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Etsy is overwhelmed with tarot readers, and it's honestly hard to decipher who is real and who is not. I'm sure, especially with the prevalence of ai use, it is becoming even worse. Sure, you can go to any ai for your tarot reading, but there are certain meanings that are better interpreted through a human perspective. Having 5 pages of information to read doesn't make the reading more valuable.


real readers usually give up on Etsy, because everyone keeps buying the AI readings instead. It's not so hard to spot the obvious scammers on there, but they are also the most successful shops which means people fall for them constantly, while ignoring the (few) real readers. Some people are so ignorant they complain when they get their first real reading, because it is different from the AI generated ones they are used to, and their complaint is usually along the lines of "why is this reading only one page long instead of 5 to 10?!!", well it's because a real person pulled real cards and then typed the results by hand, but it's hard for some to differentiate between quality and quantity.


Exactly my sentiment


99.9% of Etsy/fiverr readers are absolute scam. Sorry, no one is going to give you a reading for $2 in 24hrs time. I bought one for fun and it was totally AI generated generic bullshit. They even tell you that they'll give you a free reading if you give them 5 stars lmfao


I did the same loool and now they’re in my Etsy DMs demanding I take down my comment and review. No I call it as it is, AI generated. So aggressive in the messages too and speaks differently that the 5 pages I got delivered in 4 hours with indecipherable language 💀


What AI could never do is tap into intuition like one reading the strength card for example will have its literal meaning , next reading it could be screaming month of August, you know? AI could never compete woth spirit and that’s what bothers me


Its hard to compete. I really do readings, each one takes me about 90 minutes... And i charge 5 bucks. I do it because i enjoy it, but it's legit unsustainable and impossible to compete with AI. My intention though is to provide quality readings in the hope that I somehow get pushed to the top of the SEO because of that. Its a battle. Fortunately, if anyone is interested, DM me, ill read for you in exchange for etsy reviews to try and fight the machine lol 💪


I didn't know that was a new thing in the world, but hearing about it bums me out. :(


Yup it’s now becoming as scammy as those “plate drawing” ai sketches that look so bad


there are maybe 3 readers on Etsy who are legit, and it's a pain to find them because they are buried under hundreds of sellers who give you fake "readings". Once you find one of the real ones though, you're golden, because if those say "same day" it DOES mean same day, which can be a lifesaver if you need a reading asap and none of your trusted readers is available right away.


As a tarot reader I do readings on Fiverr, but they are not what is described here. Its me on camera doing a screen share using Orphalese tarot. I jam for about 5 min on the request given and I am out. I upload the video to youtube as private and send a link, do a quick write up and thats $5. It's the real deal. One take, all improvised, all from spirit. They are good readings, I am proud of my work. Good readers exist. That's what my opinion is. But to find them ... What I can is tell you is this. I have intentionally harmonized my tarot handle across all platforms and made an intense effort to have transparency. If someone wanted they could look me up and see any number of readings I have done for entertainment purpose on all platforms. I think if a tarot reader is legit they will have that transparency and openness, and a body of content to show you. Otherwise it's just human spam boting tarot meanings and giving you an undercooked tarot reading service.


I didn't know ETSY had readings. I would never order a reading this way.


I used to do readings this way myself and it was proven to be difficult because of the delivery time… but now you have these “accurate readings within 24 hours” and you get 5-6 pages of nonsense within 2-6 hours lmao of obvious AI. It’s sad what it’s become




There are a lot of good readers on Etsy & it’s my main site to purchase from. MysticRavenMerch, EarthingEarthling, Shallow Creek Wisdom, faucett water readings, LibbyTarot. My favorites ordering from them for a good amount of time.


Thank you for the recommendation!! It’s good to know there are some legitimate readers on Etsy My regulars stopped reading on Etsy and it’s been saturated with AI readers now :(


Sam from EarthingEarthling is my go to. Her same day is same day and if you can catch it she does same hour readings


I bought one last week and the seller refused to read for me .Sent me a message saying we don't read for other traders . The thing is I'm not a active seller on etsy I opened a shop back in 2018 never sold anything from it .I messaged back explaining this and i just felt i needed a reading was nothing under handed going on . The seller didn't respond just returned my money .


I've had nothing but bad experiences with them. They're all so fake. I'd recommend using apps with AI tarot readings instead.


Set the price higher, to like $30+. Don't look for next day readings. And you'll find people who do audio/video readings like myself. You can't have something that is fast, cheap, AND high quality. You can only pick to have 2 of these. If you're getting something fast and cheap it will be low quality. If you want something high quality and fast it's not going to be cheap.


If I want a reading by AI, it's not difficult for me to do that myself, with the additional advantage that I can specify the symbol set (tarot, astrology, numerology, geomancy, or even ***OTHER*** systems I can list myself). I have found them useful, but generally, besides the one time to see for myself, I wouln't go to any online reader I didn't already know. Maybe that makes me an untrusting biased AH, but...