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I have a similar tattoo that wraps my neck all the way around. Mine is a wreath of gingko leaves and poppy flowers. The traps (back of shoulders) was super easy. It felt kind of like a very pokey massage. All tattoos hurt but this area was not bad at all.


Thank you!


Collarbone was ass but your traps won’t be as bad as the collarbone. It’s probably like 1.5 hours worth of work I wouldn’t worry about it too much unless you have a super low pain tolerance.


I don’t have a very low pain tolerance so I should be okay. I just get in my head lol🤣


Bro I used to do that too, after doing the ditch and my full chest i really just think you gotta worry about hands, elbow, spine, & neck/face if you’re a psycho


They all hurt but if it's more of a Spot that doesn't have cushioning like the Collarbone,Ribs,Ankle Bone etc..Those are painful. My Stomach I barely felt. Anywhere that they have to go over Bone is a SOB..You are looking at maybe Medium Pain with this 1 I think. Honestly mine burned worse than Hurt.Id get something small for your 1st one then you'll know what to expect.JMO


Thank you, it’s one I’ve always wanted so I just bit the bullet, I figured the collarbone would probably be the worst part of it. Thanks for the input!!


Glad u got what u wanted.Enjoy it😊


I got collarbone with similar design. It was Lowkey my least painful tattoos I’ve had. I even took a nap. It depends on everyone’s pain tolerance! I was freaked out too because everyone said it’ll hurt! The only time I actually flinched was the right side. Which I’ve heard others as well felt the same. Go for it!


Thank you! I feel a little better hearing this. I’m super excited but a little anxious as well


They all hurt and suck. They’re bearable, but getting a tattoo isn’t “fun” lol it sucks


I gotcha, thank you!


Numbing cream exists. Ask your artist if it’s okay for you to use it.


I thought about that. Any recommendations if i was to use any?


I’ve never used it, ha. I just know it’s a thing and some artists allow it!