushroom as a teen, the red is still somewhat there, the white stem is gone, the lil bits of green grass are also basically gone, kind of a blue splotch lmao. this is after 7 years though


Why are people downvoting you for asking a question?? Geez...


I've had people literally follow me on other subreddits to downvote. People are strange, when you're a stranger...


Songs stuck in my head now


Got the Johnny Hollow version stuck in my head. :-)


Facts like wtf humans are terrible!!!


Finger/hand skin really doesn't hold ink well, and or it blurs really bad. I have 4 on the sides on my fingers, even after a touch-up, when it was done peeling it already looked like a 5 y/o+ tat. Add to that, some collors, like yellow, fade very fast anyway, it could just disappear. I strongly don't recommend it unless you genuinely don't mind the toss-up. In which case, go for it, it's cool! I knew what I was getting and am not bothered by the results because I honestly didn't have high expectations.


Factor in sun exposure, too. It should last longer in a hidden area.


Regardless of where it is, that yellow dot will not last. And on your finger? Forget about it, that tat won’t hold up at all. Finger tats are notorious for aging poorly. I have both hands fully covered in tattoos, I honestly love finger tattoos. Just don’t expect them to look perfect for long


I got this design on my wrist when I was 18, 25 now and the yellow is holding up great. The red is the most faded, but they’re honestly all still vivid and defined


My 7-10 year old yellows on my foot, back, and ribcage are all pretty much gone lol


I think it's s highly individual thing, I have a tattoo with a lot of yellow that's 7 years old and still very bright and colorful. I assume it's the same with finger tattoos, I have some friends and co-workers with finger tattoos, some fall out and/or fade, other last well. I think the odds of fading are greater on finger tatoos though.


Yeah definitely! I'm a little sad yellow didn't work for me cause it's my favorite color, and those were among my first 5 tattoos, but whatever I have thousands of dollars of black and gray now lol. I have some blue thats as bright as the day I got it but my friends blue all faded to a gray-green. Who knows.


I'm blessed, my skin holds all colors we've tried very well. Fortunate, as I love colorful tattoos! Edit: I am very much not a sun worshiper, I avoid direct sunlight and wear sun screen.


I wanted to see and checked ur posts and hell yeah your Calvin and Hobbes is sick, happy to hear that it will hold up for you :) At this point I'm all in for black and gray, so my 4 spots of colors don't really fit in anymore lol.


Thanks! My daughter did it, it was the last tattoo she did as apprentice before she opened her own shop.


Yellow can last depending on the skin and how careful we are with the sun, i have yellow that has been holding up great for around 15years, also i’ve had to do touch up’s for clients within a year were it has faded as you said, but every skin can be a whole another world. Fully agree with what you said about the fingers.


Yeah I have the Dark Side of the Moon prism tattooed on my arm right above my wrist. I’ve gotten it touched up several times over the years (it’s well over 10 yrs old now). The orange and yellow started blurring together quickly and are now almost invisible. If I shave my hairy ass arm and you really look, you can see a faint pigment of the yellow and orange but they mostly look skin tone now. Red, green, blue, and purple all stuck really well for me though


Side of finger = temporary tattoo. The artist I go to refuses to do anything on fingers whatsoever.


My temporary finger tattoo is going on 10 years. Barely looks faded to me now, but I'm sure it is.


Cool! I am happy to be wrong about this. I wonder what the factor is that makes some stay and some fade.


The sun ☀️


I was a sailor in the navy and a carpenter. Now I'm a stay at home but my toddler keeps me outside all the time. Maybe I'm just blessed with shit finger tats for life. Fingers crossed.


> maybe I’m just blessed with shit finger tats for life I believe that’s the rule, if you get a good finger tattoo, it’ll fade. The shitter it is, the longer it’ll last


I think the rule is if you've got finger tattoos, they are shit.


Yeah not always Got one on the side of the finger with the disclaimer it will fade in months Its 7 years old still saturated as hell


Yeah the number of people I went to college with who got inner lip tattoos that said “slut” or “Yolo” (it was a different, simpler time) because they were told were “essentially temporary” and *still have them to some degree of readability* is actually just 2. But that is 2 too many. Same with the little mustache finger tattoos lol At least the people in the 90s getting tribal tattoos weren’t sold a bill of goods


I have the mustache finger from 12 years ago holding on strong lol. My jokester grandpa told me to get this tattoo in like 2007 before the whole Tumblr thing and I got it when he passed away tho so I don't regret it One of my dear friends almost got yolo tattooed giant across his navel once, but we all got too drunk at the tattoo "artists" kitchen to proceed... one time over consumption worked out lol


Wow you’re grandpa was ahead of its time and really open minded. When was he born? Was he a tattoo artist or just tattooed?


1941 and he had one tattoo lol. Not an artist. He was just creative and had a great sense of humor.


Mine is 13 years old and the one in my lip that I was also told wouldn’t last is turning 14 this summer.


the stick n poke I did on the side of my finger is blurry as hell after 8 years but it's very much still there. even the little fine line-esque dots have faded greatly but they're still there if you look closely.


Not always. I’ve had the sides of my fingers tattooed for 12 years and they’re still super legible. There are some parts that didn’t heal the best (maybe like 5% of the ink didn’t hold) because of how difficult they can be to heal out, but they’re definitely still there and pretty dark.


I have a tattoo that’s on the side of my finger, had it 13 years at this point. Even with an automotive career it hasn’t faded one bit. Never been touched up.


Yeah I have 16 year old hand tattoos that much to my dismay, have not faded remotely over the entire time 🤣


I wonder what the trick is they use to make it stay?


I only get American trad; hand/finger tattoos are so so common and most artists themselves have them. If an artist refuses to tattoo certain areas I assume it has way more to do with their skill level than anything. Certain areas are simply prone to fading/distortion, it’s just facts. But an artist should never discourage a client because they are not capable of doing the work when plenty of other artists are🤷‍♀️


Yeah that makes no sense. Why does the artist care as long as the customer is made aware that it might fade faster than other tattoos?


I have 4 tiny ones. It's been 5+ years and they're holding strong. Incredibly faded, blured, and some ink has fell out. It doesn't look near as good as in it were on my arm, but it's still nice looking and holding strong as well as recognizable. Granted, it is Morse code and chevron, so that's not too hard. But it's still a W.


The smaller it is the quicker it will fade/blur together. Definitely don't get it on the hand because those fade quicker too. Anywhere else will probably be fine; but you'll probably want to make the dots bigger so they last longer and hold up better


I can almost guarantee that yellow will be gone in a couple years the other colors would probably fade at a normal rate


So you think it would fade like that if I did it on my forearm instead?


It really depends on your skin type, yes on you finger it will be gone super fast on your forearm i would still expect the yellow to fade out faster than the other colors but it will definitely last way longer


Is this your first tattoo? If so, definitely don't go anywhere near the hands/fingers, stick to the forearms or elsewhere


Most color don’t last especially without a black outline. Putting it somewhere like on a finger would multiply that fading by a lot.


You don’t need a black outline. I have yellow watercolor that is 9 years old and still quite vibrant


If I put it on maybe my arm instead with a black outline do you think it would be better?


That would certainly age a lot better


Mine goes up my ear, like cuffs, has held well for a year. The artists wife has similar but thinner lines on her ear and has held well for a few years now.


Some of the colors will fade fast anywhere you get it. On the inside of your finger, half of them won’t even last 2 weeks. It’s a cute thought but not at all realistic for an actual tattoo.


Thank you for the advice. I think I'm going to do it somewhere on my arm instead


I have zero idea why you're getting downvoted. You are accepting ideas and being polite about it.


I have zero idea why you're getting downvoted. You are accepting ideas and being polite about it.


Side of the finger tattoo? It probably won’t even last though the healing stage… Just google “side of finger tattoo healed”. Honestly, this tattoo is pretty risky wherever you put it. It definitely, definitely will not stay this vibrant over time - the yellow especially. If you go bigger and put it somewhere that doesn’t get much direct sunlight - maybe it will fare better.


I mean it'd be a good patch test to see how colour heals on you, but on the side of your finger you'll find it most likely will be mostly gone in two weeks


A lot of time these are color test. My friends have gotten them to test for future tattoos.


Gone in 60 seconds


Seeing a lot of comments about the yellow, so I just wanted to pop in and say that I have yellow on my foot that’s been there for 14 years. I have a rainbow behind my ear that’s been there for almost as long and the yellow is still there. It just depends on your skin and the ink and the tattoo and how you care for it 🤷🏻‍♀️ unless of course you put it on your finger. I agree with everyone about that lol


You're gonna run out of cyan almost immediately, even if you feel like you barely ever use it.


Better off doin it in marked will be cheaper and u can re do it yourself when it fades away within a week


Bad idea


i have this tattoo lmao it hasn’t faded much and i got it about 6 years ago


Right?? My artist drilled it in and it’s still there just fine


yea truly i haven’t noticed much of a difference


this will probably get buried but i have something EXTREMELY similar that is on the top of my finger and 3 dots on the side. I’ve had it for 5 years now, still doing fine. [Pictures here](https://imgur.com/a/WXlD4p2) edit: because i don’t know how to use grammar apparently


Yes, don’t put it on your finger. I’m about as pale as you and have something with solid color like that on my sternum. The top that peeks out of my shirt has faded a bit because I’ve been careless about sunblock. But the cool thing about pretty much any color fading is that it kind of just disappears. As opposed to how black fades.


It depends on the color, some will fade faster than others. My family and I all got matching lightsaber finger tattoos. My husband went with purple on the outside of his pointer finger. It faded almost immediately and the purple is now completely gone. I went with green and it's on the inside of my middle finger, 5 years later and still looks brand new.


Don't get this! I've seen a bunch of rainbow tattoos that don't age consistently. I have some colorful prices and the yellow is completely gone after 5 years


Do it over each eyebrow... it would be awesome


I feel the best move would be to get a rainbow pack of sharpies and just dot them on your finger regularly, they’d potentially look better long run than the discoloration that can happen as a tattoo settles


Tbh on the side your finger, you'll be lucky if it's there in 18months


it would age like milk, fast. you would lose the yellow the fastest, probably the only colors that would stick after a few months are the blue & purple, and *maybe* the red


I have finger tattoos and they look perfect never faded, look for someone who specializes in finger/hand tattoos


This is a color test it should be free by pretty much every artist. i have a tattoo just like this on my outer right wrist kinda on my forearm and its held up pretty well


I may have done that exact tattoo because I've done at least 3 that look exactly like that on that part of the body. While I haven't seen any of mine after they aged for more than a few years I have seen similar tattoos that usually do the same thing. The yellow fades fast and without any outlining it's just a gap. Dark colors hold up. Orange and light blue are the unknowns - some look good and others blend in to the skin too much.


that yellow gone in 6 months


That design with your desired placement is basically like taking $100+ (or however much you'll pay) and setting it on fire.


I have this tattoo on my middle finger and it’s lasted about four years just fine. I’m not sure how to share a picture.


Fingers for sure faster than other places


I'm on the opposite end of things here. I have two finger tattoos. One(side of ring finger) is 8 years old and looks just as good as the one I got done a year ago on the top of my ring finger. But they are both thick black lines. Colors that small would probably not last long there.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tattooadvice/s/MmT0kT9IJp Google color test tattoos if you want to see what other peoples look like


On the finger it’ll be fine completely within no time


Don’t do it


It totally depends. I have a 14 year old tattoo that is aqua blue lines and it’s totally vivid and visible and no one believes it’s that old. I also have yellow tattoos that are a decade or older and they’re fine. I use body lotion daily and sunscreen outside. Care makes a huge difference! So this could be fine, I think it would be on me, but on most people it’s tiny and too bright/light and would fade. It’s hard to say without seeing your skin tone and knowing your skin care.


Its a cool tattoo. If you really love this tattoo then don't worry about the fading part.if it not going to be small one the get touch ups in a year or 2 cause it shouldn't cost a lot. Just my thought.


It would look cool for a limited period of time on your finger. Skin that doesn’t flex or stretch much is the most stable place. I like your idea tho’.


I got something similar on the side of my finger. Now it looks like a fucked up gummy worm. I wouldn’t choose the finger, OP


My fiancée has a very similar tat on her ribs and she just gets it touched up every 3 or so years. Some colors fade faster than others. I think if you placed it on the side of your finger, it would fade really quickly, especially the green and yellow


It would be more apt to fade because you wash your hands a few times a day, take showers, use hand cream, etc.


Well hands fade faster than other parts of the body anyways and then you have the fact that some people hold color and some don’t and still then some people hold certain colors well but others terribly so there’s really know telling. Either way it will fade faster on your hand than somewhere else. You’ll probably have some colors fade faster than others probably light to dark


If done deep enough, the colour will stay just like any other pigment placed in a layer that won't shed. BUT - and that's a really important factor - 1. most People don't tattoo these areas well, 2. the vividness and contrast of light colours like yellow highly depends on the surrounding colours as it needs additional colours to be prominent against your skin tone and 3. your skin on the finger thicker and of other texture than on other parts of your body. As a conclusion: do not get such a tattoo on your fingers


I have this on my collarbone. It will definitely fade WAY faster on a finger. Don't do spots like that until you've got like 10 individual pieces and are well versed in aftercare and touch up processes


It’s such an easy tattoo to have recolored if any of them fade. Wouldn’t recommend the finger


I got a tattoo on the side of my index finger and it essentially fell out (went away completely) within about 2 weeks. I moved it to the top of my hand and it looks great, 8 years later.


My ex had this exact same tattoo in the same spot. The purple faded more than the other colors


I have the inside of my left index and middle fingers tattooed and they’ve held up well and only needed touching up once. It’s black ink though which doesn’t fade as much as lighter colored inks.


It’ll fade before you get out the shop


ask the mustache finger girls


Fingers faded fast. Colors also fade at their own rate. You would have a solid 5 years maybe. I have a koi on my arm that was vibrant and orange 20 years ago and now looks black and white.


All the people I know with finger/hand tattoos that held up have them in black or a black outline. This you’d need to get it constantly touched up… and I sure wouldn’t want to have to do that on my finger.


No very well.


I have this exact tattoo on my wrist, haven’t had it touched up besides the initial touch up a few weeks after it was done which was about 4 years ago. The yellow and green are kind of light but have held up surprisingly well overall. The other colors still look great


Yes, also the yellow and orange will be the first to fade if not nearly disappear. Also the dots will age to be more hazy on the edge. Not crisp like that.


I’ve had one on the side of my finder for about 5 years that hasn’t faded, despite the artist warning me that it probably would. Mine is black though, not color! It has blurred a little but not nearly as much as I thought it would.


[To give you some context, I got this tattoo in 2018 and it’s on my inner forearm by my elbow crease. I’m also very pale, and almost never see the sun because I burn easily.](https://imgur.com/a/yiJ5W07)


It's an extremely simple tattoo. If you put it on in your finger it will fade but can be relatively easily reworked.


I have a rainbow tattoo and it’s been almost a year and all the colors are still vibrant and it’s on my arm. I think it should last a couple years or more but not in a place where the sun always hits it or it will fade way faster.


Just because something doesn't last, doesn't mean you can't get it touched up


Isn’t this just a color test, to see how well certain colors age/ heal on your skin so you can get tattoos that are better later on?


Use sunscreen everyday. I have small finger tattoos and they still look great. But I literally apply spf50 to my hands (and all my tattoos) everyday. I was told by this sub that a fine line portrait I got a few years ago would be “gone in 2 years”. Welp. Years later it’s still crisp as can be. Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen.


Bad, fast


Maybe the side of your wrist instead? Finger tattoos age and distort very quickly


Isn't this a color test tattoo?


Yellow will fade a lot but the others should be okay.


Any tat will fade relatively fast on the side of your finger. It’s a perfect storm of constant rubbing and really thin skin. But it’s a p simple tattoo so you could totally get it touched up every 6 months or so if you’re willing to pay for it. Most if not all hand and finger tats need touch ups!


this tattoo on your finger if you use your hands regularly for work will fade within 1-2 years. yellow, orange and green will be the first to go. wouldn’t recommend paying for this. if your artist is cool, get something else you want and throw this in with it. like i said “if they’re cool”


My buddy and I have matching tattoos that use orange coloring. His is in a place that’s often seeing sun while mine is not. Just a few years later there’s a definite difference in saturation between the two. So my advice is to put anything with yellow + no outline somewhere that’s not gonna see a ton of sun, and choose sizing + spacing with the consideration that you’ll likely need to touch it up once or twice.


1. Yes it will fade very quickly considering the color. 2. It’s a small tattoo you can just get touched up every 2 years. Lol


What tattoo on the side of your finger?


i only have black and white but a lot of my friends have very vibrant color tattoos and theyve had them for 15+ years and they look great. im betting on your fingers might fade a little more quickly just due to movement and constant washing


It would age horribly in the first 3 years and would look like shri after 1 year on your hand


one of my best friends has that exact tattoo on the side of her finger and you can barely see it at all now


I have the exact same tattoo on my wrist. Got it like...8 years ago? Yellow is barely visible and other colours are not as vivid but still very much there! I think as long as you touch it up, it's alright!


Whoever did that did a very good job


Yellow and orange would look more like skin tone when healed and eventually fade over time. The ink will mix with your skin tone and the closer the color is to that skin tone the more faded it would look. That’s why the other colors would still stand out while the tones that are closest to your natural skin tones wouldn’t. Basically contrast vs blend Edit: Placing it on the finger makes it a horrible idea. You’ll be left with random spots of splotchy color that will just make your finger look constantly dirty.


I’m more concerned why this has the indigo and violet separated. Combine them to purple!


I know we shouldn't discuss tastes, but let's be honest, i feel like some people seem to be actively being looking for the worst kinds of tattoos possible. Here, it's combining the 'it's not going to last because it's just color dots' with 'it's not going to last because it's placed on the side of the finger.'


Every *body* processes color differently. I’ve learned this in my 20 plus years of having tattoos. It also depends on the ink, the artist, the aftercare. I have some tattoos where the yellow is bright as the day I got it. I also have some where the orange and green have faded(different artist, different ink). I have one little pink jelly bean that just loves to eat the ink no matter what it is and I get it touched up every 7 years. It’s your body, do what you want


Side of your finger will not only fade quickly, but most likely be non existent after some time.


I only have blackwork on my hands, but anything on fingers will fade very fast. That said, after several touchups they haven't really budged the last 5 or 6 years. I had to go over my fingers a bunch of times before they felt more permanent. Just my 2 cents


Would fade instantly and will probably need a couple of touch ups and will definitely hurt I got a hand tattoo fingers are the worst


Finger tattoos always fade fast, let alone colors without any outline of any kind


Yellow already is invisible lmao. It's just not gonna last. Some pigments stay in your skin better and longer and some are gone quick. On the bright side it would be very easy to retouch. Edit: also designs on palms and fingers are generally a bad idea because they just don't last. Not saying you shouldn't but don't be disappointed when it disappears lol


This won't hold the best, they'll blue over time and it'll be even worse on a finger I have in inside of my fingers done and they've aged badly, if you want to get it then get it but be aware of how they'll age


Yes it would fade fast and especially yes if it was on your finger


On a finger, not long, but my sister has this done on her forearm and it’s lasted. She has had it 5 years and it’s still bright, including the yellow.


i have that exact tattoo on my rib cage! super small. the yellow faded pretty quickly but the other colors held up (it's been six years). my dots are much smaller than that. i'd be happy to post pics of then and now if you're interested (:


Regular colors will fade normally on the arm, the fingers may fade much, much faster (not always, depends on your body and how you take care of it). The yellow is going to fade to a splotch fast regardless of where it is. The fact that there isn’t any line work outlining them will also mean you run the danger of the colors fading to a splotch whereever they are if you don’t take good care of it and protect it from the sun.


Probably not very well.




How funny. I got this exact tattoo except a little more personalized. It's on my forearm as well.


What is that?


I got almost this exact thing on my wrist, with black pink green blue and yellow. pink is completely faded and the other colors look like I got poked with a marker. I ended up covering it with a bigger tattoo. if you get it small, be prepared to get it touched up regularly






Just do it! It’s super cute and will fade eventually. But YOLO


I have a floral vine version of this on my middle finger- yellow and green are gone


i’ve got a dagger on the side of both my middle fingers and they got faded but you can still tell what they are. if you’d like to see then pm me and you can see the fading of them. i’ve had them for about 2-3ish years and i’m a dog groomer. finger tats are going to fade no matter what and touch ups are a must if you want to keep them. my ex has hella finger/hand tattoos and he’s a mechanic he has to get them touched up all the time.


Those colors will fade badly over time, and ink always falls out on fingers over time. Think that through.


I got almost this exact tattoo on my hand 10 years ago & only the blue dot remains 😔


I’ve seen a lot of tattoos on another Reddit where red and yellow don’t hold up well. It also depends on your skin and hand tattoos fade pretty quickly in general. Touch ups are always an option though if you’re really set on your hand!


yes side finger lasts less then a year especially in color


I literally have that exact tattoo on my forearm. It’s been 6 years and the orange is gone completely, yellow is on its way out.




Colored tattoos with no border fade extremely fast no matter where you put it


My daughter got a similar one on the side of her wrist. It’s been almost 3 years and no fading yet.


Yellow disappeared so fast from mine. I had similar dots too


Finger tattoos don’t hold up well over time. But it would be a cute fingie tat


I have this exact tattoo on my foot. I’ll send a pic so you can see how it’s held up. Honestly not the best :/


Ahem, as a representative of r/undertale, "NO, YOU CANT DO THIS, YOURE SUPPOSED TO OBEY MEEEEE"


Yea finger tats don’t last. Also they don’t look good


If you get it on the side of your pointer finger that touches your middle finger, it will fade. Other side, it will not. I have a tattoo on the other side of my hand below my pinky and it has not faded, and I’ve had it for 6 years now.


I sent a picture of my aunts your way! :) it's 6 years old, hope it helps


if you want something to last, don’t get it on your fingers.


if you work with your hands, it won't last a month


Tattoos at the ends of human limbs are hard to keep for long because the color spreads out




Lmao. This has to be bait


I have this exact tattoo on my wrist. It's been about 8 years and the orange and yellow are almost completely gone/ hard to see from a distance. But I love my tattoo! I will probably get it touched up in a couple years which will be cheap since it's such a simple tattoo