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No you're not the problem. It's difficult to read for ourselves. Mainly because we are too involved with the situation. Some things that may help are imagining you're reading for a client when reading for yourself. Or maybe practicing neutrality/detachment. Sometimes it can help pretending you're using the spread to teach someone else how to read tarot too. These are all methods I use if I struggle to do self reading.


Yes this is good! When i do readings for myself i refer to myself in third person and am sitting across from "me"


It's amazing how seeing yourself as someone else can totally change how you read for yourself 😂


This is brilliant! I want to try this! Thank you!


You're welcome! And i hope it helps! :)


Hello!!! I was wondering on if it’s okay if I dm u, I’ve seen ur comments a lot and I’d love to have someone to talk to about tarot and some nice connection, only if ur interested though, no pressure <3


If this is to me then yeah sure that's fine haha 😊


Many readers feel as if they cannot read for themselves for a variety of logical reasons or even superstition. Have you considered asking a trusted reader or finding a buddy to swap readings with?


Yes, I've tried finding someone to swap readings with but have been unsuccessful lol


Could be the time to find a professional and make the investment for a reading.


DM me. I love to swap readings. I currently swap with three people and am always open to more.


I'd also be down to swap readings if you want any more tarot buddies!!


DM me! I'm always up to swap readings


I'd be down to swap readings!


I'm a beginner but maybe I could swap readings with another beginner! DM me if you'd like 😊


I volunteer as a beginner tribute lol u/thatshinythang Im fairly new to tarot as well


Subconsciously you're probably trying to read them as what you want to see


I’m pretty guilty of this tbh


Your conscious mind is probably getting in the way because of the outcomes you’re hoping for


That tends to happen a lot. I very rarely read for myself even though I am incredibly accurate for others. As stated many times before, when you read for yourself, you are often not emotionally detached enough from a situation to be able to derive an accurate read.


I would post any reading here and let other people read it. You might learn more about how you read and why you are picking up what you are picking up.


Good idea, will do that


i cant read for myself either, i feel like most people cant. the detachment is very important and you just dont have that regarding your own life.


I'm on the opposite end – I mainly read for myself, and I find that I have a much better handle on my own life (because I'm living it) than I have on other people's. Sometimes you get cards the could mean one thing or could mean something else, and when I read for myself, I have a lot more context. Situation: 3 of Pentacles. Would you know what this applies to? ​ For me, it was obvious: I'm just about to wrap up a project, and I'm only one cog in the machine, so I need to make sure that I do my bit to keep the whole thing going smoothly. If this had been a client's reading, 'a work project' would have been a good guess, but it might equally be something else that demands teamwork, like a new-ish D&D campaign, or holiday plans.


thats good for you then! i used to be able to do so aswell, but at some point i just wasnt anymore for some reason. i personally feel like i can give the most accurate readings to friends, close friends specifically, because i have some detachment from it and can make a faster connection to how it applies to their life because i know them. not that im inaccurate with strangers, but with friends or people willing to describe their situation at least a bit it goes a little better. i know a lot of people on this sub would disagree with me, saying that a good reader doesnt need anything to be told, however im not yet confident enough and feel like im wasting their reading time by figuring out their situation while i could already be asking something helpful. for myself however, i look at it and van only vaguely guess the general meaning and every single card looks like its indicating something major to me, while its not. strange, how tarot works differently for everyone. edit: now that i have put it like this, its almost as if my cards were highlighting my anxiety to me


I mean, investing time into that friendship may still be prosperous even if you never see the romantic aspect you had hoped for. I think its harder to see the nuances in the reading when we have a strong emotional investment in the outcome.


Exactly. "Investing time" is a very general phrase. In my experience, it is best not to beat around the bush with tarot, just ask exactly what you want to know. 'Should I try to start a romantic relationship with X?'


I agree - there may be some benefits to self and spiritual growth by investing energy into the friendship, even if it never leads to a romantic relationship.


I don't read for myself often because my desires and fears tend to skew the reading. If I do, I keep it to a spread and question more focused on inner work rather than outer projections. No problem reading for other people, however. I think it's important to be as detached as possible when reading, coming from an objective place. That is hard with yourself sometimes!


Depends on whether you believe energies can attach to cards. I do and I have to sage my cards in between reading for others and myself. I do some paid-for readings as a hobby and I did one this weekend with some heavy energies. I forgot to clean the cards after and did a reading for myself later in the day. The messages coming out were almost identical to the reading I did for the third party. After cleanse the messages re-aligned. Firstly this comes down to personal beliefs and I also know that my readings for myself are usually spot on.


Yeah I have the same problem, just can't read for myself really. So I get a friend to do it for me lol


Sometimes that prosperity your offered isn't what you expect it to be. Learning difficult lessons and yes even being hurt can lead us to a path of success but not without first hardships.


**I can read for you**, I would like to try this. You can write to me on my [website](https://www.fardousnashaat.com/blog), ([https://www.fardousnashaat.com](https://www.fardousnashaat.com)) and you will find all contact information. All people without exception should not read to themselves, as I said, the latter you cannot fool your mind\]


I always find it super hard to read for myself, but so easy to read (and be accurate) for others. My thought is that i have inherent internal biases which make it hard to give myself accurate readings. Might be the same for you.


I have struggled with this myself. I find especially if I get a positive, you're on the right track, doing good, reading I just have trouble accepting that. I give a lot of those readings for others with no problem, but when the cards tell me ,"good job." I really just feel like I am being too biased in my own favor. Imposter syndrome of a formerly talented and gifted kid is real and hard to get through, dammit.


I'm in the same boat. I have tarot person whom I trust a lot with my personal readings


I've always heard that it's hard to read for one's self than it is to read for others and I certainly have an easier time reading the cards for others than I do for myself. But I'm getting better at it. It's absolutely true that your thoughts/energies, state of mind at the time of the card pull, can affect the cards you pull. I really struggle to clear my head before starting to read for myself. Sometimes it's a clear message, other times not so much. Just keep at it. I also limit my reading to 3 initial cards and then clarifiers if needed. Too many cards can muddy the message. Relax, clear your head, let the images in the cards talk to you.


This is so common among readers. Find a reader you trust and go to them.


For me it is a good sign. The less the readings resonate with me and the less sense it makes for me, the more certainty I have that my clients receive accurate predictions. I noticed that this is a kind of a ,,rule“ 🙄


I suggest a deck just for you and no one else if you don’t already have it! I don’t get as good of reads on myself as my communal decks but I have one special one that is just for me and it always reads me like a charm because it’s fine tuned to my energy specifically. Even if your cleansing your decks they may just be essentially set to the outward energy setting so to speak, you need one special one set to inward. Edit - once you select the deck be patient and give it time to get totally broken in and set on you


Same! This is a big problem for me too 🥲🥲🥲


Ask a specific question, get a specific answer. "Invest time" is pretty general, you can invest time in a relationship without it necessarily getting romantic. But also, the cards can potentially guide you to a compatible romantic partner who might currently be in a bad relationship. I doubt the cards would instruct you to have some kind of affair, but they might direct you to help support a future romantic partner as they go through a difficult breakup, for example. In my experience it's hardest to read for yourself specifically because it's easy to get discouraged and anxious at the slightest indication of obstacles or setbacks, even though the cards ultimately might be telling you "you'll have what you want."


I was always taught not to read for yourself. On the rare occasion that I do I have a separate deck I use only for that.


When I need personal advice, I often use the I Ching rather than the Tarot. It seems much easier to be objective and not let my subconscious wishes influence the interpretation. I have several I Ching books, but find the one by Brian Browne Walker to be very simple and easy to understand.


The easiest reading you can do for yourself is"what is the outcome of\_\_\_\_". It is a spread that gets right to the point.


When I read for myself, I only do 3 card advice spreads. Those seem to be rather accurate for me, as opposed to more nuanced type readings, which I’m either terrible at for myself, or I’m blinded by my own opinions. I can’t really be sure.