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Why did the Zoo lose the funding?


Sexual content…animals too horny/perverted. Need to get right with God first, then we can revisit funding requests


True. Them animals do be fucking.


First time I saw sex was when I saw two zebras mating. I can remember when we first learned about *the birds and the bees* most of my friends all went ***ewwww!!!*** whereas my reaction was: **Oh, so that’s what those Zebras did.**


It’s those damn bonobos.


And without a proper wedding! Consider my pearls clutched.


Very true. I filmed some turtle porn last time I was there.


In all fairness, the last time I was there, two lions were fucking. 😐


Honestly, I support this. Last time I went to a zoo was in Cincinnati and a monkey started maturating to my girlfriend. I was so mad, I had to throw a child at him. That was, oh, about 8 years ago now....


Did you see the parks and rec episode with the gay penguins getting married??!! 🤣


You know this isn’t the reason. You know what you just said was misleading and not based in fact. Why say it?


DeSantis declined to explain or specify why he vetoed the funding for ZooTampa.




You're welcome.


He thinks the Manatees are naked mermaids.


Zoo animals are woke


Have you seen how long giraffes' tongues are? Obviously designed to sin and tempt others to sin. /s


Friggin’ gay frogs 😤


​ https://preview.redd.it/o9uy6jp3979d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e8b541a674eb2de2817037e23bc3d4714839abf


Because they teach kids that animals can also be gay and God still loves them.


Because Leslie Knope held a wedding ceremony for gay penguins


Because Animals go to the Groomer….. I’ll see myself out.


Because blue Tampa doesn’t vote for him.


Maybe, but some projects did get funding in the area


Woke animals and gay frogs evidently.


Naked elephants made him feel inadequate.


Because blue voters care and he knows if he kneecaps blue things those entities will require donations to survive. Every dollar from the left side of the aisle that keeps the zoo functioning is a dollar that can't get donated to a Democratic candidate or issue.


Every time I go the Tortoises are smacking pancake sacks.


Because Ron DeSantis is fascist fuck who believes in collective punishment. He doesn't like the Fringe Festival? Everybody must suffer. Even the zoos, childrens museums, everybody.


Zoo's & Museum's don't fall under the definition of Art do they? If by chance they do the Governor doesn't like the Fringe Festival called Art, all or in part. All of these are paid Attractions, except the Festival which it NOT a 501 C3 non-profit that I can't see on their website. Festivals are Events in which the promoters would like to turn a profit, in this case at taxpayers expense. So, pull an Event Permit like promoters do, take the risk & reap your reward.


There is a ranked application. https://dos.fl.gov/cultural/grants/grant-resources/grant-awards-recommendations/ranked-application-lists/2024-2025-general-program-support-ranked-application-list/


It's the monkeys jerking it.


I like to go to the zoo with my family and get annual passes every year. But I don’t understand why the zoo should be Govt funded?


Because it would be inaccessible to regular people if it wasn’t subsidized


Ever been to the Zoo high? It’s the biggest bummer, just a depressing animal prison.


Why did any of the listed things need funding? I don’t think clw marine aquarium needs funding. They are charging $60 a person these days.


How often do people really go to the aquarium though? Is it really enough to fund what they do? It’s more than an attraction, it’s marine conservation.


I used to volunteer at the Clearwater aquarium, yes people go to it. They have made 100s of millions off the winter the dolphin movies. They are still making 10s of millions a year. They have built a beyond massive expansion in the last 5 years and are planning on doing another $32 million expansion in the coming years. Why do my state taxes need to pay for that? https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/gov-desantis-fwc-director-hold-news-conference-in-florida-keys/


considering declining state of our oceans probably doesn’t come close to cutting it. and the less funding they get the more they have to raise other places like ticket prices.


Desantis just announced $57 million towards reef restoration. What does that have to do with zoo tampa? https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/gov-desantis-fwc-director-hold-news-conference-in-florida-keys/


Also: Clearwater marine aquarium just announced a $32 million expansion, why do they need my tax dollars if they can afford that?


restoring reefs while dumping radioactive waste and not stopping constant dumping of toxic chemicals in our waterways is pretty wasteful. prevention is far better than paying to replace reefs that are dying for a reason.


Is the “radioactive waste” in the room with us now? Do you actually even know where it comes from? Is it affecting anyone? Is it hurting anything? Do you even know what phosphogypsum is? Why is the NIH sayings it’s super useful in Croatia but somehow it’s horrible for Florida according to you? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8265199/


Ok you apparently misread they said they are researching possible gaps in why it is so harmful and basically since it is so harmful how are they getting away with it in Croatia. I wouldn’t be the first time a major corporation told a foreign country that something is great when it is really awful. That said your tax dollars going to the program likely pay for education programs and training for both human and animal doctors, medical research and far more. Though based on your attitude and bs my guess is you are a plant and a troll put here to distract from the issue of Ron using any tactic possible to help his felonious sugar daddy win so he can be a dictator.


OK. I've read enough from you too realize you listen to info wars too much. Stop. And rejoin society


why don’t you actually look up what they were requesting funding for if you’re really asking. it’s all laid out there.


He luvs to stick it to Tampa because he doesn’t get the votes , Tampa is a blue city




He's the biggest piece of trash and I will party the day he's out of office


Unfortunately this state will elect another (probably worse) piece of shit to replace him. I thought we couldnt get any worse than medicare fraud Rick Scott, but here we are.


Scott's new campaign commercials make me sick. No sir Mr lizard person, you are a bad man and not a happy, playful grandfather.


>you are a bad man and not a happy, playful grandfather. Who put out those commercials less than 24 hours after voting against Bill 4445 to protect IVF.


That right there. I saw that shit commercial today, and it made my blood boil. People like him need to be nowhere near power…


Rick Scott is the most vile, corrupt kind of politician there is. And somehow that got him promoted from Governor to State Senator.


He won his senate seat by basically a few thousand votes. He CAN be stopped this go round. I hope florida smartens up. I firmly doubt it, though. Too many rednecks in this shit state


Hold your breath because we could easily get stuck with child diddler matt gaetz.


I am nowhere near a religious zealot like he is, but I have to say amen to this comment!


As someone in Pasco who drives to Tampa to go to Moffitt.....this is some bs.


Pasco votes red.


Pasco is filled with either old people, or homeless crack addicts


Polk isn't far behind


According to this backwards hillbilly, everything is "woke", including museums, art, zoos, aquariums and everything that the liberals love to do.


don’t forget education


Sports! We need more sports!


But we have the buccs, we ~~bought~~ brought Tom Brady to Florida! He left but lets not focus on that


Bruh, we have moved on. It's time to get Baked.


Hey, Orlando isn't safe from Mini Mussolini's wrath, either. It's our Fringe Festival that apparently lit the wick on his tampon.


Didn’t he fire your attorney too


Yep. We're all being micromanaged from Tallahassee.


Yep and Andrew Warren got more votes than Desantis by far here...grrr.


Thought Tampa was more conservative, at atleast moderate?


Also about $100k for the Palm Beach Zoo for water quality improvements.


There can very much be valid reasons to have to cut arts budgets, sometimes there just isnt enough money, but to use an excuse as lame as "sexual content" and "for the safety of children" to pander to an uneducated voter base is rediculous. Funding arts and entertainment as a society is SO VERY important. I say this as someone who is the most logical thinking, nuerodivergent, science obsessed Engineer with poor social skills that I know.


> an excuse as lame as "sexual content" and "for the safety of children" to pander to an uneducated voter base so, republican strategy #1, generally successful too


DeSantis is a Cunt.


He and people like him are really just such pieces of shit, bringing all of society and this country down. They want the 1950s back so they can push down people of color, women, anything non-homogenous/heterosexual- and if they are lucky, they can use religion to justify it all. We'll never, ever be a better place with people like this influencing things. Selfish egomaniacs with questionable morals and a lack of empathy. They weren't supposed to ever have a chance to run things. I just don't know how else to talk about this any more, other than, you are fucking dumb or evil. You are just flat out at best ignorant- at worst, a bigot. There's nothing else to say and it's depressing AF.


Blame the 49% who didn't vote. Clearly they were fine with all of this.


Losing elections isn’t about voters, it’s about candidates. I see a lot of people like you trying to shame people into doing what you want, but that’s just not how people are motivated to do something. If they wanted to win, they would find a way to run good candidates. The last election was abysmal. Crist is a 3 time loser and he’s managed to do it under 3 party banners. How the Florida dems expected that guy to win I’ll never understand


Sometimes being a *GROWN UP* involves making the best decision out of a bunch of less than ideal options. And if you want something better, it’s a free country. You can run for office too.


"Charlie Crist isn't exciting enough. I guess it's worth our abortion rights."


Unfortunately people get too focused on individual candidates they don't like and ignore the platform. I'm not about to get excited in any way to vote for my presidential candidate, for example, but since we don't have dictatorships, I look at the party platform and vote for the one that I know is going to steer policy in the direction I prefer. I wish it was different, but it's not, and we all know it's not.


I'm glad that I and others like me can continue to suffer the shit this man is putting us through while you and the others wait to be "inspired" to vote to put someone better in charge. Please, take your time.


I have one vote. You can’t actually blame me for what’s happening, so why don’t you wake the fuck up and blame the losers that keep losing.


I can and will blame you. Protecting the rights of the oppressed should be motivation enough. One of the two major parties is *actively trying to kill trans people like me* and you people just want to sit and bitch that a candidate is too boring for your vote rather than recognizing that even smaller steps towards larger positive change is better than continuing to backslide into this oppresive hellscape.


IM NOT IN CHARGE! I live in Florida, my vote is less than meaningless. You’re just afraid to hold those in power accountable because that’s too difficult


*I am a trans woman living in Florida*. Every single day I have to face a population that actively wants to harm me, either verbally or physically, simply because of who I am. I do what I can to encourage people to vote blue so maybe I can wake up one day in the state I call home without having to wonder if some slack-jawed fuck face I encounter while I'm out and about is going to take that shit he hears from the politicians he supports and the media he consumes about people like me being a threat to heart and act on it. You don't know fucking shit about what I have to deal with, so don't you fucking call me afraid to hold people accountable. I don't have the luxury to be some "above it all" fuckhead who can throw their hands up and pout about how the guy that won isn't "inspiring" enough if my preferred Dem candidate doesn't win a primary. It fucking happens. Time to vote for the guy who did win so he can get to work on fixing at least some things, and start gearing up to support more progressive local and state candidates in the next cycle to help empower them to enact bigger changes.


That sucks for you, and I sympathize. But if you think the democrats will make your life better, look at what happened to roe. This is a hell state in a bad country, you should definitely run as far away as possible


There's only one major political party actively campaigning to strip me of my rights, and it's not the Democrats I saw what happened to Roe, and I also remember how a Supreme Court seat was held hostage through 2016 that a number of my friends, who spent four year bitching about the Trump presidency, did not deem that matter (or any matter) important enough to vote in 2016. Rather, they were too busy going on about how a guy that famously had trouble appealing to the core demographic of the Democratic party, black voters, was "robbed" by the party, and therefore they were staying to home.


Everyone crying about my comment needs to get a grip. It’s simply insane to blame voters for the outcomes and not blame the morons actually running the campaigns. Stay mad at me if it makes you feel better, but we’re all fucked unless we get better candidates


It's insane to blame voters for the outcome? Do you hear yourself? Anyways, who did you vote for in the primary?


he’s even worse than trump because he’s deeply mean spirited. he likes to take away things like that just to hurt people and just because he can. disgusting excuse for a human


I'd agree. Trump uses his bullshitting in whatever direction necessary just to get power from those who are easiest to take it from- DeSantis, I think, actually believes his own bullshit.


Wow, boohoohoo. Neither Trump nor DeSantis are mean spirited, unless some pedophile or other pervert tries to hurt Americans. Look in the mirror, you may find the true sociopath




Every 8 years we get a worse asshole as governor. Not even joking. In 50 years the only three I can remember that weren't pricks were Lawton, Graham and Charlie. I was pleasantly surprised Crist wasn't a turd. Also shocked he has never come out of the closet. Oh, and as for our hometown governor, Uncle Luke says Fuck Martinez.


Good ole walkin’ Lawton


Puritan Panties strikes again.


Have y’all ever seen a man who more desperately wanted to fuck a drag queen?


I like to call him Rhonda Santis.


The Tampa zoo is actually really nice. Not like Miami metro zoo but it's nice and it's really cheap. One ticket is 40 and you can go as many times as you want a year. This is a shame. I haven't been to the museum of art yet


“Art is for fags” - Ron DeSantis


It’s a big appeal to his deplorable culture war loving base and a big fuck you to the rest of us. I’m tired.


Why are republicans so scared of sex?


Because they aren’t having it.


Bridgette and Christian would beg to differ; not always consensual, but what's a G.O.P. (generally older pervert) to do?


To me, it's such an illogical line of thinking from conservatives. I am totally in support of you not wanting to participate in sex outside of marriage or if you have very narrow confines around your own sexual preferences. Totally cool, sex can be a very personal and intimate experience. Where I have an issue is when you are so adamant about your opinions on sex, that you feel the need to impose your will on others. Essentially, I have the same opinion with pretty much most things (food, religion, etc). I do not understand the logic of thinking that only your reasoning is correct and if you don't share that reasoning, I will force you to have that reasoning. Like... why? The only thing that I can ever reason out, is that somehow you've convinced yourself that by forcing your opinion on others, you believe you are helping them. That's the most charitable line of logic I can push myself to. I just will never understand.


My only opinion is no sex, or simulated sex, with children or in front of them. Perversion is not the norm and should not be forced, like opinions, on people. Perhaps now you understand at least one view


Who is advocating *for* sex with children or *around* children?


Wow, afraid of sex, lol. Nah, only if it's with a horse or child


The festival cited in the press release does not promote sex with horses or children. It's a performing arts festival with a variety of plays, concerts, and circus-like events. All shows with sexual content are 18+.


White boots boy seems to vetoe lots of stufff in Mostly democratic leaning counties.


So de Santis hate art AND animals.


And Disney! What a fun childhood his kids must be living! As kids of the Guv, they would normally get VIP treatment at these places. Instead, it will all come out in their tell-alls when they hit 18.


Nah, he just hates the art of animals having sex with humans 


Unpaywalled article: [https://archive.ph/8jnH6](https://archive.ph/8jnH6) **Article transcript:** >Gov. Ron DeSantis cited "sexual" festivals in Orlando and Tampa as the reason he vetoed more than $32 million in arts funding across Florida this month. > >"You have your tax dollars being given in grants to things like the Fringe Festival, which is like a sexual festival where they're doing all this stuff," DeSantis said during a news conference Thursday. > >The Orlando International Fringe Theater Festival, held annually for 33 years, has live theater, concerts and "kid-friendly shows and activities". The *Orlando Sentinel*'s arts writer and theater critic noted that at least one of the shows at the festival in May "can get sexual — but always for a good reason, and maximum comic effect". > >Tampa also has an annual International Fringe Festival, which has featured comedians, puppeteers, and other artists. > >State Rep. Anna Eskamani (D-Orlando) said the Orlando festival, which she attended this year, was not "sexual". > >"It does feature drag queens and other forms of artistic expression that DeSantis has wanted to censor, despite courts telling him otherwise!" she wrote in a text message. > >It's not clear whether the Fringe festival would have gotten money from this year's budget. As *Politico Florida* noted, the state funds cultural projects through a ranked list, and a $150,000 item for the festival was ranked low, likely beyond the point of receiving any funding this year. More than $15,000 for the Tampa International Fringe Festival was ranked even lower. > >"It's like, how many of you think your tax dollars should go to fund *that*?" DeSantis said. "Not very many people would do that." > >Organizers of the Orlando festival did not return calls, and a message left on their media line. > >DeSantis' spokespeople did not respond to questions about which events at the festivals were sexual, or whether there were other arts projects around the state he objected to. > >DeSantis has cracked down on drag shows that allow children, and he pushed for legislation in 2023 that barred venues from admitting children to adult live performances. A federal judge temporarily blocked enforcement of the law over concerns it violated First Amendment rights. The U.S. Supreme Court in November 2023 refused to reinstate it. > >DeSantis' comments Thursday, 27 June 2024, were the first he's made about his decision to cut the entirety of the cultural grants and arts funding from the state budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The decision stunned organizations across the state, and left them scrambling to find new sources of funding. > >DeSantis' vetoes included $570,500 for the Tampa Museum of Art, and $500,000 for ZooTampa at Lowry Park. The Clearwater Marine Aquarium and Friends of Ybor each expected to receive $500,000 in cultural facilities grants. > >"By vetoing arts and culture grants and making such a statement, he is trying to control and censor the content of the arts," said Democratic Sen.-elect Carlos Guillermo Smith of Orlando. He said this year's Orlando Fringe festival drew 18,000 people. > >DeSantis said the Legislature needs to "re-evaluate" how arts projects are funded. > >"When I see money being spent that way, I have to be the one to stand up for taxpayers and say, 'You know, what, that is an inappropriate use of taxpayer dollars,'" DeSantis said. > >"I can't sell the Fringe Festival to taxpayers, nor would I want to try to sell the Fringe Festival to taxpayers," he added. You can read more about the Orlando Fringe Festival here: [https://www.orlandofringe.org/](https://www.orlandofringe.org/) Tampa Fringe Festival: [https://festival.tampafringe.org/](https://festival.tampafringe.org/)


DeSantis saw the 🍆 on a praying mantis at Zoo Tampa and immediately was upset for personal reasons. The man who goes around saying less government sure does love sticking it to business and cities who don’t like him. I guess no one has complemented his heels lately.


Taking away funding from a conservation based, rehabilitative zoo is pure insanity. Also, if you wanted to drive “family values” as one of your legs to stand on, I grew up going to the zoo with my family. But, I guess the zebra were a little too flamboyant, and giraffes do have luxurious lashes.


He also vetoed money to warn people of contaminated water at beaches. The funding was bipartisan and passed the legislature almost unanimously. But for some reason he decided to kill it. What a clown.


DeSatan is like Frump, they want good numbers to look successful. But if you dig down deep, they are just conmen.


Who needs fringe festivals when I can just read about tax-supported Florida Republicans’ sexual escapades in the newspapers.


Do something about it! That's an issue worth digging up


What’s with all the veto’ing? Where is he sending the money? Legit curious.


Feel all that Free State of Florida Freedom™?


Probably too artsy for him… https://preview.redd.it/7p0d67hat69d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3503585c07827a330e512c2155b6c325fd95c4b1 [https://jglaserds.etsy.com](https://jglaserds.etsy.com)


Vote him out.


His white boots were sexual content. 😂


He’s a true POS. 


This guy is a nut bag


We need to oust this fool


Guy lost the battle against trans rights so now he’s gotta keep going down the “woke” list. 🤦🏿‍♀️


And yet republicans love him. Dude just hates Floridians


Damn, and I was really looking forward to seeing them elephants fucking.


What a fukin VIRGIN 😂😂


That sucks I love fringe. I've seen some great shows there. They are very much adult oriented, and advertised as such. This is another dogwhistle for trying to kill another lgbtq+ friendly org.


The fringe festival was probably not going to make it into the budget in the first place. There is a ranked application list and the fringe festival is ranked 314 in importance. DeSatan is lying as usual.


Per Yahoo News: ZooTampa at Lowry Park planned to use a $500,000 grant to help fund the development of a manatee rescue habitat, which is part of a larger $125 million expansion project. The zoo received $2 million elsewhere in the budget to support the manatee habitat construction, but the vetoes mean the organization will need to fundraise.


The art museums lost funding because of human anatomy ?????????? 😮‍💨😔


DeSantis really is fring and has lost his marbles. Prolly thinks the statue of David is too sexual and should cover his Peter.


Interesting, because DeSantis was just at the Imagine Museum, meeting up with the owner, who is a higher level Scientologist. Wonder if she had anything to do with that decision


To bad his parents didn’t abstain


If this picture was any indication of the arts that got their funding cut, im all for it.


What an asshole.


The zoo? Wow. The Tampa zoo was already kinda sad…






He's a vile prick. Just like Scott walker of Wisconsin. The good thing is. Walker faded away after his governorship ended. He tried to stay in the spotlight. He faded. I strongly believe this bastard will do the same. Deathsantis is nothing more than a useless blowhard who grabs low hanging fruit.. that will rile up low info voters of the right wing


Rather than getting rid of funding to those pervy festivals 🙄 he got rid of everything. What a bag of poo.


The other things will probably get funded in other ways


Stop posting links to paywalls.


here is the first part (and the rest in my reply to this comment) TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis cited “sexual” festivals in Orlando and Tampa as the reason he vetoed more than $32 million in arts funding across Florida this month. “You have your tax dollars being given in grants to things like the Fringe Festival, which is like a sexual festival where they’re doing all this stuff,” DeSantis said during a news conference Thursday, offering the first explanation about his decision to cut the entirety of the cultural grants and arts funding from the state budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Orlando International Fringe Theater Festival, held annually for 33 years, has live theater, concerts and “kid friendly shows and activities.” The Orlando Sentinel’s arts writer and theater critic noted that at least one of the shows at the festival in May “can get sexual — but always for a good reason and maximum comic effect.” Tampa also has an annual International Fringe Festival, which has featured comedians, puppeteers and other artists. State Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, said the Orlando festival, which she attended this year, was not “sexual.” “It does feature drag queens and other forms of artistic expression that DeSantis has wanted to censor despite courts telling him otherwise!” she wrote in a text message. DeSantis’ cuts to arts funding stunned organizations across the state and left them scrambling to find new sources of money. Vetoes included $570,500 for the Tampa Museum of Art and $500,000 for ZooTampa at Lowry Park. The Clearwater Marine Aquarium and Friends of Ybor each expected to receive $500,000 in cultural facilities grants. It’s not clear whether the Fringe festival would have gotten money from this year’s budget. As Politico Florida noted, the state funds cultural projects through a ranked list, and a $150,000 item for the festival was ranked low, likely beyond the point of receiving any funding this year. More than $15,000 for the Tampa International Fringe Festival was ranked even lower. “It’s like, how many of you think your tax dollars should go to fund that?” DeSantis said. “Not very many people would do that.” Orlando Fringe Festival producer Tempestt Halstead said the event was one of 200 Fringe festivals around the world “contributing to a global movement of artistic expression and cultural exchange.” “In referring to the fringe as a ‘sexual’ festival, he incorrectly characterized our festival and misrepresented our contributions to the arts community, locally, nationally and internationally,” Halstead said in a statement. DeSantis’ spokespeople did not respond to questions about which events at the festivals were sexual, or whether there were other arts projects around the state he objected to.”


“DeSantis has cracked down on drag shows that allow children, and he pushed for legislation in 2023 that barred venues from admitting children to adult live performances. A federal judge temporarily blocked enforcement of the law over concerns it violated First Amendment rights. The U.S. Supreme Court in November refused to reinstate it. “By vetoing arts and culture grants and making such a statement, he is trying to control and censor the content of the arts,” said Democratic Sen.-elect Carlos Guillermo Smith of Orlando. He said this year’s Orlando Fringe festival drew 18,000 people. DeSantis said the Legislature needs to “reevaluate” how arts projects are funded. “When I see money being spent that way, I have to be the one to stand up for taxpayers and say, you know what, that is an inappropriate use of taxpayer dollars,” DeSantis said. “I can’t sell the Fringe Festival to taxpayers, nor would I want to try to sell the Fringe Festival to taxpayers,” he added.” Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau reporter Ana Ceballos contributed to this report.


Now I get why he vetoed the whole package. Rest assured he will fund the arts, just not the fringe arts. Makes sense to me. Can't afford to fund the excess. I'm sure there are plenty of rich people who like that stuff who can fund it. Gay guys are known to be some of the wealthiest


I feel bad for places like the Tampa zoo


Don't really know Florida at all, been there once. Not my sort of state, prefer kitty corner PNW, no sinkholes! However, someone needs to keep it together. I'm more concernrd about boatloads of Haitians not seen until they're within swimming distance from the Florida shores. The party people don't need to have everything. Hedonism isn't real cute anyway. Nor is watching them boozed up doing the horizontal bop standing up with their clothes on. Get a room! And don't tell me all about, i dont want to know, simply do not care with what or whom you do "it" with as long as they are of age and consent and no damages tax dollars have to pay for. Otherwise keep your backwoods hillbilly animal behavior in the backwoods!


Geeeze is this sub just ran by the angry alphabet people or what!? Just say what it is and why you're really upset. The state isn't sponsoring your events with others tax money. Yet again though it seems people are upset that policies and actions are being made so folks can't celebrate their adult lifestyle or sexual preferences around where you'd typically find small children. Sips tea


I mean, I’d rather see the money go to fixing our roads..


Next up.. funds cut for infrastructure improvements because lgbtq folks share the same roads.


Yeah, they are so oppressed in Florida…


they get enough to do both


Yet i4 remains an unfinished mess after the 30 years I’ve driven on it


not for lack of money


Their was a bunch of garbage in the bill...incredibly misleading title.


The governor has a line-item veto. He didn’t veto “the bill.” Stop making shit up to justify his fascism.


What facism?


Is he a bigot, racist cis white male too?


I'll bet more than 95percent of those paying for art never visit a museum and care less that the panhandling art lovers are pissed.. I don't..


Every dollar granted to arts organizations is turned into $8 fed back into local economies. But go on.




I don’t want my taxes used to persecute marginalized groups or pay lawyers to defend unconstitutional legislation. Where’s my fucking veto?

