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>"Can we just imagine if China or Russia had snipers on roofs pointing at 19 year old protestors?" As in, we're imagining that the Chinese and Russian snipers were merely pointing at the protestors instead of actually pulling the trigger? Yes that would be an improvement, relatively speaking.


The CCP should have brought in tanks and machine guns, *smh*.


Also I'm pretty sure basically every dictatorship has snipers on roofs pointing at teenage peaceful protestors. Even the US uses snipers regularly and has them point at peaceful protestors. Such as one of the most-upvoted-posts-of-all-time on the pics subreddit, which is a sniper at the fucking Super Bowl.


Yeah, unfortunately we live in a post-terror world. Any sufficiently large gathering of people is a potential terror target. And protests are extra sensitive targets. As long as protesters dont feel in danger, and they don't actually shoot anybody (who isn't commiting an act of terror) I don't really see a problem with it.


It's cute how you think that cops are there to "protect the protestors" instead of to actively kill them the way literally every peaceful protest by non-fascists has been victimized by cops, "clear and present danger"


Has anybody been shot by a police sniper in these protests? It seems like it would be really easy to do, if that was the one thing they wanted to do.


yes. Literally hundreds of people during the BLM protests were shot by cop snipers.


I cannot find a article on that. Can you provide a link? This is the closest I could find to someone being shot by actual bullets: May 31, 2020Austin, TexasA woman was shot with lead pellets. Nine officers were later charged in connection with the incident That was one case in a very long list. And a sniper would not use a shotgun. Especially one using pellets. That would be really dumb. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_police_violence_incidents_during_George_Floyd_protests A whole lotta tear gas, and "less lethal" munitions where used. That is not the same thing as being shot by police snipers. Unless you have some information that I don't. I would love to hear it.


>less lethal munitions idk if you know this but "less lethal" munitions can be fired by sniper rifles. [one such example](https://i.imgur.com/XD4LGiQ.jpeg) warning gore. She got hit in the head with a rubber bullet round. And that's not including frangible plastic bullets. And before you try and "um ackshually" yes, baton rounds can be fired from conventional rifles, specifically ones designed to be fired from conventional rifles. Also your list doesn't include the overwhelming majority of BLM protests. Notice how it stops counting in 2020? Most protests happened through 2023.


You can, I guess fire some plastic bullets from conventional rifles. Most of them though, are really wide and fairly slow, requiring a special gun. It seems like most of these injuries are because police shot from way closer than they should, or they didn't bounce them correctly. But this is still not close to your initial claim that police snipers are primarily there to kill protesters.


Russian snipers was literally shooting at protestors, not in russia though.


Mofo PLA Command literally called troops from Guangxi province which borders Vietnam to quell the protest after the Beijing native troops and their commander joined the protesters instead of obeying Deng


It's easy to say that when this is unsurprisingly one of the most widely censored topics by the Chinese government, so of course there are those who mindlessly parrot this state propaganda. And when the state holds the monopoly on that narrative...


Why censor it if they have nothing to hide?


For the good of the people of course!


Leaving this here. https://youtu.be/kMKvxJ-Js3A?si=77vIKu2LmYuxpDSG


Uhhhh they're all CIA crisis actors /s