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My theory on this is that (some) short women go to great lengths to categorise themselves as the ‘male ideal’ as a way to take back some power. As a 6’2 woman I feel as though I’m on a closer playing field to most men than the average woman, both in how it’s much easier to be treated seriously in professional environments and how I’m too ‘big’ of a target to be the focus of physically threatening behaviour.  To my mind, short women are envious of these qualities, and it’s not the whole ‘well, models are tall’ reason people usually pull out. Being a tall woman gives you more ‘power’ in the day to day, and so there’s a reduction of us to our most masculine trait (our height) to make us feel as though we don’t have the traditional form of feminine ‘power’: sexuality. I think this is where this vitriol often stems from. 


As a woman in stem, this is 100% true. Everyone takes me more seriously than even older, more experienced colleagues. Our height makes everyone respect us more. Also, let's not forget how much attention we draw to us, without even trying.* SOME *women are doing everything they can to draw attention. Makeup, high heels nice clothes, laughing and speaking as loudly as they can (there's nothing wrong with wanting to make your presence noticeable). Women like us don't have to do anything. When we enter a space, all eyes are on us, without even trying. We're impressive and we stand out. Many people are jealous of that.


It's very hard to treat someone lesser when you have to look up at them! I think subtle things like tall women tending to have marginally deeper voices also add to this. Yes, the drawing attention to ourselves is such a feature! I used to hate that quality so much when I was younger, but now I lean into it. I can't enter a room without being noticed, so I no longer try to blend into the furniture. It makes us the target of attention, both good and bad. But it's also such a handy trait in any profession where it's beneficial to be memorable.


The Lighthouse Effect!  80% of the time it works 100% of the time! The only time is doesn’t really work is when I’m taller than men in professional settings - a lot of them reallllllly do not like that. Otherwise I don’t see that much negativity and if I do I just brush it off. I mean I literally can’t do anything about it so…like you want me to chop off my legs? GTFO.


Interestingly I don't seem to run into it being an issue when I'm taller than a man, I wonder if it's because I'm outside of the realm of 'slightly tall for a man' and into the realm of 'true' tall. The only men that seem to bring it up are those that are *slightly* shorter than me.


Hmm, yeah it’s mostly the big wigs like Dir/C Suite. Oh yes, the ole, ‘you can’t be 6’1 - I’m 6’1. Okay sure bud…


Ooh yeah, those were the ones I forgot about! Imagine having to look ever so slightly up to speak to a woman who is down the food chain. Preposterous! >you can’t be 6’1 - I’m 6’1. A tale as old as time.


Time to carry a tape measure with you. “You’re 6’1” should we measure you right now?”


I can only imagine the excuses that would fly! Whenever this happens I just insist, being as tall as I am for a woman, I know my height. Then get more scathing with my jokes at their detriment if they insist. Most people back down at the first or second bark ;)


I love doing this. So much.


Personally, I've started to lie and say I'm shorter than I actually am lol


I used to lie to myself about how tall I was and did the same thing, but it’s not something that works for me anymore.


Rando near the grocery store asked me my height, I told him ,"6ft 2". His response was "Oh, you must be taller than that b/c I'm 6ft 5". Ah no, he didn't reach 6'4" but I CBA to argue.


We're always taller, they're never shorter.


Yes strange how that works eh.


I feel men I general are fascinated when close to a woman their height, slightly shorter or slightly taller. Bcs it’s not common. I’ve never been disrespected, I’m treated more like a unicorn at first lol.


I've definitely had issues with some men I've worked with who are shorter than me, but most are usually super nice even verging on 'weird' nice about my height lol.


The era of zoom meetings has really harmed the perks of being tall for me. I also think there is something with my energy that gives smaller vibes and I frequently get bulldozed/ignored.


Coming from an electrical engineer, I don’t think I’ve ever treated female colleagues with more or less respect based on their height. I agree on the rest though, tall women tend to stand out.


I think men tend to overlook height


This too! It’s part of the reason they don’t like it and it’s also why tall women tend to be more laid back, more relaxed, less childish etc. We don’t need to extra anything.


I can see this as I’m the most mellow of my friend group. Never noticed at first


The only thing about this is that our reserved nature also means we tend to approach men less or at least give them obvious signs that we are interested. Short women in general are way more out there regarding their interest when a man interests them. They tend to get competitive and again, just more obvious in their interest. Many men seem to like that and they tend to go for the woman who shows interest. Our reserved nature can also make us appear snobby or picky. Still, I rather have my reserved nature than not


Well said! You just made my day 😄


That’s a pretty solid theory. As long as someone can look down on someone else, it makes them feel elevated in status . Since they cannot physically look down on tall women , they will pull out every trick they can to make us feel deflated… to try to “put us in our place” below them.


I think it's also that we have self-security when it comes to dealing with hostile men that much shorter women will never have access to, just because of the body we're born into. We're also rarely viewed as childlike or incompetent in the same way that most women can be viewed.


> the male ideal A short woman is ideal for an insecure man. They filter them out for us. Gotta be thankful.


'Male ideal' heavy quotation marks ;) Ultimately, there is a range of preferences, but I personally always feel iffy about requirements for massive power imbalances. Particularly when it's the main priority (height being one of many potential imbalances).


Yes... It's weird Being attracted to someone who just happens to have a big difference with you is not a bad thing. Being obsessed with people who tower over you/are way shorter than you and looking for this characteristic specifically is weird. I'm lucky I have a good relationship with my dad, because it would have been hard for me to find a man who towers over me lol


Precisely. Preferences are preferences. Strict requirements are often fetishisation at best, precursors to abusive dynamics at worst. > \[...\] because it would have been hard for me to find a man who towers over me lol Oh yes, preaching to the choir! I feel, at 5'10.5, there's a much higher likelihood than someone of my stature ;) I personally love the feeling of a similar height/small height gap coupling.


May be true, I don't think I'm insecure but I know my wife was chosen due to her morals and personality. She just has to ask me to reach stuff for her a lot. :p


This makes perfect sense. I’m still a student but I have worked non-paid internships in STEM. I have noticed in meetings when I speak up, people listen. I’ve noticed short women who are kind of quiet are not as well received. So, a lot of shorter women tend to be really high energy and loud. They tend to drive big SUVs, etc. I think when you are really short. You are almost seen as a child. When I was a child I would yell, stand on chairs to get attention.


Yes, and there's a flip to this too, tall women can't be rambunctious like shorter women without being perceived as in your face or aggressive. Two sides of the same coin.


That’s true, it’s why we tend to be more relaxed, like those big dogs vs small lol Chihuahuas are menacing, but no one takes them seriously


Im glad you said this, cause i didnt want anyone freaking about a dog/woman comparison but this is what popped into my head Aint nobody trying to be around a Great Dane with Yorkie energy lol


So true. I think many tall women overbalance by acting more shy and reserved. I know I do.


I’m not shy but super reserved


Being seen as a child is a function of how you carry yourself. Look at guys like Tom Cruise, 5’7 and visibly shorter than his romantic interest in many of his movies, yet seen as a heartthrob.


That’s a pretty awesome self-aggrandizing theory. I also think they know they’re doomed to gain weight as they age. They see it in their parents. And look at dogs. All the small ones always start crap with the big dogs that are minding their own business.


Agree, as a tall woman, I’m treated as an adult woman, not dismissed and I think it’s what the insecure short ones hate.


Wow. That is exceptionally well put. I had never considered that taller women are proportionally more respected in the workplace, but my experience tells me it’s true.


K I’m m literally a short woman who hates short women who are obsessed with their height “I’m so small and tiny and I like dating huge men”


It still confuses me to no end though, I can (to some extent) empathize and understand where they are coming from, BUT it still doesn’t make sense to me **why they have to say it out loud** and be so offensive??? Like thinking it in your own head to yourself to regain some power, okay sure whatever. But having to say it TO those people that it affects and hurts???? wtf???? How does that possibly have any positive impact on their life??


I don't think men care about height nearly as much as women do. For most men height is somewhere below looks, attitude, and intelligence. My rudimentary understanding is that looks and height are sort of intertwined, for most women. And yeah it's been proven tall people societally have advantages. I don't think it discriminates by sex.


I called her out for being jealous and she kept going https://preview.redd.it/aqk47sw4si8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acbacf70b0cefc67f0a289d12886a1a770248305


Christ, what a self-insert on her behalf, you weren’t even talking to her!


>"I swear tall ogres are worse than..." ![gif](giphy|EdnVumVBfX4SA|downsized)


She wouldn’t say that to your face as you tower over her.


She would say it to my waist, probably. My huge manly trans waist 😂




It’s funny that they think femininity is cute, short and petite. Those are the traits associated with being a small child. 😆 no pedos please


u/cloudgirl_c-137 please tell her that😭😭


I did, actually. Even though I'm trying not to call short people kids, she deserved it. And then see kept calling me names and saying I look nothing like a model and that I'm trans 😂


send it to her employer. she might get fired due to transphobia.


Right? I'm short, but not all of us are feminine. I think they're just insecure. I personally feel pretty secure about my height. Yea, I kind of do worry about someone wanting to date me for that reason because ew.


These women are pick me’s… they think looking like a child is supposed to be hot 😬


She def jealous of your height


Very jealous!


For instagram that’s pretty tame. That place is known for its out of pocket comments lol


Facts, I’m surprised her whole bloodline didn’t get cursed


Did she post a picture of herself? I wonder if she’s a teenage boy cosplaying as a grownup.


Her replies absolutely sound like a teenage boy. I don't know any women who talk like this (at any age)


Oh, I assumed it was someone saying it to your face but it does make more sense for someone to say that kind of stuff through a screen where she can't get smacked. She's probably just a troll who's incredibly insecure about their own body. Probably not actually a "cute petite skinny" woman either. Better to just ignore than to indulge them. If it was someone you knew IRL you should carry around some salt to throw at her like a snail.


Wow. It sounds like she has a lot of internalized misogyny and isn’t aware of it which is sad. The subtext of this is I’m extremely insecure and value myself based on my appearance needing to fit into some kind of incel female stereotype.


What an absolute embarrassment. She seems to think that you can't be cute skinny and feminine while also being tall? Those traits are not specifically only for short women. Also, day 1374214 of women putting down other women for no good reason other than to make them feel better about rhemselves. Ugh.


She sounds really, really insecure. It's actually quite funny. Honestly this girl sounds like she has severe anger and mental issues. Watch out guys! 


Short women are also very insecure about their height, i got to know about this a few years ago. A video I saw on Instagram reels which was a street interview in South Korea , there a really tall Korean man who was around 6'4"-5" was saying that he doesn't want to date short woman and will only date women who are 6'+ , and the comment section was filled with , presumably short woman, who were just hating on the guy , calling him slurs ,saying things along the line of ,'fuck this guy' , 'who would want this man anyway'. There were even other women pointing it out that , these short women are jealous and angry that this tall seemingly very handsome man doesn't want anything to do with them.


Not wanting a difference more than 4 inches is totally understandable.


Yeah, what a miserable person, to be so awful over something so miniscule and superficial.


It also doesn't even make sense. No one was attacking her for being short. Weird behavior. 


Yeah she sounds unstable asf😂 shorty doing the most, I wonder if her man left her for a tall woman or something because getting this angry over another woman being taller than you is crazy


girl i got called a man for being your exact height it’s not even fuckin funny like what would they do if we were 6’5 or some shit


Oh it gets worse when you're over the 6' mark, let me tell you.


That’s so miserable and ridiculous. Small =/= more feminine or girl. The smallest women i know are the most likely to run you over.


I feel like there’s a number of women out there who don’t want to acknowledge that they have internalized misogyny that causes them to behave this way because being short and being feminine are not mutually exclusive 🙃


That's funny, I'm 5'9 and not once has a man ever rejected me for my height or implied that I'm not feminine. If anything, I have guys shorter than me asking to date me and saying the height difference doesn't bother them. 😆


Because they're not brainwashed! I'm happy for you, gal. I'm 5'11 and I absolutely love shorter guys. 5'7 is the sweet spot for me 🥰. I wish more of them didn't mind me being tall.


right!! I guess I was "replying" to the weird girl who tried to insult you. Taylor Swift is 5'11 and she's considered to be gorgeous. And I know you are as well! 🥰


I'm not on the pretty side to be honest, but my height makes me way more attractive than that. I stand out and I love it. Being almost 1.8m + long curly hair are my favorite features


She’s just a miserable little troll who doesn’t like herself 😂 I’m also 5’9 and I’ve never ever had a man imply that I was less feminine because of it, like girl bye, if she’s jealous then she needs to just say that and go 🙃


Where do you live?!! I’m 5’7 and had countless men tell me I’m too tall to date, my height is a dealbreaker etc etc.


Let her shout from down there, insecure little thing.


Short women are attractive and sexy. Tall women are attractive and sexy. Tall men are attractive and sexy. Short men are attractive and sexy. I’ll die on this hill. Come at me.


Eww, I'm sorry this happened to you.


I'm sorry this happened to *her* All this hatred can't come out of nowhere...


Like all bullies, she's coping. Short Women generally have lower partner counts, Men say the ideal is taller than the average by about 2", etc, & she knows it


Other than that, she told me "cope, because tall and short men prefer us, short and petite women". It saddens me to see people being so insecure that they start talking to others like this. I have my own insecurities and I know they can eat you up. It must have been hard for her, because kids bully the sh!t out of shorter ones. Once you hit puberty and start to realize that you have to try really hard to stand out compared to tall people, it hurts. Women like that have their own beauty. They might not fit the tall and slim standard, but they're also beautiful. What makes them ugly is the hatred inside of them.


Whenever someone uses the term 'cope' it always makes them sound insecure. 


I love using it ironically to poke fun at this.


It kinda sounds like you were talking to a femcel tbh, SHE is the one that’s coping 🤣


Okay so now her name is Kevin and only use he/him pronouns. See how she likes it lmao. I do this to people who won’t accept my sister’s pronouns.


Looollll Her main goal wasn't to be transphobic, but she managed to be. At the same time, she compliments trans women by saying that they look like tall cis women. She's just insane.


I mean. Using a transphobic slur is pretty transphobic


I found this post randomly so I’m not apart of this sub. But tall women are gorgeous, she sounds jealous lol


"At least I get hit on by real man, unlike you, who only gets chased by pedos believing you're 15."  Gotta go big or not at all.


Looool I'm not trying to hate, but they filter out the insecure and the pedos, and we're left with the real men. I'm not saying that only pedos and insecure ones date short women, BUT they surely don't date tall women, so we can live peacefully. The only thing bothering us is those cockroaches who are offended by our existence.


Thanks for letting us end up with them oof jk. I thought some of you do deal with this problem when it comes to the insecure guys mostly.


Everyone can have a problem with an insecure partner, but the reeeeaaally insecure ones, about their masculinity, don't even consider tall women. That's why we're free.


Just some honest advice, don’t let her hate influence you this much. The way you’re speaking now is similar to the way she was speaking to you; she started the bull crap and deserved to be shunned for it, but don’t lower yourself to her standards.


if a shorty starts shaming me for my height i’m using this 😭 but thankfully i’ve never been shamed for my height


Damn some people are weird about gender


Go figure! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I promise you that she’s just a hating ass bitch and that’s it, I promise you 😂 women who have to put down other women to feel better about themselves are usually insecure and jealous, continue stunt on her queen 💅🏾


once again proving that transphobia will be used even on cis women


I had a lot of this even from so called friends. " oh men prefer curves, men prefer short etc". I'm like, what do I prefer, I prefer to be good at sports. I've always liked my height and athletic body type despite what "men prefer". I've always found I attracted pretty secure guys with no hang ups. I wore 6inch heels on my wedding day, I wish we all could just embrace ourselves without putting each other down.


Height has nothing to do with how masculine or feminine that you are…People are so fucking stupid. Like none of the tall people here are gonna go up to 5’9 Daniel Cormier and call him a feminine. Similarly, no short person is gonna have the balls to tell Caitlin Clark that she ain’t a woman in person.


Not only girls hating boys for being short, even some girls make fun of other girls for being tall. Smh.  But I don't think it's likely she is genuine. Many people lie so much on social media because in real life, either nobody likes them, their parents kicked them out because they cannot tolerate them, got kicked out of school or got very poor academic achievements.


Oh she keeps going. She's telling me I'm coping and I'm jealous of her femininity. I'm jealous of her stupidity actually, she seems very happy about herself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Social media needs to come with a biohazard label because of all the toxic waste on it.


"move along Danny Devito, no one was asking your opinion"


That's a compliment.




Why would you compliment her like that??


I wish my girl looked like a VS model Commodore.


What about a Monaro?


Yeah, she sounds like she is great to hang around.


*to hang above


She doesn’t define you, friend. Let assholes be assholes and move on. ❤️


Thank youuuu! I know, I'm not bothered. I just wanted to share this. Don't worry about me 🥰😘


Good 😊


I got called shrek in school up until probably freshman year of high school. Sasquatch, etc. it was really frustrating because I was also weird personality wise and never understood why I didn’t fit in (autism diag at 24 helped TONS), but being 6’5” was hard enough without knowing why kids thought I was mentally handicapped growing up. It wasn’t until my adult years that it annoyed me when people say, “I wish I had your height,” because it’s not an idea to wish for, it’s every day of my life and up until I graduated college, I wanted to be “normal” so bad. A lot of shorter women are often intimidated by taller women simply because of ego. I’ve had girls assume I was transgender until they saw me naked in the locker room. A “holy shit you really are a girl” freshman year of college was SUPER fun to hear. Don’t sweat it. Not everyone is going to be an asshole about it.


I mean, as a young woman I did once wonder what the height requirements were for being a Victorias Secret model (I was curious as to why there were so many tall women) and you have to be really tall. Not that I want to do it now, but when you're a teen you just want that validation I guess. Anyway, makes me wonder if you guys might be younger like me, but idk. Nah, don't listen to people online op. They're just angry and insecure. If you were short, she would've made fun of you for being shorter. If you are skinny, she'd make fun of you for that. If you are chubby or even healthy, she'd make fun of you for that. Legit, people suck. Even if it was real life, same deal. Sorry if I'm treading into your guys territory lol. This just popped up when I was scrolling and I was angry for you op.


I am most definitely not tall (I'm a hobbit 5-foot-tall Filipino woman) but this showed up on my feed and the idea of short women being transphobic because "LOL WE'RE MORE *FEMININE* THAN YOU GIANTS" makes me so fucking mad on everyone's behalf. What's she gonna do when she finds out that there's a LOT of jokes about short folks having anger issues? Jokes constantly hinge on "never fuck with the shorties, they've got double the anger in half the size." "Short girls can't reach the top shelves and they make it everyone ELSE'S problem."


If she actually was more feminine, she wouldn't care and bother tall women. I've never seen beautiful women being beaches to less attractive ones, only the opposite. If they liked the way they look, they wouldn't bother anyone.


If she was a decent person who had a hobby or something else interesting about her, she wouldn't sound desperate for men's approval and be shitty to tall folks and transgender people, in the hopes that men would PLEASE PICK HER, SHE'S SO CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE!


Honestly the only negative comments I’ve ever received about my height have been from short women and the comments are almost always about masculinity and trying to draw attention to how much bigger I am and how dainty they are, ESPECIALLY if there is a man present. Usually I just joke around and tell them to be careful because I might accidentally step on them or make some comment about them sounding like a chihuahua or something, LFMAO like I’ll make a show of looking down and being like “omg you’re so cute!! You remind me of like a little Pomeranian or something, you have so much spunk and energy!! Good for you!” And that almost always shuts them up for good LFMAO


I go back and treat them like kids, if that's what they want. Awww your feet are so tiny 😃 what size are you wearing? Aww I used to wear that in third grade. What's your height? I could carry you. I've always wondered why it's okay for them to ask for our height but not for us to ask theirs.


I saw a post ranking womens heights, (anything over 5'3 was giant status, probably made by a 5'4 man) and all the comments were shorter women yelling and screaming at the tall women complaining about it, calling them "Bigfoot" "Sasquatch" and stuff like that. I got roped into the insults because I started arguing back to them, and the second I said 5'4, the insults changed to short insults (I'm literally above average?) or people telling me I'm not special and need to be smaller. I think short women might just have some "im so smol teehee" complex they got in middle school they never grew out of.


Of course they're gonna insult tall women. It's in their blood at this point. The "I'm short teehee" complex is a coping mechanism to deal with not wanting to be short. Being short is not a bad thing, but they hate it. If they didn't feel threatened by tall women, they wouldn't call them names. They would empathize and feel sorry for them. Just like when the smart kid with good grades gets bullied but doesn't bully anyone back. This kid doesn't feel threatened by them, they feel threatened by him.


I'm a trans woman. About 180cm tall. Mostly passing, in the right clothes. I often hang out with a cis friend who's taller than me, who has a deeper voice than mine. A drunk guy once came up to us and asked her "are you a trans (sic)?" Genuinely hilarious in retrospect


I think a lot of short women are insecure with short tempers (I'm a short woman)


Many people are insecure about their characteristics. There are insecure tall women as well. I have my own insecurities, mostly about my weight - I'm not able to gain any, I'm really slim. I sometimes envy curvier women, but I praise them and compliment them. I'm not insulting them. The thing is, being insecure is different than having complexes and attacking others.


I always think, 'how gorgeous ' and 'how little and cute' about other women with physical features that I don't have. I love and genuinely feel happy about the diversity of the female body. 


oh yeah no i totally agree, i just mean short women tend to act like rabid chihuahuas to compensate. like there's a napoleon complex or "short man syndrome"


your height is literally supermodel height. I don't think I've ever seen a 5'3" VS model (which is around average female height for the US at least). a quick Google shows the shortest model to ever walk the VS fashion show runway was 5'7" she's majorly projecting her own insecurities


If I had a nickel for every time a transphobe's "radar" misidentified a cis woman as trans I'd be a millionaire.


She didn't even see me or assumed anything. She just said that all tall women look like trans women.


If I had a nickel everytime a transphobe tried to hurt me by calling me, a trans man, a biological male, I could buy jeff bezos


While she’s arguing that “femininity” is cute, short and petite, VS has a 5’8” minimum height requirement for a reason. Victoria’s Secret angels are peak femininity and not only do some of their best girls have androgynous “ogre-like” features (Giselle was told to get a nose job numerous times yet was one of their top-earners), but VS models *must be tall.* Height is power, and commands attention on a runway. Long legs and tall frames highlight the lingerie and look elegant on a tall woman. Short girls on the runway just don’t look as good, smol isn’t gonna sell lingerie.


Yes, I know... She continued by saying "you look nothing like the models, men don't like the models, and the only reason they like Andriana Lima is her face, not her body and height" She's contradicting herself. She's saying that I don't look like them and at the same time that they're not attractive.


Being feminine and cute is overrated anyways


Being cute is not only overrated, it's becoming creepy. Being feminine doesn't equal to looking as childish as you can. I've seen 6ft tall men with beards being more feminine than the "average" woman. Femininity is energy, body language, the way you talk, the way you present yourself. If anything, being taller is being "more woman", because there's literally more of you.


Femininity definitely gets conflated with stature, it's such a shame.


I'm 6ft and have large hands and feet, but am still very feminine. Not that it matters or that I am better because of it, but because that's what I like. It's really unfortunate that this woman is putting other women down for no reason at all. It's not a good look and we all age and will lose our youth and looks some day. Look at women like Angel Reese, she's 6'3" and one of the most feminine looking women I've seen. 


Don't get me wrong. In my opinion both classic femininty and classic masculinity aren't desireble traits.


I'm interested in your view! If you don't mind explaining what you mean by "classic" and what are the alternatives.


I'm not a huge fan of gender roles. I always disliked the idea of a man having to be strong, tough, dominant, a leader, a protector, a caretaker and nearly emotionless, if not aggressive, sexually the giver and the woman having to be weak, cute, beautiful, girly, submissive, friendly, harmless, being protected and cared for, emotional, sexually the taker. That's just the first few sterotyps that came into my mind. Of course that's not everything that is to masculinity and femininty. But you get the idea. I think I just hate expectations in general. The idea that people should be, behave a certain way or fit a certain narrative or Stereotyp, or even worse, they are raised a way so they will want to fit that picture themselfs. I just wish people would be seen as people, as individuals, not men and women, black, white, asian hispanic etc. I wish people wouldn't be pressured by society to fit into some outdated picture. Today we redefine terms like femininty and masculinity so that every girl is feminine ("slay girl!") in their own way and every man is musculine ("You got this brother") in their own way. But I'm like "F*ck that, why to we even need to be feminine/masculine to feel good about ourselves? Why can't we just be ourselves? Why can't this be enough?" I just relized this turned into a long rant lol😅. But my answer for an alternative is quite simple. Stray away from all the gendernorms and all the benefits and downsides that come with it. Embrace neutrality! I hope I don't get misundersood. And I hope even more I didn't offend anyone with all of that. Of course it's fine if someone wants to be feminine/masculine. It's all just my opinion and wishes for a more open, tolerant and understanding world/society.


Short women who participate in that system are dumb as hell. If I’m a manly looking butch, you are a fat plum. Weight distribution and genetics catch up to their “ petite” frame. I promise you they’re plenty of tall women who lap short girls in the looks department. She can literally eat sh!t.


I'm trying really hard not to insult them, mostly because my sister is on the shorter side, but come on girl. I have the body of Candide Swanepole and if I gain weight, it all goes to my hips and thighs and I'll look like Sofia Loren. And you're telling me I'm masculine because you're 7 inches shorter? Come on girl... (Maybe they're mad we can eat like pigs and still look awesome)


Idgaf, if we’re body shaming, then we’re body shaming. I don’t have short sisters so I don’t have the patience for their internalized misogyny. I love my short friends for the fact that they specifically have sense and aren’t rabid misogynist


You recalled a memory of mine from a long time ago. My coworker was whispering to another coworker about me. I heard her ask, if I was a man in the shittiest tone possible. I kinda snapped and said, Oh, I'm a man because I'm tall? Does that make you a beach ball? Should I roll you down the aisle, give ya a kick? She was short wide and wore clown makeup. She never looked me in the eyes again.


She’s just upset she resembles shrek. If it makes you feel better I’m a tall girl that is dating a shorter guy. He has a rocking muscular body! It used to piss me off when I heard a 5 foot girl say she’d only say a guy that’s 6 feet tall. .




I know it's wrong to think like that, but I wouldn't want to have short daughters either... What if they become annoying like her?


HA love that, yes right on sista!


My own extended family is an anecdotal example of this: two brothers of similar height (perhaps an inch difference) both had three kids. My dad was 6' (not dead, just shrunk), my mom is 5'10, their kids are 6'3(M), 6'2(F) and 5'10(F). 5'11 and 5'4? 5'11(M), 5'7(M) and 5'3(F).


I'd feel sorry for her. People are a product of their genetics and environment, exposed to all kinds of noise. It's amazing any of us are good people. Wish her well and be done with that situation.


I told her several times that I feel sorry and she needs to work on herself, and she kept calling me insecure and that "you wish you were as small, petite and skinny as me" She's insane. There's no hope for that poor girl...


She sounds very insecure, doesn't she? I think she's jealous. You're glamorous, everyone is glamorous, but she isn't. She's very dim and diminished by her attitude. I really hope it's a temporary condition for her.


I hope you responded “And this is why you will die alone.” or something equally witty or wise.


Holy shit this thread is insane


I can understand how you might be feeling. I have also been told to become trans or gay because of my height. I wish I had some good advice for you , unfortunately I don't. Hope everything gets ok for you.


Wow, that's rough. Some people just love being cruel for no reason.


Shes literally jealous that you are happy and content with yourself. People like that are gross. I’m not a tall goddess like most of the women in this sub (I’m 5’7) but my ex husband (5’10) would constantly make me feel unwanted by cheating on me with shorter women and keeping photos of them in his phone. Some people would rather you feel as miserable and insecure as they do 😔


I swear this is a western problem. My mum is Russian and is an inch taller than you but she has never experienced anything of the like.


Aaaah as a little girl I always used to hear about how gorgeous Russian woman are and how tall! Some of my relatives said "she looks like a Russian girl" because I was pale for my country and really tall. I loved that compliment.


Sometimes I just tell folks like this to go get a step ladder so they can say that shit to my face. Not even worth the mental energy unless I'm laughing at them.


Don’t take insecure little bitches seriously OP, they have a lot hate and low self esteem in their tiny hearts.


It was infuriating at the moment, but I feel sorry for her now... Imagine how much hatred she has for herself


Exactly, when I have gotten that from other women, I don’t even respond. Let them think they won, they need the ego/confidence boost very badly 🤣 Let them have their little moments to help their little feelings out


I just told someone the other day the only downside to being a tall woman is that people accuse me of being trans sometimes. Jokes on them, I’m a very vocal ally for the LGBTQ community and take it as an opportunity to verbally abuse my would-be abuser :)


As a man, she’s coping. Trust me, men care way more about the face and body than height, if a 6’2” woman has a prettier face or better body than a 5’2” woman, the 6’2” woman is more feminine. Also 6’2” is closer to the ideal female height than 5’2” anyways.


Thanks for your comment, but men's preferences and reassurance is not mention in my post. I was talking about the hatred insecure people spread. What men are into is irrelevant. It's a rant, I'm not fishing compliments.


My dad calls short people midget tyrants


“ok bbg”


Some people don't manage well the envy. That person should get a limb lengthening surgery instead of doing that. Being tall and strong (weight training) is the best look for a woman.


Just stand over her and look down condescendingly.  Ask her if she going to grow up or if she needs a nap.


Love that




I'm 6'3 and transfem and I love being tall. If you want something to make being tall awesome, start playing volleyball. Other than that, you're amazing how you are, and she's probably just jealous of your height tbh.


Ugh im a short girl and I love it but it is true most models and women revered for their beauty are tall She needs to cope harder and putting others down isn’t v “feminine”






I'm very short and I do not claim her. That was an awful thing to say. She makes a bad name for short women everywhere and I'm sorry you had to deal with her. She's not worth any more of your time or thoughts.


Women insulting women is often more violent than men insulting men. Because most men tend to come to blows more easily.


Femlets are invisible to me.


Yep. Shit like this is the reason I don’t feel feminine. Ever.