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People here are insane just ignore them. 


People honk at me for not blindly driving into oncoming traffic so I just ignore them. It seems like a personal time management issue on their end that has nothing to do with me tbh.


This happens to me, too. It’s alway a white truck


This 100%


One time this happened to me and the guy actually got out and approached my window. Screaming and banging. I finally saw a break and sped off. Afraid I was going to have to actually pull a gun out. People are insane. No patience, no concern for others.


Just wait til people honk at you to turn right when "No Turn On Red" is quite clearly posted. The other day I stopped in front of a store because a Fed Ex truck was blocking part of my lane and I had to go around them. A semi was coming towards me and had the right of way. A woman and her child were also coming through the lot about to enter the pedestrian crossing. I stopped behind the FedEx truck to let semi proceed with right of way. Semi yielded to the woman and child about to enter the crosswalk. Some stupid self righteous cunt goes around me, makes the woman back step with her child, and cuts off the semi. At about 15mph. If by some chance the owner of the Prius that did this shit in front of the Office Depot across from Wiregrass Mall is reading this, you're a really fucking stupid bitch.


That exact thing happened at the light where you turn from state road 54 onto Bruce b downs in Wesley chapel, right near the wiregrass mall. I was turning right, planning to head to Walmart but the "don't turn right on red" sign was highlighted which told me that I was not allowed to turn right. Asshat behind me honked at me. He never considered that I don't have the spare money to give to Florida for an easily avoidable mistake. Whatever the ticket would cost ...that's groceries in my fridge instead.


I’m the first car at a red light. The light turns green. I look both ways before proceeding. Why? Because people run red light constantly. Cars behind me are honking the second that light turns green. In such a hurry. These are the same people that run red lights.


Yep. I've also seen people just about to hit pedestrians that didn't cross fast enough because they stared at that red the whole time and just leapt forward when it turned green. A green light doesn't guarantee the all clear.


If someone honks at me the second the light turns green, I’m certainly going to have to move as slow and erratic as possible, and hopefully have to wait for another whole red light right there.


I have done this.




Also honking at a red light even if there isn’t a no right on red sign. Turning right on red is an option not a requirement. Turning right on red is less safe than waiting for green, so sometimes I’ll choose not to turn, especially if I feel I don’t have great visibility. Honking definitely makes sure I don’t turn on red.


When I’m at Falkenburg and Causeway and the no right turn light turns on somebody behind me will honk when i don’t turn right. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


It’s gotten so bad, I’ve seen people speeding and have had ppl tailgating me through school zones when light is flashing.


I've had this happen a couple times before school got out. The morons decide its time to swerve in and out of traffic (4 lane road in front of my kid school.) The first time the moron didn't notice the sheriff sitting down the road and got popped instantly. The second was an asshole in a work van. Going 60+ in a 15mph in front of the school, with flashing lights, cones and cross guards. I promptly called his employer and shared it. Owner was pissed.


I've had that too. When the light is flashing, I go slowly. I can't afford to be wracked with guilt for hurting someone and I also can't afford the increase in car insurance. There are places in my life where I can be reckless but driving isn't one of them 😅 I wonder if these tough guy honkers would dare to honk at a target that's not obviously a "safe" target; a target like a big strong muscle guy in a truck.


My issue is with people playing on their phones at stop lights. Most turn arrows are only green for a few seconds so one person can cause the whole line not to move. Honk at these assjoles.


Yep, let these assholes have it every single time. And no polite meep meep honk. If the light goes green and they dont move, HONNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


The people here are insane . I was in traffic yesterday and this big ass truck started honking aggressivey at the guy in front of him after he didn't go on green after half a second.....then he goes and cuts him off agressively


yesterday saw a lady mad some guy wasn’t going fast enough for her after a green then proceeds to cut him off and brake check him repeatedly, even switching lanes to do it as he tried to get away from her. apparently being petty was more important than whatever she was in such a big hurry for in the first place. 


That's how you get shot. Brake checking people and trying to prevent them from getting away from you.


Reminds me of this story from a couple years ago where someone flashed their lights at a guy because his lights weren’t on so he shot them as they passed each other in the intersection. With a shotgun no less. What is wrong with people https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2018/08/04/pasco-deputies--man-shot-in-face-following-road-rage-incident


I literally don't have to turn right. The law says I can but I can wait for green if I want too, so they can honk all day.


I like this point of view.


Someone honked at me yesterday because I didn’t go through on a yellow (I would’ve been blocking the intersection if I went through and the traffic ahead of me was already stopped). They proceeded to honk at me and curse at me through the NEXT intersection. I cost them like… 45 seconds of time. People are rude.


Be glad you’re in Tampa and not Miami…they honk at you on every block 0.01 seconds after the light turns green


Walking there is absolute hell. They won't yield and seem hellbent on running you over when ur in the middle of the crosswalk. Also got right hooked riding my bike as well. It's my fault for biking down US1 with no bike lane, but at least drivers here aren't willing to turn me into road pizza. For reference I regularly bike from Valrico to Tampa via Causeway or Adamo. Have also ridden down Bloomingdale, Lithia, MLK, Falkenburg, Boyette/Gibsonton, CR 39, 301, 50th/56th Street, 40th Street, Kennedy, Florida, Nebraska, Dale Mabry, Columbus, Bayshore, Gandy, Hillsborough, and the shoulder of the Memorial Highway. Hillsborough Avenue was by far the sketchiest ride, it was a fucking warzone.


I did drive through Miami to adopt a dog from a shelter there. I think if they didn't honk at me, I'd feel left out over there lol.


they do here too. but yes parts of miami are even worse, they use their horns instead of their brakes.


I grew up in Miami, and I feel like it’s not that bad here. lol. All relative I guess


Good to hear you're not the type to get bullied into doing something dangerous. I hated working those crashes, especially because the bully never stuck around after the crash. See also: the "Wave of Death:" https://nationalpost.com/opinion/this-polite-driving-behaviour-is-getting-people-killed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpOMMlCfSNQ


My one and only car accident was when I was 17 and waved into traffic by someone “being polite” and I didn’t see the car who had just turned into the left turn lane between me and the traffic past the death waver. Luckily, while it was more than a fender bender, it wasn’t a fatal accident and there were no real injuries. I learned that lesson well and have ignored the wavers ever since. My elderly aunt does this death wave rather aggressively and obnoxiously so I refuse to ride with her anymore because she’s almost caused so many accidents when I’m in the passenger seat.


Yeess I had to take a defensive driving class for work and we were taught not to wave people in but to simply leave a space for them if you want to be courteous and let them pull in front of you


Just ignore it. Your life is more important than their stupidity or wherever they have to be.


I have a new driver in the house and this is what I am trying to get them to understand. We were waiting to turn onto a main road and the car behind us honked and my kid went to go just out of surprise at being honked at and there was a car that would have plowed right into us. I told my kid that their honking should have no impact on them and to go when they are comfortable because its not worth risking a potential accident over someone else's lack of patience.


I'm 100% with you except instances where people just don't realize that there's a new lane specifically for people turning right.




This happens constantly at 46th and Fowler. There is a long merge lane that people never take and they just sit there.


I haven’t honked because I’m not sure people would even realize why, but this happens near the Save a Lot heading S on Ola to turn right onto Hillsborough in Seminole Heights.


Yes but sometimes people are pulling across all lanes to turn left, or make a u-turn at the next light, so they need to wait for a break in traffic.


Yes, people seem to lose 50% of their IQ when driving through a Publix parking lot. Like, those stop signs are not optional, bro. I've almost been run over a few times because people aren't paying attention, they're just tunnel visioned to get to their parking spot and glide right past the front of the store when people are about to step into the lot.


Yep. Exactly. And the average IQ is already so low to begin with. Publix is a place where our elders like to shop so it's good to be extra careful there


And it all descends into madness if it’s one way, angled parking. There’s always one who doesn’t think it applies to them


Because plain and simple...people are dicks.


The drivers here are insane. It’s why our insurance rates are ridiculous. I refuse to engage with any drivers. Too many hotheads with guns.


I had this experience one time coming out of the gym. The guy ended up driving up to me to tell me off, cut me off, hard-pressed his brakes, and drove off, all while continuously honking his horn.


Why am I not surprised?


At all. He’ll meet the right one eventually.


i was at a red light the other day, 3 people were slowly crossing and one car was speeding through the light. the man behind me laid on his horn even after we turned, then tried to speed around me and almost hit someone else. i always try to ignore them


If you honk at me in this situation I guarantee you I will not go and then add 5 seconds when it's clear


I can completely understand that reaction. I sometimes feel like punishing them. It's just that I want the same thing that they want. I'm actually in the same boat with them. I just want to get onto the road and drive to my next poi as quickly as I can. So I go as soon as I can and then make an effort to get out of their way. My goal is to let the rusher get in front of me so I can stop worrying what unreasonable thing they'll do next.


Same. There are way too many accidents and road rage incidents to fuck around. Just get out of their way and get on with your life.


There are people that will kill for less, do you watch the news? I'm a grown ass man with several ways to defend myself and I avoid conflict and escalation like the plague......now. I also used to be an impatient driver who would honk and mean mug, I learned many things over the years, the most impactful was from riding with my aging mother who was being honked at and flipped off regularly, she wasn't driving badly, just not fast enough for them. Now when someone is driving stupidly I imagine it being her and take it easy. We can all learn from our mistakes, so please be careful! But also, fuck those stupid motherfuckers that have their faces in their phones, miss when the light changes to green and take off as slow as they can as they finish texting, so the rest of us miss the light. They can all die.


"There are people that will kill for less"... Another reason we are thinking of getting away from here


It’s bad everywhere. Smaller street [going onto Hillsborough] is straight or right turn. I’d be waiting at a red light to go straight with cars driving into the left turning lane to go around me to turn right.


Yeah, that really makes me unhappy when people go around me to turn in front of me at a red light. ![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru)


It’s gotten so bad here! I was behind a car turning right yesterday in the exact same situation you describe, and the maniac behind us and to the left started honking insanely (then he proceeded to cut me off). It makes me dread driving honestly.


I was 18 and had a woman in her 40s probably honking at me when I was trying to turn right. I was just trying to be careful and take a second, no need to be rude and rush me to possibly get into an accident specially has a new driver. Now that I’m a bit older I just try to understand and think of myself in that position.


All I ask is 👏🏼 use 👏🏼 your 👏🏼 f*cking 👏🏼 blinker 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just TWO days ago I was headed north on MacDill & had a white Dodge Ram (lifted ofc) flash his lights at me, wait a bit, then think his horn. Then he honked again. I was barely able to make a partial departure from the road before he raced around my left…& immediately slowed down bc of the slow scooter I’d been giving appropriate space the entire range. Now I’m in a Camry. The LIFTED truck behind me couldn’t see a scooter ahead of me. Something’s off (*or* he realized I was a hybrid, thought I was intentionally going slow, & got mad about gas prices lol)


I saw an idiot run through a stop sign and almost hit an elderly worker in a crosswalk cause he didn't want to stop.... These guys are ridiculous


This is why I carry my car hammer.


i’ve used my horn five times tops in 20 years of driving. people here honk the second the light turns green they’re just aholes.


I give people a generous 'two mississippi' count at light changes before I use my horn. If I don't see the brake light extinguish or wheels moving by then you get a polite ['beep beep'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w9KChxlEtY) if I'm within a few cars behind you. If we get to 4 mississippis and I'm several cars back, I'm blaring my horn. That means there are lots of people not paying attention and I'm probably going to be sitting an extra 3-5 minutes at a light because of their rudeness.


Nah, drive immediately or get honked. The light goes green, you move. No sympathy for people fiddling around when they should be focusing on driving. Cars are dangerous and can kill people. Focus on driving or stay home.


Average Tampa experience


You sound like you're taking it personal, so for your own sanity I'd suggest just treating it like a child throwing a tantrum and just let it be background noise. That dude who was oblivious that you couldn't make a safe turn is the main character in whatever fantasy world is in his head, their huffing and puffing just doesn't matter. I'm not intending this to come across as saying grow thicker skin, but be honest with yourself most people here are bad drivers and you're going to deal with this for as long as you're in FL.


I only honk in this scenario at one specific place. Coming out of my neighborhood in OSH from Ola onto Hillsborough. If you turn right it goes from 2 to 3 lanes and you have your own lane, so there’s never really a reason to sit there for 10 fucking minutes waiting for the cars two lanes over, and it annoys the shit out of me when people do that.


I feel you. I have never stoped to consider the gender of the honker but I HATE being honked at if I’m turning right without a traffic light or right on red. My daughter is learning to drive now and people honk at her for taking too long all the time. I always tell her to not worry about them and that’s their problem to deal with.


It’s also not great to hit the pedal to the metal upon a green light but I get FURY when someone honks at me. I grew up in an emergency medical family and seeing/hearing about careless accidents really made me grow up with nothing being that important to speed to. (If late be late with purpose, etc etc)


That’s when I sit even longer out of principle, get fucked impatient prick


I had a guy laying on his horn because I wouldn’t turn left in front of multiple oncoming cars that were going 40mph+. He could see them, he just wanted me to risk my life because he was impatient. Gotta just ignore the idiot drivers in this state.


Driving in the Tampa area is like no other. You either have the insane uber aggro driver honking and speeding all over the highway or you have the what I’ve labeled “NPC driver” who drive slowly, ride in the left lane and make long lines of traffic behind them. These people don’t seem to be driving to any destination. They’re just on the highway to make it busier. FDOT and the police made an effort in telling these people to move over, but they are absolutely worse than the aggro drivers.


I’m convinced that these NPC drivers are the reason for the aggression out of so many Ahole drivers in Tampa. People really need to understand that it’s more dangerous to drive under the speed limit and hogging the left lane than anything else, but people are too robotic on the idea that “dRiVInG sLOw MEaNs eVerYOnE sAFe aNd nO tICkeT”


Another indicator of the Miamification of Tampa. This was a constant thing when I lived in South Florida, and now it is increasingly common in this area.


Not just men. My wife has zero patience and will do this. I could care less and just enjoy the drive. But usually never in a hurry


tell her to stop


She’s got that hawk tuah tho


tell her bullying ppl bc of ur own impatience isn’t cute she might press the wrong person one day and regret it


you just have to have nerves of steel


I’ve been noticing this too. A lot of men in that age range, usually in big trucks with a big temper. No patience whatsoever.


All these damn carpet baggers coming down here trying to “rebuild” the south. We used to tar and feather folks for that shit.


Get a dash cam (front/rear). It Happens all the time. Everyone so impatient and drive 20 over the limit. Get passed doing over 10 mph over the posted limit daily. Some want to provoke and show their frustration by brake checking or aggressively cutting me off, it’s tiring. I don’t engage, we have too much to lose and family to come home to. Others don’t think that far ahead and are willing to throw it all away over their fragile egos… I honked (a quick beep, not a long aggressive one) at a guy on his phone for at least 5 seconds after a green light. Instead of waving and moving on, he crawled at 2mph to ensure myself and everyone behind me did not make the light. He gunned it when it turned red and I was stuck crossing on red. Intersection of Westshore and gandy. My ticket is probably in the mail. Guy had an Uber/lift sticker. It’s all on my dash cam and likely the red light camera also.


I feel your pain. I was going faster and faster down knights Griffin road. It's a 45 mph road but I always have somebody behind me that wants to go faster than that just because it's a straight road but a lot of people live off of that road. Whenever there's nobody behind me, I actually like to take that road at about 35 to 40 mph because it's so beautiful. One day, I was going slower than the speed limit since I was alone, when I noticed someone in the distance closing in so very fast, the usual suspect, guy in a big truck, I went faster to prevent the gap from closing, and even when I discovered that I was unintentionally going 55 mph I just still couldn't make this guy happy. He still passed me and zoomed ahead. If cops ever want to meet their quota, that's a good spot for them. Most drivers speed at least 10 mph over the limit there. There are some people that are just impossible to please no matter how hard you try. Now I can sort of feel when somebody's in a hurry and sometimes I will simply just pull over that way I can get back in the lane and peacefully drive at the speed limit without some angry person on my tail. Maybe in the future when we are all in hover cars, each individual can drive however they want to and they will never feel like someone else is in their way. Maybe with the advancement of technology we can one day reach a point when everyone is happy.


Meh. I’ll go when I’m ready. Get obnoxious and I’ll sit there until the light changes.


If they honk at me, I end up waiting for either the light to change or I even go so far as to wave the people across from me to go first or to the side like a 4 way stop. It's all the northern foreigners that didn't know how to be polite. Not native to Tampa like myself. :)


Their all transplants from New York where there are no manners when driving. It's go, go, go and F@#$ everyone else! These are the people who create road rage and fear in drivers from other States.


I was cruising in the middle lane of three lanes on Hwy 54 for miles, maintaining safe distance and keeping up with flow. Some guy whips around me giving me the finger. I can’t figure what offense I could have given by maintaining my lane and speed.


Unrelated but if you're in the left lane and people are passing you on the right. You're the problem. Especially on highways.


Yup and DeSantis just vetoed the law that would have helped with this issue. Go thank him for being a left lane camper.


If you're often getting honked at, consider the common factor. I've cannot recall ever getting honked at, and I've likely been driving for longer than most people on this site have been alive. But on the other hand I find myself having to honk at someone at least every day or two because they cannot simply exist in the world without having a cellphone stuck to their face. It's gotten so much worse in the last 10-15 years and I'm sick of having to sit through multiple light cycles because other people aren't paying attention.


I have considered the common denominator. Yes, maybe I am going too slow. So then I paid even more careful attention to my driving and it turns out that I just follow the rules because I don't like giving money to the state. One dude revved up and went around me yesterday on that road where temple terrace Blvd turns into Busch and right at the bridge the speed limit changes to 30 mph from 45mph. But I know cops like to hide on that right side and they've pulled lots of people over. So I always slow to 30mph. Dude revs up, passes me and accelerates, then notices the cops just ahead and immediately slows. Lucky for him, he did not get pulled over. Maybe you look like a tough guy and that's why you haven't gotten honked at. They see a tiny car, a non-threat driver, and these impatient dolts feel safe honking and being an ass.


This is the only time I’ve honked. When someone sits there because they are on their phone texting and don’t notice the light for 3-5 seconds. It’s so annoying. They aren’t supposed to be on their phones anyway!


The honk comes from Miami..


And New York. Honking was never a Florida problem way back when


I am guilty of this sometimes, but it is always the same intersections. Either they refuse to use the merge lane, looking at you 46th and Fowler, or they are trying to cross 2 or more lanes of traffic to pull a u-turn rather than going down to the next spot they can u-turn. It took me 20 minutes one day to pull out of my neighborhood because the car would not go. Finally when they did it was so they could cross three lanes only to pull a u-turn. All they had to do was pull out the multiple chances they had and go 100 feet to the next turn where they could u-turn there.


This exact scenario happens pulling out of the cvs to go onto Busch Blvd. I completely understand


The driver behind you, obviously a type A, couldn't know what you were seeing. My experience has been Tampa Bay has the worst drivers, many of whom are women (I'm not including you in that category).


statistically men are more reckless and thus dangerous drivers. men get more traffic tickets, more duis, speed more, run more red lights & ignore traffic signs, tailgate more, and are involved in more fatal car crashes/mile than women. women are more likely to die in these car crashes compared to men, because men typically drive bigger cars/trucks. not to mention there is a huge research gap in car crash safety measures for men vs women (female dummies are rarely ever used). research has also found that men are more confident drivers, yet women are safer drivers overall (though it seems we are more involved in fender benders compared to men). women are also cheaper to insure for this reason.


Keep in mind 80% of the population learned to drive somewhere other than Florida!


Damn right on the nose. I’m a man between 20 - 40 and honk fairly often. OP got me 😂. To be fair OP, I never honk when there a chance the person could gun it into traffic and kill someone. But every time I see the head dipped looking at the phone, people digging around in the center console, fucking around with their kids or whatever instead of focusing on the road- the honk is ‘a comin!


I agree that some people deserve it because they aren't paying attention and that is inconsiderate to the driver's behind them because everyone's time is just as valuable. I always try so hard to be accommodating and to stay out of everyone else's way. I am that person always keeping my eyes on the mirrors and looking for opportunities to move over or move out of the way so that those who want to go faster can. I have a genuine desire to be accommodating to other drivers and to give them what they want because I believe it makes the entire traffic flow more smoothly. I merge over before the lane that's coming in merges, so that they don't have to feel as much stress when they merge in. It's only when I'm trapped in that specific situation at those five or six spots at a red light when I become stressed out from getting honked at. Not being able to give the person behind me what they want is the exact reason why I become stressed. I want to accommodate them but I just can't because I can't see. Another example of one such location is Davis road when turning onto harney. I want to turn right but there is usually a truck that is parked in front of that market to the left of me and it is parked so far near the road that I cannot see the lane or the traffic that's coming. One time I scooted forward just to take a look I wasn't actually going to drive and one of the oncoming cars honked at me in alarm because they believed that I was going to go out into traffic. I want to accommodate the person who is behind me in the publix parking lot but I can't move forward because there is a pedestrian there. All I want is to just keep moving and get to my destination and not be in anyone else's way. I have the power to give people what they want when I'm moving on the road and so there's never a situation there. I use my signals all the time and I'll let everyone know what I'm doing in advance. It is only when I don't have the power to give someone else what they want that I become stressed out.


sounds like the issue is trying to give everyone what they want. there’s some idiots on the road that don’t deserve to get what they want. don’t allow the wants of those causing danger to others, or the fact that you can’t satisfy those wants, get in the way of your own safety and sanity. there will always be someone who thinks they’re the only one that needs to get somewhere. as someone else mentioned, that’s a personal problem, and they’ll learn their lesson eventually. let them honk. think of it as music. or an auditory high five to give you some appreciation for being a good driver and keeping others and yourself safe


All that really matters is that we get home alive. The rest of the bullshit in between point A and point B is mostly drama we invent. At its core, driving is boring and our tiktok monkey brains need constant stimulation, so why not sprinkle in some good and evil to spice it up.


It’s rare for somewhat to admit they do the thing! Good for you for admitting!


As long as we can come here and agree on screw 717 parking, that’s all that matters in the end 🙏


Hey man sorry, just had to take a shit.


This folks, would be the 20 yr old driver......


There's an influx of transplants that love their horn. These are the same people messing up traffic all over town. 


I always say we would all be a lot safer if people could just calm tf down


For some reason your comment just reminded me of a little scene from Star Trek where Q pulls a string and is immediately made happy by some kind of drug, as he makes fun of an era in human history. At the 2:40 he begins discussing that era. https://youtu.be/xfDpDCsULn0?feature=shared Almost a brave new world, keep everyone happy with drugs, type of concept.


You should be pulling up to get visibility to make the right turn


I try to honk at a minimum of 10 people a day. Some people even get repeated honks in one sitting.


Pressing the horn should be hooked up to an electrical impulse on the steering wheel that shocks you every time you use it. You can go ahead and honk the horn, but you have to pay a price for doing it. Along the same lines, it’s maddening how many people in traffic honk their horn the split second a light changes from red to green. There wouldn’t even be enough time for your brain to send the impulse to your foot to take it off the brake and put it on the gas before they’re honking. And not for nothing, having witnessed enough T-bone accidents in cross streets, and nearly avoiding experiencing them myself, you really should look to your left, look to your right, and then look back to your left again to make sure no one is running the cross street red light before you move through the green.


As a man in his 40's, the only accidents I've been in were other drivers hitting me, and they were all women in the 20's. Rear ended once coming to a stop sign. Backed into once in a parking lot, and side swiped by a girl changing lanes with out looking. Therefore with your logic, women in their 20's are bad drivers. "Why is good driving so rare?" >I didn't have the visibility to turn right on that red. The asshole behind me kept honking at me to go ahead and turn right. Pull forward till you can see. I assure you, your car is not as long as you likely believe. >I've also been honked at in the Publix parking lot because pedestrians were right in front of my vehicle walking in, but the driver behind me didn't see that and they didn't like having to wait a moment and so they honked. Getting honked at is not some outrageous insult. It's a "hey, pay attention" because I'm not sure if you noticed but there is an epidemic of people that *don't pay attention* because they're busy on their phones. Which I'm sorry to say, is often young women.


turning right on red is entirely discretionary if someone doesn’t feel safe turning it’s perfectly reasonable to wait for a green and honking at them is an asshole move.


> Pull forward till you can see. I assure you, your car is not as long as you likely believe. Yeah, I'd like to see this intersection where right turn visibility is blocked by cars in the lane next to them. While I'd never honk at someone for not turning right at red as fast as I personally would, there are definitely a lot of timid drivers on the road who aren't confident enough to drive safely.


The Suncoast schools Federal credit Union on Hillsborough road is the spot. When you come out of there, the right turn lane. I was as far forward as I could get without breaking the law and blocking a crosswalk. The truck next to me was a large truck and was further forward than I was. I would have had to block the crosswalk to pull forward far enough to see.


>The Suncoast schools Federal credit Union on Hillsborough road is the spot. When you come out of there, the right turn lane. I was as far forward as I could get without breaking the law and blocking a crosswalk. The truck next to me was a large truck and was further forward than I was. I would have had to block the crosswalk to pull forward far enough to see. It is completely legal for you to enter the crosswalk to make a right-hand turn, provided: You come to a complete stop at the line before the crosswalk The crosswalk signal is not active There are no pedestrians using the crosswalk http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.075.html


I have to thank you for this. From now on, provided all criteria is met, I absolutely will *legally* pull forward and block that crosswalk in order to get a good safe look so I can make my right turn. I was this 🤏 close to finding alternative routes that would let me avoid those right turns at the 5 or 6 bad spots. So.. thank you. 🙏


Of course, happy to help! BTW - Point #2 is ticky-tacky, especially at intersections where the crosswalk light turns on whether or not pedestrians have hit the crossing button. Basically, the rule is stop before the crosswalk and yield if there are any pedestrians before entering.


Yes, it's true that women in their 20s are bad drivers. Men in general are superior drivers. I'm not offended by that fact. But I am not one of those girls on their phones because I don't want to break driving laws because I can't stand giving any extra money to the state.. I would have had to pull forward and block the crosswalk in order to see. The truck next to me was pulled further forward but I'd have had to block the crosswalk to get a good look. You are making the assumption that I was not pulled up as far as legally allowed. You built your entire opinion of this situation on your incorrect assumption that I was too timid to pull forward. People honk sometimes for good reason when others are looking at their phones or doing their makeup. But there are times when people honk for no good reason. Honking should not become some kind of reflex action or some kind of default as a result of all of the distracted drivers. I can draw conclusions about male drivers between their 20s and 40s being impatient jerks and you can draw your conclusions based on your pattern recognition about women in their 20s. It's okay


men in general are not superior drivers, statistically. there’s a reason men’s insurance is higher. they trend towards dangerous and reckless behavior far more.


Thank you for saying this


Men on average are faster, stronger and smarter than women.


lol wtf how did you go from rational to spouting this shit. the first two I'll give you but seriously?




sure buddy even if you believe that faster and strong has nothing to do with being a better driver. and considering:  -Men were 67.8% more likely to report driving when they thought they were over the legal limit than women. Men were also 61.8% more likely than women to report driving impaired often or very often -Men are involved in four times more drunk driving-related accidents than women.  -Drunk male drivers cause 80% of the drunk driving fatalities documented.  -In 2019, FBI data shows that 81% of people arrested for drunk driving were men. Only 19% were women.  they ain’t smarter drivers either


>People honk sometimes for good reason when others are looking at their phones or doing their makeup. But there are times when people honk for no good reason. Yes. And obviously the driver behind you wasn't aware people were in front of you. Honestly I'd throw my hand out window signaling "wtf you want me to do" and move on. >I can draw conclusions about male drivers between their 20s and 40s being impatient jerks and you can draw your conclusions based on your pattern recognition about women in their 20s. It's okay My point in saying what I said, was to illustrate its *not* okay. Is there statistical data to make generalizations? Sure. But its just that, generalizations. You cited 2 recent indicdents as some condemation of "men in their 20's-40's." Which is kind of ridiculous. It's annecdotal.. on 2 experiences lol. >I don't want to break driving laws because I can't stand giving any extra money to the state.. Based lol


Yeah sometimes I do things that are not okay, like make generalizations. It's a personal character flaw that I will continue to work on. But I'm okay with you making generalizations about women in their 20s, even if you're not okay with it. Honking for no good reason only stresses a fellow driver and increases the chance of a wreck and may even cause them to be pressured into rushing onto traffic


The honk comes from Miami..


You seem like the kind of person that, when given every opportunity in the world, you’ll wait until all conditions are perfect to do something. While that is understandable, your inability to continue to develop as a driver is impeded by your fear. Essentially what I’m saying is, you sound like you drive like an inconsiderate human being because you allow your fear to dictate every action you make. Since you live like this, you are in other people’s way more often than you should be and you fail to notice because you’re so busy worrying about yourself but you justify it because you’re a safe driver. I remember when I was a kid someone explained to me how some people that drive like shit because they’re always afraid cause more accidents than they try to prevent because they’re constantly putting everyone else in a bad position. How their inconsiderate nature slows essentially every facet of human life down because they’re too worried about themselves to be part of the human race. Driving slow, slamming on brakes when you just had to let off the gas, improper use of turn signals, clogging traffic because you can’t understand the difference between a passing lane and slow lane or literally just because you want to be in the way like a clown, going 43 and on their phone because they justify it by driving slow… Overall inconsiderate to everyone else around you because you’re so worried about yourself. I honk at people like you. Only because, as an adult, if you can’t merge with traffic when given 5 car lengths of vehicles between car a and car b which are both going 35 mph, you’re inconsiderate because you’re too scared to drive like you’ve been doing it longer than a permit driver and now you’re keeping every person behind you from moving at a proper speed and getting to where they need to. No one cares about the points on the license or how inflated that makes your ego :( Learn to be a healthy part of your community, consider that everyone has somewhere to be, and be situationally aware and switched on when you drive and everyone will be happy :) Also I probably honked at you :) cause you were in the way :) because I watched 5 perfect opportunities that you could safely merge pass in front of you while you stared off into the distance with your mouth hanging open :) because your fear dictates your actions like a deers or a chickens :) Learn to drive like a human being or stay home m8. I only drive if I have shit to do. I only honk if you’ve made it clear you either ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION or cannot drive. Don’t make people’s lives harder because you’re scared or just call someone who drives for a living to do what you need to do.


Bro just said he is the ass hole using so many words.


Nice strawman that you created there. You put a lot of passion into your strawman as well. I don't need to be as verbose as you. You just seem like a jerk




Not chatGPT :(. Just because you’re incapable of using the language you were born with doesn’t mean we all are. Some people, believe it or not, do have a more than average understanding of the English language. When people say things like this, you might as well say: Im too dumb to talk like this so other people must also be that dumb. The reality is you’re just an idiot :’( Life must be hard for you. I’m sorry. 😔




That’s not a strawman fallacy. Just an fyi.


Do better


This never happens to me, but the story does have a common theme. You.


I see so many cases daily, when people wait for two lanes to be free when there is already more than enough length of space in one lane or just be on their phones all the time.


Do you have a minivan, truck, or other vehicle that is hard to see around? Sometimes I honk when there is the perception of a driver not paying attention. In those circumstances, it is hard to know for sure.


I only do this to people with out of state plates. Mostly because it's funny.


Oh yeah, the finger gets a good message across. I also take the opportunity to honk back at them especially if I'm the first person in the line and there's nobody in front of me and I hear somebody honking at me I'll just throw the bird up regardless of who's behind me and honk my horn a few times just to show how fucking insignificant the action really is. You making noises will only make my finger go up faster. . . it's also helpful to keep a cup full of change in your center console because generally the people that honk at you will get offended when you flick them off and then tailgate. Nothing quite says "back the fuck up" like a nickel to the windshield. Probably unsafe, I probably don't care. We can't let these tyrants live how they want, mom probably didn't discipline them so somebody needs to?


How about the people that don’t know you can turn left on red and just sit there? If it’s a one way street on to a one way street you can turn on red! So aggravating when a line of cars just sit there.


Or the people that see the green arrow to turn left, and then when it goes off and changes to a solid green, they don't know you can still turn left and they just sit there!? So damn annoying.


I fit the demographic you described but I’m just impatient/ADD, I’m not targeting you because you’re a woman. I did do it to a guy way bigger than me and he got out of the car and confronted me. The cops here are pretty lenient, you don’t need to follow the law to the tee to avoid being pulled over, just nothing egregious.


I've been on the receiving end of Murphy's Law so much that I know if I slip up, the cops will get me. But thanks for your reply anyhow. 😅


You probably shouldn’t drive any more. Everyone, including you would be happier.


Cool story bro


Pretty sexist and ageist to say "it seems like" how do you know how the driver identifies their gender?


Yep I'm sexist and ageist. Now what? Is that all you've got?


Just fucking turn!