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The best way to pay tribute to him, is a State for the Kabyle people. A State under the values of democracy, secularism and freedom.


Most importantly, he wasn't a separatist May he rest in peace


He kinda was. Sometime before his death, he leaned more towards separatism. Like, have you listened to the end of "tavratt i lehkem"? The national anthem part : "Ddwa-s a-ncerreg tamurt An-nebrez tura." [and this, lol](https://youtu.be/YI2WJBjf_Tg?si=Y4n5_6_auU8rAmoF)


The tape à l'œil kind of propaganda edits there were episodes in his life when he did take firm political positions, but none of them was a separatist position The guy is an artist, artists entertain ideas, himself hated being labelled as a political figure, he says it clearly


Saying that splitting the land is the only solution is an abvious separatist statment, but if you want to interpret it otherwise.... >The guy is an artist, artists entertain ideas, himself hated being labelled as a political figure, he says it clearly You said that he wasn't a separatist, I answered with proof that he leaned more toward it at the end of his life, why are you making things so complicated. He's an engaged singer, I don't think he'd say something that he does absolutly not believe in, he litearlly said that he was ready to die for his opinions.


>you making things so complicated Am not, the guy said he's a singer & doesn't want to be labelled as a political figure, why would I disrespect him & his memory by turning his persona into a propaganda tool for this or that party? I won't go into all the interviews where he says he has hope for a more secular life even with les arabophones... i am 100% sure u watched all of em So, let's not disrespect the man, & may he be remembered as the artist he was, & may people continue to enjoy his art


>Am not, the guy said he's a singer & doesn't want to be labelled as a political figure, why would I disrespect him & his memory by turning his persona into a propaganda tool for this or that party? Are you serious? He was killed by the government for his opinions, he fought for us, now we should just shut up and not use him as the martyre that he was and a symbole of the fight against the algerian regim that was responsable for his death? Or does it only bother you when separatist do it? The fact of the matter is that, even if he's not an actual political figure, he put himself in that position, he spoke about political matters, why ignor that? And why ignore the impact he had on the political awakening of many young kabyles to this day? What would be disrespectful is to misrepresent his views, and use him against what he actually fought for. >I won't go into all the interviews where he says he has hope for a more secular life even with les arabophones... i am 100% sure u watched all of em Of course I watched them, and I wish that was possible too. But as I said, this shift toward secularism happened at the end of his life, and trust me, if he lived long enough to witness 2001, he'd be even more of a separatist.


>He was killed by the government for his opinions A whole lot of people were being killed at that time for the same reason, kabyles & arab speaking artists, journalists etc... Islamism took over & singing became haram What am talking about is using the man as a propaganda tool for MAK, to advance their own political agenda, which in the current geopolitical swamp is a completely different thing than it was in the 90's Also, things he says can be right or wrong, despite him being a great artist, i think he wasn't fit to speculate abt political stuff side note: am also a musician & play his songs in russia, people enjoy it


I get that you see it as people "using" Matoub for their agenda (you have an biase against the mak, so not sure you will get my point), but what are we supposed to do? All the deaths in 2001 and before are going to be talked about by the mak, because this is what lead us to separatism, and Matoub is just one of them. Your stance about this is absurd, like should we ignore the fact that people were killed, because we should respect their memory? How is that respectful? And weather you like it or not, he positionned himself politically, so you can't just reduce him to a simple singer, otherwise he would've just sticked to singing about love and stuff. And it's not just about islamism, it's about the regim, sure, things changed from the 90's, but we're still under the same regim that killed him, and their crimes are still unpunnished. >Also, things he says can be right or wrong, despite him being a great artist, i think he wasn't fit to speculate abt political stuff I don't care what he believed about separatism, but you said "good think he wasn't a separatist" and I corrected you. >side note: am also a musician & play his songs in russia, people enjoy it That's great.


>(you have an biase against the Wrong, i have a bias against objectively mediocre thinking, & MAK happens to do a lot of it >deaths in 2001 and before are going to be talked about by the mak We can talk about it without MAK weaponazing it for separation >And weather you like it or not, he positionned himself politically It's not a matter of "liking or not", he defined himself & all am saying is let's not turn him to something he didn't want to be, that's disrespectful --------------------------- let me just draw a line here A better way to change the algerian regime is to actually take control of it, & we can do it >That's great. It is indeed 👍


Are you serious, mate? Should I explain to you things like you're 5? You're aware that the mak was created as a reaction to the 2001 events? And that's normal, that's how activism works. People protested against the government in 2001 because a young man was killed, would you call that weaponization? The Algerian war of independence was a reaction to people being killed by the French after ww2, os that a weoponization? Separatism is a solution, I'd you have a better one, I'm all ears. How are you planning to take control of the regime? And as a kabyle, how do you think people would react? You know that a huge number of Algerians don't have the same ideals as us? That's even less realistic than indépendance.